Linux Gaming Overview - It's so good I finally ditched Windows!

Linux Gaming Overview - It's so good I finally ditched Windows!

Phazer Tech

1 год назад

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João M.
João M. - 18.11.2023 01:16

I'm waiting SteamOS to come to PC officially, but I bet it won't work properly with Nvidia.

keepitshort - 06.11.2023 23:51

Which is the best gaming distro ? Is Nobara great or you have that is much better

Templar Evil Sparrow
Templar Evil Sparrow - 05.11.2023 11:42

I like your voice.

Mark Jones
Mark Jones - 04.11.2023 16:38

I recently abandoned a fresh install of Windows 11, I've never felt so violated by an install process. Give it away free if it's harvesting all my info, guys, don't make me pay for it first. At least google is "free" upfront. The only thing slowing down my linux experience is.... too many options. Well, that and bone idleness. Mind you, netflix and amazon prime both don't work properly on my windows anyhow.

Stephen P
Stephen P - 01.11.2023 23:57

I prefer to use Linux Mint instead of Arch Linux.

Moochi - 31.10.2023 18:20

I tried to leave windows behind but so many of my games and software refused to work after setting everything up right

Christian Saborio
Christian Saborio - 25.10.2023 07:37

what about the xbox app on linux, any workaround ?

all kinds of things
all kinds of things - 23.10.2023 10:56

Another lying Linux fanboy

Cheeba Digga
Cheeba Digga - 18.10.2023 23:12

Waiting for FSR3. From January on, gaming will be much better!

DR.NEGA - 18.10.2023 21:00

now forza and fort solis don't work on any amd gpu over linux...least it lasted for them....well back to windows again...

nask0 - 16.10.2023 00:38

As Linux user from twenty years, I can say that this video is one of very few that are straight on point and high quality material. Great work my man, keep it up.
P.S.: There is nothing surprising that Linux run better than Win, it's nothing new, Linux is way more optimized OS than Win from years now, also allow waaay more control and optimization options for "power" users. Welcome to the dark side, we have magic cookies ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Water Melon
Water Melon - 15.10.2023 18:29

As much as I love Linux and have used it daily for years, I must admit that for gaming it's not all sunshine and rainbows. There are indeed some games that are native to Linux or run without any issues with wine. But for my library more often than not games don't work out of the box, or even fail to install (looking at you GOG), and I find myself spending hours searching for solutions, tinkering with configs, cluttering my system with obsolete i386 dependencies and playing with wine prefixes just to get the game barely running, and there is no guarantee that it will work flawlessly or will work at all. So I ended up with Linux+Windows dualboot to spend my free time on actual gaming instead of troubleshooting.

Charles Hines
Charles Hines - 15.10.2023 15:47

I would expect a lot of things to run better on Linux. Linux is not bloated like Windows or if it is at all, it is not as bad as Windows.

ITSec-NEO - 13.10.2023 13:01

Sadly, there is no way to play valorant on linux which stops me and a bunch if friends from switchwing

steeltormentors - 13.10.2023 01:31

hey guys newbie wannabe Linux user PopOS a good option for both overall use and gaming?
Is it good and stable?

Hieroja - 13.10.2023 00:40

Does wayland have more latency than X11? I am only looking for the absolute lowest latency since the only game I play is cs2. I noticed that it runs better on linux than on windows.

Raviexthegod - 09.10.2023 22:55

Honestly I would switch if I could use Chimera OS or HoloISO. I unfortunately have an NVIDIA GPU and as we all know, NVIDIA is notorious for being absolute shit on linux thanks to their proprietary drivers

A girl from Saturn
A girl from Saturn - 08.10.2023 03:42

I switched my whole pc to linux (Pop! OS) yesterday, took so long to get the wifi working but everything else works great. The only things I cant play are Injustice 2, Rainbowsix sige which doesn't matter to much since I have the game on xbox. I also played call of duty mobile on gameloop when I was on windows so not sure if it will even work at all or could get banned. So sadly going to stick to playing it on my phone.

Allen Richardson
Allen Richardson - 01.10.2023 04:46

Mostly had a problem with getting xbox controller to work propyl by doing like 50 thousand command (jk no more then 10) and now works fine.

SolaireOfAmerica - 30.09.2023 07:42

If you have the resolution set to 1440p, then it isn't being upscaled to 4K by fsr. right? that doesn't make any sense.

Venompapa - 29.09.2023 16:12

lolololo, still good luck trying to run most online games on Linux that has anti cheat in them XD

JIMMYmh369 - 24.09.2023 14:55

which is the best Linux to play csgo 2

JIMMYmh369 - 24.09.2023 14:54

Hello, I like to play CS Go, what Linux do you recommend for a beginner? I want to stop using Windows.

Futuristic Entity
Futuristic Entity - 21.09.2023 18:09

I am not doing Ubuntu I keep downloading Steam and it won't let me on the new update it has I get a snap error trying to download it. I want to use Linux but I might use Mint for the themes you can have on it.

Crystalgtag - 19.09.2023 15:14

I tried every Linux distribution on a chromebook

Redpill Commando
Redpill Commando - 18.09.2023 02:28

Linux rules!!!!!!

Vash Baldeus
Vash Baldeus - 16.09.2023 00:38

The biggest issue is if you're playing competitive shooters, the anti cheat software ain't made for linux, yet.

Lindot with akei
Lindot with akei - 15.09.2023 10:27

Is it me, or your voice sounds robotic? Though great video, coming from a Linux user

darknoizeNL - 15.09.2023 03:02

For Epic and GOG, i would use Heroic game Launcher, which not only gives a nice gamelauncher, but lets you install games, using either wine or proton from your steam library, all from the heroic launcher. Very convenient :)

Benign or Design
Benign or Design - 15.09.2023 02:32

I can see micro-stuttering in the initial flawless example. Without metrics to verify, what are you basing your statements off of? Oh, never mind. What I'm seeing is just sub-60

X - 13.09.2023 03:17

It's still complete garbage on nvidia

X M - 12.09.2023 06:02

jesus what is your voice?

carlos dimey
carlos dimey - 11.09.2023 03:25

what distro are you using for gaming?

Hannes Campidell
Hannes Campidell - 09.09.2023 13:01

i love linux its the best os but sadly i have an nvidia gpu so no good wayland for me (i will sell it and by an amd) but other than the nvidia gpu acting up it is a verry good experience

OLD_MAPLE - 08.09.2023 17:12

except amds encoder for twitch is still hot garbage 😥I got a new rx 7600 and I'm sadly ditching it if I can sell it I'm getting a 4060 or something similar priced thats not amd

Elias Rössel
Elias Rössel - 08.09.2023 04:22

Last time i tried the switch, i too encountered scaling problems on a 27' 4K screen. Most Linux people don't use 4K screens, so it's a problem with low priority, but i don't want to flick the scaling switch every time i boot up a game. I don't have any issue to do some tinkering, but it should be a one time set-up without repeating it when starting an application. But it's absolutely important, that i make the switch in the near future, because the only way we get native games on Linux is by actually increasing it's market share. Valve gave it a huge push with their steam deck, now we need to step in.

rob rob
rob rob - 07.09.2023 14:29

🥱still need to do endless tinkering and still end up with worse performance, less software and hardware compatibility

VNM _ - 05.09.2023 00:35

how u made metro exodus enhanced edition to work?

Dorkus Jones
Dorkus Jones - 04.09.2023 08:33

Great video, very informative. You should be the Linux guy in commercials.

uday fluer
uday fluer - 03.09.2023 07:21

except steam nothing works. i am trying to play windows games like watch dogs those games worked before but now its a waste of time spending time fixing issues.

k. - 31.08.2023 19:31

Yeah, but what about Call of Duty, the newest DMZ? I love that game and I couldn't get it to work no matter what approach I tried to take. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank-you.

KRAFTWERK2K6 - 30.08.2023 19:37

to be fair.... to get a good gaming experience requires a lot of tinkering under Windows as well. I NEVER managed to get instant good gaming performance results on windows in the past 20 years. This is why Consoles are always the better effortless gaming decision if you just wanna play and not wanting to hassle with all the set up for the graphics and the hardware. But since we are gaming on a PC, some fiddling is sadly always required.

Brad McKinley
Brad McKinley - 26.08.2023 14:47

Lol!..linux fanboys like u are just dillusional. There's no point of switching from windows to linux. It just adds complexity and limitations.

Silmeria Studio
Silmeria Studio - 10.08.2023 14:03

I'm actually going to give a new try to linux, as Windows 10 is annoying as heck and i'm knowing more and more about Linux .
I tried last year, but i couldn't make it run the new games i wanted to try at the time ...

Nunk - 10.08.2023 10:51

I use linux mint and run the latest mesa drivers. No issues.

bak eteng
bak eteng - 05.08.2023 18:34

Hey nice Linux content, man. What about PCVR, how's development going on that?

Wallace Sousuke
Wallace Sousuke - 31.07.2023 08:10

LMAO Linux will never replace Windows, get over it

Meat On Fire
Meat On Fire - 28.07.2023 21:09

lmao there no need to modify, also your gaming chops suck so why post a gaming video? all you do is run steam in comatibility mode and select proton 8 or experimental or proton ge depends on game, 8 will work on most all

Meat On Fire
Meat On Fire - 28.07.2023 21:06

60hz monitors are a joke for pc, you are wasting your gaming potential, 120 fps is night and day vs 60 just like 60 vs 30 is, it is butter smooth
