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@unduedisc5466 - 25.12.2023 16:52

Hot take: Bo-Katan is awful. I have always despised the character, and her actor sucks. She was bad in 24, and she is still abysmall in Mando.

@regularguy2807 - 15.12.2023 21:20

The both suck.

@DaddyVader87 - 02.12.2023 03:03

Bill Burr, Gina Corona and that entire crew was fun to watch. I zoned out of season 3 I refuse to give it any attention.

@shocker1209081 - 10.11.2023 18:47

Tbh I don't want anymore Mandalorian. They finished the story they had set up, and they did okay. Was it perfect? No. Was it bad? Also no. I say leave it at that and not wind up like post-Armageddon Supernatural.

@matthewjay3704 - 09.11.2023 20:06

Unpopular opinion but Grogu shouldve stayed with Luke, we shouldn't have gotten him to return in Book of Boba. His story was complete but I think season 1 and 2 were planned together while season 3 was planned on its own and they needed a way to shove Grogu back into the story after the massive amount of love from fans for him, hence they used Book of Boba to do it. Season 3 also spent more time focusing on things that aren't directly about The Mandalorian, which is kinda the whole point.

Ahsoka show did the same thing, the vast majority of it was just a continuation of Rebels, not about Ahsoka.

@jimderrick846 - 05.11.2023 04:57

The episode with Jack black was an epic embarrassment and should have never happened.

@marcoricaldone8690 - 03.11.2023 17:05

That season 3 episode was the final nail in the coffin

@futureshadowlp334 - 01.11.2023 21:45

Something that really pissed me off was that they destroyed the darksaber. Like why? That was part of the only reasons i had left to watch that series.

@pieisawesome1 - 01.11.2023 19:41

The Mandalorian Season 3: Pad The Runtime Edition

@Sub2Cider - 30.10.2023 12:47

Given the behind the scenes rumors. S3 was shot down before it even got a chance to air.

@shanelefever7704 - 30.10.2023 03:22

You are not getting to the meat and potatoes the reason season 3 was not as good is because the mandalorian contradicts itself Mando keeps saying this is the way and the forge master even said the only way to win the Saber is from a duel but Mando totally just decided screw tradition even tho his clan is about tradition when it comes to not removing they're helmets and that Jack black episode was a pointless filler they could have done waayyyy better but let's be real they were losing creative ideas and guess what giddion was a clone the original had a mustash in the first 2 seasons so it's totally possible Mando didn't kill him so that's my 2 cents on why the 3rd season was just not good

@jsome2348 - 28.10.2023 04:56

The sets throughout the season felt incredibly fake too. It felt like a bunch of people cosplaying as Mandalorians walking around some part of Disney World. Contrast that to Andor where every set feels real and lived in

@Orcaluv26 - 27.10.2023 17:13

I had absolutely no problems with Jack Black being in Star Wars but seeing him as a human took me out of the immersion. If he voiced another character I wouldn’t have minded as much.

@mehuna66 - 27.10.2023 16:09

S1,S2 - "damn this is the best starwars series after clone wars"

S3 - what mando had a s3? whatever

@darthqui-gon5986 - 25.10.2023 23:15

Everything from Disney Star Wars sucks! Star Wars is only episodes 1 through 6 and the Clone Wars. Here's a question that nobody seems to ask how come in the Clone Wars and even in the flashback of Ahsoka of the Clone Wars both lightsabers and blasters can cut through and kill Mandalorians? But in the Mandalorian a lightsaber cannot cut through armor in blaster bolts Just bounce right off of his? What is nobody asked this? Is everybody that blind to all the contradictions that Disney has done not only to George Lucas's Star Wars but their own bastardized version!

@Axecon1 - 23.10.2023 23:03

Season 1&2 had a direction with really only Favreau and Filoni leading the project. Because of the success of the show and the semi-failure of the recent movies, the suits stepped in. Season 3 (and the Book of Boba Fest that was Season 2.5) ended up being a mis-match of a bunch of non-ideas with competing agendas.

@Crustychevrolet - 23.10.2023 15:35

Season 2 should have been the end of the show

@peachtoastie - 23.10.2023 11:04

This is with Jack Black is that he has the ability to break the suspension of disbelief because Jack himself has become a staple in pop culture. He’s a fantastic actor but his roles need to be carefully picked as to not make us look at a character and think “oh that’s Jack Black”. It’s why i think nowadays he’s a talent more suited to voice acting like Bowser and Po. It’s why i think his cameo wouldve worked better if he was in an alien/droid costume, kind of like Zack Braff’s cameo in Obi-Wan and Simon Pegg’s cameo in TFA.

It’s like putting Jimmy Fallon in a live-action role and expecting me to not go “hey that’s Jimmy Fallon”

@jhinckle90 - 22.10.2023 18:38

What frustrating is this show doesn’t want to stray from Baby Yoda and it shows with everything they are doing. They should have just named it Baby Yoda and then it wouldn’t matter who Djin is…what’s frustrating is the show could be so much more but won’t push the envelope at all

@BrokenSword1978 - 21.10.2023 10:05

i liked season3

@nezarecdiscipleofthewitnes3823 - 21.10.2023 08:33

I mean the chief engineer did name drop Count Dooku so it wasn't all bad

@obeastness - 19.10.2023 00:01

I remember being so excited about this show, and then the third season came along and I lost interest completely. It didn't help that they dropped Gina Carano purely for differences in political opinions. Surely it should be illegal to fire someone for their political opinions, that definitely soured the whole situation as I was in anticipation for the third season, however I still thought the show would be of the same quality, and it just really wasn't, I can't articulate exactly why, perhaps there are just too many issues to parse it all.

@Mr.Donkeypoo - 16.10.2023 16:54

Bill Burrs episode is by far the greatest of the series

@mc4ndr3 - 14.10.2023 20:07

Season one lost me with its frequent tonal shifts.

@GrammarGaming - 11.10.2023 23:46

i think christopher lloyd’s character was interesting as it showed there was still separatist loyalists post empire

@matthewryan2060 - 10.10.2023 13:12

When I saw Jack Black I knew it was over. I like Jack but not in Starwars.

@Gearedfilm57 - 09.10.2023 18:12

Season 1&2 had a purpose and a mission. To get grogu to a Jedi. And they accomplished that mission. But Season 3 they didn't really have a strong story so they just had Mando bouncing around aimlessly.

@adam3647 - 08.10.2023 23:51

I didn't even finish season 3. Such a fall from grace, or at least a fall from a very promising direction.

@MrJimheeren - 08.10.2023 20:48

Well to be honest. Bill Burr was also very much Bill Burr in space. He’s not a good actor he doesn’t have a great range nor the talent

@StepSisRUstuck - 01.10.2023 09:55

Does jon Favreau and dave filoni still make this show or write it or whatever they did to make me want to watch this show because it feels like they made season 1 and 2 then just went to disney and said here ya go do what you will with the show 😂

@madsecond5025 - 30.09.2023 18:27

Bill Burr is an actually talented actor. Lizzo is Lizzo

@montysmithtyler - 27.09.2023 14:05

I hate that every main character HAS to have some kind of love interest. It's just so played out and boring. I much prefer that Mando just cared about honour and grogu and that's it. Having him fall for someone would just be so boring and predictable.

@TREZZOTH - 23.09.2023 18:39

Lizzo doesn't really look like a dutchess type. It's not very believable seeing her as any type of royalty.

@addisonrahn7984 - 18.09.2023 19:19

Whether it’s tied to these two episodes or not, I think you did touch on the biggest issue I had with season 3: it didn’t really feel like it was going anywhere.

When season 1 first came out, RoS was on the horizon and we were excited to see how Mando tied into it. It didn’t *really*, but that was okay. Season 2 was looking really cool and it absolutely delivered.

Then season 3 came and it was just…more of the same? Yeah, they retook Mandalore, but there’s no real sense of progression in the season. It just feels meandering and slow and aimless. And I am all for just “Mando and Grogu’s adventure of the week,” but have the show be that, instead of acting like everything is hugely important when thus far it really hasn’t been.

If they bring back Gideon I’ll be extremely disappointed, because at this point he’s not interesting. He’s just annoying.

@shmeagol - 13.09.2023 11:56

Both episodes sucked. One just sucked more. Everything Disney has done with Star Wars is bad. Don’t kid yourselves.

@adamm2943 - 09.09.2023 19:11

I loved season 3 cuz I finally could see mandalore, second episode has beatiful color grading and music, also the shots are magnificent, getting thorugh clouds, landscapes from above, getting to the mines, lights everything was perfect, rest is kinda, okay. I didn't liked finalle, it seamed too fast, like there should be at least one or two extra episodes of mandalorians retaking mandalore imo. Also I still think season 2 and 1 had none-plot fillers than season 3. It doesn't mean thoguh that s1 and s2 had great episodes.

@SalAveNU - 07.09.2023 03:55

In "Guns For Hire" the parts with Bo and Din reminded me of "Longmire". The way Bo was reacting to Din was just like Vic reacting to Walt.

@j.doe69 - 26.08.2023 13:15

Bill was great and most importantly the episodes were way better written, the episode of the others was just awful, nothing personal I love doc and jack, but the plot just was awful like the whole season imo, so bill was ok in the first episode and the second one was great, to the point I wouldn't mind if he come back later to help mando or something, dude was great, but the others were forgettable I'm sorry

@izanaginomikoto1893 - 29.06.2023 09:34

Not a popular opinion, but I found Guns For Hire to be the most enjoyable of the whole of season three, including the finales. The entire season felt pretty pointless and meandering, and this episode was a well crafted and hughly amusing episode on its own. It was clearly a comedy episode, and you can argue that does not fit well with the story as a whole which is fair enough, but it did its job for me. It entertained and it made me full out belly laugh at certain points. Comedy episode, full marks. Compare to pretty much any other episode of the season. Did they do what they were supposed to? I don't think so. I generally found them lacklustre, without drama, and in some cases a total waste of my time.

However, I know a lot of people hated this episode because the tone did not fit in well with the Mandalorian as a whole. Sadly, I don't think any other episode in the season lived up to previous seasons either, and having watched it right after Andor... well, poor comparison. Still, at the end of the day, a mediocre Mando season was still better than the dreadfulness that was Kenobi.

@b1battledroidslivesmatter701 - 16.06.2023 13:51

I feel bad for jack black being a huge Star Wars fan himself he shoulda got a better role

@KMCA779 - 15.06.2023 15:36

I didn't know who Lizzo was until after, I thought her acting was poor and had to look up why. I thought Jack Black was Jack Black.

But Christopher Loydd? That was a good cameo. He acted a role, he didn't try to steal the scene and he... acted.

@simonnachreiner8380 - 15.06.2023 02:21

The show lived and died in season 1-2 and lived. It told its great story and came full circle.

Everything afterwards is the mouse puppet it a corpse around for money like it’s “Weekend at Bernie’s” I left when they booted Gina and I’m happy to be continuously vindicated in making that decision.

@dflowers6771 - 14.06.2023 02:41

dont be surprised that the funniest comics also can play the most dramatic roles.. two sides of the same coin

@SubwayJack919 - 13.06.2023 17:32

I hate Jack Black now.
What a loser.

@Koolkays77 - 13.06.2023 10:52

Season 3 was fine lol

@Nick-hm9rh - 12.06.2023 22:13

God i hate Jack black with a passion.

@mikem4432 - 12.06.2023 17:44


@shireyed - 12.06.2023 17:12

Love Jack Black but he does have that issue of being the same character no matter the role. Very few of his roles have him not be well Jack Black. Sorta like how Jason mamoa and the rock are. good in the right roles but terrible if you dont put them in those roles. Bill Burr honestly surprised me with that episode and showed depth i didnt really think he had as an actor.

@loicbosman4739 - 11.06.2023 07:38

Don't know why, but I've never heard any praise for Episode 7 of season 2 before, and now that I think about it definitely was pretty good

@nicksam5518 - 10.06.2023 09:20

The point made in s3 w the lazy planet/these city-state planets are weak, didn't fit in the overall story. jack black and lizzo lead was clearly understood...but it was worthless and uninteresting in terms of Mando or Bo Katana. I found it lacked the whole 'western in space' vibe, and I missed it terribly.
