Villainpedia: Miraak

Villainpedia: Miraak


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@flavidcruz47 - 24.04.2021 10:57

Miraak: yeah i could’ve killed Alduin but uhh I was a lil busy

@FaeSparrow - 03.12.2023 20:52

My theory (or headcanon) is that Miraak wanted to escape apocrypha by dying, but this wasn't possible (since Hermaeus Mora wouldn't have allowed it). Miraak knew the only way to die, was by making another Dragonborn kill him and absorb his soul. He almost managed, but Hermaeus Mora went 'nope' and tried to prevent this by delivering the final blow to end him. Ultimately, Miraak's soul however, was absorbed by the Dragonborn, and now the last Dragonborn is stuck with Hermaeus Mora instead of Miraak, meaning Miraak actually accomplished his goal.

@REON-pw5ze - 23.10.2023 17:06

This video could be 2 hours long. I love to hear about this crazy bastard called Miraak.

@hasmas2659 - 14.10.2023 10:17

Miraak was weak when he was in the mortal realm and he couldn't defeat alduin. He was defeated by a dragon priest not the strongest one of them mind you. When you met him he was counting on his dragon shout to bind alduin. But if you ever tried it on him you would have noticed that it has no effect on alduin, meaning that after all him work in apocripha he is still lacking the power to defeat him.

@kabakugo9748 - 19.09.2023 18:33

If you want to save Miraak there is a mod to make him your follower.

@henners8910 - 15.09.2023 01:58

Your wrong at the beginning about the Dragonborn any nord can learn the thuum but only the Dragonborn can absorb there souls. They are a mortal with the soul of a dragon. But apart from that great video love lore videos. Keep this series going forever lol.

@quote720 - 04.09.2023 01:08

pls do Hermaeus Mora

@simon5143 - 23.08.2023 12:32

So Akatosh basically spawned the Dragonborn (Miraak) to spank Alduin for not doing his duties, but Miraak just refused to do that and succumbed to the dragon blood and started concur himself too. So Man and Mer banished Alduin to the future (hiding under the rug) while Akatosh kept spawning new Dragonborns in case Alduin decided to join the server again.

@Fronsky-mj5tk - 10.08.2023 09:53

I believe Vahlock did not win through sheer power. I believe he won through sacrificing soldiers and used his magic in order to defeat him. Another explanation is that Miraak grew arrogant with how much more powerful he was compared to Vahlock and Vahlock punished him for it and putting him on the backfoot and putting him in the need to flee. Either way I do not believe Vahlock was stronger than Miraak.

@thetortoise5980 - 06.08.2023 00:43

Miraak and Darth Vader/Anakin yeah they’re very similar lol

@fireblast133 - 03.08.2023 22:37

so, essentially, Akatosh likely created Dragonborns constantly over the millenia. Miraak was intended to be his champion to right Alduin's path. However, he refused. Thus, after Alduin's banishment through time, Akatosh was forced to keep a Dragonborn on Tamriel for whenever Alduin reappeared, the time wound preventing even him from knowing when. But they were only revealed to be Dragonborn if they came to rule with the Amulet of Kings, or were set to face a crisis of dragons, which heralded Alduin's return. There was likely always at least one mortal at all times with the blood and soul of a dragon, but they never knew or had a need to. Now that Alduin was dealt with, and truly beaten, along with the barrier between mundus and oblivion firmly established by Martin Septim's actions, likely means there will never be a true need in this kalpa for another Dragonborn.

Thus, no Dragonborn is ever again made.

@docwhiskey996 - 17.07.2023 00:29

Skyrim original plot was way way better, w a septim emperor returning from akavir w an army of dragons

@CarlosEduardo-jr6gh - 13.07.2023 12:19

I dont call leaving the word to burn and be destroy by a powerfull enemy that can literally restart the reality (and take you along with her) because you need to read compulsorily the same book that is in fact an daedric artifact that make people crazy "keeping your sanity", to me seems like he seek power to overcome the dragons but became obsessed with the knowledge, like everyone that make contact with this books, then lose their mind and forget his fist objetive.
Seems familiar? because it is: lord of the rings. The king defeat Sauron and dont destroy the ring betraying their kind, because of that the power corrupt him, leaving him to ruin.
Everyone that holds a imense power turns themselves for evil, mainly when this power come from dubious sources, even neutral beeings like Alduin, even supposedly good people (miraak trying to overcome the dragon's tiranity), and even possibly the new "champion": the last dragonborn. That now problably is completly fucked, stuck in aprocipha until the draedric prince decide to release him. (i guess that is after defeating alduin that this cannon happens: the last time the last dragonborn is seen are entering apocripha to kill miraak and never returns)

@MortSalazar - 07.07.2023 19:16

Miraak is a synth.

Can't help but notice all the similarities between Miraak's story and Dragonball
The super sayian mode aka dragon aspect
The ages of training in a chamber outside of time xd

@sidney6522 - 09.06.2023 21:49

I'd like to believe that his main goal wasnt to rule tamriel, but to have free will and live his life as a master of his own fate. Like you said the universe somehow chose him as a dragonborn to defeat alduin. He hated the idea of prophecy and him being a part of some destiny so he chose otherwise. Later he ended up in Hemeus Moras grasp. He didnt want to live as anybodys pawn. He is the ultimate symbol of free will in my eyes.

Funny that depsite hating being controlled, he ended up using the most contradicting shout to his own philosophy ... the Bend Will shout.

@Skip.8221 - 03.06.2023 22:01

i loathe miraak, hermaeus mora, and anything to do with apocrypha. when i was new to the game i didn’t understand any of that stuff and i ended up getting trapped in apocrypha until i begrudgingly loaded a save that was from a while ago. i hated it so much that it took me over a year to finally go back and end him lmao

also the place is hideous and i loathed being there

@UnswimmingFishYT - 27.05.2023 17:47

Miraak is actually an example of why the Dragonborn is so overpowered. Take a guy who can control the minds of large groups of people somewhat passively from a different dimension, along with corrupting several magic rocks which are effectively conduits for power from a divine being. Now give that man a level of destructive power so strong it can completely destroy sections of the land to the extent that part of a continent breaks away, leaving a space between it and the remaining larger part so wide that you can't even see that island from the continent it was attached to originally. Then consider that the man he was fighting must have had similar destructive capabilities in order to fight him, and yet he still survived it without losing any limbs or otherwise suffering from crippling long-term injury, meaning his durability must also be close to invincible levels. Then consider physical strength on top of that similar to a dragon, because the description for Dragon Aspect implies that's what Miraak has, and then think about just how powerful someone has to be to permanently beat him. We know Bethesda downsizes cities and such for gameplay purposes, so how much of a nerf does the Dragonborn have in-game compared to canon?

@sirsir9665 - 23.05.2023 16:46

Akatosh makes Aulduin to eat the world doesn't do it
Creates Miraak to punish Aulduin doesn't do it

@amadeusasimov1364 - 20.05.2023 00:23

I actually tried to ignore the Miraak quest, until he stole my dragon soul and then dipped.
I was like
"alright, I was gonna let you do your thing, but now I'm coming for you!"

@granthaber1341 - 17.05.2023 00:14

I would like to see you try to do lore vides on the villains of Kingdoms of Amulor: Reckoning, & not just the main quest villain's but all the dlc & faction side story villain's as well.

@ryarod - 14.05.2023 01:04

To answer your emd question, I second that curiosity about Hermaeus Mora.

@ryarod - 14.05.2023 01:02

I remember seeing ads for the Skyrim DLC, and abstaining.

Then the original Skyrim, as I received it, was hidden on Steam and its DLC made inaccessible. I refuse to buy Skyrim a second time, so I have missed out on everything.

This is my first time learning anything about it, and I have to say with your presentation here makes it superb.

@micahfriend124 - 12.05.2023 09:18

This is more of a neutral character, but can you do the Augner of Dunlain? If I spelled That right lol

@ambushbob5383 - 12.05.2023 08:10

I like his story as it is. For all his bluster beating him after you beat Alduin just puts a punctuation mark on his already usless story. He is the first dragonborn full stop and thats all he will ever be. A sad man coasting on the player characters reputation.

@joeh5038 - 05.05.2023 23:50

When i first played skyrim, i didnt know about the dragonborn dlc. When the cultists jumped me, i went straight to solstheim and started doing shit. Then Miraak started absorbing my dragon souls and i couldnt unlock any more shouts. I think i gave up on it for like 2 or 3 years

@cb-9938 - 03.05.2023 23:01

Mirrak > Alduin

@finnish_hunter - 02.05.2023 20:35

Miraak is pretty narcissistic for a guy who can't even quicksave and load.

@gracieisbored9191 - 01.05.2023 23:01

“i could’ve slain alduin” my brother in akatosh WHY THE FUCK DIDN’T YOU

@lilbuddie5980 - 06.04.2023 08:55

This video is great. Now lets see Lucien Lachances Villainpedia

@stevengrant4117 - 04.04.2023 03:33

Miraak is cooler then big hungry dragon boy

@DamenJoost - 27.03.2023 16:32

An interesting question is, if Miraak HAD killed Alduin, would HE have been the Last Dragonborn? Chicken or egg but still.

@arthurmorgan4720 - 16.03.2023 11:41

The dragonborn dlc is extremely short tbh.

@RavenKnight11 - 06.03.2023 02:30

Did that video about Hermaeus Mora ever become a reality? If it did, I would really like to watch it. Thanks for this cool video about Miraak.

@BlackJack55_55 - 28.02.2023 15:21

Wish we got more stories from the other dragon priests as well. We get some information from the likes of Hevnoraak, Rahgot, Otar, Vahlok and Morokei. Nahkriin clearly is of high standing by guarding the portal to sovengarde. Ahzidal has probably the most information to go on besides Miraak himself, but the rest are vague and up to speculation of their origins and current circumstances in the game. Instead what we mostly get is dangly spooky men with magic and masks.

@angeltune3069 - 26.02.2023 16:29

Miraak is just lovecraftian Arthas

@BornRemaining - 26.02.2023 14:18

A nord?

@joyeuxroger4648 - 19.02.2023 15:57

he is so arrogant that even after thousand of year reading about the world and it's secret he never achieved chim

@Gameplayer0715 - 18.02.2023 23:11

When mirak says that he could have killed Alduin himself he said "when u still walked the earth" but the elder scrolls takes place on a planet called nirn, not earth...

@205mohamad - 18.02.2023 02:26

About what you said about both Miraak and Alduin being taken out of time, literally Morrowind opens up with this quote "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." — Zurin Arctus. Like this quote can be applied to that idea!

@levferno483 - 16.02.2023 09:05

Watching these late at night are so relaxing. Love all your uploads.

@deathdog1392 - 16.02.2023 05:44

DawnGuard Big Bad: Goth idiot with a hot daughter 👎
Dragonborne Big Bad: Immortal Demigod 🔥 🔥

@TheRealW.S.Foster - 13.02.2023 00:02

So Miraak claims he could've defeated Alduin, huh?

Does he know the Dragonrend shout?

I mean, you got to have that shout if you even want a chance to face Alduin's near-invulnerable ass... and as far as I know, Miraak doesn't know a single word.

@Laurentus - 11.02.2023 00:02

Damn, he actually sounded close to Darth Vader at the start of the vid.

@handleonafridge6828 - 03.02.2023 06:56

Miraak felt more like the main villain than Alduin. Bethesda has this thing for making a fun, but weak in writing game and then come out with a really well written and fun DLC. It happened twice, the Dragonborn dlc and then the Far Harbor dlc. Both having some really good writing and pretty much answering all the critiques in the main game.

@pneumaofficial9581 - 27.01.2023 21:39

I think a viable theory could be miraak wasn't truly dragonborn, but only obtained the power to absorb souls and use the thuum through Hermaeus Moras teachings. I wouldn't put it past a daedric god (who has more power left than an aedric one), being able to create a dragonborn himself. Perhaps he manipulated miraak into thinking he is one, because as soon as our dragonborn player presents himself Hermaeus Mora doesn't hesitate to toss Miraak aside

@SuperPerfectBagel - 27.01.2023 12:22

miraak didnt make the bend will shout, the shout he made is dragon aspect.

@oneshotez - 25.01.2023 01:41

Me this just a idea but dragon aspect could have been better if there were two type of it a dragon aspect weapon speel and the armor one

@byronsmothers8064 - 17.01.2023 09:10

The means of the thu'um is not a dragonborn exclusive talent, anyone devoted to the study can learn in time. but none are able to effortlessly learn & use it as quickly as the Dovahkiin.

@mandroid-rb4uy - 16.01.2023 17:14

Hello GhostCharm most eggcelent tasty slice of Knowledge Hubris Arrogance a Spectacular Lair and plan...yet ineffectual as who is Really pulling the strings...not the puppet great content
