Why I'm Learning Python and You Should Too

Why I'm Learning Python and You Should Too

Chris Sean

2 года назад

57,081 Просмотров

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Indre White PA, Optimar International Realty
Indre White PA, Optimar International Realty - 16.08.2023 21:58

Great advice! Thank you. And a beautiful dog ❤

Brent Beatty
Brent Beatty - 14.08.2023 18:56

Was working at a steel mill.... I like to fly drones also

Ant - 27.07.2023 09:15

I feel like the market is flooded with people who know these languages.

kerosene - 07.07.2023 12:01

You forgot to say what Python can be used to build. What is possible? Just saying "machine learning / AI" is not enough. You don't describe the actual uses of this language. Is it like PHP? Can it generate HTML on the fly? What exactly can it do? Why make a video about Python if you don't actually talk about what it can do?

Michael Pare
Michael Pare - 12.06.2023 23:54

But that’s after being a programmer for 20 years to get to those income levels.

mike urata
mike urata - 30.03.2023 02:25

I’m just starting in coding, mainly to know about it for fun and possibly a career path.. with your video, I’m realizing the ease in using it. Thank u for the side-by-side comparisons. I’m lucky to start now compared to just a couple years ago 🤯

T 25
T 25 - 19.03.2023 16:27

Get some sleep

BZ93SA - 15.03.2023 20:37

I'm literally a bare bones beginner in coding all together, I don't even have a question to ask because my understanding is so low

hi im me
hi im me - 22.12.2022 21:51


Grażka Fotografia kulinarna
Grażka Fotografia kulinarna - 24.11.2022 07:42


AlphaSuperior - 24.11.2022 00:21

You let your dog sleep on your bed.

William Castro
William Castro - 10.11.2022 06:46

If you know typescript, play around with Kotlin it is an amazing language and so similar to it.

William Castro
William Castro - 10.11.2022 06:44

Chris, quick question? Would you say it is a good idea to focus on one programming language for at least 1 year? Before learning a second one? I don't know? I was thinking about picking up Kotlin for Android on the side but as a hobby. I find Kotlin is really similar to TypeScript and it is an amazing language, has type safety.

Paul-Sebastian Manole
Paul-Sebastian Manole - 01.09.2022 14:01

Python feels more like a scripting language than JavaScript.
Personally, I prefer static typing, but dynamically typed languages are fine too, especially for rapid prototyping and rapid development in the end, but that is only in the beginning, as very large programs written in these languages always become hard to maintain and understand, just by reading the code.
Fortunately, Python is adding types and already has multiple solutions for it right now, and JavaScript has TypeScript as a superset alternative.
This opens the door progressive enhancement, where you can prototype rapidly in the beginning and then start adding types where it's harder to understand the code.
So, basically these two languages keep providing what developers need, as the industry evolves.
Learning these languages is never a lost effort.

FellTheSky - 23.08.2022 19:14

if your fundamentals are good you can switch languages in a couple days. And learn advance things as you need

Ally C0des
Ally C0des - 14.08.2022 12:00

- Cleaner does not equal better. Type annotations are important for debugging and for crystalizing the code.
- Using 'and' 'or' 'not' instead of symbols is bad if you dont speak English.
- Its very convenient for you to compare to JS which was a poorly designed langauge. Comparing any language to JS will make it look good.

Python is incredibly slow (60x slower) compared with rust/carbon/c or even c#. So often it will need to be rewritten in other languages if it requires speed.
Python is not strongly typed so it makes refactoring incredibly dangerous. A linting type thing just doesnt cut it.

I dont recommend python. I recommend Rust or C#, depending on the situation.

Temy Nator
Temy Nator - 08.08.2022 22:09

I'm just starting to learn Python 🐍🐍 for a week now 😁👨‍💻

Macky - 21.07.2022 07:49

Javascript is similar to linux/unix shell scripting when it comes to logical operators and if else conditions. I started with shell scripting and moving onto python because shell scripting is not as advanced as python or other languages. I am a linux person, so learning shell scripting for personal enjoyment was mainly my reason for learning it, and also i am Linux+ certified so I kinda have to know it lol. I only started shell scripting for 6 months or so, and i feel fairly competent at it.

Lars Lover
Lars Lover - 15.07.2022 12:58

I'm just starting to learn coding and you are very encouraging brother! I God bless you brother

Jaxongir Rahimov
Jaxongir Rahimov - 14.07.2022 09:02

Once you know any programming language well, learning other languages are very easy

Sean Paulson
Sean Paulson - 13.07.2022 18:45

Yeah I wouldn't base this on money... if there is a project you want to work on that uses python... then learn python.

Leilanny Salcido
Leilanny Salcido - 12.07.2022 23:31

You're like the big brother I wish I had growing up to guide me in the right direction.

Just_ML - 13.06.2022 01:34

Is php not a thing now?

mubafaw - 12.06.2022 16:23

Python = "swiss army knife of programming languages"

William Castro
William Castro - 27.02.2022 03:06

Hey Chris, I am 2 months in learning JavaScript and is it me? But the deeper I get into JavaScript the the bigger and complex JavaScript looks. Someone told me that I should learn Python for the fundamentals and to become a programmer. Instead, I wish I had listened because now I can say I know the fundamentals, but I feel if I had started with Python my learning path would have been so much easier. DO you think python is easier to learn than JavaScript?

Sebuszqo - 19.02.2022 12:54

What you Think start with python or js ? Im a first-year student of cybersec but i dont rly know what to do with cyber, so i decied to try web or python?

Manish Code Shala
Manish Code Shala - 30.12.2021 23:13

great video

Ashrith Moturi
Ashrith Moturi - 23.12.2021 21:15

Are these enough to get a front-end job??

Ryzen - 11.12.2021 18:52

And vs &&, or vs ||, ! vs not is simpler. The less verbose a programming language is, the easiest it is to read and debug. I code to "speak" to the machine, not to write a book for another human. That's why - for me - C and Perl are my go-to language. I have started to check Python because of its popularity, but I always going back to C or Perl because my mind "thinks" in C and/or Perl. It is a shame that Perl was forgotten because it was the most powerfull language I had ever used to solved complex problems in very short time. And C has no contender (besides assembly) when speed is required. But Python is on my list of to-do in the near future.

Curso de Robotica
Curso de Robotica - 01.12.2021 08:46

good video.. it is interesting to see the fronted dev point of view about Python :) just to add, Python is used in hardware as well.. with MicroPyton and CircuitPython (very similar to Python) cheers!!

Akshay Gadekar
Akshay Gadekar - 23.10.2021 17:13

People who use python for backend have strong hardware, simple language like PHP draws circles around python, python is very slow, it should be used only for ML AI tasks, one can put those tasks on separate micro service running on python only...

C M - 31.08.2021 16:30

Just learning now. This is my first language

edtech by meera
edtech by meera - 24.08.2021 11:24

Do self taught python developers get jobs vs college taught Python developers?

Jayson Brady
Jayson Brady - 22.08.2021 23:49

Wait so how long has he been a developer?

Віталій Цибуляк
Віталій Цибуляк - 21.08.2021 11:57

When braces and semicolon have become you second nature it isn't that easy.

Jean - 21.08.2021 00:28

I kinda prefer JS, it makes more sense to me, though I'll be learning py in the future cause I like hacking

Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith - 18.08.2021 04:24

I'm just trying to figure out which one would be better to learn if one wants to be a blockchain developer. It seems like Javascript is the better one to learn for blockchain development, but it seems like there are better sources for learning Python than Javascript, especially for data structures and algorithms.

Alan Walker
Alan Walker - 13.08.2021 18:29

lol learning just python ain't gonna do shit. You will need a very deep understanding of maths and statistics. Getting a degree will be more beneficial for AI.

arrow func
arrow func - 11.08.2021 01:43

Upload more vids please. You’re videos are what inspired me to get my treehouse tech degree which I just completed

Pixel Martyr
Pixel Martyr - 07.08.2021 22:10

I'm not investing my time in python. Not yet anyway. I took a class in it and dropped it after a couple weeks. The reason is because its not a mature language yet. When you get out there and start learning the latest version. You're gonna find a big problem. Between version 2 and 3, the W3C completely deprecated version 2. They are not compatible. When you get out on the web to research resources and find solutions to problems. Much of the conversation does not identify the discussion as being version 2 or version 3. So you end up wasting tons of time figuring this out. If you have deadlines to meet. Like assignment deadlines. This can be a real problem. If this trend continues where previous versions are completely deprecated. I see this language as a potential problem creating a boatload of technical debt. I chose to study web technologies for their potential longevity being device, platform and version agnostic. You can really build for the long term. If you are building for the short term, like a mobile app that will come and go with an operating system. Then Python is fine. For long term infrastructure, I don't think so. In short, I currently refer to python as "trash code". It's meant to be thrown away.

Romelo Gilbert
Romelo Gilbert - 06.08.2021 02:26

I love python, it just makes sense. Especially compared to JS

Faustin - 05.08.2021 14:00

Just how do you do SWITCH statement?

Legendz Elite
Legendz Elite - 04.08.2021 05:57

Hey Chris can you be a backend developer without first being a frontend?

I just make games now
I just make games now - 03.08.2021 20:56

Hey Chris, ever since I saw the Kubrick/Spielburg movie, "A.I.", I've wanted to be Dr. Hobby, and be the guy who invented true general AI. Because when the humans are all gone, there will be nothing left but the AI. That's why I'm learning Python for AI :D
You've always been one of my fave devs, in fact I was just telling a Data Scientist at the pool yesterday your story about how you got your first coding job from a guy you knew at church. I am excited to follow your journey. Good luck, and CODE ON!

Olisa Samson
Olisa Samson - 03.08.2021 10:57

“Yeah. Python is good for your career!”

What’s your career?

BASS BOOSTED - 31.07.2021 19:45

print ("Hello World")

Cal - 30.07.2021 14:46

I’m doing my first course now which is html css JavaScript, I think after this course I’ll do a Python course and then decide where I want to go. I think I wanted to go web dev because I thought it’d get me into development easier, but I don’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would and I’m finding JavaScript incredibly difficult to understand concept wise, I dipped my toe in Python and absolutely loved it. So.. do you think I’m making a mistake by doing a course in both, or should I just stick with one? I was going to do Js with react and node, or Python with django.
