Starfield’s SECRET BEST System! Get a free S-Class ship + 2 legendary weapons

Starfield’s SECRET BEST System! Get a free S-Class ship + 2 legendary weapons

Gaming with Griff Griffin

7 месяцев назад

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@oldmanrenz6882 - 05.12.2023 23:38

What ship are you flying?

@agoodballet - 05.12.2023 19:16

I gave up on legendary weapons after my 100th welder, 1000th space adept sniper rifle, and 20000th melee weapon. I don’t want a berserker osium dagger, why would I use a sniper rifle in space and seriously does anybody even use those stupid tool grip weapons? Please please please can we get some good specs on good guns. I just want an anti personnel extended mag shattered or instigating breach. Or at least some specs that make sense on a gun that I’ll use. I’ve never been so let down as when I read “Space adept advance lawgiver” last night, I was excited to try a legendary lawgiver but where in space would I ever use it? All the space station missions are early game.

@fairlane32 - 03.12.2023 19:15

This never works for me. I’m level 101 and setting difficulty to very hard, landing on the planet and then shifting to easy does nothing to raise the probability that legendary loot will drop. I got a legend pirate job from the mission terminal. Went there and got his health down to almost nothing, saved the game. I loaded that save game literally 40 times and only twice did a legendary drop happen. I’m calling bull** on this 😢

@nathangregory_ - 02.12.2023 22:30

Yeah, Fermi is an excellent system to grind. But almost any 75-level system is good to visit for loot.

@gregphipps7082 - 30.11.2023 05:12

I’m currently stuck on the ships not being able to board. They will not lower their landing access

@gregphipps7082 - 30.11.2023 05:08

Also do legendary bosses in bounties

@the7thword - 29.11.2023 03:44

Another cool thing in this system. Fermi VII-A is the only world I know of where you can set a memory substrate building. Pretty useful if you really get into base building.

@Charles91ware - 28.11.2023 19:20

You’re forgetting the stat boosts magazines in each of these bases

@caezar.. - 28.11.2023 09:55

Don't you incur bounties for killing allies?

@littleguy6753 - 27.11.2023 03:56

Getting top gear is fun, but sometimes having OP gear takes some of the challenge & fun away from the game.

@king_d_world - 26.11.2023 15:45

I have several outposts in fermi. Even deserted mokns have bases literally within 500m of landing area. I TRULY HATE IT BECAUSE THEY TAKE MY OUTPOST SPOTS AND ITS MAKING LIFE DIFFICULT.

Ok back to normal so yeah these planets are never deserted for me usually highly populated with UC bases, Ecliptics, Pirates and a few spacers sprinkeled through out.

@jodargoofmaztica5071 - 26.11.2023 00:00

The landing ships are somewhat levelled to the player. I tested it on very hard in Hawking (from memory) I recorded the first 25 ships that landed in my mid 40s level wise. No Claymore 3s, only one Claymore 1. A couple of Prophecy's but again 1s. Sorry, don't expect miracles unless you get an outlier! At level 53 on very hard, I just took a Hyena 1 on Fermi! (Lvl 75 system) Piece of junk! 🙂 Good hunting!

@3RST-GAMING - 25.11.2023 16:23

Id love to see shattered space add level 100+ systems

@eumesmo80 - 25.11.2023 14:56

the broblem in my bug is... all ships land and no npcs or door i stop playng because its the only thing i like to do in this game!! im lvl 185 and all missions donne :(

@kristophersmotherman6114 - 25.11.2023 03:33

Another good thing about this system is there is a civilian outpost on Fermi IV. At least in my 3 playthroughs there have been.

@Jimgamesofficial - 25.11.2023 02:49

Unfortunately you may have this wrong, starfield is procedural generation for each player, the spawn rates for loot differ for each player, what's in your game isn't in everyone else's, personally I don't get decent loot in higher level systems, instead I get a higher spawn rate of ships landing, I get standard weapon spawns etc, so your video is completely wrong, each play through and spawns are different, and yes S class is no man's sky, because I'm a no man's sky content creator 👍

@caariunews7719 - 25.11.2023 01:34

There's no S class ships?

@billyjack4772 - 25.11.2023 01:23

🤣 S Class is No Man's Sky not Starfield

@GriffGriffin - 25.11.2023 01:00

Let me know if you’ve found any other great systems for loot!

@Doudou27930 - 25.11.2023 00:29

Actually, I find the game too easy, even in very hard. So I always play in very hard... I hope a legendary difficulty in the future.
