The Secret Organization Behind Songbird's Plan... | A Cyberpunk Theory

The Secret Organization Behind Songbird's Plan... | A Cyberpunk Theory


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@everberon - 31.10.2023 15:06

This is the first theory-centric video I've made on this channel, so I hope you all enjoy it! Let me know if you'd like to see more such videos in the future. I've got plenty more lore content on the way as well, so thanks to everyone for sticking around, and I hope you'll look forward to it!

@waifu_png_pl6854 - 06.12.2023 23:05

as for sending her to the moon and her using the cure, it makes me wonder howd they get rid of her chrome. v has mostly had minor chrome alterations all things considered, they look organic. depends on whos playing of course, some players use more or less cyberware, but you can remove it and v still looks normal. but songbird? her entire back is chrome. the entire thing, arms included. how do you even remove that? sure, any regular ripper can remove something like mantis blades but we have to consider that a) this is for playability and b) its a portion of the arm, not a fully exposed back c) the doc might be using some light cyberware to make sure the arm remains stable. and what about her hands, they look fully metallic without a bit of organic left in them, does she just not have hands anymore? it also looks like she may not have an organic spine at all anymore, at least not one that is usable without cyberware. its possible most or all of her nervous system from the neck down is cyberware in nature. would she be paralysed if the surgeon managed to remove it?

@dblanque - 04.12.2023 20:51

This only reinforces my thought that the "good" ending is helping So Mi to die (King of Cups), as she's either already partially taken or fragmented by a Blackwall AI, or simply being used as a carrier for the Matrix. Mostly because sometimes, good outcomes in general can disguise themselves as bad, and viceversa.
Good theory video!

One can only hope we get another DLC that expands Mr. Blue Eyes, even if CDPR said they will not continue development.

@gamfluent2857 - 04.12.2023 01:35

Honestly her plan being so shitty just makes me want to help her even more.

It’s so desperate and she even says “I might become their lab rat but better than being a slave to the FIA” if she’s so desperate then I have to help her, I’m also not weak minded so I don’t mind her betraying me as we know deep down V is a merc and wouldn’t do a job for free

@leileijoker8465 - 03.12.2023 16:47

I think giving So Mi back to Reed would be the natural choice for V. If our ultimate goal is to survive. Yes, NUS and FIA are shady AF but hey, they weren't lying about they can save us. While Song lied to us from the very beginning. Even Johnny didn't blame you when you sold Song out to Reed, until we decided to go with the surgery of course 🤣

@people2chronically-online - 03.12.2023 02:18

If anyone gets so emotional that songbird betrayed you just remember V canonically doesn’t fail any mission so if you’re hired to kill you’re hired to kill

@cruznix745 - 02.12.2023 20:10

I got the idea that she would be used to develop a cure of sorts that would be used to coax V into carrying out crystal palace heist and most importantly securing the guest manifest. I believe the unstated purpose of this directly connected to the goal of blue eyes and his organization, bringing the rouge A.I.’s from cyberspace into real space via advanced proxies that happen to be inhabit positions of influence across society. I believe the evidence for this lies in the existence of devices like the relic data chip, the Párales quest line, dialogue from the special black wall smg, and the fact that blue eyes can be seen at every crucial junction in the story post kompeki. I believe the ultimate aim of blue eyes (away from letting ai run free in the real world) is to enshrine a new ruling class of sorts that is effectively immortal.

@MrGoghi307 - 01.12.2023 16:19

This is Cyberpunk - there are no happy endings, for any party involved.
Reed is not loyal to Myers, but to the country (or an ideology more likely), he is principled to fault
Myers is a schemer, one has to be in her position.
So Mi fucked up more than once, Mr Blue is just capitalizing on that, gaining "something" in return - it even could mean they extracted her and made her AI (just like Alt or Johnny) which would make sense on sending you the "gift" as away to cut all ties with the past.

@Hellsgator - 29.11.2023 02:00

Why doesn't anyone talk about the relic itself? I still feel this game wasn't about V, but it was about the relic. V just ended up by excident with the thing in the head.

It was still developed by Alt and it is clearly stated that it might have an hidden back door to the blackwall. It is also stated that the version in your head is an alternative version of the original one, meaning it was developed after they soul killed Alt with her own invention. And its real functionality never is fully explained by anyone, even though it might have been build in house for Saburo. I am still wondering why they eventually stored Johnny's engram on the relic or if this was done by Alt or someone else. Arasaka maybe intended to test it at some point on a dead body before Saburo would use it.

The question "We know what you are" always kept me wondering about the answer. If it is Blue Eyes was making the call, he knows you carry the relic.

I never felt that Meyers wanted to save V, but wanted to get her hands on the relic. Basically everyone else wanted to get their hands on the thing. There is no proof given they used the Matrix on V, or any info on how they managed to remove the relic in general. You basically give Meyers quite a nice gift by handing over Songbird, a strange matrix and a powerful Relic. To me that ending felt they purposely nerved V because of the risk he/she presented. After dealing with the Songbird disaster did learn them a lesson or two.

I would not be surprised if the relic turns up again in CP2. Think too many questions are left unanswered. Looking forward to it, that's for sure.

@ilkererol1986 - 27.11.2023 17:38

G man is that you

@BowserTheMighty - 27.11.2023 16:56

Myer is the evil one in PL. And rescue So Mi is the only way that hurt Myer the most

@OstravskiOstravak - 27.11.2023 02:05

I knew I was gonna get screwed over pretty much by everyone involved. Ever since the plane crashed I had only one thing in mind - save the girl. As it progressed, I learnt stuff, who she is, what she had to go through and what awaits her if the “good ones” get their dirty hands on her again. I sympathised with her, liked her. In the end my choice was obvious - save Song, help her get out by any means neccessary. Judging from the dialogs between V and Johnny, saving Song brought them both real satisfaction.

@oneiromancer5512 - 26.11.2023 11:11

After the last fight and you get so mi onto the train there is a man in a black suit holding an umbrella on the right side of the station. Creeped me out

@Chrisxx07 - 25.11.2023 03:53

Great job, Everberon! This video proves all the people who think the story of So Mi is shallow wrong. After watching the whole theory, my first impression is that So Mi is as doomed as V. No matter what we do, the only way to set her free is to let her die. The other endings may seem promising in terms of saving her, but the reality is that in each scenario, her fate is far worse than death. I also believe that the call was not from her, but from the blue-eyed organization and the chip was all that was left of her.

@cybercruxz - 24.11.2023 07:32

I think the sequel will heavily feature a rupture in the black wall. If so, then So Mi’s journey to the clinic on Luna and your theory of using So Mi and/or the Neural Matrix sets that storyline nicely. Bravo! It also explains the presence of Mr. Blue Eyes at the launch facility.

@rokasciurinskas7890 - 22.11.2023 04:10

mr blue eyes could be a good guy you know he don't need to intentionally serve the same ai shadow organization but all of them are stinkers at this point i bet it was scripted by them long ago but don't forget that both arasaka and militech had their approach in cyberspace that is basically cold war before 5th corporate war so you could tell that both v and so mi are nukes just v carries Johnny as his plutonium from arasaka and so mi caries cynosure from militech its obvious that they would want to secure the most dangerous weapon on planet but question is why they let you roam around free like that unless that is predetermined and you are puppet by not knowing that but not in a way it seems by many i mean v is basically op god like unstoppable force that is capable of controlling blackwall for what i know he might not be dying if he has that big of a resistance just having side effects from cyber cancer vaccine and if he dies they just gonna steal the chip

@joaot8253 - 21.11.2023 16:01

I was frustrated because Cerberus bot was a stopid maintenance bot that slow crawled and cant even scan V and needs to go melee to kill
We defeat Adam Smasher, THE CHIMERA, Mechas, bazillion cyberpsychos, lightning fast sandevistaners, but not this possessed fancy roomba vacuum bot? I expected them to at least have true deadly war deathbot

@Eco-pu2zs - 21.11.2023 12:47

Songbird could not have had her implants removed, most of her body was no longer organic. I think less than her head was left.

@ixiahj - 21.11.2023 10:51

Song Bird called Blue Eyes a proxy. That's a curious way to describe him.

@Faulkner108 - 20.11.2023 20:48

Just finished PL yesterday and I've decided to fulfil Song's wish. And your opinion is not a leap, judging by the info from the Cynosure bunker...... It's quite possible.

@januszekplybojowyropuch7319 - 20.11.2023 20:34

Okay so for me this theory is only partially true. I belive that Somi was indeed cured but now she has to work for blue eyes in exchange, maybe do some high risk gig like the one which V does in one of the endings. I believe she is alive because of this exact souvenir from space. It is possibly that it wasn't sent by Somi but then why would anyone send anything. For V there would be no difference in either situations on what would he do. Blue Eyes won't send souvenir to V because there would be no reason for that

@Napoleonic_S - 18.11.2023 18:43

an ultimate cross fan fic : it's star trek first contact again but here reaper controller illusive man went back in time to defeat humanity first /s

@Mercury_ASC - 18.11.2023 03:58

Ngl there was no part of So Mi’s story that made me empathize with her. It was almost annoying how frequently she compared her situation to V’s when they were completely opposite.

She didn’t have to lie to V, she didn’t have to kill so many people. But it was her choices that lead her to these paths. And they all suck.

@alexandriahunter2125 - 17.11.2023 22:19

I also want to point out that Blue Eyes can be see twice around the spaceport. One, looking out of a window as V is sneaking through Tycho Terminal and again on another platform when V and So Mi take the monorail.

@logical-functionsmodel9364 - 17.11.2023 07:01

Well, I think to attempt to get at what Mr. Blue Eyes's goals are we might want to highlight his connection to Night Corps. I haven't been able to find a very causative relationship, but many people are taking the similarities in the "Operation Caroe Noctem" shard received by Sandra Dorsett to the Paralez's situation as the link to justify this claim.
So, one would need to look at the actions of Night Corps to find out what their goals are. My hunch from the little I've brushed up on is that they seem to want what is best for Night City on paper. (I say on paper to point out that there is likely an alignment problem aspect to this whole thing not to mention a dissonance between human and AI ethics.)
Oh, the reason that V can't have more implants was due to the invasive (on the nerves) surgery to get the implant out and not because of the AI , so there is still a likelihood that So Mi could still be used to help whomever she is indebted to. Although a runner as competent as So Mi could be used for more than just the Blackwall. I sort of doubt that anybody other than Songbird would send something to assure V that everything worked because getting to the moon is generally speaking no easy feat. Not to mention sending something like that back to earth in that exact location seems a bit tedious. The more sinister side of this is why she wasn't allowed to talk to V via text message or identify herself. (This could be explained away as trying to avoid detection from NUSA though.)
There is also a likelihood that one of the AI wanted to integrate another AI within this whole process. My understanding is that there are many AI beyond the Blackwall that aren't necessarily aligned. So it is possible that the AI see the Blackwall in a similar manner that many humans do in this universe. Save that instead of new technologies, you have the physical systems that many of these AI live on in the physical world. An Asymmetrical warfare if you will of AI. But yeah, this is all just speculation of course.

@V1dW4tcher - 15.11.2023 14:16

Bring on the next Cyberpunk game! Let the fate of the world be in our hands when we either help the AIs or try to stop them.

@Krenisphia - 14.11.2023 09:41

Cyberpunk is just the beginning of the Butlerian Jihad.

@techfly3 - 14.11.2023 07:36

I put together a lot of different information that brought me to basically the same conclusion as your video for me Somi was already too far gone over 7 years, according to the trailer. I feel like Somi would have too much information while working with the NUSA and Milatech because she has a lot of connections to the black wall and a lot of information that Mr. Blue Eyes and Night Corp could use alt AI even mentions Somi in one of the ending I feel like they are just using her to break the black wall down and cause a Skynet level disaster that's why I hand her back to Myers even if it only saves a few years I feel like their are connections to Sandra Dorsett the Peralez family and and the shot by both sides mr hands mission with bree also corpo v beginning with the moon with Arasaka might give some clues

@lofistreet8233 - 14.11.2023 04:59

One thing that needs to be mentioned is that all the bad/dangerous A.I are red. Blue Eyes is the opposite colour, could it be that he has an civil war with other programs that want to get out like him. keep in mind The A.I was taking over her just like Johny was taking over our body. So the end result would have been Mrs Red eyes.

@supersaiyanbino - 14.11.2023 02:01

Only reason I helped her is because the NUSA would have just used her as a tool for the rest of her life... I hate being a simp...

@roseredthorns - 13.11.2023 12:48

Song was recruited into a fascist government as a teenager in a corporate hellhole, being bribed into finally having a home to call you own, a stable living, not easily found in cyberpunk. She was taken advantage of. She deserves a second start. My first ending was the king of wands. Yeah she lied. She was conditioned to lie as a government FIA agent. Why should she trust us and not lie? We're just some fuck off merc with a terrorist in our head. She came clean at the very end, gave us a choice to give her up to the nusa in the end. But she deserves a second chance just as much as V does.
She was only 19, fuck

@BlackPantherFTW - 12.11.2023 06:27

I hate how angry so mi is when you betray her. She had every intention of betraying you. She deserves her fate

@HJonesT - 11.11.2023 15:30

I am with you on most of this, but think they want the AI(s) that infected SoMi. And you forgot to bring up her message left in the alley you get in her van.

@Sunrise-d819i2 - 11.11.2023 14:37

this is my interior theory. i wanna know what you think. she did say "they ask question's only i know" Night corp knows mayers won't give up on getting night city back with Nusa. So night corp which blue eyes work for wants to copy her engram to use as blackmail or destroyed the nusa before they can destroys night city.

@Secretsofsociety - 11.11.2023 05:30

Fly free little bird. I mean no offense to Reed but he puts his trust in people who constantly betray him. What has the NUSA ever done for a street kid? Yeah she lied to get your help. That was annoying but again a street kid who has been in sticky survival situations might understand. Personally I think the new ending is a bigger or at least sell out ending than the Arasaka ending. Besides I told Dex I would rather die a legend in a blaze of glory.

@vincentkeith5259 - 10.11.2023 14:54

One thing I notice about every Theory video that brings up the Dream On gig. Everyone assumes Blue Eyes is behind the events or working for/with those who are. I get it. There's a ton of circumstantial evidence that he is. Now, if I were a writer (and I am), and it was my story (but it's not), I'd be thrilled to have everyone running down the path that links Mr. Blue Eyes to rogue AI. Imagine the reaction when everyone realizes the guy they were sure was a bad guy is actually a good guy, trying to keep humanity from becoming extinct. His job is monitoring threats - specifically Corpo threats- looking for talent and raising funds for physical world ops.

Brilliant misdirection... Maybe.

If this Alternate Blue Eyes is real, then Songbird will have been cured - likely resulting in the removal of all cyberwhere - with replacement for the parts she has to have (the non-combat specific stuff) - in much the same way as V was treated in the Tower ending. It's also possible that she was "cleaned" of her blackwall infection and retains most of her equipment - we have nothing to base either option on other than hope.

The Songbird ending I'd like to see is one where you still wind up in Cynosure and learn about what really happened to Song So Mi. Then you can get her out and aboard the spacecraft without Reed tracking you down because he thinks So Mi is dead. This, of course, would still end with the NUSA telling V to go pound sand. - Then again, without the matrix, they wouldn't have any way to actually cure V. You'd still be wondering if you made the right choice, and you'd still be looking for another way. Since you've already talked with Alt - you think you have a cure, it just won't be easy. So when you learn that Songbird has played you the entire time, you can look at her as the victim of NUSA abuse she really is and take pity.

Alas, 2077 is a cautionary tale, and happy endings are not the way to show people that caution is not only warranted but critical for the survival of humanity.

I'm going to discount the whole Morgan Blackhand thing - Pondsmith specifically refused to let Morgan be part of the game - and I think the Blackhand Asset is a holdover from early development that was repurposed - which happens a lot.

@unsteadyeddy3107 - 09.11.2023 23:54

The Cyberpunk 2077 universe is basically doomed to a Matrix-style A.I. and machine takeover. Remember that the Blackwall itself is also an A.I..

@gn8moon - 09.11.2023 18:35

there is a piece of dialog that reveals the clinic is real and owned by arasaka
and since everyone nusa ,voodooboys and arasaka want use the rough ai for thier own goods aka enslave it
it has to defend itself

i think sending song to this clinic is not to heal but to infect the arasaka network ant turn song into a ai like alt
song doesnt know she is used and not healed and like alt it is not song sending you messages after
it is her ai giving you the last remains of her worldly body

@Suckmycaballs - 09.11.2023 18:21

Theoretically, it’s worth thinking about what Mr blue eyes might need that would be on Crystal Palace, and how that might be related to the neural matrix. An answer to what is really going on is likely to involve the two, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the peralez situation is connected there too somehow.

@danielw.3670 - 09.11.2023 16:28

I think rogue would have known if Mr Blue eyes was Morgan Black hand

@arctodus8536 - 08.11.2023 19:46

Truth is that we simply don't know. It's purposefully unclear and vague.
What I'm wondering is why do you assume blue eyes is after the neural matrix? So Mi herself said that she made a deal to go to the moon in exchange for information about the Black wall.
So if blue eyes is a rogue AI or is controlled by one it would make sense, because the AI's seek a way to pass through the wall

@noturk3y4u - 08.11.2023 19:08

I love the mystery around Mr. Blue Eyes and what we may know and what we assume about this guy, or thing. He’s like the Half-Life G-Man of the Cyberpunk universe.

Dream On was a really eerie mission that didn’t have any definite closure on who actually is making the plays behind the scenes, so I hope we get to see more of this in the new Cyberpunk game.

@fieryphoenix2501 - 08.11.2023 13:59

I totally agree with your opinion about theory crafting. I actually think that it is a sign of good writing lore / world building is to leave just enough room to allow people to do theories

@xavierelmhorst145 - 07.11.2023 18:08

I firmly believe that the games Canon ending is "Don't fear the reaper" and Phantom Liberty storyline intends for you to send So Mi to the moon. She is a deeply scared person who had ben manipulated into becoming a weapon for the FIA and wanted an out. Song was just unfortunately willing to the same thing done on to he but she wanted to eat her cake and have it too by saving everyone she put in danger and when she couldn't she regretted doing so.
Needless to say she is a deaply faceted character that will most likely be used in the Mr. Blue Eyes agenda.

@TheFly212 - 07.11.2023 15:27

Phantom Liberty was by far and away the best game I played this year, while technically an "expansion" it's a 30 hour piece of content and those 30 hours are almost all really cool and fun. We just don't get true expansions like Phantom Liberty. It's such a rarity and reminds of the good ole' days of PC gaming (late 90s to mid 2000s) where you got real expansion and not just cut up pieces of DLC and microtransactions. Phantom Liberty is a lot like that.

@street1111 - 06.11.2023 21:47

Blue Eyes asking for eddies fits his cover and doesn't raise suspicion

@svahn1 - 06.11.2023 15:24

This is a good theory and I agree with many things in it, but there are a few mistakes I need to point out so that the good things can stand out on their own.

First, So Mi never interacted with the Blackwall before joining the FIA. She was caught trying to hack a Militech data fort, and only later did Myers force her to explore the Blackwall and beyond.

There is never any mention that the cure would remove Songbird's cyberware or that she wanted to have everything removed. She never says she wants to stop netrunning, she only wants to get rid of the influence from the Blackwall so she doesn't die, and free herself from the NUSA in the process. We also had no idea that we would lose access to our cyberware until it was already gone. Songbird's "disease" and V's relic problem are similar but not identical. She might not have lost her ability to use cyberware like we did. It's also possible that the lunar clinic would do a better job than the NUSA doctors(considering them likely being associated with Blue Eyes and thus more familiar with AI this isn't unlikely). Or, and this is just my personal theory, the NUSA might have purposefully removed out ability to use our implants to remove us as a potential future threat. Reed and Alex might have trusted us for real, but I doubt Myers ever would. It's something I can imagine her doing.

Lastly there's the deal between Song and Blue Eyes. It probably wasn't a question of payment in cash, but there are many other things she could do that are far more valuable. She is probably the best netrunner alive as of 2077, she has experience with the Blackwall, and worked as a trusted agent of the NUSA for at least a decade. Can you imagine what Arasaka would do to get access to that? Or any other corporation, government, or organization. He probably wants more from her than she knows but it's not like she doesn't have any bargaining power.

@Ptzou - 06.11.2023 07:24

Saving songbird is the best ending IMO. Alex lives on and gets her dream retirement, Reed died for what he believed in. Songbird is cured and later returned to earth and left V a gift. V continues his journey with Silverhand.

I don’t fault her for lying, if your choice is to die or be a slave forever, you would pull every trick in the book too. It’s not like V is her BFF, she had to leverage something to gain V’s help.

@EternalNightingale - 05.11.2023 21:48

Man I wanted to betray so mi at first but my corpo V Couldn’t after what she went through in arasaka and being finally free from their grasps she’s never relayed to someone more and saw herself in so mi so she sent her to the moon, even in the end she says how she’s been betrayed and pretty numb to it I like that what’s it even matter at this point we made it this far anyways we can’t betray ourselves (V) after all this and give it up just like I’m V shoes she wouldn’t sell out again to them
