P6S Guide - Pandaemonium Abyssos Sixth Circle Savage (Hegemone)

P6S Guide - Pandaemonium Abyssos Sixth Circle Savage (Hegemone)

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@theelementalflow432 - 31.01.2024 18:10

How do you know which side Choros Ixou cleaves first like N/S or E/W?

@chrisropherboulay - 22.07.2023 09:01

This is so awesome 😎

@kurhooni5924 - 01.05.2023 12:22

Damn your coachexia is so complicated, o hope my pf will not take this strat for this mech^^

@The1994viper - 21.04.2023 13:16

hey hector i just wanted to say thanks your videos are super great helping me get into savage raiding which is content i enjoy alot i do have a small question being do you use any specific program to make these guides ? id like to try to use visual aids to help my FC mates but im just having a hard time

@sainov - 25.03.2023 05:57

thanks kid

@dingding12321 - 19.03.2023 09:53

See, you think this is not the hardest raid ever seeing these instructions.

Then you blow everyone up multiple times with the ball AoE in Exchange Agonies 2, because your massive, brilliant brain genuinely loves the idea of "ball goes middle" and no one can tell it otherwise.

Then in enrage prog cach 2, you blast both healers in your party with your spicy AoE cone while you and the other melee blow eachother out of the fight as well.

(Tank LB doesn't protect your party from that.)

And then the remaining 4 clear anyway.

And you get the loot.

So you feel both awful and amazing at the same time lol

This boss is the worst...

@ChaosEdgeshot - 17.02.2023 10:43

M1 on cachexia 2 is facing boss right since he has wing debuff?

@marcowaldmeier - 20.01.2023 03:22

really appreciate your work ❤

@lsakra441 - 10.12.2022 01:13

Hello, I am a FFXIV player on the US server, and I also play on the Chinese server with my friends.
The Chinese server will be updated soon, and there is no mature guide yet. I watched your strategy video many times and was deeply inspired. Your guide is simple, efficient, and easy to understand.
Can I get your authorization to repost the guide video to bilibili (A Chinese video website)? I will credit you as the original author and promote your solution.
Thank you and have a nice day!

@TheMadGinger3 - 09.12.2022 01:48

Fantastic guide! many thanks, much love.

@jf4156 - 29.11.2022 10:17

Tank LB has never been such a god send for cachexia 2

@XentexBad - 27.11.2022 03:03

LOL "Heh ghe moe nee" I don't know if that was on purpose but I love it. I'm calling it that from now on.

@vel2556 - 04.11.2022 17:58

great guide but for the love of god stop saying "wiggle" please

@Bearhamut - 04.11.2022 08:28

ftera eehoo

@SeedlingNL - 23.10.2022 21:32

I noticed a flaw in your animation for the Choros Ixou orbs. The east/west orbs are black with a red halo, whereas the north/south are red with a black halo. If you use visual recognition, it gets confusing on the diagonals if you don't realize this.

@michaelphone1947 - 22.10.2022 20:37

Party finder relies on you for most strategies. Would you mind standardizing a few things. For instance, PF groups still have to assign players to group every time. Then they have to pick out clock positions for most fights. You could normalize that MT+Regen heal+caster(R1) + melee1 = Party 1. That eliminates thousands of groups doing this on the fly every time.
Likewise, when assigning positions, if you would assign R1/R2 separately and H1/H2 separately, it would eliminate so much guess work. Groups could enter and rapidly know:
"I'm ranged physical. I must be in party 2 and my clock position for this fight will be top right."
Since most PF groups lists "hector strats" in the description, you could easily normalize this the vast majority of groups in PF. It's easier to remember and act on "my position as DNC is top right" then it is to remember which position you happen to have in this group. When PF groups have to choose these things on their own every time it adds at least 2 extra variables to the fight that have to be remembered and acted upon multiple times.
Thank you, Hector!

@lemoncobra2563 - 19.10.2022 04:13

I hate you so much for making this guide and in particular for dark ashes since it completely forces away from each other further than you have to when melees and tanks can very easily hug inside the hitbox allowing for more room for the caster and healer to heal after

@gay_rat_gaming - 16.10.2022 23:52

its ok you tried your best with the pronounciation <3

@dislikebutton6596 - 16.10.2022 22:36

Can someone count how much times he says wiggle

@AnimatronicBadgerlord - 12.10.2022 18:53

If there is ONE thing about these fights that drive me absolutely crazy it's the names of abilities. They are never easy for me to remember and I hate them with a passion.

Fantastic Video though, thank you for taking the time to make these.

@Varizen87 - 10.10.2022 12:44

Ptera has a silent P, as in Pterodactyl. It's Greek for wing. Most orders of insect have Ptera in their name, like Orthopteran which is Old-Mouth Wing (Grass Hoppers, Mantises, Crickets, Katydids, etc.) or Hymenoptera (describing a membrane over the wing for Bees, Wasps, and Ants.) In the middle of a word, the P is pronounced, at the beginning it's silent.

Also, Hegemone is Hej-em-OH-Nee. Hegemone describes leading people to dominate themselves, such as in a workplace, management may decide to implement a daycare so that you'll stay and work extra hours because your kids are near by so you don't need to leave work early. It's something that seems beneficial, but ultimately leads to something that harms you without you realizing it. It's a social science term mostly associate with scholars in the Critical Theory fields.

@MrAngryMonkey100 - 09.10.2022 16:22

Exchange of agonies looks like a modified version from T9 mechanics of fire in fire out a little (oh btw F niel)

@WolfmanXD - 07.10.2022 22:52

Dude, you got me saying wiggle during raid!

@Redbullluva - 03.10.2022 18:11

This is so much easier for me to follow than POV videos of the fight. Thanks for all the effort you've put into these!

@syaojyn - 21.09.2022 00:06

Keeping the moved x and + shapes after they're swapped for a moment would be helpful. You kinda fade them out rather quickly? Just a critique but this video has been an amazing resource, thank you

@BunnieTori - 18.09.2022 23:40

Thank you Señor Salamanca, our static cleared and SAW enrage (No thanks to our Samurai DPS Lun...)

@mhmdwally - 18.09.2022 23:40

i would like to thank the salamncas for providing this opportunity of a live time, glory to the salamnca 11/10 would see enrage again

@Kyouheii - 18.09.2022 23:38

thank you hector we just cleared P78S part 2 and saw enrage

@LunGreenStar - 18.09.2022 23:38

there is a viera called Caillou commenting on this video, please ignore them.

@MrWelnius - 18.09.2022 16:34

good guides, but talk too much, voice is not pleasant to hear for a long period of time, kinda makes wanna die halfway in :D

@MyVanir - 18.09.2022 12:56

Do you mind making a video for uptime agonies 1 in p6s? PF seems to have a hard time accepting any strat that wasn't shown in a guide.

@micketkeong - 17.09.2022 11:05

So detailed, now I can clear it in JP data center where communication is zero for me, thanks.

@kennethbnorris - 16.09.2022 18:26

Question, on cachexia, why do you have to swap sides at the beginning of it if you are on the wrong side? Couldn’t you just stay in your position during Ptera Ixou?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not questioning it, I just started P6S prog yesterday. Just don’t understand why this is necessary. Thanks!

@cjhahnl - 16.09.2022 03:58

Our group has actually chosen to do sort of a relative clock spots for path cells. 1-4 on the markers (or in line with the marker) and 5-8 the same color card. As long as people are in line with their marker when their cleave goes up, you only have to adjust slightly left and right as the cleaves go around, minimizing movement for all, especially casters.

@izpapi - 16.09.2022 03:43

so much wiggling

@chrislee5268 - 15.09.2022 06:14

Your timer cach 1 strat is ruining PF, ngl. The 20 baits nuke the 8 second baits more often than not. Role cach 1 is better.

@kamiddani - 15.09.2022 03:23

if it's not too much work, do you think it would be possible in the future to add a timer into the video that shows how far into the fight each mechanic starts? obviously it wouldn't work to have it running the whole time, since you walk back and explain stuff out of order or show things happening slowly sometimes, but just knowing when a cast bar will start would be really helpful to me to know sort of when to use my mit to get the most use out of it during the fight. Your videos have been an absolute life saver and I can't thank you enough for making them! Best Regards, a bard main doing their best

@LimitedSource21 - 14.09.2022 19:10

Your guides are slick, keep it up!

@VampireNoblesse - 13.09.2022 21:53

these Hector guides are great for this tier! imo the best atm..
.. just here for Cachexia2, it can be a bit misleading, as if snakes (look away) are always on the same side (and wings always on the other side).., once you go to the correct side (purple or green), you can turn into either snake or wing, and have mixed groups

@hana1129 - 13.09.2022 11:46

Thank you!

@phoenix_shade - 13.09.2022 03:58

THe ball cleave is always the opposite when I play. This video shows it as where the balls are. Am I insane?

@ronan462 - 13.09.2022 02:41

If you hadn't recommended folks use the freaking tank LB3 Party Finder would be so much less difficult to work with. Just learn the damn mechanic.

@yufikadood514 - 13.09.2022 00:42

For Synergy, we've been experiencing for several pulls that one of the tank busters has been targeting other players if the OT becomes aggro #2 AFTER the cast bar already started and not before it. It hasn't been automatically dropping on both tanks. I know most tanks kinda stay aggro #2 even at the start just for safety but figured i'd mentioned what we'd been experiencing. So yeah, for us it's been hitting whoever was aggro #1 and #2 right before the cast

@skyfall3079 - 13.09.2022 00:09

a lot of these mechanics' names derive from greek, so an easy way to pronounce them is just write the name in google translate in the greek box, for example "choros ixou" and the robot lady will tell you exactly how to pronounce it :D

@Bryan_ZA - 12.09.2022 17:57

please make an update vid to transmission, partyfinder is trying to dodge chorous as an 8 man group regardless if its N\S or E\W first and its a bloody mess. My suggestion would be to have melees stand next to the SW diagonal while the ranged stand next to the SE diagonal and they can spread and dodge without the current clusterfuck and mind numb idiots who wont try something new

@bouldaa - 12.09.2022 12:22

hey guys
