Rescue Orin's Victim Baldur's Gate 3

Rescue Orin's Victim Baldur's Gate 3


10 месяцев назад

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@jeje3453 - 27.10.2023 00:59

I seem to have an issue after rescuing the companion from Orin (Lae Zel in my case), when I click the dialogue option it says I'm not in good terms with the character and need to offer her some kind of gift to regain her approval and it opens the trade menu.
I'm kind of confused and don't know if it's normal and what to to 😢

@santana8022 - 20.10.2023 21:46

And the kid??? Wtf where is she!?

@winterxx1555 - 09.10.2023 07:08

Hm. Seems like the kidnapped companion is different for everyone. Mine was Halsin.

@Wran84 - 06.10.2023 12:15

Nobody has answered the question: Is this quest timed once Halsin/Gale/Lae'zel -- whoever -- gets abducted?

@David_McDeadass - 25.09.2023 22:35

IF DOLOR GOT AWAY IN THE FIRST FIGHT READ THIS if dolor got away in your first fight with him don’t worry you can find him at the clothing guy near the vaulters gate waypoint dolor will be trying to kill the guy and you can save him. That way you can get the passcode to get the amulet!

@tiagobrito69 - 22.09.2023 16:43

If you can't find the Orin's gore pile pressing ALT, just keep searching moving you mouse on the area she died, it's a pretty tiny clump of meat.

@notgojo491 - 22.09.2023 11:29

The ppl are not there at the wine festival... 😥

@angeloarpino3255 - 17.09.2023 12:55

When I go through the initial gate that talks to you I get ambushed and the fight is annoying. How do you have no Winnie’s when you walk through the door?

@MaF1e - 14.09.2023 03:27

is there a way to keep orin alive?
I don't care about laezel, honestly any companion I just want someone else to reap the world with me

@noctoi - 10.09.2023 17:26

Ugh thank you!! You have no idea how many times I walked right past the entrance to that door to the Baal underground temple. So, SO many hours looking for it 😭

@fistimusmaximus6576 - 08.09.2023 01:52

This triggered so early just wanted to do more of the city side quests...but feel compelled to rescue companion, Are you able to carry on with exploring side quests after freeing said companion?

@SAFBLight - 06.09.2023 02:57

How do I save both Yenna and her cat grub? I'm playing as laezel so Orin can't disguise as me.

@comradelevothyroxine5133 - 29.08.2023 20:50

if yall having problem getting yo captured mate to return camp the solution is attacked him with Non-Lethal attacks, down him then run away then come back heal him then you should be able to talk to him sending him back to camp.

@TheDiscipleOfHell - 29.08.2023 05:34

as usual my luck yet anotrher giga glitch. i killed orin freed my ally which was laezel for me.

once i freed her the ! appeared on her head but when i try to talk to her nothign happens and cant trigger the dialogue so now it says "rescue orrins victim" in completed section but says "check on victim" and laezel just follows me around liek an extra NPC nad looks stuck that way permanently

@soauthentic1 - 28.08.2023 04:16

I want Orin on my party, I want her to submit to me I want to break her spirit, make her my pet and so she can Obey me, after that Me, Minthara , Orin and Shadowheart we can rule over Baldur's Gate.

@grimm9923 - 26.08.2023 11:47

Do you have a time limit after she presents to you? Like, can you rest or she will kill your companion?

@clancyyplays369 - 25.08.2023 06:13

If you shoot her instead of talking to her combat will start and she won’t kill Gale/child

@MrproMatt980 - 22.08.2023 00:07

yyyy, why when im enter to temple of bhaal i got attacked by bhaal ocultists??

@conitsha6793 - 21.08.2023 17:47

Failed persuasion check and didnt have enough buffs to succeed without a perfect roll. RIP Gale :(.

@greatestflames9199 - 17.08.2023 12:13

To open the door of baal just shoot the corpse above the skull, the corpse bleeds on the skull and it auto opens the door.

@savaged49 - 16.08.2023 19:59

I didnt have counterspell when step 3 happened. Whats the next step

@kingkhalid1111 - 16.08.2023 08:49

The quest is bugged

@shield_of_hope2798 - 16.08.2023 01:58

A question for this: Can the rescue still be done (as in the companion still be alive) if you remain on the path of allying with Gortash and not killing him?
