Are you seeing the error message, "This number is registered to your Apple ID but is not associated with this phone"? This video will guide you through the steps to resolve this issue and ensure your phone number is properly linked to your Apple ID.
this number is registered to your apple id but is not associated with this phone
How to fix this number is registered to your Apple ID but is not associated with this phone?
Why is my Apple ID not recognising my phone number?
How do I unregister my phone number from Apple ID?
How do I register my phone number with Apple ID?
This number is registered to your Apple ID but is not associated with this phone reddit
This number is registered to your apple id meaning
This number is registered to your Apple ID reddit
This number is registered to your apple id iphone
This number is registered to your apple id icloud
Apple ID login
This phone number does not appear to be associated with an active iCloud account
iPhone My number is wrong
0:10-This number is registered to your Apple ID but is not associated with this phone
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