Fallout 4 VS Elder Scrolls Skyrim Remastered: Why Skyrim is Better than Fallout 4 #PumaThoughts

Fallout 4 VS Elder Scrolls Skyrim Remastered: Why Skyrim is Better than Fallout 4 #PumaThoughts


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@chriscruz8644 - 04.11.2023 16:54

You Know What Else is Better Than Fallout 4?
Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
With That Being Said, I Will Always Prefer The Wastelands Over a Lush Colorful Forest and Grass Areas.
There's Something About The Dark Misery
and Lack of Life in The Post Apocalypse That is Just So Much More Intriguing To Me.
I'm a Fallout Fan FIRST But Skyrim Is a FAAAR Superior Game Than Fallout 4.

@sneaks9150 - 20.08.2023 15:57

Fallout 4 has its flaws but its a good game with solid RPG mechanics like player agency, worldbuilding, relationships, and multiple moral-driven endings.
Skyrim is simply a flaw in and of itself, the few redeeming qualities it has are done way better in another game. I'm gonna tell my kids it came out in the 80s, theyll believe me.

@Qubert-vs7hz - 13.08.2023 07:14

Honest I like both Skyrim has a better world and story in my opinion fallout has better companions that you can connect with you don’t really have any companion quests like in Skyrim

@sketchyshubham - 06.08.2023 07:59

Fallout has syringe gun, which we can say is a fair replacement for recurve bow. But yeah.. since we already salvage so much wood and metal and cloth and rubber, and there are throwing spears in the franchise, it’d have been great having the ability to make some good ol arrows

@6kz481 - 09.07.2023 15:38

F04 is boring and soulless

@6kz481 - 09.07.2023 14:57

Skyrim duhh

@DrDoge624 - 03.07.2023 07:30

So i was going to get skyrim special edition or fallout 4 goty edition but i cant decide i already own fallout 4 base game (no dlc) but im starting to get my ps4 games onto pc and and i dont have skyrim

@TEEANVEE - 02.07.2023 01:32

You finally nailed why I never got into fallout like skyrim

@nickcortes686 - 11.06.2023 04:31

Fallout perk and levels + enemies better but… Skyrim better every other way and the quests are 10000x more interesting

@fan_of_kny_one - 10.06.2023 00:45

Fallout 4 it's just a mistake jjjjjjjjjaja😅😂😂😂😮😊😎😎🥵🥵🥵🤪🤪🥵🥵🥵🤤💣💣💣


@fan_of_kny_one - 10.06.2023 00:35

Skyrim is better 1000x1000 better With the screams they winnnn!!! ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ like

@fan_of_kny_one - 10.06.2023 00:30

Skyrim is winer with the screams they win

@nicholascauton9648 - 21.05.2023 10:38

If I want to shoot things with guns, Fallout 4. If I want to shoot things with bows, Skyrim.

That being said, both games have something good to offer. Though when it comes to weapons, I despise Fallout 4’s weapons on offer. Majority of them look questionable at best and nonsensical at worst. It’s unbelievably clear the developers have never even held a gun in their lives.

This is why I prefer to play both games with mods. Replace most of Fallout 4 guns with more realistic/familiar ones akin to Fallout: New Vegas’s guns which was something that really won me over. As much as I like New Vegas, it does admittedly suffer from outdated gameplay engine when compared to Fallout 4.

At this point, I’m eagerly waiting for the fan-made games of Fallout 4: New Vegas and Skyblivion. Both games show great promise and it’s more than clear that the independent developers of these fanmade games are made with absolute love and heart. I cannot wait to be playing those games. No matter how long it takes until they’re released.

@Momoka7 - 12.02.2023 09:46

"Sea of dead trees". Yeah, if you look at Oblivion or Skyrim, they both have a huge variety of areas and even without looking at the map you can guess roughly in what area you are, at least in Skyrim. In Fallout 3 already it was mostly desert, dead stuff, destroyed houses, Fallout 4 just continues this trend. Where in Fallout 3 there was that oasis which was really cool, Fallout 4 doesn't have anything besides a Sea of dead trees, burnt earth or destroyed houses.

The thing that keeps cracking me up is the nonsensical way the world is made. Everything looks like you had ac couple A-bombs got off... then everyone waited for all the dust to settle... and then you run around. Which makes no sense since there should have been 200 years in which countless people should already have searched every inch of the world for food and stuff. Also how is it possible that there are still generators running, providing electricity for all the lights. Computer still running, after 200 years. So they try to tell me there was no earthquake, no tornadoes going on? Not to talk about all the rain that would corrode all the metal items like most of the cars that you see lying around.

@vitocorleone3764 - 22.12.2022 11:31

I disagree that "blank slate" characters are necessarily better. I just think Fallout 4's back story sucks. Look at rdr2, full backstory but its very well written and even though there are basically only 3 paths, they are each so well written and acted that you never want for more variety.

@alexlloyd2154 - 27.10.2022 07:45

Atk mer

@danielpayne7194 - 18.10.2022 21:46

Aren't they completely different games???

@lpdante7168 - 22.09.2022 04:23

I dont think you've played fo4

@alexsmith6322 - 28.08.2022 08:22

You did not truly and actually suggest bringing stealth archery into fallout 4 omfg

@YoutubeInvestigation1 - 07.08.2022 11:13

Skyrim Vs fallout
Skyrim:We got magic!
Fallout:we got lasers
Skyrim:We got High resolution!
Fallout: we got mid resolution
Skyrim:We got lore!
Fallout:we got nuked but somehow it's lore
Skyrim:we got Follower's!
Fallout:we got companions
Skyrim:We have Mods!
Fallout:We got kinda good mods
Skyrim:We got blessings!
Fallout:we got S.P.E.C.I.A.L
Skyrim:We got skill trees!
Fallout:we got bobble heads
Skyrim:We got blades!
Fallout:we got Guns
Skyrim:we got shouts!
Fallout:We got a fat man that shoots mini nukes

@navyman2702 - 02.08.2022 21:18

No thanks. U can keep ur skyrim. N ill keep my fallout new vegas.

@swezzy5782 - 19.07.2022 21:17

Fallout 4 and it's dlc's were fun to play as a one time playthrough, game feels old when I play it multiple times, skyrim somehow I can play multiple times without getting bored rather it be a archer only run or mage only run there's more to do character wise in skyrim

@Dremeli - 19.06.2022 19:09

One thing why I like Skyrim better than Fallout 4 is the non-existent loading breaks.

@slayer9633 - 24.04.2022 04:11

Fallout 3 way better than fallout 4

@elchamber - 23.04.2022 15:28

Hold up. Skyrim doesn’t really have sneak. In fact both don’t.

@inuwooddog3027 - 16.04.2022 13:25

I really prefer Fallout 4 for the lore and storyline.

As someone who is not good at English, it took me lots of efforts and in-game reading to understand the lore of the Elder Scrolls universe. It's just too complicated.

Fallout's lore is simple: Bombs fell, world destroyed, you are in America.

@robert-joshuamcfaddin7041 - 22.03.2022 22:22

I disagree with you on one thing, I don't think Skyrim is better than Fallout 4. I love both games and both have great stories. There's a bit more content (creation club wise) for Skyrim. At the end of the day though, as you mentioned there's a lot of differences between the two. Honestly I'm excited for the next areas.

@arthurhuerta4234 - 07.03.2022 20:40

well i like fallout because it has guns but if they remaster skyrim ill just install some gun mods lol

@metalshinobi2900 - 13.02.2022 14:28

Climbing In skyrim is funny xd

@jakobramey8997 - 02.01.2022 16:29

Man but I love fallout 4😔……..but nothing beats fallout 3😃

@ashes.182 - 28.12.2021 00:22

Skyrim > FO4
Skyrim > F03 tho...
Ehhhh not imo

@partenersintime - 24.12.2021 21:33

Skyrim more like trashrim. Fallout is EONS better.

@kolossis8283 - 14.12.2021 09:46

Me who loves both games: 😎

@gamechaser94 - 09.12.2021 23:18

Skyrim is a(fake) country..... Boston is a (real) city.... You can't compare the geographical elements

@fatman-ss7ly - 27.11.2021 22:12

OK I agree with most of what this video had to say and some of the points are valid but the statement about not being able to poison enamys with arrow's is rather silly considering the fact that the syringer rifle does exist

@logeyperogi1805 - 02.11.2021 03:17

Fallout 4 Vault Dweller: Check out my power armour loser!
Dragonborn: Dude, my armour and weapons are literally made of the bones of dragons
Vault Dweller: Well…I have a minigun! HAHAHA
Dragonborn: I have the ability to shout away any weapons you hold, I can shout and you’d go flying, with a word you could burst into flames, with a single sound you’d freeze solid
Vault Dweller:…I was gonna say I have explosives but I feel like you have a counter to that too
Dragonborn: Multiple spells that could burn, freeze, electrocute you, summon creatures to fight by my side, create magical weapons and MUCH more
Vault Dweller:……yeah I give up

@Schnakeyy - 01.11.2021 03:24

Should I get Skyrim or fallout 4 for my computer?

@richurro20 - 11.10.2021 06:20

Literally anything is better than Fallout 4. You should be comparing Skyrim to Fallouts peak games like New Vegas or Fallout 3.

@Jordan-dj1hc - 10.10.2021 22:21

Sorry but Skyrim is just better

@Insanity6419 - 01.10.2021 03:46

Even though Skyrim is older then Fallout 4 I’ve had more game crashes and game issues in Fallout 4 then I have ever had in Skyrim and when I do have issues in Skyrim it’s because of mods otherwise it’s fine. When I used mods for Fallout 4 the amount of times the game would crash would double and so would bugs and game breaking glitches. So Skyrim will always be a better game compared to Fallout 4.

@thatrandomdudeonyt4085 - 17.09.2021 19:23

I just started playing Fallout 4 last night. I have never played any Fallout games before, just the masterpiece Skyrim. I must admit: I'm just not impressed with Fallout. It's very confusing for me and frustrating. I'm still going to keep playing, give it a shot, see if it gets any better for me. So far, eh...

Skyrim, in my opinion, is much better.

@_isaac_2317 - 14.09.2021 20:18

Fallout 4 I understand why there isn't bow and arrows with poison tips cause majority of all the creatures are immune to poison due to their radiation so it would really only work on human a.k.a raiders but I stead of that I wish they had gas grenades because of the gas masks, also pretty sure Cods refers to me as sir Isaac

@Enkarashaddam - 02.09.2021 01:19


@hollowpointgaming6097 - 24.08.2021 04:36

I had a pretty good time with Fallout4 mods but nothing beats Skyrim

@worm4436 - 01.08.2021 23:48

I tried fallout 4 after Skyrim and I could not leave skyrim

@icedsigmatea8672 - 27.07.2021 06:15

Fallout 4 is temporary, skyrim is eternal

@mindfortress105 - 20.07.2021 18:36

I think we can all agree that both games are crap and spending countless hours modding them only marginally improves the experience

@denkycaliber - 19.07.2021 11:37

I think skyrim has the best archery gameplay and like it more than fallout 4s shooting

@SweetKingTanner - 17.07.2021 09:40

That nasal is enough to get me far far away from this channel
