2 Hours of Comfort Foods That VANISHED From Family Tables!

2 Hours of Comfort Foods That VANISHED From Family Tables!

Vintage Lifestyle USA

3 месяца назад

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@Helen-o5h - 19.11.2024 21:25

Did h you say Two hours?

@WinsomeWinslet - 19.11.2024 22:44

Not sure how grilled cheese sandwiches, green bean casserole, deviled eggs, etc. have "vanished from the family table" lol these are all still very popular!

@Thundralight - 22.11.2024 12:53

I don't recall most of them being common in the 70-s or even heard of them. One I do not see anymore on menus is hot roast beef sandwiches smothered in gravy So delicious, I recall everything beingI quiche back then and fondue and bean sprouts on everything

@MaxLaw-e5n - 24.11.2024 02:07

It’s “ “Pimento” cheese 🤨 Not pronounced “Peem-eeeIN-Toe”🤣🤣🤣

@AKayfabe - 04.12.2024 02:40

Deviled eggs have not vanished from tables. It was always a thing people made more around gatherings or holidays. People still make them around here but usually if a lot of people are going to be around. the Bavarian Obazda ones are better though in my opinion.
What exactly is American cuisine? The US is a mixture of people from the whole rest of the world, why would the food be bland? there are a lot of spicy dishes here. Do you think Cajun, Southern African Americans and Latino Americans, the Vietnamese influence in MN, eat bland food? There’s a lot of different cuisines here.

@pamelacoles4634 - 17.12.2024 05:56

Scalloped potatoes and creamed spinach aren’t gone , neither is apple pie !!! You are off your rocker about deviled eggs and grilled cheese …. We cook at home from scratch and still have lucrative careers ! Foodies to be sure !

@hollyr.1139 - 19.12.2024 06:01

Um ... Amy's, founded in 1987, still makes canned soups that are sold. The lentil vegetable soup is available at Walmart, Ralph's, Whole Foods and on Amazon. Green bean casserole, BTW, is not a soup -- it's a casserole. Scalloped potatoes are still common on home tables -- but to describe their flavor as "sweet" is completely wrong. They are savory. And, with that, I'm bailing on yet another of your poorly informed videos. Now to figure out how to make them quit popping up for me.

@geordilogue2829 - 04.01.2025 23:43


@angelabluebird609 - 06.01.2025 00:55

These videos that say foods have disappeared are always incorrect. The foods they show are still around!

@joycetarr4955 - 14.01.2025 06:26

You really need to do some research. Creamed spinach is still on the menu at Lawyer's. Many of the other dishes are labeled incorrectly. Cottage pie is made with ground beef, and shepard pie is made with lamb. We were making goulash long before hamburger helper. Many of your dishes are still made in my home esp biscuits, peach cobbler, oxtail stew. I have no idea who's table you sit at but you are missing some good food.

@CalicoCat-u3r - 26.01.2025 15:11

The Progresso Soups are still around. I just bought some.

@freelancelady - 02.02.2025 15:57

If you are going to have a 2 hour video, you might as well give the recipes away…otherwise it is boring…😢😢😢

@GordonVerrall-y4z - 08.02.2025 19:14

You never seem to use [ foo chicken ], what`s that I hear you say, it`s snake ie adder or any other wild snake.

@robertagabor9128 - 16.02.2025 05:00

rice, ground beef, Tomato, heinz sauce. Does anybody have this recipe>
