I Was in a Cult for 16 Years. Ask Me Anything.

I Was in a Cult for 16 Years. Ask Me Anything.


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@RenegadeContext - 28.06.2023 22:46

I hope the people he ostracised see this video so they can see the pain it caused him to shun them

@itsemgrace2450 - 22.04.2023 20:29

what cult is this?

@LibbyRoseITM - 16.04.2023 17:10

It's not always so easy to see a cult. The cult I was in- the LDS Church -a lot of people even outside of the church refuse to believe it's a cult even though it hits over 80% of the criteria (I've done the numbers using the BITE model). I can expect backlash every time I post about it being a cult. It is subjective as to which group is a cult or not, and not everyone can spot the harmful behaviors of these groups until it's too late. And as he said, plenty of very intelligent people get roped in too. It's less about intelligence and more about vulnerability most of the time.

@davidperrii - 26.03.2023 17:50

Wow most of the things he mentioned reminded me of growing up in chur-...

@RunFaster - 13.03.2023 05:59

Selfish of parents.

@Saurles - 12.03.2023 03:45

Most people, if not any, don't realize that Christianity is a cult

@SuperSieth - 29.01.2023 22:03

Weeell, every religion is a cult isnt it? Even the praise for science? It is a search for purpose. Purpose is as fluid as reinventing the sea one wave at a time. Be you, be kind and let that guide you..

@annabpal - 07.01.2023 18:29

I relate to him ngl

@captainwatercress - 21.12.2022 17:13

I feel like I learned a lot here 💜

@outogetyougotyou5250 - 16.12.2022 18:26

The title is wrong. I was in a religion (it just had less members)

@MedkitNation - 10.12.2022 00:43

this is an amazing immersive experience to know about

@theflyingdutchguy9870 - 01.12.2022 09:46

when the community you belong to stops you from asking questions you probably belong to a cult. and rememeber most dont call themselves a cult, they call themselves religions

@RV1701 - 25.11.2022 23:01

Weird how no one wanted to meet him face to face as I've seen in other videos. Maybe they did but it wasn't show. 🤷‍♀️

@anoukfleur2513 - 17.11.2022 20:34

Dammit Jubilee where is my hug reel! 😡😡😡 Nah jk

@aurelieandouard7734 - 17.11.2022 03:28

Thanks Chris

@hoozentroger - 13.11.2022 18:12

When one person believes it its a fool, when few people does it its a cult, when many believes it its a religion

@madeleine4life354 - 13.11.2022 05:23

im sorry to take away from the real powerful message of this but no one is talking about how hot he was when he was younger

@shineeshineeshineee - 08.11.2022 07:33

this video is sooo amazing ❤
thank you chris and jubilee🫶

@rainbowbridgerestoration979 - 04.11.2022 13:52

Did u kno occult simply means hidden

@EricCampbellUAV - 03.11.2022 02:33

it’s geto boys and jubilee

@ps.6023 - 19.10.2022 19:36

please do a pedophile ask me anything and a child molester one.

@Thankyouverymuchfriend - 18.10.2022 00:40

I think I was maybe a part of a cult-like community from the age of 19-21 in San Francisco and Melbourne. It was very much similar to this sort of the free-spiritedness images that were shown in the beginning.. there was a lot of ecstatic singing, dancing, rituals, breathwork, tantra... practices and traditions that are co-opted by white young 20-somethings (and some even older) who also preach about love, wellness, spirit, yoga, crystals, energy, all new age things with roots in Eastern cultures. It was an interesting time for me because I was young, impressionable and maybe a bit lost/vulnerable. I really did find joy in these spaces with those kind of people but it felt like such a bubble with many people with these ideologies that sort of had this "holier than thou" thing to it. I felt at times that I was living my life better than others, it really made me feel superior to average people at times?? I don't know. I'm still wrapping my head around that era in my life. I remember vividly the ecstatic dancing and the amount of shady, creepy older men that would be very touchy and handsy and definitely crossing lines in the name of this "spiritual" lifestyle that people were wrapped up in. Those years felt like a dream. Not to mention the amount of people I met traveling overseas that were in these similar communities. There seemed to be a theme of people with all this trauma and substance abuse, all this vulnerability, people a bit lost, finding each other but lacking so much self-awareness and understanding of the world because of this bubble that they were in. This sort of reminded me of that. I just find the whole wellness community so sus now.. I can't trust that any of those people have the awareness of their own privilege or the men that prey on younger women. Idk if anyone can relate but I've never really talked about this before.

@sarahaustin7144 - 05.10.2022 17:08

i was in a cult in college for two years. it was so so hard for me to get out and i get emotional thinking about the strength i had to remove myself from the situation

@cynacist1823 - 04.10.2022 05:00

Cults/abusers all use the same trick: they go after your ego. and it works every time.

@Ilikebigbooties - 30.09.2022 18:04

Oof as an ex Mormon (which is a cult but seen by most as a religion only) this hit home.

@finbarshields - 04.09.2022 05:01

People are so beautiful.

@bellct4980 - 02.09.2022 02:10

I’m Christian this guy was just being lead by the devil secretly. I’m glad he’s out from the cult now.

@peo_peo - 31.08.2022 04:26

I would love to see Chris’ chart. I’m certain he has activity in the 9th House, 7th, 8th, and possibly the 12th H.

@1shots293 - 03.08.2022 16:43

Will you guys do a conspiracy theorist vs skeptics? That would be awesome.

@oodlenoodle3113 - 14.07.2022 15:56

I can’t he looks too much like the actor from the scooby soo movie 😭

@flowersforreal2026 - 07.06.2022 15:46

Thanks Chris for being so open and vulnerable with sharing this part of your journey. I'm sure it wasn't easy. I also really like the soft/gracious responses from the questioners.

@DangerousKaos - 29.05.2022 05:17

Religions are a cult, btw. Jussayin.

@scotto7047 - 24.05.2022 02:01

I am most the way through extricating myself from a Christian cult. For many years, I didn't believe that it was a cult. All of my family are still in. I have joined mainstream Christianity. I suspect that this has contributed to some difficulty in leaving my previous denomination. I feel lost most of the time. It's so messy this stuff.

@Kata_Rin - 23.05.2022 02:26

Getting this recommended again is weird now with the Michelle Phan cult speculations

@imhopelesslyaddictedtofent4266 - 20.05.2022 21:07

Its funny because most of the religious people watching this video are unknowingly in a cult

@homer2281 - 16.05.2022 19:35

as an ex-muslim, i feel you bro

@crystalclear6660 - 16.05.2022 06:17

It’s true: we are all indoctrinated in one way or another. An enlightening video.

@itsnemosoul8398 - 15.05.2022 10:24

I ended up in a toxic relationship and started making extreme life choices at the exact same time. It just means that parents need to prepare their children for what's out there as much as possible

@didijy8007 - 13.05.2022 04:47

I......... Still wanna join one 😩😓

@wishingonthemoon1 - 12.05.2022 21:51

As a victim of grooming, this really breaks my heart. I know what it’s like to be young and vulnerable and have a bad person prey on you. It’s a slow death, it’s really a slow death of the self. They manipulate and make you change everything about yourself so slowly you don’t see yourself slipping away. You know something is wrong, but you can’t put your finger on what, because your thoughts aren’t even your own anymore.

@Nusa_Uncovered - 12.05.2022 17:48

Is it just me or does the dude in red flannel look like he could be Jamie Foxx's younger brother?

@cl4za - 03.05.2022 12:16

he was groomed into joining and then got sucked in. that’s sad and scary

@GoldenTV3 - 14.03.2022 23:57

People want to be apart of a group. That simple

@via-anghelmagahum2586 - 04.01.2022 06:21

Chris you really are brave either way! Just because they were “braver” than you doesn’t take away from the fact you are brave for dealing with the trauma and becoming who you want to be despite the scars that few will understand.

@danielloaiza9175 - 08.12.2021 17:51


@caseycreations585 - 11.11.2021 07:01

emmy didnt seem into it lol

@joeybenoit6269 - 12.09.2021 11:05

I was in the CIA that was a colt they brainwashed me? Believe I was American! I was really Indian!

@joeybenoit6269 - 12.09.2021 11:03

Johnny Carson was in a cult so what take responsibility for your own action! Becoming Avatar!

@joeybenoit6269 - 12.09.2021 11:02

I'm in a cult of personality! This is all b***** you have free will! Take it or leave it don't f*** with my head!

@quagmire1130 - 23.07.2021 11:54

If I was in a cult id be afraid of even saying what we've done in the past...
