Mobility Scooters:  Advantages and Disadvantages

Mobility Scooters: Advantages and Disadvantages

Graying With Grace

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Emerald Kimble
Emerald Kimble - 08.09.2023 01:51

Please explain paying fiorscooters with Medicare part b

The Stig
The Stig - 18.08.2023 13:04

Biggest disavantage or i would say is that ALL!!!! manifactures regardless of make & model that they TOTALLY LIE!!! about RANGE 30+ miles so they claim on many FALSE!!! & FULL OF TOTAL 🐃💩 & LIES!!! Unless they can prove this. I have not found any business that proves otherwise. (not replied to confirm or say anything about it. 😡😡😡😡👎👎👎) Have they got something to hide seems so. I do wish companies that sell these mobility scooters especially the mid to large types RANGE IS APPAULING!!! 😡😡😡😡😡👎👎👎 PROVE IT!!! Range should be at least 20+miles on a full charge min more if this possible on a brand new one. But, if the vehicle is a few years old but serviced very recently & brand battteries & is not getting anywhere near that You need to find out why & quickly or if still not happy replace it with another brand new one P.X or sell the old one first so you dont end up with a small fleetmof them in your garage or home or wherever they are. 1 is enough fo 1 person. Mine barely makes 5miles although there are some hills to climb But that should not be this very low range I would still expect around 12 to 15miles on full charge & no i am not using lithium batteries . So i simply don't understand it & want to get rid of it But due to a certain finicial SCREW ( NOT MY FAULT!!!) i cannot afford to replace this thing & i am stuck with it for no less than about 18 months minium!!! to 2+ years. & it has got me severly DEPRESSED due to not being able to go far worried on battery life. So, once this finicial mess is sorted out inam highly considering another only BRAND NEW!!! As tomwhich one not sure But, got a few to decide on. & about 2 misearble years (about ) to get this finicial SCREW UP sorted out. Of which is not making my health far from good actually worse!!!! So, thanks to anyone reads this & understands my problems & might be able to help.But much appreciated. Sorry!!! payment is extremely limited due to this SCREW UP!!!!

Aero&LightWeight - 24.07.2023 05:41

My 20lbs luggage scooter works well in my house because it’s tiny and cheap

Barry Rich uk
Barry Rich uk - 29.05.2023 13:52

Biggest load of crap i ever heard...

100 Music Playlists
100 Music Playlists - 21.05.2023 10:50

What is really needed is a mobility scooter or electric wheelchair with a custom trailer which allows a disabled person to store/unpack/setup/repack a market trading stall with a craft and secure cash box without needing any assistance to trade. It would bridge the gap for the disabled to be able to work independently at local markets and drive home themselves after packing up.

Tony Mac
Tony Mac - 21.04.2023 11:09

Most medium scooters on the market these days have swivel seats.

Ian McGarrigle
Ian McGarrigle - 14.02.2023 21:31

Depends where you live. In the UK these scooters can only be used on private property and only with the consent of the landowner. So virtually nowhere. Hopefully the UK police will enforce the rules.

Nigel Morgan
Nigel Morgan - 31.01.2023 10:09

The bit I don’t understand is why are the extra bits you put on like a canvas roof a bag for your shopping cost a arm and a leg
it’s a rip of to the pensioners that have one

Gerald Heitman
Gerald Heitman - 23.01.2023 23:25

I just purchased my second scooter it can turn on a dime, has a suspension system and a seat that can turn 365 degrees and also highbacked. Also has led lights and signal lights and hazard lighting. They have come along way since this video was produced.

Robert Rattray
Robert Rattray - 08.01.2023 13:21


Felix x
Felix x - 03.01.2023 03:57

I have one of the larger scooters and it wasn't cheap, try $4500 AUSD and forget about getting insurance. I can't use it inside my tiny flat I don't need it inside yet I bought it for outside use anyway as I live at the bottom of a steep hill that was becoming more difficult ti negotiate as I got older

Gary Flythe
Gary Flythe - 22.12.2022 21:16

Walmart has their own scooters

Nev & Kris Jackson
Nev & Kris Jackson - 12.12.2022 12:33

I have damaged knees & struggle to walk so I finally bought myself a Mobility scooter. I find it easy to use even going into supermarkets to do my shopping. At first I had a folding scooter because we were living in a 4th floor apartment. After my darling husband died I moved a few hours north in Spain into a caravan where I had easier access. I bought myself a bigger scooter & love it.

12354andyb - 05.12.2022 16:24

Mobility Scooters helping fat people get fatter and lazy people get even lazy

Chaz Madge
Chaz Madge - 04.12.2022 04:45

need to make it Clear this is for the USA ONLY

Dave Duckshoot
Dave Duckshoot - 03.12.2022 14:46

I have an electric chair and a mobility scooter and I find the scooter slightly easier to drive. It was also a lot cheaper than the chair, I do agree about the turning circle though.

Douglas Lam
Douglas Lam - 01.12.2022 22:16

My first scooter was a Pride Victory 3 wheel scooter. I loved that scooter and never had a issue going anywhere. I have a lift on the back of my vehicle for transport. After having it for 5 or 6 years I wanted too get one with suspension for a better ride. My new one was a four wheeler and I hated it because the ride wasn’t that great so I traded it for a 3 wheeler. I can turn my scooter on a dime and never had a problem. The 4 wheeler ones just take up way too much room too maneuver. If your careful how you use a 3 wheeler their better but that’s my opinion.

Old Farm Show
Old Farm Show - 27.11.2022 02:36

Very helpful

Old Farm Show
Old Farm Show - 27.11.2022 02:32

Thank you for the video

Peter Hicks
Peter Hicks - 28.10.2022 12:13

Whats needed with mobilty scooters is a range test just to see if they stand up to the salespersons claims , as a lot of people are saying they dont get anywhere near the range figures that are claimed !

Deborah McClure
Deborah McClure - 28.10.2022 10:52

Need prices for the E runner car

Raven Baa
Raven Baa - 17.10.2022 10:49

People fake needing one

Peter Hicks
Peter Hicks - 09.10.2022 16:39

dont buy a trike 3 wheels are unstable ,4 is better always buy one with a seat that has arms not one that has a motorcycle seat .
Always check out the dealer ,there are a lot importers who buy fake ones and there is little or no back up .
i have a Z63 knock off it came with a 72v charger problem is the trike is a 60v one ,
The charger is supposed to be automatic shut down when charged ,it dont and that is dangerous , over charge the batteries and it can catch fire .
Solid wheels are uncomfortable but better than getting puncture when down town .
If your looking for a big one like the Z63 /Veleco remenber they look great but it wont fit in a car or go through a domestic doorway .
If it breaks down they weigh appx 200lbs + so you aing going to get it into a small trailer without a crane .

Positive Battery tend to fur up this can cause charging problems get someone to clean the terminals , i spray them with some silicone oil .

So before spending hard cash check things out ! /UK

PHOEINIX RISEN - 09.10.2022 05:44

Sir... If you have not had to use a scooter on a permanent basis.... your information is wrong on your disadvantages!

АННА МАЛЕТА - 13.09.2022 22:39


Toni DNY
Toni DNY - 13.09.2022 16:47

Tip it’s also good to have if your hand big electric wheelchair and you want to fly so that you can take a taxi or relatives car

Austin Hodges
Austin Hodges - 10.09.2022 04:42

What’s the story about batteries you don’t say much about them like wear and tear etc

JustTabandMe - 03.08.2022 23:03

I’ve used a mobility scooter over 28+ years now, and have seen literally dozens of people upended when simply turning a normal turn at a corner!!! They’ve ALL been 3 wheel scooters! My scooter (4-wheel. 28 years now) has NEVER upended! I count on 13 miles radius when fully charged, (advertisement says 16). I go everywhere!!!

Victor Bunch
Victor Bunch - 27.07.2022 01:24

When i worked for Rascal mobility they wanted me to fudge a lot on that Medicare paper work! I quit,,,

Patricia Hamilton
Patricia Hamilton - 21.07.2022 00:50

I need a scooter to get down the street to the rent office A walker won't let me walk as far as that without taking a rest

Karen - 21.06.2022 04:19

which scooters work best on grass?

Our Scooter Adventures
Our Scooter Adventures - 10.05.2022 20:37

Excellent video.

GlaciaGalaxy - 04.05.2022 08:00

I recently with the help of my mom bought one off of a friend of the family. I am only 25 but i have mobility issues that prevent me walking for long distances. I live in an apartment and the dumpster to take the trash out is a long walk for myself. This fixed that issue. The apartment building was also build for handicap people so its easy to store in my apartment. I dont need it around the home but it makes a world of difference for me when i take it to the zoo or to bigger outings or if i just want to go to my friends a few blocks away.

Old and Outspoken
Old and Outspoken - 19.04.2022 06:50

It's actually quite tiring to drive a scooter any distance. When I get home from going shopping, I'll usually say to my wife...." You wouldn't think you could get so tired just from riding a scooter." 🤫

Ivan Smith
Ivan Smith - 18.04.2022 00:14

There are a few scooters (some made in China) that look more like a moped and less like a disability scooter!

The Stig
The Stig - 05.04.2022 01:04

Another floor or negative thing is the range on them is NOT!!!! by any means what ALL manifactures ( excuse spelling error) say they do ( i.e 25 miles or so 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 your lucky to do a max of 3 to 5 miles depending on terrain. The rougher the terrain or more incline ( uphill driving) or even both the far less distance you will get out of your batteries. Unless this can be DEBUNKED!!! ( or made of some other facts / of which i personally to be NOT TRUE!!!😠😠😠😠😠👎👎👎👎). So, do NOT!!! believe any manifactor or even salesperson that they will do anywhere near that range. Even a brand new one won't get anywhere the milage they say they do. I have one & had it for a while & has had two brand new GEL TYPE 80amp batteries total of 160amp & i still get well under 7miles at a snails pace. If i was going quite quick i know i wouldn't get 2 miles. So, NEVER EVER believe them when they tell you the max range ius X amount of miles. It's total BULL!!!

Nicole Rabalais
Nicole Rabalais - 02.03.2022 19:18

Thanks! This is really helpful.

100 Days MIC
100 Days MIC - 28.02.2022 23:58

Good info. The next video needs to be a comparison.... or what to watch for checklist. There is a lot of difference from one scooter to the next when it comes to prone to tip, or to go up grades. If the batrery and your weight is at the back and it has a single front tire tha is the one powered by the motor you may need to be able to lean forward to get traction. Others if the back wheel base is too narrow tip easily.

Dad Garage
Dad Garage - 30.12.2021 13:12

Three comments: a simple phrase to describe scooters vs. wheelchairs is that scooters provide more dignity; as well, three-wheeled scooters have a vastly tighter turning radius than four-wheeled scooters making them much more maneuverable with a lighter tiller effort; last, scooters can be permanently programed to limit speed for frailer riders.

tortured bubbles
tortured bubbles - 24.12.2021 03:40

thanks, ive been thinking of purchasing a mobility scooter and your video really helped me decide to not buy one. i am going to crawl around instead

Lee Trend
Lee Trend - 25.11.2021 10:40


Jennifer W
Jennifer W - 13.11.2021 21:19

When people see me, and I look much younger than i am, they probably see the fact that I'm obese and assume that's why I use one. However, I have a birth defects that causes a terribly painful syndrome and makes my balance way off from my waist down. But I don't have muscle atrophy, so I'm able to maneuver getting on and off.

My poor husband has Parkinson's and needs it much more than I do, so whenever we're together, he gets priority..

We finally bought him a scooter. When it is nice weather and we'll be in the store for a while, we'll use it. If he's having a rough day indoors, we will use it. But we paid for the whole thing ourselves.
Sadly, he is bedbound currently. We have to get a transport and stretcher to get him to doctor appointments currently. We don't know if we can find a way to celebrate Thanksgiving or not. We might have to postpone it. We've done that with other events, such as valentines, birthdays, and anniversary, etc.

Jeff Pittman
Jeff Pittman - 28.10.2021 22:16

Great video with many helpful points to consider. One other factor to consider is transportation of a scooter between locations. The marketing literature assures you that they’re easy to break down and put in your car, then reassemble at your destination. Easy-peasy, right?

I just watched a video of a relatively young and muscular salesman demonstrating how easy that process is...for him. Except that he’s not your typical scooter user with mobility issues. Do you need to navigate steps in/out of your house on the scooter? You’ll need one or more ramps. Can you lift them and position them properly? Will the scooter actually fit into your car, or do you need another car? If you have a suitable van or SUV and want to just drive the scooter onboard without disassembly, you’ll need ramps or other equipment. Can you put them in place, load the scooter, then store them?

I guess the point is that when you’re considering a scooter, consider what you’ll need to use it as you expect to.

Diogenese Senna
Diogenese Senna - 22.10.2021 23:57

I am so pleased that I live in the U.K. - it seems horrific to me the number of hoops you need to jump through in the U.S. just to get access to what is considered basic disability care over here.

Vanda Blackburn
Vanda Blackburn - 14.10.2021 19:12

This is old the seat now turn they are not hard to drive l have had a scooter for a long time they turn in much smaller.l space than he's saying they should removed this it is so out of date

Hans- Jürgen Wiegand
Hans- Jürgen Wiegand - 07.10.2021 07:31

Seems like I would be at the end of my life, when I needed one. I’m 75, and am starting to have weakness in my legs, and balancing problems. I use the scooters in stores, but they are a pain getting out of to reach my objectives. Loading & unloading is still more trouble than it’s worth, for me or my wife. I’m getting fit for a walker, at the VA. They want to give me physical therapy with it, to strengthen my balance, & what ever. Walking on my own is still the best, but not falling, is my goal. With a good walker, I could get exercise, with confidence, and they are so much easier to load/unload and store in restaurants. I believe laziness & being overweight, got me into my situation. My wife shouldn’t have to pay for my laziness. I will try to get more mobile, without a scooter, even though they are attractive! There must be a ton of used ones, from widows!

Rumi900 - 20.09.2021 18:01

Can anyone tell me?
In the US and Canada, when there's no sidewalk and you have to drive in the road, do you ride on the left or the right. I'm not disabled, but when I see someone on a mobility scooter, riding on the road rather then the sidewalk, at least nine out of ten scooter riders ride on the right - WITH the oncoming traffic. And that seems wrong. Surely it would be MUCH safer to ride on the left, FACING the oncoming traffic.
That way, if a car driver isn't paying as much attention as they should be, you can SEE them driving right at you. And you can take evasive action to avoid them.
As a pedestrian, I ALWAYS walk on the LEFT side of the road when there's no sidewalk. For the same reasons I stated above.
