Every Reason Why Attack on Titan Chapter 139 is Objectively God Awful

Every Reason Why Attack on Titan Chapter 139 is Objectively God Awful


3 года назад

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@greatvidznaga3183 - 02.01.2024 23:02

AOT had left a bad experience for a starter anime watcher like me !!! At the end all my favourite characters are death like shasha,Eren etc levi is handicap , Mekasa is still grieving for Eren , titan power still gonna continue again!!! wwtf man everything is in mess , next time i will firstly watch review before watching it, especially its ending!!!

@Johnathanbyers - 29.12.2023 17:14

Floch was right

@solm.6184 - 21.12.2023 08:45

eren has been an obnoxious short tempered idiot.. lol

@Chaoswalker. - 15.12.2023 19:53

Attack on eren Yeager 😂 even eren yeager attacked eren Yeager

@blackcatbrewz - 13.12.2023 14:50

Really my whole problem with this ending isn’t the Eremika thing, it’s more the implication that Eremika is supposed to parallel King Fritz and Ymir which… canonically isn’t true???

King Fritz enslaved, r*ped and humiliated Ymir.. Eren literally met Mikasa by FREEING her from her captures who were trying to ENSLAVE her… he also never sexually abused Mikasa, he offered her his home and actually cared about her. King Fritz did none of these things and this is my whole issue with chapter 139, because it acts as if Eren is basically like Fritz or at the very least implies that Ymir didn’t break the curse until she saw Mikasa kill Eren… for some reason. Why did she need to see Mikasa kill Eren?! Why does this empower her to break free from Fritz LMAO like ??!?! Eren is nothing like Fritz??!!?!!!? Makes no sense to me

@mister3135 - 10.12.2023 10:20

I tried sending this video to an ending-defender and I got a dm back like not even 10 mins later talkin bout, and I quote “Light skin black dude is a dumbass. I listened to his first two points and it just seems like he wanted to rip apart everything Isayama said and really didn’t even make sense what he was upset about” , and he was tryna sound so intellectual haha what a joke. Saint wasn’t tryna rip apart isyama’s work. He did a pretty good job at that all by himself 🤡

@onikillah9596 - 05.12.2023 09:56

Ding dong your opinion is wrong

@erigor11 - 01.12.2023 06:24

Wow, you didn't get almost anything about the series.

@iitzkaranftw - 30.11.2023 22:57

This is 1 hr 37 min video, which tells me that chief hates 138 and 139😂

@biggamer7245 - 24.11.2023 01:33

At the time you made this video 2 years ago was a time where everyone that saw it seemed to see the ending as terrible. Although I personally feel that the ending made me fall in love with AOT more(took me over 8 days straight of studying things and looking at videos as well as comments people had on why it was good or bad and interacting online with others). I am interested to watching this video so I probably will just to hear what you have to say but based on all of the videos and everything that I have seen about the ending being bad, I have genuinely started liking it as well as AOT more and have set AOT as a masterpiece that I will forever have in my heart. I have come to understand it pretty well and I feel that others probably will too, but I feel like there are still some that thought Isayama ruined Eren’s character or retconned the ending. The ending is way too complex to actually understand all of it without looking back at the previous seasons or just rewatching AOT. I have been someone that has rewatched the 1st season 3 times, 2nd 2 times, and third one time, and the time when I watched the fourth was during my second time watching the third season as well as the first and second. There are a lot of things that are hard to grasp, some things that people think are just stupid(like how Mikasa is the one to free Ymir which actually in one of the biggest reasons to go back into the other seasons), and I blame most of the hate for the ending both because of the way that it was put together(too many things all out together and cramped in a short amount of writing) and also the people took the stuff that Armin had said in the manga differently than what the author meant, in which case I did as well. So far after all of the videos I have seen talking negatively about AOT, the amount of explaining in the videos that go into why the ending is bad is barely any compared to some of the videos that tried to just explain the ending. One of the videos I had seen was a person pointing out something confusing in the ending and blaming that everything is a retcon and their explanation being as great as the word “retcon”. I will make sure to watch your video tho because at the end of the day, whether we hate the ending or not, we should be able to respect each others opinions and I would like to see what you explain within the 1hr 37minutes of this video.

@conehead4133 - 21.11.2023 23:15

not gonna act like the plot is completely coherent but people seem to still think eren is completely omnipotent due to the attack titan but he's not. He saw the rumbling, thats it.

@VGInterviews - 18.11.2023 08:38

Only because you on it so much
Yes, only Eren could do this (regarding how the conversation took place)
Frieda could not do it because she doesn't have full control of the founder, Eren does
The conversation doesn't happen after Eren dies, it happens way before, Eren then makes Armin forget and WHEN he dies the forgetting is undone

The ending sucks but there are a million other things to complain about rather than this

@netecrivernetecassassins2945 - 15.11.2023 02:16

Things don't make sense when you're consumed by the events of life, you do dumb things and wonder why after. Eren was mentally tortured his entire life and then got fucked by his mind bending across time, no wonder he was confused and made bad decisions, but his heart held true until the end, holding onto a string of the only thing he knew COULD work, the rumbling.

@venu6286 - 10.11.2023 20:43

This is stress relief dude🙏

@fatemabintenoor8297 - 09.11.2023 11:43

If Armin could really negotiate with them, then why didn't they send Armin to negotiate when they all got to Marley to negotiate..😂 cause all of them saw, negotiating isn't an option, so why do that in the end of the story??

@brucehuynh4778 - 09.11.2023 06:20

No cap you had really good points during the 1st half but the second half comes off as whiny and nitpicky.

@askingalex2319 - 08.11.2023 01:51

bros yapping now its cringe

@askingalex2319 - 08.11.2023 01:50

how cringe is it coming to these now so cringe dumb manga readers never to be trusted again losing all credibiltity love to see it

@terminatorfan5661 - 07.11.2023 15:45

We do not need your opinion anymore saint. the world has spoken and they love the ending. it is done

@spike.07 - 07.11.2023 10:19

Congratulations on 100k views

@Lurker5947 - 07.11.2023 06:36

Damn, I can’t believe everything is officially over now. Crazy. Anime and manga. Nostalgia. I hated the ending, but I’ll miss all of the community. o7

@thetaomega7816 - 06.11.2023 23:17

You fumbled hardcore in the middle, of course Eren can access every Eldian like he did to announce the Rumbling to then give them the memories. But rest... yeah. And giving them memories in the first place is meeeh

@arminarlert7273 - 06.11.2023 16:52

Marco is literally the reason Jean is even there and joined the scouts in the first place. And Isayama totally forgot about him lol.

@av_kay5059 - 06.11.2023 04:23

A lot of the points people make on the ending being bad r usually ones I disagree with or don’t agree with them as to the extent of how bad they make the ending

But some good points here (which I ain’t going to address all of cause I’ve already done that before, don’t feel like doing so, and, I just felt like saying it was refreshing to see some good opposing takes)

I think the best way I can describe it was the idea was good but the execution was a bit off for the final chapter (which can be seen by the fact that the anime’s ending was received monumentally well compared to the manga simply because of some small changes)

With most points of disagreement usually coming down to perspective

Unlike some points which objectively both sides can agree on (and like I said we’re pretty good points from u), that being- Erens whole monologue on y he did what he did which could’ve been done alot better or just excluded; and Armins dialogue and sympathy to Eren which how it would be fixed is how it was done in the Anime, Armin seeing it in a way where he shares the blame

Dgmw though I def don’t see it 10/10 either, anyone who sees it 10/10 is delusional just like people who see it as a 1/10 (imo at least)

Tbf though I can get the 4/10s SPECIALLY because a mediocre ending for a great show is worse than bad ending for a mediocre show, but still, to me the ending was a 6ish, anime, 8.5ish

@Lonewolfy1070 - 04.11.2023 15:04

What a man you are, Saint!

@anonimowelwiatko9811 - 17.10.2023 18:28

The Rumbling was so cool, Eren would do that anyway, even if nobody would be there to stop him or if Eldia wasn't in danger. It's just cool, flattening Earth with giant burning titans, you know.

@nightcoremaniac4534 - 09.10.2023 04:58

Not objectively. Only for snowflakes people

@mackinleymenezes8286 - 02.10.2023 13:33

I understand the ending is bad no matter what we do what is bound to happen will happen, i agree with saint and young

@leaflenster7340 - 29.08.2023 04:18

"Does no one find this fucking disturbing?" Frankly I found the part where Ymir SMILED at Mikasa holding the head of a decapitated man very disturbing. I love this series overall and all of the effort Isayama put into it, but this ending is just a disaster, confusing, senseless and disturbing. Ymir also just wanting to see if someone would kill the person they love just so she could play out her "I wish I killed him" fantasy is just atrocious. Like... it basically means the entire reason Eren did what he did was... so Ymir could... watch him be killed?

All that tells me is Ymir took two people, someone in love and the person she loved, and made the person she loved do this that and the other thing to test her loyalty just to see if she'd kill him... and that if she did, Ymir would get to "live her fantasy"? And then she just... smiles all happy that she ruined all these lives just to live out her happy little "I wish I killed him" fantasy? If you ask me that makes it sound like the whole "there is no villain" is incorrect, because it makes me view Ymir as a villain.

She toyed with people's lived just to have her happy ending. She had her chess piece commit genocide and ruin all those lives so she could be selfish and be free. Eren's existing character up until that point was basically wiped out because he ended up her pawn, and like... we're supposed to see Ymir in a good light? We're supposed to feel uwu bad for her because she used to be a slave who for some reason fell in love with her enslaver and forced her to have his kids? Being a slave doesn't justify her enslaving someone to play out a role so that she can fulfill her little fantasy, and it also doesn't paint slaves themselves in a good light. I understand that may been a huge oversight by Isayama and that he probably didn't mean harm or anything like that, but my takeaway from all of this is that even though yeah, King Fritz is a villain, Ymir also became a villain and was the main villain of the entire story because of what she did.

And again, the way she SMILES after all is said and done, after supposedly 80 percent of the world was destroyed and she's /watching a woman hold a man's decapitated head/, is just disturbing to me. You could argue that Eren was manipulated by her all along because if she was manipulating future Eren who was manipulating the past/past Eren to eventually enact what would lead to Ymir's goal, that would mean she always had a hold on Eren, but like... I'm supposed to LIKE that ending? Accept that as the ending to this story? It doesn't feel to me like Isayama made Eren the villain, but that Eren was a victim of Ymir, who was the actual villain, and took the fall for her nonsense. Ymir's smile at the end wasn't a sad smile either (still wouldn't be good, but wouldn't be so icky to me). It was just outright, pure happiness.

Aside from everything /else/ wrong with the ending (including like... the whole Mikasa bullshit and how Eren should just love her back because she's been willingly committed to him all this time and it's HIS fault if he doesn't love her back, and that you MUST love someone if they commit to you regardless of if that's what you want or not), that entire concept just feels so gross and I'm at the point where I'm just going to happily pretend this ending just never happened lol.

@pluckybellhop66 - 23.08.2023 19:19

Your comment section is full of toxic people with no taste. 🙂

@mithvibes4727 - 27.07.2023 05:40

jesus these comments are full of insufferable idiots who don't understand a story and how themes work 😂 "eren wants to live ? 😡 why cant he be a chad and destroy the world and contradict every theme in the story ??? 😡😡 isayama is so stupid he ruined this series cuz he wrote an ending that correlated to every theme in the story and i cant believe paradis gets destroyed in the end even tho the ENTIRE point of the story is the cycle of violence never ends !! 😡"

@mithvibes4727 - 27.07.2023 05:34

ahahaha it's so funny seeing people be so horrible at reading themes and messages they just scream cry and moan when they don't get their ending they imagined in their head 😂 grow up yall and learn to understand a story instead of making up head cannons and getting angry with the author when he doesn't bend to ur will 💀

@LuluDZulu - 24.07.2023 10:47

watching you sit there and process the implications of each panel out loud is one of the funniest things i’ve experienced in years

@purpleblastoise - 20.07.2023 03:29

Hajime Isayama is the Todd Howard of mangakas. Hope that hack never makes a manga ever again!

@xeternalxeyesx - 10.07.2023 01:17

Annie sleeping for 9 years just to wake up, not answer for anything and have a happy ending…

@tonyrockywarrior4096 - 07.07.2023 20:13

Bro think about this, Armin is coop with Eren killing almost all humanity and he is cool with Annie having done what she did but he is mad at Eren cause he rejected Mikasa. This looks really like a bad-made by shippers fan fiction

@Italian_Isaac_Clarke - 21.06.2023 15:50

USBird uploading Paths to Armin.

@MGRIZZLEE - 09.06.2023 06:00

Ch.139>>>>>>>you’re opinion 🤭

@JojoSmacks - 24.05.2023 07:34

Had to come back to watch based saint again

@Lurker5947 - 16.05.2023 16:39

Two years. So nostalgic. Jeez, time is moving so fast. I’ve gotten over the ending already, but I do miss the community at the time. It was so crazy

@titanblade3706 - 04.05.2023 11:28

I can’t believe it either. Eren is truly destroyed

@soychidoese - 02.05.2023 04:37

Eren gives the same excuse as the guy from TCAP
"I dunno why i did that"
"I dunno, i lost my head"
