Mom VS Mortal Kombat in 1992 - My Retro Life

Mom VS Mortal Kombat in 1992 - My Retro Life

My Retro Life

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Devil intheWoods
Devil intheWoods - 15.09.2023 16:19

Man, I remember my mom knew what Mortal Kombat was and when I asked her for a copy. She was like "Sure, you've been doing good at school." Also she figured if she didn't get it for me, I'd just go to the arcade to play MK or Metal Slug anyways.

SHODAN - 12.09.2023 14:54

What's the song at the end of the video?

methodcobra - 24.08.2023 16:33

I too , use to watch teenagers playing mortal kombat 1 and 2 in conveniance store, I was just 7 years old. I remember being blown away by the animation. It's only a few years that I was able introduce to mk1 on a genesis by my cousin ( still remember the blood code) . My parents were ok with it, cause there were able to teach me the difference between fiction and reality. The 1st fatality I was able to pull was scorpion toasty, I remember being happy when I manage to do it.

Lemar SkyDance
Lemar SkyDance - 22.08.2023 01:15

Theres a Daytime Pit level?

LeroyVision Games
LeroyVision Games - 20.08.2023 23:55

It’s funny how this used to be such a controversial game and yet nowadays you walk into arcades and see parents teaching THEIR young kids how to play the old Mortal Kombat games.

Craigy h
Craigy h - 15.08.2023 17:31

Big trouble in little china was a staple in our house too, my pops said the same about raiden

anonamatron - 07.08.2023 18:40

I learned almost all of my swear words at church, in sunday school.

DJ Flareon
DJ Flareon - 04.08.2023 20:04

Did your mom ever love the game after

Roque A. Deleon
Roque A. Deleon - 02.08.2023 21:57

Thanks for sharing this story!

alexander dorsey
alexander dorsey - 16.07.2023 08:17

No my placed in the blood code for mortal kombat on the sega genesis in 1993 back in the day ❤😊

tbb033 - 23.06.2023 22:07

My introduction to the F word was on the school bus when I was in 2nd grade. Some older kid called another kid a F-er, and I' d never heard that word before. So like you, I asked my mom about it. She didn't get mad or anything, she just explained it was a really bad word an I was too young for it, etc.

MK didn't come out until I was already over 18. Never really much for the arcade scene in those days, but I played the F word out of it on the Genesis (ABACABB) and SegaCD.

Big Homie Crush
Big Homie Crush - 22.06.2023 15:30


Cobra Ninja
Cobra Ninja - 20.06.2023 03:19

I got family members that let their kids say fuck

innoutraged - 19.06.2023 00:37

“Buy me BoneStorm or go to hell!” lol

Ramiro Benavidez
Ramiro Benavidez - 15.06.2023 23:59

True story, while eating at a local pizza restaurants arcades i saw my youngest son's reaction to this game in real time, he was only six he and his older brother and his friends called him over right when one of them performed sub zeros fatality on raydien....the look on his face was priceless, NO ONE including myself had ever seen violence like that in a video game, it was unpresented. He than came back all freaked out but incredibly intrigued by it. Making us having to buy it for him on his Sega. He's a diehard fan now like everyone here.

er de
er de - 13.06.2023 12:38

Mortal Kombat is the reason video games have ratings on them now and before.

Synistergrin - 12.06.2023 14:51

something about your face reminds me of reckful. miss that guy. amazing video. i had very similar experiences at that time. you're so right about how MK took over the fighting crowd at the arcade. there were always loads of kids crowding the street fighter machine. i never got to play only watch the line was so long and kids would have their quarters stacked on the machine. that was, until MK came out. everyone crowded that machine and i finally got to play street fighter haha

Paladin Matt
Paladin Matt - 11.06.2023 00:47

lol I remember the kids at school teaching me how to do the sub zero freeze before I even played the game. One of my friends would bring his snes over a lot and he had just gotten mortal kombat 3 so we played it and my mom got very angry when she saw so my friend was like "wait you can turn off the blood!" so we turned off the blood and then my mom tolerated it lol.

김헉헉 - 10.06.2023 11:43

So ideal father

Mike R
Mike R - 09.06.2023 10:14

I love your vids man … I’m 40 now .. but watching your stuff always brings back a ton of memories … thanks for sharing everything!!! This channel is like a Time Machine

Morla_ TheAncient
Morla_ TheAncient - 08.06.2023 18:57

I can't believe you were over 6 years into your life before hearing a curse word for the first time.

When my kid asked about the "F word" I correctly assumed he heard it from someone older than him and was just genuinely curious about the word. I did NOT get angry or act crazy in any way. I calmly told him that it was a "bad word" and belonged to a group of certain words we shouldn't use in public, or around women and children. These words are only for adults, and they are called "cuss words" or "curse words", and that whoever said it in front of him, shouldn't have. I told him that that person is probably not a nice or responsible person.

Any parent should 100% expect this day to come. The day when your child either asks about or maybe even uses a curse/cuss word. You should stay calm and just be honest. Children are learning an entire language. They want to know all the words they hear. There's no reason to get mad when they get to the unknown words that might be taboo.

Rex Mckinnis
Rex Mckinnis - 08.06.2023 17:56

I was born when this game came out 😂

Street Fighting Man
Street Fighting Man - 08.06.2023 16:30

I suppose it could have been worse...Google could have been around then and you searched the word :p

This was a great video, very nostalgic. Glad I found this channel

As far as Mortal Kombat memories, I remember "Mortal Monday" was the day the game came out. I had the Mega Drive (Genesis in US of course!) version and remember playing Vs with my younger brother. I got so annoyed that I snarled at him and raised my fist (I should have rage quit? lol!) Then my dad came upstairs and banned us from using the Mega Drive....with a note on it "Dad says NO!" - That was a fatality on my soul. Only lasted a day or so after I apologised :D

Brandon Penson
Brandon Penson - 05.06.2023 04:59

Cool video! That freeze frame of your Mom giving you the evil eyes is PRICELESS! 😂

The first time I played Mortal Kombat was over a friend's house in 1997. I was probably just a little bit younger, so while I did played video games, the MK craze kinda went over my head. My REAL introduction to Mortal Kombat came with Armageddon when I was in high school, so by that point, I was actually in the proper demographic.

snar3 - 02.06.2023 23:52

Lol I remember my older brother got MK2 on genesis and he said "don't tell mom and dad what this is" and then I got my mind completely blown. Of course that night I excitedly told my dad everything I saw because I thought it was so cool. Yeah that game didn't last more than a day in our house.

As for watching the older kids in arcades, that game for me was Killer Instinct. I remember seeing an ultra combo for the first time and it was like the most amazing thing. I would mimic and think about sabrewolf spinning around all the time. I was hypnotized by the machine at the bowling alley, and one time a babysitter saw that I was really into watching the game, so she took me from the bowling alley to a friend's dorm at her college who had the game on SNES. I had no idea there was even a home version. Kudos to her, seriously.

NinjaGrinder - 29.05.2023 06:43

Really cool channel, man. I've watched 2 videos so far and I'm sold. Thanks for sharing those cool stories.
As for my introduction to MK, it was in 1993, I wasn't even aware of Street Fighter, I had just experienced some racing games and NES titles such as Contra, Spartan, Mario, you know, the bread and butter of late 80's/ early 90's. I didn't have a console system at home so I had played tons of NES games on the streets! we used to have these "cabinets" with NES inside of them, complete with a screen, sticks and buttons to play just like the arcade. These places worked exactly as an arcade, you had to put quarters on them but it was a lot cheaper than "real" arcades and you could only play for like 15 minutes and then you had to put another quarter if you wanted to keep playing. I used to play almost every other day, from 1988 to 1990, whenever I could get my hands on some quarters with my older brother. Then he kinda lost interest and I kept playing and discovering games on my own. I was 12 when some classmates from 7th grade told me about SFII and took me to an arcade after school. I thought it was cool and all, but the game next to it, seemed more real, more sinister and of course it reminded me of Big trouble in little China. I was completely hooked that day, as soon as I saw Goro, Raiden and the ninjas. I didn't even notice the blood, nor did I see any fatalities that day! you can tell I REALLY liked the game. Never got into trouble for playing arcade games, my mom didn't know or grasped how much they meant to me but she never kept me from playing them either

jeremy2684 - 29.05.2023 00:12


Evansjd87 - 27.05.2023 17:02

This game was a no no with my mom. It only made me want to play it more haha

alexander dorsey
alexander dorsey - 16.05.2023 21:21

I never knew MK had 3 game modes.

Giovanni R
Giovanni R - 14.05.2023 17:35

Its crazy cuz as time went by and even today, Mortal Kombat is something at arcades that ppl dont bat an eye to. I'm not old enough but i wish I got to witness the craze.

jabron destoroyah
jabron destoroyah - 13.05.2023 13:19

Bro I'm sorry but your mom used to be a smoke show, your dad was a lucky fulfilled man in ways more than one.

Jim Panse
Jim Panse - 11.05.2023 16:30

Dude tellin us hes not rich

Dino Power
Dino Power - 03.05.2023 20:59

That was a very good story to hear.

Michael Cross
Michael Cross - 02.05.2023 23:54

Yep, I got into so much trouble with my parents when they caught me playing it.

Neil ryan Mendoza
Neil ryan Mendoza - 29.04.2023 02:15

Hahaahaha the intense music when your mom slam on the brake killed me hahahahaa😂😂😂

Anthony Nicoletti
Anthony Nicoletti - 27.04.2023 05:58

U have the best retro gaming channel, in my opinion that is, but when I watch ur videos for some reason they make me remember when I first got my old systems for Christmas or my birthday and all the memories with my family. Anyway great channel again brotha keep it up 💯💪🏾

Matt Brown
Matt Brown - 27.04.2023 04:03

Lol, I wasn't allowed to play MK as a My friends sleep over birthday party I got peer pressured into playing it. And on that day, I was hooked. Had to play it behind my parents back lol. Glad I'm not the only one who thought it was taboo! And yep, my dad liked it and gave me some wiggle room

James Scholes
James Scholes - 23.04.2023 19:01

My mum and dad never cared about stuff like this. If it kept me out of their hair and pestering them then they was happy to let me play whatever I wanted – regardless how gory and violent it was. Awesome story, BTW.

Michael the Knight of Haven
Michael the Knight of Haven - 21.04.2023 09:09

My Mom was okay with MK she got me 1 and 2 on the SNES back in the day no problem. 😅 Even Killer Instinct.

Gun Engineering
Gun Engineering - 19.04.2023 12:32

"You shall be punished. Sub Zero! Rip his head off!"
"HA! You think that scares me? BRING IT!" "Sub Zero. Take him to California!"

Chriskros1984 - 17.04.2023 19:14

Finally i can comment ! Brother love your videotape material ! Remind of good times . Found your channel last week and im addicted! Your parents were/ are awesome .

J.Rivera - 17.04.2023 09:39

My dad caught me and my brother playing Mortal Kombat at the arcade….we were forbidden to play it hahahaha

RUFIORUFIO - 16.04.2023 23:40

Had original mortal Kombat on Gameboy, Sega. My favorite was Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 with the six button controller.

Johnny’s  food adventures videos
Johnny’s food adventures videos - 16.04.2023 01:08

I played mk at the neighbors house. I don’t remember. I play mk sometimes at the bar arcade in Pomona.

Xeo7 - 11.04.2023 07:12

I grew up with parents who were both heavily into horror. As such they trusted my brother and I with stuff like MK. So naturally we enjoyed the absolute hell out of it.
