How to Defeat Everyone on the Nautiloid Ship - Baldurs Gate 3 [NEW] (Zhalk, Cambions, Mind Flayer)

How to Defeat Everyone on the Nautiloid Ship - Baldurs Gate 3 [NEW] (Zhalk, Cambions, Mind Flayer)

sParrOw Gaming

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Raider Jake
Raider Jake - 06.10.2023 00:37

Morgan Freeman?

J Vogel
J Vogel - 04.10.2023 12:57

Hate these robo-voice videos.

Grimm - 04.10.2023 00:40

I would love to see this done on tactical mode but i have a feeling it will be hard to impossible you just dont have enough time but it could be possible maybe

The Ultra Sceptile
The Ultra Sceptile - 02.10.2023 21:06

Is there a way to get to level 3 before the nautiloid crash?

William Santos
William Santos - 28.09.2023 22:55

This is all good and all, but... completely unnecessary. Right? And why kill Us? You don't need a bunch of experience early on, just savor the game. When you get to Act 3 you'll spend a lot of time on level 12 without being able to level up further anyways...

NEVERFALL MEDIA - 23.09.2023 19:50

Is this tact difficulty? It's only impressive if it's tactician tbh.

Not Sober Over Analyzer
Not Sober Over Analyzer - 23.09.2023 11:06

It’s not scum saving, it’s Godsaving.
Karlach knowing she’s in a game, means we’re part of the game.
Would you not use Shadowheart to heal, just cuz?

But on a serious note, thanks for doing this, on my first play through I wanted to kill the boss demon, just cuz. I did. But when those other fuckers came flying in, I had to book it and I’ve been curious ever since if they were possible to kill and what they could drop. Because that sword was crazy to get.

Freedom need Power
Freedom need Power - 22.09.2023 11:25

Don't let us die

David Kelvon
David Kelvon - 21.09.2023 10:50

Demon pact warlock gets access to command

zaandamdog - 13.09.2023 12:47

Why are you talking like Snake of Metal Gear Solid

uunmaa - 13.09.2023 11:13

Thanks man, After watched your video, I decide to try it myself. I think we can use any class, The dev actually thought about this. they give everything we need to kill them. I used Ranger.

The most important thing is, Shadowheart need to stand in front of the party, When walk in the room. Make sure, When shadowheart dropped their weapon , we can go immediately grap the everburn blade. So what is, I shove shadowheart to get further distance, And rush to mind flayer. When zark drop his weapon, hit don't pick it up, So we can make Laz zel or us to go grap it and use. I leave the brain alive to help me.

The chacracter that got the sword, keep hitting the mind flayer, While others 2 go get all item and secure all the imp and boar. When we group up 4 of them, one of reinforcement will hit us (I want it to hit mind flayer and we keep healing him too, but it seem can't, i will forever follow the first target it seem. So here when we group them up, together. The mind flayer are really trying to escape, This is not random, i try to save scumming for like 40+ times, He always did the same skills. He always using mind blast, It is not happen before, He mostly random with other punch skills,

So i notice this, So i save scumming for him to hit all 3 with 3 stunned. Then i drop the thing, and explode them all. At this point the other 2 still sticking together, We use the sphere scroll to hit them both. And now, we use speed potion on Everburn weilder, And hit and heal, until they all dead. Since we are save scumming so dodge one or 2 attack and heal is guarantee win. I Killed all of them and the brain still alive, And got 4 turn left.

When i did it, I realize how the dev thought all of this, and give us everything to kill them. DAMN! This game is so well design. they make it look impossible to do, but actually able to do it.

Jon Do
Jon Do - 10.09.2023 21:21

Hahahaha! God damn this was crazy! Well done, man!

Михаил Сергеевич
Михаил Сергеевич - 09.09.2023 17:39

i am afraid of your voice

SanosukeTanaka - 07.09.2023 01:28

warlocks can get command as well.

Emilio Mata
Emilio Mata - 06.09.2023 01:08

Is it just me or does this sound like Liam Neeson lol

Talon Greenlee
Talon Greenlee - 03.09.2023 23:55

Man, I just killed the commander. I didn’t even think of having him drop his weapon with command.

D Roe
D Roe - 03.09.2023 22:39

"...technique called save scumming..." lol. Yep, I save scum only in this part of the game, otherwise I hate save scumming.

Lufasu Mafalu
Lufasu Mafalu - 02.09.2023 15:23

liked.and subbed becoz of the voice , similar to full throtle protagonist

notalefty999 - 01.09.2023 20:34

If you dont care about the 2 other cambions, you can kill the commander and mindflayer with just faerie fire the apply advantage to both. You will probably need to save scum still, but its definitely doable attempting from the start of the fight without saving and reloading for individual rolls.

I find save scumming individual rolls TOO save scummy for my tastes, as it just trivialises everything.

135Fenrir - 31.08.2023 04:54

Something that I don't think I have ever seen anyone mention or use... those hanging "light" bulb clusters can be shot down and explode on impact with the ground. I believe they act as Caustic bulbs.

DarkRubicant - 30.08.2023 11:15

Big thumbs up for putting weeping dawn in the video.

zch - 30.08.2023 00:25

tactician or bust

Panaghiotis Vlamis
Panaghiotis Vlamis - 29.08.2023 17:42

Inspired by the vid, I managed to knock them out without save-scumming and with only one cleric, Shadowheart (in normal difficulty, with a Sorceress Tav).

You don't need RNG luck as much as good timing and a strategy that helps divert attention from your party to the Mindflayer, IMO.

As soon as you disarm, then kill the commander and the Cambions barge in, MAKE SURE LAE'ZEL STAYS FURTHER AWAY FROM THEM AND THE MINDFLAYER! Ideally, have her retreat as further back from the melee as possible, as soon as she's executed her action.

You shouldn't rely on the explosive tanks, but rather on the Mindflayer. The Cambions are way, way more susceptible to its attacks than the commander, so make sure the Mindflayer is left with enough energy to weaken the Cambions, until you can come in for the final hit on them too. The demons have between 70 to 80 hit points in normal difficulty, so the charges are not nearly enough to nail them once you've got them surrounded. If and only if, IMO, the Cambions are left with around 30 hit points, is it a good time to blow up the tanks with Fire Bolt. I got the Mindflayer to retain approximately half its health when the trident demons joined the fight.

Do not focus your attacks on the Mindflayer either, if the Cambions are in short distance you are in no danger from it!

So, with about 25 to 30 hit points left in the demons and the Mindflayer almost unable to survive another attack, I set and exploded the charges. One of the two Cambions and the Mindflayer kicked the bucket, while the other one survived with only about 10 hit points left, which Lae'zel took with one final sword swing.

My entire party survived, including my pet brain (which I kept out of the fight and close to the Transponder). I only used one health potion and had 2 rounds at my disposal to loot the corpses. Also, note: the Cambion resisted my trying to disarm him with Shadowheart.

Ero Sanji
Ero Sanji - 27.08.2023 16:16

Damn you got a beautiful voice, just saying.

Doğukan - 27.08.2023 15:06

You can find 3 loot chest before boss room. Take all 3 chests to your inventory. Then place them in front of Door of boss room like a pyramid shape. 2 enemy that come later cant jump so they Just stay there. So you can do this without actually risking fight. But you have to place chests before entering the boss room. Then kill commander and other dude. Then Just go back to Door and attack 2 enemy till you kill them.

Adrian Mills
Adrian Mills - 27.08.2023 11:23

Not a fan of save scumming. There’s another option to increase the chance of getting the everburn blade to drop - which is the main thing you want from the tutorial section, the rest is just an exercise in tedium and not necessary as you can get to level 2 on the beach without all the extra experience from the other cambions.
I play warlock and if you use the hex spell on the commander’s wisdom - the command spell can fail on a wisdom save so nerfing the commander’s wisdom increases the chance that shadow heart’s drop command will succeed.

Edit: I saw another comment pointed out that hex doesn’t work for saving throws but only on ability checks and won’t help the command spell - so I totally misunderstood the mechanics here.

MarekUtd - 27.08.2023 07:05

If anyone knows about killing people in impossible's 47.

darcraven01 - 26.08.2023 20:46

use a fiend warlock (only warlock to get command). commander zhalk and the cambions are both resistant to fire damage so the everburn is going to do 2d6+1-2 fire (do 3-14 at most, this is, of course, not considering class atk bonus). meanwhile take a warlock with hex and eldritch blast you're looking at 1d10 force damage from blast + 1d6 necrotic from hex.. neither resisted by the three. so thats 2-16 damage, (again this is base damage before any modifiers) so you can basically double up on the damage each turn instead of relying on just the everburn.

Kevin Miller
Kevin Miller - 26.08.2023 05:48

I've blown up the mind flayer and the commander before, never tried the cambions too. Making them drop the weapons is pretty slick.

Lucas Elias
Lucas Elias - 26.08.2023 00:11

I think that if it requires that many saves and reloads it might be better to just go in explorer mode and change to the desired difficulty later. But nice to know that those 2 cambions have good loot

Imperial Guard
Imperial Guard - 25.08.2023 23:58

Why is agent 47 teaching me how to play a game?

Emiliano Capotorto
Emiliano Capotorto - 25.08.2023 19:04

Agent 47 is that you?

Zora X
Zora X - 25.08.2023 06:46

Tactition MODE!!!!!

Matt Lazarus
Matt Lazarus - 25.08.2023 00:39

Wow, i didnt know save scumming for max damage was a thing lol.

Themandrel - 24.08.2023 06:40

mans is talkin bout "save" scumming. nah it's roleplaying as a chronomancer.

LoneEagle_6 - 23.08.2023 23:03

Are you practicing for Optimus Prime’s role one day?

Cinn - 23.08.2023 09:40

I think a Fiend Warlock might be better for this. Hex pushes extra damage and gives a wisdom disadvantage on your target, making that Command land so much easier. You can recast Hex unto the cambions. Maybe two spell slots is better (+1 guiding bolt with dual cleric I guess) but I feel like a Warlock would pump out a bit better damages turn-to-turn.

Oğuz Çınar
Oğuz Çınar - 23.08.2023 06:24

This is insane! I Loved it!

Fastwinstondoom - 23.08.2023 04:04

PSA: If you keep the brain-pet alive during the prologue you get some added interactions later in the game, so you might want to not blow it up!

Blazicken - 20.08.2023 17:33

Did this in a very similar fashion tactician mode... The cambion reinforcements arrived at round 10 for me, complicating the whole thing, I had to kill 2 cambions with around 42-47 hp with at the end... Was a real pain.

Lucien Schlut
Lucien Schlut - 19.08.2023 18:55

Trick that work marvels: make a warlock instead of a cleric.
Fiend Warlocks have command and Hex.

Turn 1: savescumm the death of the minions, lae'zell go top, shadowheart and MC go down.
Turn 2 : Lae'zell go for the top purple crystals; Shadowheart go down and push crystals to the cambionXIllithid fight; MC Hex Cambion's WIS while getting in range for run-by command.
Turn 3: Laezell jump from top and join the group middle of the room; Shadowheart trigger the next minions, MC savescumm command "drop" on cambion and move the sword in a easy access place, then savescumm trigger Cambion reaction (full hp+dark one's blessing)
Turn 4 : savescumm kill the last minions & let the illithid do God's work.
Turn 5+ : savescumm max dmg on Cambion till he die.

Darth Slackus
Darth Slackus - 17.08.2023 08:28

How can Shadowheart cast Command twice? Mine can only do it once.

Symbiote 72
Symbiote 72 - 16.08.2023 16:56

I just hit him with inflict wounds and crit then it was easy to finish him off

DartAleks - 16.08.2023 15:36

When Agent 47 starts playing RPGs.

andriod 16
andriod 16 - 16.08.2023 00:59

This narration reminds me of bastion

Astaroth Nyarlathotep
Astaroth Nyarlathotep - 15.08.2023 22:53

I kill the thing waay too fast and it turns on me. But I have no way of disarming the 2nd comers. Shadowheart doesn't have "command."

Lawless - 15.08.2023 00:19

Can just kill them lmfao

BTdudepro - 12.08.2023 06:11


Reno - 12.08.2023 03:25

Rangers with Find Familiar from Natural Explorer can make Laezel and the Mindflayer roll more efficiently against Zhaik because the Raven option can blind him which cause attack rolls to be Advantage against him while he rolls on Disadvantage

Bards and Cleric has Bardic Inspiration and Bless respectively which make attack rolls be much higher

I think only these 3 class can kill Zhaik AND the Cambion at the same time

Karlach probably love the Sword more than your character or Laezel honestly
