How to Use SPSS: Transform or Recode a Variable

How to Use SPSS: Transform or Recode a Variable

Biostatistics Resource Channel

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@lianavarrone9281 - 04.04.2016 10:22

I need to recode a string variable into 4 new variables - ie "favourite chocolate bars" into "mars", "snickers", "bounty" and "picnic" - with each of these new variables either filled or left blank if the original variable included them. However the original variable can contain all or none of these. How do I do this?

@mrmiguelf44 - 07.11.2015 20:54

I would like to recode multiple variables.  For example: each variable can range from 0 to 100 and there 7 variables. Question how can recode to a new variable (1) consisting of up to 6 out of 7 variables scoring above 50, (2) those who have 6 or 7 below 50 and those with mixed.

@Ybba1982 - 01.12.2014 15:46

Hello, if i have a variable female listed as string, how do i change this to numeric if I'm trying to compute an analysis around male?
