Jackson Galaxy Uses a Crazy Trick to Stop a Cat From Peeing in the House! | My Cat From Hell

Jackson Galaxy Uses a Crazy Trick to Stop a Cat From Peeing in the House! | My Cat From Hell

Animal Planet

1 год назад

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Mr Lampshade
Mr Lampshade - 15.10.2023 03:57

I ❤ Jackson

James Lacey
James Lacey - 06.10.2023 20:33

It would be nice to find out if he was able to help. Instead of cutting out early at the end.

Warlokk - 29.09.2023 12:09

18 pounds of piss and vinegar xD

Freetobeme Me
Freetobeme Me - 23.09.2023 16:11

And Henry sat there saying, what’s the problem”

Andrea Brandenberger
Andrea Brandenberger - 18.09.2023 22:48

I want to see the full video. Anyone know which it's from?

big draco
big draco - 27.08.2023 05:18

these are some incompetent cat owners 😂

Live Long and Prosper
Live Long and Prosper - 21.08.2023 23:51

It is of course nonsense saying that indoor cats live longer than indoor-outdoor cats. We always had indoor-outdoor cats and they all became more than 20 years old.

Sharon Kaczorowski
Sharon Kaczorowski - 15.08.2023 22:13

Rubbing a dog’s face in urine has the same result for dogs…fear of the person who does it. Poor Henry…his world turned upside down and an abusive potential girlfriend!

Sharon Kaczorowski
Sharon Kaczorowski - 15.08.2023 22:08

Nothing, other than a small child, lets you know they are unhappy more thoroughly than a cat!

MessageGoesHere !
MessageGoesHere ! - 14.08.2023 02:54

A catio would do wonders. Wonder why they havent at least thought of it.

HmmmYeahRiiiiiight - 09.08.2023 08:01

Any owner that threatens a rescue SHOULDN'T OWN A PET!!! A pet is a commitment and if you're not at peace with them being animals then you should find a hobby instead. I had a female that loved to piss on towels if I left them on the floor. I learned real quick never to do that.

Thumper - 10.07.2023 22:54


Curious Mouse
Curious Mouse - 10.07.2023 21:41

I'm confused. Why is it okay to let him outside in Northern California but not in Southern California? I guarantee you that there are more predators in the former. Also how is it that cat people don't know they should be playing with their cats, especially when they change the cat's life so drastically? I've never owned a cat, just dogs, but I play with them. I ran into a similar situation as the show. A mom and her kid had to move into my apartment complex when they lost the dad - no more romping around the backyard. The cat would escape because it was bored and had a high hunting instinct. We had lots of creatures in the bushes. She even went after ducks in a tree. My fellow neighbors and I played with the cat to try to keep her in the complex, as we were just off a very busy street. It never occurred to the family to play hunting games with the cat - even though they saw how she loved it. She probably would have stayed indoors more often if they did play with her. I'm a "dog person" and even I know you need to play with your cat. Um...???

Marge Roehrbach
Marge Roehrbach - 19.06.2023 18:30

How convenient, all those clues, the investigative work, and JG's deduction. However, note that it didn't fix the issue. Nice story bro.

Regina Martins
Regina Martins - 17.06.2023 03:35

Kimberly Ryan
Kimberly Ryan - 15.06.2023 23:58

I would suggest you change his name 1st!

RunningGrunions - 15.06.2023 22:47

Seems like rubbing the cat's face in his pee spot probably effectively made him afraid of that particular spot. So, not exactly coincidence he stopped peeing THERE... but you haven't fixed the peeing problem and you've traumatized your cat.

Erica Ferguson
Erica Ferguson - 14.06.2023 05:24

I'd like to see the end results ... its a bummer you didn't show the whole ending. Did he succeed?

OSFA - 14.06.2023 03:49

Try letting the cat outside? lol.

Jennifer Johnston
Jennifer Johnston - 14.06.2023 03:28

My cat also does this and I have to harness leash walk him twice a day so he will empty his bladder. If I don't, pee everywhere and I mean everywhere. Jackson is amazing.

Michele Maliano
Michele Maliano - 14.06.2023 03:18

He’ll go for a long time and then when you think he’s good he pees.

Michele Maliano
Michele Maliano - 14.06.2023 03:17

My kitty is like that. I thought about rehoming but then he’ll do this in his new home. And, I love my little guy and can’t imagine not having him until he dies. He’s doesn’t spray. He pees on blankets, rugs, my bed, the dog bed, and the sofas.

Joe Doey
Joe Doey - 14.06.2023 02:10

Cats that do this are disgusting.

an_enigma - 13.06.2023 16:45

S10 EP3 is the episode for this clip

lorraine paige
lorraine paige - 13.06.2023 11:57

im not thrilled about the owners,thinking about giving the cat away,because it has an issue.

Abby Koop
Abby Koop - 13.06.2023 05:20

Ack.... Where's the rest of it? I have finally discovered also that the spraying around the house, the cat doors, and the people doors is generally when stray tom cats come around. I've yet to actually discover if it's just mine claiming their territory? Or if the stray cat is also contributing to spray wars? It doesn't help that I have 3 cats who barely tolerate each other as it is.....

T Rex
T Rex - 13.06.2023 04:20

Henry was removed from his mother too soon. That always messes them up with their confidence level.

Pat McBride
Pat McBride - 13.06.2023 02:53

My indoor/outdoor cats have lived as long as 17 years.
And the one I have now pretty much never used a litter box until I moved cross country and he had to use it in hotel rooms, then I kept him inside long enough for him to feel that the new place was "home".
Now he uses it daily, even though he has a cat door.

ralph_libinski - 13.06.2023 01:12

Number of crazy tricks described in video: zero
Number of laughable clickbait titles assigned to video: one
Result of non-crazy, mundane measures described in video: not included, sucker

Wild Primates Photography
Wild Primates Photography - 12.06.2023 19:04

Loved these guys video❤

behruz khisaynov
behruz khisaynov - 12.06.2023 17:33

Alive head 65

Esther - 12.06.2023 17:00

What season & episode is this clip from?

Zena Sullivan
Zena Sullivan - 12.06.2023 13:36

Just my belief, I do not believe in letting cats be outdoors for any reason. There are so many dangers and diseases, with feline leukemia being one very contagious among cats.

Lauren H
Lauren H - 12.06.2023 08:27

Would love an update on this, my parents Birman does this and has destroyed oak furniture, marks on curtains, beds, people, EVERYTHING

Woman of Substance
Woman of Substance - 12.06.2023 08:24

It would have been nice to hear Galaxy's suggestions on how to leash train Henery since it sounded like his owner was having a little trouble.
It would also be nice to see a followup: Did his ideas work to get Henery to stop marking in the house.

Rachel Edwards
Rachel Edwards - 12.06.2023 05:11

Cat pee destroys wood?! Omg 😱😳

cittauk - 12.06.2023 05:07

Every cat I have had has been able to come and go as they pleased through a cat flap. Have only had two that got killed on the roads the others have died naturally due to normal getting old and health problems they developed. I guess I have been lucky to live in places where there are no major roads and most places I have lived has always had fields around which has been more of an attraction for them. It's a risk to take but I believe in them having their freedom to hunt etc.

Mouh Mouh
Mouh Mouh - 12.06.2023 03:41

Crazy boy 43

Holly Wood
Holly Wood - 12.06.2023 01:32

I would spray that female cat w the hose

J Moore
J Moore - 12.06.2023 01:12

Big mistake was letting him out to begin with.

savannah - 12.06.2023 00:43

what about a cat that’s never been outdoors but still sprays, even though he’s neutered?…
my male cat has been spraying for the past year, no matter what i do! it’s slowed down now that i have a wall plug to help relax him, and i give him relaxation treats… but he’ll still spray once or twice every few days

Бегимай Ажыбекова
Бегимай Ажыбекова - 12.06.2023 00:33

Clever teacher 07

HikariTheGardevoir - 11.06.2023 23:29

you do realise the video is just clickbait if you don't show the result right? Plus, it's not one trick as the title implies, it's multiple measures that are being taken

Courtney Reiner, LMT
Courtney Reiner, LMT - 11.06.2023 22:24

Are there any update videos on this cat?

Полина Коробова
Полина Коробова - 11.06.2023 22:23

Athletic savior 14

Firefly - 11.06.2023 21:34

Cats in the neighborhood...that's what I suspected.

PoopStain - 11.06.2023 20:38

in/outside cat's don't really live only half the life or an indoor cat. It really depends on the environment. I had 2 in-outdoor cats. One got 17 y/o other got 16 y/o. Over here there are a lot of cats outside and old ones too! But if it's dangerous outside like busy roads or predators, it's better not to let them out without a leash.

HoggyHoggyHoggyHoggyHog - 11.06.2023 20:21

What I wouldnt give for a Jackson Galaxy+Victoria Stillwell crossover. Im sure theres some families out there that habe both cats and dogs in need of help XD

Somepokemon_weirdo - 11.06.2023 18:33

I am convincing my dad to get a cat by keeping my room tidy, how else do I convince him

Amanda Edwards-Burden
Amanda Edwards-Burden - 11.06.2023 18:05

3 of my four cats are indoor cats and they don't care.. they are happy and contented
