IN THE RING | Jagdeo Could Lie!!!

IN THE RING | Jagdeo Could Lie!!!

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@CalvinNarine - 14.03.2025 04:35


@CalvinNarine - 14.03.2025 04:37

@wendyfeilds9803 - 14.03.2025 04:44

Hi every one

@curtisgeorge3915 - 14.03.2025 04:50

Suriname in the house

@AlissonMedina-r3z - 14.03.2025 04:53

Good night
Watching from Puruni.

@JG.60 - 14.03.2025 05:36

Jagdeo is so lieeeeeeeeeeeeeee a big man you lie truth your teeth need to go with immediately affects

@williamdickson8640 - 14.03.2025 06:01

We black people should stand by mell mell. If the ppp cause any harm to this sister in GUYANA . THE PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE THE DEMESTRATING TO THE STREET.

@ivorharry6372 - 14.03.2025 06:02

Jagdeo said he doesn’t do his diplomacy in public. He is right, hence the underhand efforts at getting out Melly Mel, then remember SU? That was private diplomacy.

@brindleyfortune9927 - 14.03.2025 06:04

KORRUPTION) by itself is revealing the KORRUPT in GUYANA everyday. 1 day no evidence against BRUTUS, next day 240 charges, GRA wait until 4years after to claim $900,000,000. The did not know who flood the land of those poor people at 2 O'Clock in the morning while they were asleep, just upon returning to Power, that was just the starting of the MESS that they are in today.

@ivorharry6372 - 14.03.2025 06:15

Vote these people out

@markjames9275 - 14.03.2025 06:23

Lion the lier

@markjames9275 - 14.03.2025 06:28

Ya but he can disrespect Guyanese people in the public. It shows where his loyalty lies. He has no respect for Afro Guyanese.

@markjames9275 - 14.03.2025 06:30

He is the poppet master

@brindleyfortune9927 - 14.03.2025 06:31

PPP do not have MONEY to bribe MADURO. ALI tried with some gifts the last time.

@EslynPrescod - 14.03.2025 07:32

Who allowed these Indian people this man and hi son to convescate 80,000 acres of Guyana land. Guyana is a Black nation if the Black race unto the Almighty God in Jesus Christ. Word of God Holy Bible KJV ( King James Version). Published originally in 1611, that is more than four hundred years ago.
"For the wages of sin death but the gift of God eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6 chapter 23 verse. Holly Bible KJV.

@WendyBovell-d4v - 14.03.2025 08:19


@EslynPrescod - 14.03.2025 08:46

All these East Indian must go. They must vacate the government. And the right Black people unto God in Jesus Christ install into the government of Guyana. Doing that which is good for this Black nation and for Black people first and foremost.

@EslynPrescod - 14.03.2025 08:55

The only reason we have problems with Modura or any people from that country is because the Black people in our Country and diaspora have not taken leadership of Guyana government. All this foolishness with any nation come to swift end

@EslynPrescod - 14.03.2025 09:03

The PPP East Indian party must vacate the government of Guyana.

@pearllewis8662 - 14.03.2025 15:24

Why Trump don`t take you in for questioning for your deceitful act with Maduro promising him a piece of Essequibo, you now have us in danger not Melly Mel, we are now fearful of what this mad man seem intent to do. we have seen what wars can do to us and our children, the misery it inflicts on the weaker side and we are the weaker side, you have done so many wrongs to this country, taking our money to lobby firm for your personal gain, while people continue to struggling to make a living, participate in sports or to get sponsorships to follow their dreams. Guyanese what is the matter with you people get up stand up, stand up for your right. Stand for truth and right not cash grants that already belong to us. You reporters are not asking the right questions. Let him tell us why we are in this dangerous position with Venezuela they have already invaded this country only waiting to strike because of this deceitful man.

@sanykwhyte5831 - 14.03.2025 15:45

Why is that meeting Jagdeo's business? Why should he be informed? Is he Guyana's father? Look, haul yuh A$$!

@GeorgeSmith-yp7ul - 14.03.2025 16:48

De Team if is true will / may make de PPP get FEVER , vomiting ,& diaherrai fu de election 😀 😮😢😂

@vivekanandaramavtar8025 - 14.03.2025 17:08

The guyanese political leaders are poddles of the US.
Guyana is a proxy state of the US.
The ppp party died when Cheddi Jagan died.
We must have more talks with venezuela and solve our problem, instead we crawl to our former slave madters.

@vivekanandaramavtar8025 - 14.03.2025 17:11

We must support Cuba ,but the ppp will not endorsed the caricom mandate.
The ppp mps have their money in the us

@MichelePlass-l5x - 14.03.2025 19:41

When trump won he said loud he will lobby to get them

@richardgangaram4566 - 15.03.2025 02:12

Lying, lie lie
The best
Yeah the best liar
The best piece of……….
