️ perfect life affirmations; 1000+ improvements

️ perfect life affirmations; 1000+ improvements

baejin cafe

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@baejincafe - 23.05.2020 17:51

꒰ perfect life benefits ”♡ᵎ
check replies for the rest !

◦ exact ideal life
◦ life is exactly how you desire by every single detail
◦ only attract positivity into your life,
◦ every part of your life is 100% manageable,
◦ live life with 100% pure ease + bliss
◦ feel euphoria 24/7 because your life is just so perfect
◦ literally be the luckiest person alive
◦ eternal good luck, good luck always in effect at all times
◦ life is like a bright happy positive cute soft
₊ movie
₊ manhwa
₊ k-drama
₊ anime
( all desired ! )
◦ life so perfect that you can feel happy and satisfied 24/7
◦ ideal life is now your reality
◦ be 100% aligned to your ideal life
◦ be the best version of yourself
◦ be your exact ideal self in every way
◦ life is improved in every way possible now
◦ always be surrounded by love, positivity, happiness
◦ exciting fun life, full of perfect happy events
◦ everyday is your day, full of good luck
◦ be full of pure positive energy now and always
◦ always have fun, exciting things to do everyday
◦ always live life to the fullest
◦ life is only full of pure genuine happiness
◦ attract more joy and happiness into
ㅡ your life than ever imagined
◦ everything in your life is 100% on point
◦ be the person you always dreamed to be
◦ extremely beautiful colourful life
◦ see the beauty in life
◦ immunity to being bored, always have fun things to do !

loa ♡

◦ have your life 100% on control
◦ completely master loa ( law of attraction )
◦ know everything about loa
◦ be extremely good at using loa
◦ loa works right away for you positively
◦ only turn positive scenarios, wishes into reality
◦ grant all positive wishes you desire
◦ 100% effective ideal positive scripting + visualizing
◦ always easily stay in high vibrations
◦ only have relevant, ideal positive thoughts when visualizing
◦ easily stay chill+calm+relaxed when visualizing
◦ be 100% perfectly aligned to all your positive life goals

social life ; friends ♡

◦ be a complete social butterfly
◦ be loved and respected by everyone
◦ improve all desired friendships / relationships
◦ people treat you like a celebrity
◦ always be treated with respect
◦ have an extremely good reputation
◦ always make good first impressions on others
◦ always be able to make any boring conversation
ㅡ into something fun & exciting
◦ always know how to carry a conversation
◦ be able to smoothly continue conversations
◦ perfect conversation skills
◦ always be comfortable & confident while talking to people
◦ have a super fun social life
◦ be extremely fun to talk to
◦ people genuinely love / like you a lot
◦ be everyone's favourite person
◦ everyone loves talking to you / being with you
◦ always be the life of the party
◦ be a good influence on other people
◦ meet your ideal people often
◦ be 100% forever free from being awkward around people
◦ always be confident around people
◦ always be relaxed in social situations
◦ easily socialize + talk to people
◦ be the type of person who's literally friends w/ everyone
◦ maintain all friendships easily
◦ make friends every single day, easily
◦ attract friends 24/7
◦ attract your exact desired friends
◦ everyone wants to be friends with you
◦ it’s super easy for you to make friends
◦ meet all desired online friends
◦ have your exact ideal squad
◦ have your exact ideal friend groups
◦ healthy friendships
◦ be 100% forever free of having fake friends
◦ friends are always
₊ genuine
₊ honest
₊ kind
₊ fun
₊ loyal
₊ caring
₊ understanding
◦ genuine bonds with all your friends
◦ your friends always include you
◦ restore desired friendships immediately
◦ get a text from your desired person now
◦ always respond perfectly to every text ;
◦ always know the right words to say
◦ have memorable, euphoric moments with your friends
◦ have extremely fun enjoyable moments with your friends

◦ attract ideal friends with respective ;;;
₊  ideal appearances
₊  ideal genders
₊  ideal names
₊  ideal personalities
₊  ideal ages
₊  ideal details

personality ♡

◦ sunshine personality ;;
◦ make others extremely happy just by your presence
◦ absolutely lovable personality
◦ healing + calming presence
◦ exude extreme charisma and charm
◦ have a heart of gold
◦ be naturally kind-hearted ++ polite
◦ positive attitude towards everything
◦ be extremely extremely extremelyyy charming
◦ be more affectionate + loving towards others
◦ be brave + courageous
◦ be hardworking + ambitious
◦ actively engage in social activities w/ ease
◦ become more ;;
₊ optimistic
₊ friendly
₊ patient
₊ helpful
₊ reliable
₊ lively
₊ outgoing
₊ easygoing
₊ sociable
₊ open minded
₊ energetic
₊ enthusiastic
◦ be more approachable and easy to talk to
◦ 100% friendly aura
◦ have the best sense of humour
◦ be able to make people laugh easily
◦ be the type of person who can easily
ㅡ make anyone in a good mood instantly
◦ spread love + happiness everywhere
◦ be known as pretty, funny, outgoing, kind
ㅡ and overall an extremely fun person to be with
◦ everyone loves being around / with you
◦ smile more often naturally
◦ smile + laugh makes everyone around you happier
◦ be absolutely loved by everyone
◦ be absolutely adored by everyone
◦ be known as literally perfect
◦ everyone loves your personality

love ♡

◦ attract your ideal love interest
◦ have the most perfect relationship w/ your ideal love interest
◦ experience the cutest moments everyday as if you're in a
ㅡ bright happy positive cute soft romance ;
₊ movie
₊ manhwa
₊ k-drama
₊ anime
◦ experience heart fluttering moments everyday
◦ be everyone’s ultimate crush
◦ go on all my ideal cute dates
◦ cute relationship with your ideal love interest
◦ live out the cutest love story ever
◦ live out a love story cuter and much better than any ;;
ㅡ bright happy positive cute soft romance ;
₊ movie
₊ manhwa
₊ k-drama
₊ anime
◦ attract the most romantic cute moments to happen
◦ loving healthy relationships
◦ always attract extremely cute + hot boys / girls
◦ be surrounded by cute people your ideal gender(s)
◦ be a pretty boy / girl magnet
◦ cute + hot boys / girls are extremely attracted to you
◦ 100% extremely irresistible to cute + hot boys / girls
◦ irresistible to ideal cute + hot boys / girls
◦ always have ideal cute + hot boys / girls crushing on you
◦ attract people who fit your ideal type

◦ receive cute love confessions from ideal people
◦ receive tons of love confessions everyday

◦ attract ideal people easily, instantly
◦ only attract safe people !
◦ be 100% fully protected from anyone with bad intentions
◦ everyone’s love and affection for u is fully safe and healthy

( crush )
only if you have one, and you want to attract them !

◦ attract crush
◦ crush likes you back
◦ crush finds you extremely attractive
◦ crush wants to be with you
◦ have interesting fun conversations with your crush
◦ be super close with your crush
◦ crush proudly shows their love and affection for you
◦ crush texts you now
◦ know your crush well

popularity ♡

◦ be extremely popular
◦ increase follower / like / comment / story view count
ㅡ drastically on all your ideal social media
◦ ideal aesthetically pleasing instagram / all social media
◦ easily maintain a consistent pretty theme . aesthetic
◦ everyone admires your vibes, aura,, just everything abt you
◦ only attract positive attention !

@AngelinaHe477 - 20.01.2024 18:54

I have a 4.0 GPA, research opportunities, have an ideal community, ideal appearance, ideal friends, a loving smart caring boyfriend with amazing social skills, and a cousin that actually wants to talk to me. I also have educated, extremely wealthy, and extremely powerful parents that get used to new situations very quickly and easily.

@jj-ez8sm - 18.01.2024 17:49

My family was strugglinv at one point because my mom lost her job and was worries as she cant support us financially. Bur after listening to this sub, my sister literally hit the lottery and i kickstarted my dream business.❤


@hyeinonly7 - 15.01.2024 12:22

Minha vida ideal é ser rica, super inteligente, ter bastante amigos(reais e fiels), fazer varias viagens, ter mais amor próprio, ir em vários shows, conhecer artistas que eu gosto e poder fazer oq eu quiser:)

@PhyscoMantisMetalGear - 15.01.2024 06:27

There will be a new girl at my school, she will be scene/emo and lgbtq. Me and her will become friends instantly.

My crush will start to fall for me and we will flirt a lot and eventually start dating.

I will go to the mall and get new hoodies and outfits.

My acne will clear up and my face will be perfect.

@Jisoo-us8kd - 14.01.2024 11:52

I do not know how it works, but my life has become perfect!

@fangirl7669 - 13.01.2024 23:30

اللهمَّ صلِّ على مُحمّدٍ وآل مُحمّد ♥.

@yankeedoodles7262 - 01.01.2024 20:51

2024 January 1st... A new journey begins ✨

@user-ym5ru1vm5l - 30.12.2023 05:10

hlo everybody any result please answer 😮 okay

@carolsanchez811 - 23.12.2023 19:25

Hope for the best

@yourfavcapricorn - 19.12.2023 08:15

I am happy,well adjusted and my family has the best luck,my family is happy and healthy,my pets are happy and healthy everything goes my way and I’m never anxious. Thank you universe ❤️

@lexiitheedon6272 - 17.12.2023 00:18

I’m using this because I want better for myself just got out of a 6 year relationship day 1

@hyeinonly7 - 16.12.2023 14:04

Vou começar a usar pro ano que vem ser bom

@ffui_ - 16.12.2023 03:35

🐰🐰🌿🌿Thank you very much for this subliminal It is more than wonderful. Everything about it is perfect and just as I want. I am very happy to have this beautiful subliminal. Very very very very very happy. I feel liberated from everything. I feel like a bird flying. I am grateful to you and grateful to the universe. 🌿🐰

@oop11ss - 12.12.2023 18:36


@user-ep3nb6hn6u - 09.12.2023 07:50

I have e effortlessly attempted all answers correctly

@zhanymka_ - 07.12.2023 20:19

Пусть наконец начнется моя белая полоса

@kdcadenza4170 - 04.12.2023 01:32

So ive been listening to this sub for a few nights and ive strangely had the most perfect day with everything falling into place one after the next. Even things that should have ended badly ended positively and with blessings. My day has just flowed in a stream of coincidences that have formulated into one beautiful puzzle. Thankyou ❤

@peppa_345 - 02.12.2023 08:28

Manifesting a fun trip

@annah0722 - 02.12.2023 08:24

Okay so I'm using this and I'll update you guys (I'm listening some other subs too)

@crazyrichmilf - 28.11.2023 10:49

used this a few months ago consistently along w two other subs and when i tell you my life took complete 180 i mean it. i love my life sooooo much it's going so well w my desired scenes and all idk how to describe lol and it's as if im immuned to anyyy baf or embarrassing moments i love this sub soo much and im using it again bc it calsm me but my life is jonestky going so well

@HeyLoree2023 - 28.11.2023 01:07

Okay, listening..
( I listen to it once a day )

[ Day1- I listen, I'm scared because it's thundering and lightning a lot.. ]

@medstudentwhossuffering - 27.11.2023 16:19

Clicked as i saw taeyong thumbnail but not disappointed its soooooo good haha

@apastrophe - 21.11.2023 19:52

21st nov
clear skin
hourglass body
healthy hair
looking pretty
good grades
fun adventures

@beanberry42 - 16.11.2023 18:15

my life has gotten so much better when I started listening to subliminals !! I get more sleep now and stuff works out for me, thanks for making this !!

@xo.roseluv - 14.11.2023 23:08

This is the best subliminal on earth

@lilithcrawler-mj3xr - 13.11.2023 04:26

Am I able to block out the optimistic thing?

@Daising - 12.11.2023 21:52

manifesting a gazillion things w this sub and a few more, ill jump and do backflips if it works EKK

@Mel-bi4sb - 09.11.2023 05:36

vida ideal exacta

о la vida es exactamente como deseas en cada detalle

solo atrae positividad a tu vida,

• cada aspecto de tu vida es 100% manejable,

• vive la vida con 100% pura facilidad y felicidad

о sentir euforia las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana porque tu vida es tan perfecta

о literalmente ser la persona más afortunada del mundo

о eterna buena suerte, buena suerte
buena suerte eterna, buena suerte siempre vigente en todo momento

• la vida es como un positivo brillante y feliz

lindo suave

+ película


+ k-drama

+ animado

(¡todo lo deseado!)

о vida tan perfecta que puedes sentirte feliz y satisfecho 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana

• la vida ideal es ahora tu realidad о

0 estar 100% alineado con tu vida ideal

Sé la mejor versión de ti mismo.

⚫ sé exactamente tu yo ideal en todos los sentidos
La vida ha mejorado en todos los sentidos posibles ahora.

о estar siempre rodeado de amor, positividad y felicidad.

о vida emocionante y divertida, llena de eventos felices perfectos

o todos los días es tu día, lleno de buena suerte.

о estar lleno de pura energía positiva ahora y siempre

о siempre tener cosas divertidas y emocionantes que hacer todos los días

о vivir siempre la vida al máximo

⚫ la vida sólo está llena de pura felicidad genuina

о atraer más alegría y felicidad
⚫ atraer más alegría y felicidad hacia

- tu vida de la que jamás imaginaste

о todo en tu vida es 100% correcto

Sé la persona que siempre soñaste ser.

о vida colorida extremadamente hermosa

⚫ ver la belleza de la vida

• inmunidad al aburrimiento, ¡siempre tenga cosas divertidas que hacer!

ten tu vida 100% bajo control

о dominar completamente loa ( ley de atracción)

⚫ saber todo sobre loa

о ser extremadamente bueno en el uso de loa

⚫ loa funciona de inmediato para ti de manera positiva

о convertir sólo escenarios positivos y deseos en realidad

о concede todos los deseos positivos que desees

Guión positivo ideal 100% efectivo + visualización

o permanecer siempre fácilmente en altas vibraciones.Guión positivo ideal 100% efectivo + visualización
vida social; amigos ♡

⚫ sé una mariposa social completa

⚫ ser amado y respetado por todos

о mejorar todas las amistades/relaciones deseadas

о la gente te trata como a una celebridad

siempre ser tratado con respeto

⚫ tener una muy buena reputación

о siempre dar una buena primera impresión a los demás

о siempre será capaz de mantener cualquier conversación aburrida
en algo divertido y emocionante

• saber siempre cómo mantener una conversación

⚫ poder continuar conversaciones sin problemas

о Habilidades de conversación perfectas Siéntete siempre cómodo y seguro al hablar con la gente O

о tener una vida social súper divertida

о ser extremadamente divertido hablar con personas que realmente te aman o te agradan mucho

о ser la persona favorita de todos

о a todos les encanta hablar contigo
о permanecer siempre fácilmente en altas vibraciones

о sólo tener pensamientos positivos relevantes e ideales al visualizar

⚫ manténgase tranquilo+calmado+relajado fácilmente al visualizar

Estar 100% perfectamente alineado con todos tus objetivos positivos de vida.

ser la persona favorita de todos

о a todos les encanta hablar contigo / estar contigo

0 siempre será el alma de la fiesta

⚫ ser una buena influencia para otras personas

• conoce a tu gente ideal a menudo

⚫ estar 100% libre para siempre de sentirte incómodo con la gente

о tener siempre confianza con la gente

о estar siempre relajado en situaciones sociales

о socializar fácilmente + hablar con la gente

Ser el tipo de persona que es literalmente amiga de todos.
⚫ ser el tipo de persona que es literalmente amiga de todos

• mantener todas las amistades fácilmente

о haz amigos todos los días, fácilmente

о atraer amigos 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana

о atrae exactamente a tus amigos deseados

о todos quieren ser amigos tuyos

⚫ es súper fácil para ti hacer amigos

⚫ conoce a todos los amigos en línea que desees

о tener tu equipo ideal exacto

о tener exactamente tus grupos de amigos ideales

amistades sanas
amistades sanas

Estar 100% libre para siempre de tener amigos falsos.

los amigos son siempre

+ genuino

+ honesto

+ amable

+ diversión

+ leal

+ cuidando

+ comprensión

• vínculos genuinos con todos tus amigos

• tus amigos siempre te incluyen

⚫ restaurar las amistades deseadas inmediatamente

о recibir un mensaje de texto de su deseado

recibir un mensaje de texto de la persona deseada ahora

о responder siempre perfectamente a cada texto;

о siempre sé las palabras correctas para decir

о tener momentos memorables y eufóricos con tus amigos

о pasar momentos muy divertidos y agradables con tus amigos

o atraer amigos ideales con sus respectivos ;;;

+ apariencias ideales

+ géneros ideales
atraer amigos ideales con sus respectivos ;;;

+ apariencias ideales

+ géneros ideales

+ nombres ideales

+ personalidades ideales

+ edades ideales

+ detalles ideales

personalidad ♡

personalidad del sol;;

• hacer que los demás sean extremadamente felices solo con tu presencia

о personalidad absolutamente adorable

presencia curativa + calmante
personalidad ♡

⚫ personalidad soleada;;

• hacer que los demás sean extremadamente felices solo con tu presencia

о personalidad absolutamente adorable

о curación + presencia calmante

• irradian carisma y encanto extremos

Tengo un corazón de oro.

о ser naturalmente bondadoso ++ educado

actitud positiva hacia todo

о ser extremadamente extremadamente extremadamente encantador

о ser más cariñoso + cariñoso
atraer personas ideales de forma fácil e instantánea

¡Atrae sólo a personas seguras!

⚫ estar 100% completamente protegido de cualquier persona con malas intenciones

о el amor y afecto de todos por ti es completamente seguro y saludable

(aplasta) sólo si tienes uno y quieres atraerlo.

о atraer enamoramiento

• le gustas a la persona que te gusta

• La persona que te gusta te encuentra extremadamente
atraer enamoramiento

⚫ Le gustas a la persona que te gusta

• la persona que te gusta te encuentra extremadamente atractiva

⚫ la persona que te gusta quiere estar contigo

о tener conversaciones interesantes y divertidas con la persona que te gusta

о ser muy cercano a la persona que te gusta

⚫ Crush muestra con orgullo su amor y afecto por ti.

о aplastarte mensajes de texto ahora

⚫ conoce bien a la persona que te gusta

@dazaiosuma8740 - 08.11.2023 19:22


My life is perfect
Everything goes as i want it to
Im allowed back into the group server after a week
I have my desired personality: Calm,Sweet, understanding and patient
My exes all want to get back with me
People aren't mad at me anymore they forgive me
I have a healthy loving relationship

@avalouis1196 - 08.11.2023 15:01

I have clean face and it hard for me to get Acne I have big pink lips and no wrinkles and perfect buttons nose
I have perk breasts
My breasts are the same size
My butt bigger that my breasts
My butt round and perfect
My dad makes a lot of money
My dad so rich he gives me some of his money
My grandma so rich she spoils me
My dad gets me braces
My grandma get a big promotion so dose my dad my grandma make 6000k a day my dad make 990000k a day
My grandma buy me all the clothes I want we update our house into a nice and bigger one
My hair is long
My hair is at my butt
My curly are loose
I have 3c curly
I changed school fast af and everyone at my new school like me I am popular I get invited places every day and weekend my friend are funny and nice

@bellastar1299 - 08.11.2023 11:50

I have my dream body!
My teeth are clean, straight, white, and strong
My gums are healthy
My organs work perfectly
I have a healthy healed womb
My feet x hands are healthy, smooth, x pretty
My lips are big, full, and even!
My face is gorgeous and asymmetrical!

I have more than enough passion to conquer all my desires
All my wants are present now
Everyday I rise up to 1,000 dollars
All my needs are taken care of
I am in love with myself
My body works wonderfully x gets everything done

I am an astounding songwriter, amazing singer x multitalented music producer

@Robijan-bs6zc - 07.11.2023 19:20

This girl that I used to love but she was only taking advantage of me physically and she doesn't really love I knew this but I still loved her but after listening to this I think my feelings for her have eased and I will leave her!

@Robijan-bs6zc - 07.11.2023 19:19

This girl that I used to love but she was only taking advantage of me physically and she doesn't really love I knew this but I still loved her but after listening to this I think my feelings for her have eased and I will leave her!

@riorily - 06.11.2023 05:27


@Alyssa63778 - 06.11.2023 00:59

Before - I’m so depressed it’s so bad I’m so sad and I just can’t seem to be happy ever since last year everything’s been going down hill, like my step dad broke up with my mum and now she’s struggling to get a job so we’re basically poor and at school I have friends but ik their not real , I just don’t get along with them and when something starts to get better it just gets 10x worse and I’m so sick and tired of it I just want to be , popular, rich, skinny and pretty because I know if I had all those things I’d be happy, I want a friend group of like 4-5 people, 3 girls 2 boys and the boys are loyal and that and the girls are so sweet and we think exactly the same so I’m praying this whole subliminal will work soon.

How it’s going -

@versaholubec6342 - 04.11.2023 17:27

I need I keep trying to on my own accomplished a few things on my own but I get anxiety really really bad if I have to go anywhere by myself

@floriemin - 02.11.2023 14:50

im so done w my life it's a total mess rn and im only having downfalls:) ill listen to it every night ill update when i notice some changes

@hariomsaini7259 - 02.11.2023 07:51

My all enemy stop bothering me.
Mai apni body ka best version achieve kar lu har aspect mai.
Productive life
Free from bandhan jo mere mantr+ vid+kav+ body
Protect har time har negative cheez se
Best lovelife, school life, spritual life
Protective from all harmful energies
Sucess in every field of life
Har positive dream puri
Correct everything in my life.
Har positive aur right wish fulfil ho jaye isi pal
I manifest 1 million trillion time😜🙏

@scarletwitch2519 - 01.11.2023 17:55

1)I top every exam
2) My family is always with me
3) All my classmates love me
4) I have my dream body and no anxiety
5) I will have my dream career

@taanyakamakshi1111 - 01.11.2023 09:05

You're the best, Simin! I genuinely feel happy after my depression. You saved my life. I can't find words to thank you enough. ❤❤❤❤1111❤❤❤

@girlwhodoesntknow5597 - 26.10.2023 13:44


@l9iana - 25.10.2023 12:51

The energy in this sub is so beautiful

@Lovelyboo2 - 23.10.2023 09:39

Its work❤❤

@Rasha76549 - 18.10.2023 15:00

I have a feeling that my life has changed for the better to this. Thank you very much❤❤❤
I listen to it every day

@thomassesko3118 - 18.10.2023 02:24

Great beats❤

@allisonsroom9420 - 15.10.2023 08:41


@kreosdmabiro - 14.10.2023 09:09

is this unisex?

@Lanadelreyfan300 - 13.10.2023 20:18

Perfect boyfriend
Drivers license
All a’s
Parents are chill
Understanding parents
Get what I want
