War Robots — New game mode "King of the Hill" Guide

War Robots — New game mode "King of the Hill" Guide

War Robots [WR]

6 лет назад

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@outandabout259 - 31.01.2023 13:08

I miss this era so much. Please release old war robots as a separate game for those of us who just want to go back to playing without pilots or effects or titans or op weapons and robots 🥺

@Goofyahh932 - 08.01.2023 16:02

Lucky players: Lts goooooooooo🤡

@emperor3169 - 09.05.2022 02:30

I remember when i was playing this removed mode

@Daniel_WR - 30.11.2021 09:19

Rest in Piece amazing mode

@therealveridicalyt497 - 17.11.2021 08:50

bring it back

@503music6 - 29.08.2021 09:19

anyone gonna talk about how this died?

@JustAHoax16 - 01.05.2021 22:01

If only this mode was brought back, not many modes are in the game

@fearlessbot9695 - 06.04.2021 22:46

not any more it is gone

@kpakc2055 - 25.03.2021 09:01

I hope there is still king of the hill

@marvinjonathanansari5415 - 31.12.2020 10:19

Hey pixonic why did you delete this mode years ago?

@Fighting_machine - 24.10.2020 06:42

Why was this mode removed?

@m3me_eateryt718 - 30.09.2020 18:45

Where’d this go again?

@randylee6464 - 30.09.2020 01:20

Man how quickly wr has moved ahead. I remember those early years I joined 2nd yr of the walking war robots now war robots.

@dhilandesai6306 - 10.08.2020 20:52

Pixonic, you should bring this back

@takisa.6186 - 03.01.2020 00:24

Very bullshit

@chandruv461 - 09.02.2019 21:23

Hey guys where is the king of the hill game mode i had never seen it after 4.0 update or something its my favourite game mode please add it in the game please add king of the hill please please please hope you understand...........👍👍👍

@koreymayo8884 - 02.11.2018 03:01

When is king of the hill coming back? It's my favorite!

@perfectly-finefinerson9437 - 19.08.2018 20:39

My favourite mode! :3

@KillerGuy - 23.07.2018 14:26

Im level 9 can i Change the game mode?

@vgdrt6266 - 20.06.2018 13:45


@gregnorvell9730 - 25.05.2018 18:42


@FrogTVlogs - 10.05.2018 02:16

Why my war robots dosent battle begins!!!

@dharshan6727 - 13.03.2018 13:37

How to download test server can u pls send link

@axelparraga9827 - 08.03.2018 22:45

Very good

@k24accord73 - 18.02.2018 02:25

Please let us choose what mode we want and please let us trade bots and weapons with the clan .. who else agrees. IMPERIAL... ID N1KWVP

@g3mm472 - 17.02.2018 20:52

Are you the creators of this game because if you are can I have lots of money and gold things please I'm called superali801

@noobgamer-dl5de - 15.02.2018 09:20

Any person who use snipers in king of hill r useless so use a light bot or a heavy or medium bot to defend or capture the beacon

@gilbertgirard7228 - 14.02.2018 06:20

Trop nulle cette manière de se battre dans le vide...tu domine et sans savoir pourquoi la couleur change et tu perd connement .
Je sais pas qui est le responsable de cette idiotie mais lui faut lui donner des cachets.

@trdigidactylyt3523 - 11.02.2018 06:50

I thought team death match was the worst mode but now I think this is the one that is the worst. They’re just a campers paradise no one has any combat skills they just set back and snipe from a distance ... the game is ruined by these two modes. I’ll probably stop playing because it’s just not as fun anymore I wish people would develop some skills is all. You have to be able to stop these tankers once and for all… Make them keep their points and just don’t give them any of their rewards if they leave the game or destroy robots on purpose to throw the game.

@cecilmiller2387 - 10.02.2018 06:38

also I'm a p2p player but not for this game until changes are made i will pay for nothing

@cecilmiller2387 - 10.02.2018 06:34

if your going to make a battle called King of the Hill there should only be 1 beacon to fight for and it should be held until the end of battle or no one is left standing on the opposing team.

@Dorreace - 09.02.2018 08:43

I hate this mode

@Dorreace - 09.02.2018 08:43

I hate random mode

@VlogsNiKuyang - 08.02.2018 22:19

Ahhh guys? Why is it that your match making is stupid✌️? Cant you really fix it? Where you play and have an opponent WITH ALL THAT DASH BOTS ROAMING AROUND.? and our team is just an obsolete bots???? So imbalance...can you here us guys? :) sorry for being so demanding but it is really getting to our nerve...lol!

@Termin100 - 08.02.2018 08:23

Es gefällt mir überhaupt nicht.

@emir964 - 08.02.2018 01:49

Verdiniz öldüllerin ta amına sokiyim

@jackdaw7101 - 08.02.2018 00:17

21 days left till we get it :(

@iongeorge6683 - 07.02.2018 23:10

can you find another stupid ideea ? your new game sucks ,don't you see or our opinions dosen't count ?

@mohamedislam9045 - 07.02.2018 21:43

War robots is getting worse day by day am waiting battle of Titans to release

@7eeven - 07.02.2018 20:51

Pay To Win :-[

@Tamizhan_Om - 07.02.2018 20:19

I hate mode guys

@brentgregg3192 - 07.02.2018 20:13

You might as well put a sign on this bullshit that reads "DASH BOTS ONLY". Another scam by the developers to make more money. This was a good game , WAS.

@allonrigor1582 - 07.02.2018 19:51

Keep it up pixo add more and more into the game until a single old device can't play it anymore. Why not fixed the real problem first the mighty shocktrain destroying your game your rich player started to feel what is playing without those none payer player ahahaha 4payer vs 6 lol the two none payer leave the game lol the game make a balance at it self lol....

@patrickmihajlovic4112 - 07.02.2018 15:29

Idiotic new modus.... I'm not quiet sure, if u are NOT ABLE to do it in a normal proper way or izzit JUST inadequate management !???
Didn't you even realize that almost NOBODY plays your "New mode" ?????
Your behavior and steps, while trying to continue a PERFEKT running game (i mean before many month!), are just TERRIBLE !!!!!!
Better fire this greedy skillless CEO and return QUICKLY the original crew !! (If u knkw what is good for u...)

@missiasbarbosa7045 - 07.02.2018 11:57

com esse evento novo entrou uma promoções como se fosse um jogo mas, mano esses eventos nos rouba muito, na moral, tava jogando umas dessas promoções la de virar as cartas pra ganhar premio, tinha dois prêmios bons uma arma e um robô, ambos novos no jogo, virar a primeira carta era grátis, ai vi que a segunda era 8 ouro pra virar, e eu tinha 15 mil ouro, eu mim distrai e fui virando as caratas mas quando mim dei conta eu não tinha mais ouro pra virar as cartas (eu tinha ficado com 0 ouro) porque a cada carta o valor pra virar outra aumentou e faltou duas cartas pra virar supostamente a carta da arma e a do robô que eram os dois únicos prêmios que importavam, o jogo tirou a quantidade exata de ouro que eu tinha, mim deixando com 0 ouro faltando os dois últimos prêmios, depois disso (de mim roubarem) fui conferir oque eu tinha "ganho"(porque não ganhei só perdi) e a ordem dos prêmios eram de importância crescente, ou seja a virar as cartas aleatoriamente o jogo foi dando os prêmios por ordem do mais simples, até fui roubado na cara dura pelo jogo depois de tanto tempo juntando pra conseguir um robô ou arma boa em um evento, foi falta de atenção minha sim mas isso é muita sacanagem esses prêmios deveriam realmente ser aleatórios, quero que alguém da organização do jogo leia isso, serio isso não ta certo, não pode ficar assim, organizem isso e se possível devolvam meus ouros ou mim deem o robô pelo qual eu joguei (Bulgasari), minha conta é Draven90, aguardo uma resposta seja ela qual for.

'agradeço pela atenção de ler todo o comentário.

@StrumboliRePlay - 07.02.2018 05:26

I like how all players are named a robot XD

@phillipgriffith3393 - 06.02.2018 21:36

My clan and I don't care for this mode... just chasing beacons...TDM is way better

@jonnehelgeson6750 - 06.02.2018 05:34

Cool video

@deangi1berry - 05.02.2018 18:47

King of the Hill
It still takes about 10 minutes to find a match in king of the hill even of you have a full squad..

@insaneflame11 - 04.02.2018 06:10

Just make four options for the game modes not three into one, it doesn’t take a genius to work it out!
