How to cool our homes (even without ACs)

How to cool our homes (even without ACs)

DW Planet A

10 месяцев назад

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@Ryuko15 - 02.02.2024 03:21

trees are if not the best solution imo, my home is noticeably much cooler when moved in, plus, only using fans!

@spierson4671 - 27.01.2024 23:26

Why doesn't the warmer air pushed out of buildings rise and keep rising??

@am-fil - 12.01.2024 03:47

Global warming, lol. Once you mention that lie the assumption that everyone who watches this is an idiot becomes evident. So I'll choose not to watch.

@JS-jh4cy - 11.01.2024 11:58

Build walls thick and thicker stones

@niushataji - 02.01.2024 09:23


@marybethjones5505 - 29.12.2023 03:26

Systems needs to be designed for their climates. We live in a high planes desert. Low humidity and in the summer, hot during the day and cool at night. Generally we open the windows at night to cool the house and then close it all up in the morning. House stays pretty cool until late afternoon when the AC kicks on. I would love a system that can read the outdoor temp and switch to outdoor air to cool at night then switch to AC as needed. It would be far more efficient at cooling our house at night than just opening windows and filter outdoor air particulate to keep indoor air quality good.

@dontbestupid6664 - 25.12.2023 04:34

There has been disctrict cooling and heating in the USSR since the 1950s.

@huus5682 - 20.12.2023 23:40

3 most populate countries in the world

@okwaleedpoetry - 19.12.2023 06:51

my apartment cools me and sometimes i open a window

@okwaleedpoetry - 19.12.2023 06:48

until its affordable then we are f'd

@okwaleedpoetry - 19.12.2023 06:40

I just started hvac school, this is kind of eye opening.

@susanlourens3949 - 17.12.2023 08:22

Thank you, a very interesting subject in our fast lifestyle for today.
I did enjoy your video.

@MrOxygen - 13.12.2023 14:46

my friends always complain that my room is too hot, I told them to just take of their clothes and we'll be great

@harrymu148 - 06.12.2023 05:34

a house with a well developed basement is a good idea tbh, can utilize the geothermal effect too.

@hunterrrking6297 - 30.11.2023 13:33

What about Germany (dowche welly)
Germany talking about every body but don't talk about Germany 😂😂😂

@emilemerten6535 - 28.11.2023 14:22

When you sre with fan you make fun of people that are warm

@hrushikeshavachat900 - 25.11.2023 14:53

We need to reduce the electricity used by both the cooling equipment as well as heaters. They constitute a large chunk of energy used by houses during summers and winters, respectively. Tackling AC issues will be easier as it will be targeting the global south or eastern section of the world, which is easier to blame.

@quitlife9279 - 23.11.2023 13:22

Just move to where it's cooler.

@daydreamingyou - 21.11.2023 15:48

I'm feel proud bc I still use my fan even though the heat in indonesia is crazzyyyyyy. and we rarely get rain too. even though it's not really cool but I know it's better than AC. I don't want to use something that will cause a bad effect in the end.

@hrushikeshavachat900 - 07.11.2023 09:13

If we use glass which allow light but not heat pass through them, it will allow for lowering the need of the cooling. However, we need to be careful, as it may increase the temp of surroundings.

@pawaneshpandey3177 - 06.11.2023 16:49

annex other land and oil

@joebloggs6131 - 22.10.2023 08:52

I'm homeless, living in a car, and a usb-powered fan was one of the best purchases for summer. $10, bargain! 😂

@alexdee5341 - 18.10.2023 15:08

We are a big extended family in the Philippines. It gets really hot and humid here. Our ancestral house is quite big, it has seven bedrooms but only one has airconditioning (the rest have stand fans/ceiling fans only). When it gets really hot, everyone sleeps together in that one airconditioned room. That single room which uses an inverter-type aircon has four bunk beds. We sleep there only during the hottest summer months, around 2 and a half months of the year. I say our system works. Our next step is to install solar panels, hopefully by next year. 😀

@joshmnky - 07.10.2023 06:02

I love the idea of chilled water for cooling. You could add users without worrying about refrigerant release.
You could even get goofy and use it for projects. Maybe it'd be cool enough for your refrigerator to use.

@paulmark0000 - 06.10.2023 22:00

Old houses have airwells. A simple but effective method.

@ravishrai1107 - 30.09.2023 08:03

Rural homes in India were much cooler in summer and warmer in winter in the past than today, as they were built materials and ideas from the past which were very much in sync with nature. Today, all you see is a concrete jungle, and with less green cover due to the cutting of trees is pushing up the temperature, it's getting much hotter in summer than before. Awareness is important to bring in a change, this was a good watch.

@RealityTrailers - 29.09.2023 23:49


@vovalos - 29.09.2023 16:41

The lack of engineering understanding behind this video makes the information questionable at best. Misleading at the least.
- your neighborhood energy efficiency engineer, who actually worked on the district cooling system in Toronto mentioned.

@hahajanana - 29.09.2023 12:33

Heat production cycle for the world For your own comfort

@Am4t3r4su - 28.09.2023 10:40

I wouldn't want my AC tied to ANYONE elses control or convenience.

Cause they could shut that shit down and screw you over for no reason other then greed. Look at what they did to texans when they decided to remotely control peoples thermostats. Same issue. No thanks for that.

@solarmax0072 - 27.09.2023 23:32

Nice work on this video. I like the older, use the earth, sun and wind to solve our cooling, heating and energy problems.

@user-ck8pd5xt6g - 26.09.2023 16:46

im pretty sure this video is all misinformation because indians dont even have (or will ever have) indoor plumbing.

@Sage4x4 - 25.09.2023 01:55

Its funny how all the advocates and experts in this video were sitting in air conditioned rooms.

@lakraknjeprak2536 - 24.09.2023 23:16

it's really depend on the region you're staying. for example in Southeast Asia with morning temperatures as low as 15°C i don't think i'll need AC. daytime is around 28° to 30°C. this place don't have cold winter or scorching summer. everything is in balance like how nature should be.

@no-damn-alias - 24.09.2023 16:34

Big district cooling heat pumps have a lower cop than mini split systems. Then it still needs to be distributed.
Also mini split ac systems double as a fossil fuel free heater during winter.

@Tartaruga728 - 24.09.2023 16:24

There’s far more heat from natural planetary causes and the prescriptions are a,ways socialist and marxist. Meanwhile the elites travel in price jets, air conditioned limos, in air conditioned meeting places etc talking about how to limit our conveniences while they retain theirs. No thanks.

@Tartaruga728 - 24.09.2023 16:20

Global warming 🙄

@TheUprightLuthier-1959 - 23.09.2023 21:25

The woman's problem with A/C was: "The AC industry is rooted in a roughly hundred year old technology. It's been working. Convenient. At the switch of a button, we get cooling."
My problem is the Group is 100% women, and their goal is to make cooling more accessible to women. The technology is 140 years old because it works. Eating, drinking and living indoors are even older, is she suggesting that we stop those because of the age of the practice? She complains that A/C's work. She would complain about ANYTHING because she's a woman. She complains that it's convenient. Point proven. She says "at the switch of a button we get cooling.". WHAT? She doesn't know how to flip switches or press buttons and SHE is engineering our next-gen air? Most A/Cs don't have buttons, the thermostat automatically turns them on and off for you. That or they use your phone or a building automation system. My new mini-split has a touch screen. Eliminating men is the stupidest way to start. Setting a goal that only benefits women is the best way that I can think of to fail. They will just complain even when it's perfect; when it gets better every year; more efficient, and climate-friendly.

@mrcrowleyoz - 23.09.2023 16:12

I guarantee that if you tell office employees that AC will no longer be available at work, they will cry.

@user-ch5dz3xj6t - 23.09.2023 14:18

It is always like this! You want to sell new technology supposedly eco-friendly but thats only the excuse to sell it much more expensive. You eco-people should be ashamed!

@Jonathan-yr3so - 23.09.2023 01:07

jesus christ, none of this is new information.

@sohkaswifteagle2604 - 22.09.2023 20:02

Most of the cooling solution here won't help. They just transfer the problem everywhere.

Heat is energy
Energy cannot be destroyed
So even if I can passively reduce the temperature of my house by 10 degrees by adding shading on the facade, painting my house white and opening the window to let the wind blow through, that heat just transfers outside. So yes my house is cool and fresh, but my city is hotter than it should be, so people walking outside suffer more, meaning they'll probably use their car more to use the AC in the car...

Sure the solution presented here are nice for the short term, they will by passively transfering energy around, instead of actively doing it using even more energy.

But for a long term solution, we need to:
-capture that energy, create huge battery to capture that energy and make it available for when we need that extra energy, but then we need to recapture it
- Send the energy back into space. ye the planet radiate energy passively into space, but the sun give us more energy then we radiate atm (thank green gas effect) so we need to reduce that green gas effect so the planet can radiate that excess energy back into space
- Shield the planet. Similar to your shading to shield the house facade, we need to shield the planet prenventing that energy from reaching earth all together. We can sprain chemical in the very high atmosphere (30 000 miles+) where it won't affect our ozone layer and acid rain, but those chemical will still fall back on earth in a few centuries (so yes it COULD save our kid from climate change but will doom our great grans kids...) Or we can build giant space station in the sky blocking the sun ray, make them solar panel to convert that solar energy int0 a usefull form, store it in giant battery and send it back on earth for our use.
This extra energy might allows us to stop using fossil fuel as much, reducing our CO2 emission. Will give us time to fid solution to the other problems and help us control our temperature until the planet manage to passively radiate the excess heat passively and return to a comfortable homeostasis (or untill we evolve to find 40C with high humidity comfortable, which ever happens first

@MainulWasTaken - 22.09.2023 19:19

I always hated the AC
I always fed up with those who think AC is a luxurious tool.
It's not that important that you must need an AC
Sometimes we just buy them for no proper reason.
Our subconscious is fkd up

@user-rm9rb1vf3u - 22.09.2023 18:59

Irony of AC,speaking Under AC.

@portiagriffey4403 - 22.09.2023 13:33

In the south of France (Nice) they use shutters at the windows. These are unique to the area and have a duel function to block the sun (creating shade) and maximise the breeze.

@foundwheels1939 - 22.09.2023 03:29

click bait thumb nail

@Mattkennedy83 - 21.09.2023 17:42

I live in and grew up in Chicago. We lived in an older, brick apartment. Growing up we did have 1 window a/c unit in the dining room and used fans to push the cooler air around the house on really hot days. But mostly we used fans. The sides of the building were obscured neighboring structures, so really it was ok. We kept windows open.

Now, my wife and I live in an older apartment building near the lake. Our place is small but has a lot of windows we keep open pretty much all the time. It’s like living in a giant, furnished screened-in porch. We keep cool with fans and don’t hang ac out the window. We both work outside we’re just used to the heat. As long as there’s breeze, we’re ok.
