Roe v. Wade is overturned. How does this affect you?

Roe v. Wade is overturned. How does this affect you?


1 год назад

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@PirateOfTheNorth - 28.04.2023 13:06

What was the build up to this? Is it because Trump put more republican judges in the court?

@JosePerez-jg2ct - 11.11.2022 06:27


@Sorrowfulsoull - 16.10.2022 16:34

So why is a baby called a baby when you WANT to keep it, but called something else when you DON'T? Which one is it? Are you pregnant with a baby, or are you pregnant with a lump of tissue and cells in your womb? I'm thinking that people say this to appease their conscience, so not to feel so horribly guilty when they have to look in the mirror, and then work their way to the nearest abortion clinic. I mean seriously people, make up your mind all ready!

@thedragonborncomming6287 - 26.08.2022 13:56

You might laugh at me as a hypocrite.
I will accept this ridicule.
Because I was also a weak person. sin, lying, abortion, adultery...
I'm afraid I used to be afraid of responsibility, afraid of difficulties, afraid of many things.
so I'm also the one who said my ex-girlfriend had multiple abortions with pills.
I once dreamed that my baby cried after I told my girlfriend I had an abortion.
Now I know the sin of abortion is a very serious and unforgivable sin including the mother and those involved in the abortion.
It is my understanding now that the child has been suffering from the moment the egg is fertilized, even though the child does not yet have the senses to express that pain.
I have been warned by God that we humans are currently having too many abortions, lewdness, sex teaching, adultery, incest... humanity Making the Creator angry.
Today I share this to everyone all over the world.
If humanity does not change, then jesus will bring fire to those who continue: dress sexually, abortion, lust, sex teaching, adultery, incest, rape...
Pay attention to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and solar storms: that's the warning.
please change and share to speak out against abortion laws.

@evidenceincreation9520 - 07.08.2022 12:29

Well, science is conclusive to say that a unique, individual human life begins at the moment of fertilization when an entirely new DNA is created that has never existed before and will never exist again. Therefore, abortion is murder.

@vickygraham2444 - 24.07.2022 06:58

"The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe

@user-sj9iw3vm5q - 21.07.2022 16:56

In South Korea, women can have abortions anytime for no reason.
Korean women can abort even after six months of pregnancy and need no reason.
Korean women say That's what the U.S. does
Is it right?

@gloomydaysunshine8656 - 15.07.2022 06:31

america is dead KEEP FIGHTING GUYS(the sane ones left who can actually think for themselves without putting god in every fucking sentence) BEFORE THESE LUNATICS TURN IT INTO A WAR ZONE FILLED WITH BIBLES AND GUNS
also change your country's name while you're at it it's about time we call u the divided states of america

@rektified4508 - 14.07.2022 01:57

How does this affect me? Well I gotta make sure that condoms on tight

@vespacheck - 12.07.2022 16:34

Abortion is such a money maker that planned Parenthood have closed clinics down anti abortion states despite claiming it's only 3% of their business (3% of customers but a far higher percentage of their profits or they'd easily stay open) and they're now considering floating abortion clinics which would have enormous costs and only providing abortions to be a profitable business model. Selling baby parts is big business, they've even said it would make a boom in the illegal baby parts industry because they couldn't fulfill the demand through abortion. It's not about women's rights it's about supply of baby parts for the pharmaceutical and other research industries.

@benkaiser5378 - 11.07.2022 22:20

New should be absolutely ashamed the way they are reporting this. NOTHING will change. The States that want it, will have it. The states that don't won't that simple.. SO STUPID. And making someone travel gives them some time to think. ROE never aborted and she even sais "Don't do it" and abortion doctor who has done 30 years of abortions, has also said We need to stop.

@apcck9028 - 11.07.2022 09:46

mate I live in Australia

@lukestone2713 - 09.07.2022 04:59

Hmm, just a thought...What if a man impregnates a woman. What if she does not want the child and the man expresses that he wants to keep it? Wtf happens then?? If she goes ahead and "aborts" the child against his wishes.. could he not sue her for manslaughter? The child is half his dna is it not? Morons, stop killing babies. Greedy disgusting people. Its not your body, its merely inside your body. This world is insane to condone that BULLSHIT. Think People!!!!

@elora179 - 08.07.2022 16:58

Why not just separate the USA into states then? LGBT right and interracial marriages were also determined by the Supreme Court vs individual state. Will they ban these next?

@davemiller6055 - 08.07.2022 03:58

"Slavs, Latins, and Hebrew immigrants are human weeds...a deadweight of human waste. Blacks, soldiers, and Jews are a menace to the race".

~ Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood.

@xxsaruman82xx87 - 08.07.2022 01:54

Christopher Hitchens: "There is only one cure for poverty and that is the empowerment of women" Seems like this is a step in opposite direction.

@kenyaguerrero3350 - 05.07.2022 12:05

Big thing it won’t affect you if you wear condoms, have birth control, are responsable don’t want a child do your near best to not make one! Anyone else with non responsibility issue I’ll leave that up to god and you honestly. But if you just out here not caring and doing the fun… think twice! We need to stop making excuses for irresponsable lazy choices in people that can actually be prevented.

@johannaleverin3382 - 03.07.2022 00:59

I hope Europe cut America 🤢

@joejoe29 - 02.07.2022 21:08

It doesn’t effect me at all… can care less. Live your life and fuck Fauci!

@t.albertobarbosa8982 - 02.07.2022 20:37

Waah-waah We cannot kill babies anymore waah-waah.

@Steve-mp7by - 01.07.2022 20:50

Conservatives are nothing but hypocrites. If their daughters get pregnant by Black guys they'll be first in line to get abortions. Its a big joke

@jasonv2323 - 01.07.2022 19:00

Someone please explain the logic that if someone assaults a woman which causes the death of the unborn child that they can be convicted of murder??? But yet in the eyes of pro choice it's. Ot murder to voluntary choose to kill the unborn child. There is no logic

@jojojam6012 - 01.07.2022 09:58

Joyce Carol Oates 2017 novel A Book of American Martyrs is more relevant than ever. And more chilling than ever.

@nyclyricistsbkborn3295 - 01.07.2022 08:48

Wait... I thought strong women do not need men? Why are women having sex with men? These laws should not matter. Only women who are raped can have a abortion. Why I don't see feminist out there protesting? Feminist say just Scissor other women and this law should not concern them.

@60maher1 - 01.07.2022 02:03

Thats good stop killing baby’s, you dont want child dont fuck around. Use protections. What the fuck is wrong with these people. Cruel motherfuckers.

@noexcusesonlyfacts9738 - 30.06.2022 22:07

Women are so....concerned about their health all of a sudden!!! How concerned are you really while having un-protected sex. What?!, no one buys condemns anymore? Sex creates lives, that's what it's for!!! Controlling your body means doing what you should do to keep things out that you are not prepared to or don't want to deal with. This new ruling will save white lives, black lives, all lives!!! If you're that concerned about your health, practice abstinence, or at least protect yourselves from unwanted pregnancies and diseases. I know!!.......what I'm saying makes no sense, right. So smart, so educated, so STUPID!!!!

@kinghenry8615 - 30.06.2022 18:51

Makes it harder to kill babies

@charlesvan13 - 30.06.2022 17:52

"crossing state lines..."

So crossing state lines is OK again?

@SilverRose09 - 30.06.2022 16:04

Women, yes, you have a choice, and yes, it is your body. So choose to not get pregnant if you don’t want to; so choose to close your legs before getting pregnant because murdering is not the solution on your choosing, Women, yes, you have a choice, and yes, it is your body. So choose to not get pregnant if you don’t want to; so choose to keep your legs closed before conceiving a child because murdering of your own flesh and body is not the solution on your choosing

@thelegion3682 - 30.06.2022 15:41

It affects me by the amount of people who mistake ME.... for someone who gives a fck.

@gloomydaysunshine8656 - 30.06.2022 09:19

A nation destroyed by it’s enemies can rise again…but the one which crumbles from within… that’s dead

@pedrothemexican3360 - 29.06.2022 21:28

So basically, the states where everyone wants to have the right to kill their fetus up until term will continue to have the right to an do so and the states that restrict the right to an abortion will be allowing those that want an abortion to leave. The federal government isn't restricting abortion federally, they simply stated that the U.S. Constitution doesn't provide the substance to make it federally legal, so it is up to the states to decide for themselves. Makes sense.

@legendarysayainbroly5963 - 29.06.2022 17:26

We need to block statelines to states tgatvallow abortiins with car blockcaiss

@SilverRose09 - 29.06.2022 16:23

You and me were a fetus too!

@babybison2881 - 29.06.2022 15:56

Anybody else find it ironic, that the people who can't define what a woman is, are the same "experts" in biology dictating to the rest of us when life takes form, and how it's OK to murder your unborn child?

@DSN262 - 29.06.2022 15:54

Think of all the black babies that will be saved

@InuYasha-SIT - 29.06.2022 14:58

killing humans is wrong.

@nervgear2254 - 29.06.2022 09:04

Cope and seethe ! Yahoooooo!!!

@user-cq8xh5vl1p - 29.06.2022 04:03

Why do the nations(CNN, MSNBC etc) conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.” The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, “I have installed my king in the Supreme Court.''

@ranikadilindsay5835 - 29.06.2022 00:15

Roe Wade decision is a birth child of an air of injustices fueled by the untold number of corrupt police getting away with their crimes. The laments of the people has reached to the top of the very sky.

@mikehankins4513 - 28.06.2022 22:54

Regardless of what you think about abortion the power belongs with the state.

@idontknow0420 - 28.06.2022 22:46

If you haven't had at least one abortion you should keep your racist mouth out of the discussion, birthing people should have the right to choose between having your baby born in a patriarchal society full of racist bigots, if I don't want to add to the male patriarchy then I will abort as many male fetuses as possible, as long as they aren't birthing fetuses. I don't want to add to the problem. Honestly we need to ban pregnancy before we kill this planet anymore

@thomass2125 - 28.06.2022 22:02

Wait for it.
Dems are going to burn and riot in dem cities, where abortion will still be legal.
It's hilarious.

@saranggharde8117 - 28.06.2022 21:45

White people are not produncing enough babies

@andrewlindell8626 - 28.06.2022 20:37

What a tremendous day for America. Thank God for this. Everyone should rejoice

@catskillyeti2405 - 28.06.2022 19:50

Such bull shit!!! Why don’t people mind their own business and left women decide what they want to do with their body. You should have at least three months anything past that than I can understand somewhat. Smh!!

@brilliantwriter4856 - 28.06.2022 18:47

This whole situation is based on morality and you’ve got two sides who view that differently so you’ve got a war on ethics and eventually they have to decide on something and that’s going to leave people disappointed regardless

@joshstewart186 - 28.06.2022 18:07

If your raped then I say abort. But if you just like to screw around with out protection to begin with, then why do you get a free out, especially if you do it over and over again.
