Renewed push for gun control laws puts spotlight on filibuster

Renewed push for gun control laws puts spotlight on filibuster

CNBC Television

3 года назад

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@everettware3466 - 06.12.2021 23:44

It should be one month for background checks to come back for the amount of people buy firearms.

@majorwayne9866 - 15.11.2021 01:10

“To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens”
-Adolf Hitler
Fight for 1A & 2A!! God Bless America!
Tyranny is upon us! FJB!
Prison should be hell on earth so criminals that do get out, will do anything to never go back again! Gun control should be putting violent criminals away for life & if they are convicted of murder, put them to death!

@josephfranco1495 - 02.09.2021 21:55

Kids with guns, how did they get the gun. Kids shoot Kids with guns... how did they get this gun. How dod these kids get guns. That's a question dumb politicians don't ask. They can't find a responsible party to blame. So let take guns away from everyone. Because parent weren't at fault, adults are not careless for the killer child to obtain a gun. Gun just appear in their hands. It wasn't a criminal that put a gun in the Kids hand....let ban gun. We can't arrest anyone, so let tyrannically violate people's 2nd Amendment because we can't place blame on the right person.

@majorwayne9866 - 02.08.2021 10:02

Ban the licensed sober drivers from owning vehicles to stop drunk drunk drivers from driving drunk - How gun control laws work!

@dylanlafreniere3479 - 28.06.2021 21:28

“Ban assault riffles and scary looking weaponry” the people who preach about bans truly don’t understand what they are saying. Personally I say we should ban all cars and vehicles build after the modal T. Why would anyone need a car that drives over 40 Mph, are you such a bad driver that you need surrounding air bags and a seat belt? You should be save enough with a horn clearly when someone hears “beep beep” they will surely move out of your way and let you pass. “ personally I don’t know why you need a car, counties around the world that use bicycles have a low car accident rate.” However motorized scooter accident have spiked.

Do you get the point?

@jamesburns2232 - 18.06.2021 23:09

There are enough gun possesion laws on the books that if they were enforced would stop the shootings. Criminals simply ignore the laws and for the law abiding are an expensive nuisance.

@paulbrungardt9823 - 23.05.2021 17:43

Gun control make law abiding citizens defenseless.. .
Criminals do not obey laws, that is because they are criminals. Let us
compare gun control to drug control. By 1920, opioids have have been
either banned or extremely controlled. Heroin is completely banned in
the USA. While even more potent new synthetic opioid, Fentanyl, is
highly regulated / very inaccessible legally. In the past 12 months,
unfortunately, over 81,000 USA deaths have occurred in the USA from
opioids. Fentanyl is 1/50th the size/weight of Heroin. It is easier to
smuggle than Heroin. Today, most of the street opioids are coming
illegally from our open southern border or from China. So, after 100
years of strict drug control laws, people willing to violate laws have
access to control/banned contraband. Wake up America. If guns were
banned, like opioids, only criminals and politicians would have them...
recipe for disaster.

@markgendala5689 - 22.05.2021 12:07

1. The Founding Fathers -
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state..."
2. The mental hospital outpatients -
"Nah... Forget those well regulated militias like the Army, Navy, Air Force, the FBI, the states' Police Departments, the county Sheriffs -
that's not the Second Amendment has ever been about!
Heck, unless each of us carries a goddamn gun - America's security and freedom will always remain in peril... That's the God's truth!"

@markdenenberg9110 - 30.04.2021 20:11

Supreme Court about to crush gun control. Going to rule on carrying outside the home.

@greater8731 - 29.04.2021 07:27

This is great they should expand it

@TheJohnMartin_ - 29.04.2021 02:38

Here’s the thing , no matter what the people will get guns . If you ban them, if you stop making them. No matter what people will have firearms . Felons and teenaged have firearms . They will always be made . If we have to get them from China or turkey we do not care . We will always have firearms and protect ourselves

@theoneandonlyz0mbiexmushr045 - 28.04.2021 14:28

Politics and both sides acting like the world is over because the other is in power has not been talked about enough....

@chas6817 - 22.04.2021 00:20

Does anybody in America know how each branch of government operates and the authority they have?
Apparently not!

A gun grab executive order is unconstitutional. Any executive order about firearms is unconstitutional. The president does not make laws. P.E.R.I.O.D., NOT EVER. A executive order is a order to enforce a law not to make a law. If the President thinks that executive orders are for making a law he has overstepped his bounds of authority. He does have the authority to sign a law or veto a law that the legislature has the authority to vote on and that is it.

The police carry guns for their own protection not for your protection. It is your own responsibility to protect yourself against the rain, snow, insects, animals and bad people and bad government. People need to start protecting themselves. This world is a dangerous place to live in so take responsibility for your own safty and stop condemning people looking after their own safty. Any federal law, any state law, any county law, any city law and any administration law about firearms is unconstitutional P.E.R.I.O.D., see Article 6 of the Constitution. In 1870 you carried a gun without condemnation from others just as the police carried guns and were not condemned. That same attitude should be the same today. If you are afraid of your own shadow stay home you have no business out in public. If you are afraid of a person carrying a gun you should be carrying also or stay home you have no business being out in public.

If it was winter do you think that the government has the right to limit your right to protect yourself against the cold? If it was raining do you think that the government has the right to ban umbrellas so you are limited in your human right to protect yourself from the rain. If there are bad people does the government have the right to limit your right to protect yourself against bad people? Not only is that unconstitutional it is also a human right violation. One problem is that there are to many laws that are no laws because they are unconstitutional. Which hinders people from protecting themselves.

Peter had a sword in the Palace of the King on the night of Jesus' betrayal and nobody said crap. People today would condemn Peter because they are afraid of their own shadow.

There are to many people that think that they are safe because you go from their house that has doors, walls and windows that offer some protection to a car that has doors, walls and windows to a building that has doors, walls and windows. Start protecting yourself and get all of these gun laws declared unconstitutional because they are unconstitutional.

If the government does pass a unconstitutional law that is upheld as lawful just remember it can't be retroactive to any previous date that would make it unconstitutional as a Ex Post Facto law.

If anybody in the three branches of Government in the last 150 years knew and understood the Constitution then they would have discovered the error in the 13 amendment.

In 1870 you rode a horse or walked or had a wagon and horse and you carried your gun wherever you wanted, whether concealed or not and nobody said anything and there were no unconstitutional laws and you went from one state to another from one county to another. So today if there are any restrictions or requirements where or how to carry your firearms going from one state to another state they are unconstitutional. By the way concealed means to "hide" not that it can't be seen. My wallet in my pocket is not concealed just because you can't see it. The courts are not fit to hold court. Legislators are not fit to legislate. The police are not fit to police.

GOD said do not have any graven images and this country has a multitude of graven images. This has become a big problem in America. Let's start fixing the root of our problems and it is not guns.

The courts are almost totally corrupt. Upholding corrupt unconstitutional laws that are no laws and protecting corrupt government and not protecting the poor. The legal system in America has turned into human trafficking. What is being done about human trafficking in the court system? Poor people are ticketed or arrested for sleeping and the public defenders are NOT defending the poor and their human right to shelter. The office of the public defenders is a conflict of interest. What is being done about that. If the office of the public defenders is a conflict of interest why nobody in the legal system can see this conflict of interest?

If GOD would destroy America it would be no great loss as there is to much corruption in and out of government. There is to much corruption on both sides of the law. I'm disgusted with the whole mess.

@jebediahironwall3729 - 13.04.2021 19:11


@rrip1 - 13.04.2021 02:17

This gun control stupidity has led to the highest gun and ammo purchasing in history. Liberalism is a disease, it really is.

@trevadadeva9572 - 12.04.2021 23:51

Why not get rid of guns completely

@masterskater256 - 12.04.2021 02:02


This is america

@saulrogers6124 - 11.04.2021 19:39

Guns can be bought on the black market... Drugs and other illegal items are purchased that same way.. What in the hell do you think will change? Yes make them strict. But, if your major plan is to un-arm all Americans then your doing two things: One making innocent people victims even more since they have nothing to defend themselves with and two your violating the second amendment.

@f.f.6323 - 11.04.2021 04:09

This is BS on so many levels. Pick 1 (many exist): If a drunk driver kills someone, just blame the car maker and acquit the driver, If someone gets drunk & falls off a boat and drowns - split fault between the liquor maker and the boat manufacturer, if there is a drug overdose - blame the pharmaceutical companies (though I might support em on this 1). This is setting a precedent for scapegoating and smashing The Constitution. This will lead to destroying our civil rights. The 2nd Amendment was necessary and instrumental for the creation of The Civil Rights Act of 64. What Biden is doing will bring back discrimination. Black, white, yellow, red and all other races need to wake up to this. Don't believe the lie of the BS "Jim Crow" analogy that Biden self-righteously uses constantly.

@Semper_Iratus - 09.04.2021 18:02

The arrogance of the biden administration will be its downfall.

@daronmonteilh3904 - 09.04.2021 03:01

What Democrats are really pushing is weed, but dont be tricked it will make many Americans pick between weed liscense and a gun liscense, you wont have both. So there banking on you toking instead.

@johna4488 - 08.04.2021 20:40

because we all know that the criminal will follow the laws

@AtlantiXYL - 08.04.2021 17:23

Did they not know ? Internet gun sales all go to your local dealer first. If they are talking about buying most of the parts minus the serialized part, then thats a different story

@satanspit4101 - 08.04.2021 02:26

All new gun laws are to be ignored.

@mavericklane6206 - 07.04.2021 15:26

Any gun laws which subvert and pervert the second amendment of the Bill of Rights is null and void, including the gestapo red flag law which also violated the fifth amendment.

@NoticerOfficial - 04.04.2021 19:17

End the drug war! Prohibition doesn’t work! We’re free to be who and what we want!
oh, outlawing then will work

@sherlock9397 - 04.04.2021 04:17

What does a Fascist or Communist do when they take power, take away people rights and freedom in the name of the great good and the group but in reality it’s so you can’t resist the government and give yourself freedom, some examples in history are the Prague uprising against the communist government how do you think that went when the citizens wanted freedom they got a bullet to the head same in Budapest, now in those countries especially the Czech Republic they have move guns that people and have the right to shoot terrorists, so ask yourself if your government isn’t the same as the Nazis and the communists then why are they taking your freedom.

@sonar0085 - 31.03.2021 08:19

What’s next my electrical tool gun.

@tacobinvato5961 - 30.03.2021 19:10

I dont really care about picking a side on the whole side show in this political circus act. I just want to state some facts, or in a sense, give a brief detail look into what both bills actually propses instead of the increase backround checks or extending the 3 day waiting period. In short there is a few key points. One of which is that they wish to make amendments of definitions and add in what defines a assualt style weapon. Another (which has been in place but not really solving anything) includes the allowance of mental health screaning and history to be used in the backround checking process(and in that goes against hipaa). Then the less talked about but the most important part of it all in what the bills will do. Along with definitions and adding "assault style weapon" with the changes, it also includes banning over 100 items in both weapons and attachments (including no longer selling detachable units that can hold more than 10 bullets) and a record base of assault weapons. What really needs to happen is help fix FBI and law enforcement databases to where communications between all federal information to be current and accessible.

@ProDeo04 - 30.03.2021 00:18

Hey Democrats, how about you enforce the laws that are already on the books first? Tell you what, once Hunter Biden is behind bars for his gun violation, call me. Oh, wait. For thee but not for me, right?

@jophismarch6108 - 29.03.2021 22:21

And this keeps guns out of criminal heads how exactly? Do you think these criminals are legally buying their guns? Try again....

@kerrykalls7732 - 29.03.2021 21:48

I WILL NEVER buy the narrative that guns ARE the cause of MENTALLY ILL people deciding to commit horrendous acts of violence against objectively innocent people..

Cherry on top..... Dr. SELWYN RODGERS is a trauma surgeon in CHICAGO. A city that has some of the most debilitating laws in place against firearms and concealed carry.
A Liberal run city with gang violence mass shootings on the daily that are rarely highlighted in the news. So strange that those laws infringing on law abiding citizens didn't stop gang members 🙄

@grasshopper017 - 28.03.2021 21:27

America propaganda at it's finest.

@main1063 - 28.03.2021 19:17

Ten died in Bolder but there were 327 criminal homicides in Detroit in 2020, NYC had 447, both with strict gun laws.  But the Democrats running those cities and many others like them are totally ineffective and come out of the woodwork calling for stricter gun laws when they can't do anything with the ones they have. Banning assault weapons is not going to fix the horrific deaths in these places. Look at the out-of-control ghettos, that have been under Democratic control for decades, these are the Petri dishes of the murderous violence that take place there EVERY year. They have accepted them as hellholes with dangerous and deteriorating schools. So they go after the low-hanging fruit of more gun control and when and if they get it the urban killing will continue. All they will have accomplished is to reduce my Second Amendment rights, and when looking back on 2020 the police being able to protect me, is not a sure thing. And I say that as a black man. I used to think the Second Amendment was old-fashioned, we are not in the wild west we don't need guns anymore. The riots/demonstrations in many cities and at the capital changed my mind. The Founders understood human nature. We are able to access the knowledge of the world with almost magical cellphones and computers, cars that drive themselves, robots on Mars, but humanity has a long long way to go before those Constitutional protections can be taken for granted.

@Val_Halla777 - 28.03.2021 09:51

This is one of the issues i side with the Left on. It’s so insane how easy it is to buy firearms in the US.
Weapons that allow mentally unwell to commit mass murder with a simple pull of their finger. It defies common sense to not regulate and license more stringently.

@drexq_477 - 28.03.2021 00:24

What will this world come to with a president like Biden in office.

@Imfromtheyear3452 - 27.03.2021 21:21

“But gun control” says the unthinking leftist pawns. “Because criminals follow laws”, their tiny brains think. “But you hunters don’t need non-hunting weapons”, as they think that’s what it’s about, and not being a check and balance against a corrupt gov’t, or against criminals, or preventing a foreign enemy invasion, like how Japan didn’t invade the mainland after Pearl Harbor because they knew how well-armed we were as a populous. Hey unthinking liberal, leftist, braindead communists—try using your brain for a change—try out some critical thinking, logic, reason, consider true morality. Stop being useful idiots.

@lancelmccune - 27.03.2021 13:08

I have pro gun democrat friends. I know it doesn’t seem possible but there are several. The way they twist their brain around it so they can stay in the party of their segregationist grandparents.... they claim “they” have been saying for years they will take our guns away but they haven’t been successful yet. Honestly, that somehow makes sense to them.

@Mugenjiles - 27.03.2021 02:46

Why all the down voats.

@Glad2BGolden - 26.03.2021 22:08

The House should shut these bills down.

@nacholebra1230 - 26.03.2021 19:08

The mass shooters are a product of the leftist education system. It is born out of the Critical Race Theory. Instead of giving hope to the downtrodden it condemns them to the idea of being a victim and victimized by another determined group. The result is a lashing out with violence instead of even attempting to work toward success or happiness.

@nacholebra1230 - 26.03.2021 18:56

Do you rulers indeed speak justly?
    Do you judge people with equity?
2 No, in your heart you devise injustice,
    and your hands mete out violence on the earth.

3 Even from birth the wicked go astray;
    from the womb they are wayward, spreading lies.
4 Their venom is like the venom of a snake,
    like that of a cobra that has stopped its ears,
5 that will not heed the tune of the charmer,
    however skillful the enchanter may be.

6 Break the teeth in their mouths, O God;
    Lord, tear out the fangs of those lions!
7 Let them vanish like water that flows away;
    when they draw the bow, let their arrows fall short.
8 May they be like a slug that melts away as it moves along,
    like a stillborn child that never sees the sun.

9 Before your pots can feel the heat of the thorns—
    whether they be green or dry—the wicked will be swept away.[c]
10 The righteous will be glad when they are avenged,
    when they dip their feet in the blood of the wicked.
11 Then people will say,
    “Surely the righteous still are rewarded;
    surely there is a God who judges the earth.”

@KANGGOOEv94 - 26.03.2021 17:07

We will not be disarmed!

@rack9458 - 26.03.2021 13:52

Ummm the last shooter passed the background check. Just like a democrat to never waste a good crisis!

@DivusMagus - 26.03.2021 12:02

If Dems want to pass gun control they should try repealing the 2nd amendment first.
but they know they can't do that so they just want to pretend like they aren't infringing on it.

@paulsur5871 - 26.03.2021 05:18

Gun control increases crime, and make us less safe because it makes people defenseless sheep for the killer wolves.

@revilsdr - 25.03.2021 19:10

The problem with gun control is you have people too far on the left and too far on the right trying to regulate the issue. You have folks that want to ban guns altogether then you have folks that want to be able to open carry a missile launcher both are unreasonable. You're never going to keep guns out of the hands of criminals if they really want one they’re going to get one. Anyone that wants to buy a gun needs to be well trained on its use/safety and know gun laws, I don’t think most responsible gun owners disagree on that.

@algrundy - 25.03.2021 16:07

According to Democrat logic it is justified for mobs to burn, loot and create autonomous zones in our cities but when law abiding citizens want to exercise their 2nd Amendment right to protect their families it is not justified. Seems they just want to make it safer for their lawless mobs to destroy the country.

@akatheking82 - 25.03.2021 10:53

3 d printed guns - Good luck banning them...
