Europe's Population Crisis Is About To Explode, Demographics Collapse is Here. End of EU?

Europe's Population Crisis Is About To Explode, Demographics Collapse is Here. End of EU?

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@Kewniereo - 03.02.2024 04:26

It is unfortunate that the good will of western nations is being exploited by people who want a free hand out. Anyone who arrives illegally is not someone who deserves asylum. If you have a legitimate claim you go through legal channels. These people invading other countries are not going to assimilate into the EU culture they are going to bring the same culture that caused them to leave their own country. The fall of the west won't come from war, it will come from the failures of its government to enforce its boarders.

@ChiTheAesthete - 02.02.2024 22:27

Lol mind you its the west that destabilized those countries that migrants are coming from

@heinzgassner1057 - 02.02.2024 22:15

Very well balanced contribution to this complex topic ! As an Austrian-born global business citizen, I was aware to be privileged, but nevertheless I always tried to integrate into any society where I was located. It is possible, but it requires the ability to learn fast and to have well-developed social skills and communication skills. Europe without immigration will fail, but immigration needs to become a mission of everyone - we cannot leave this to ‘politics’. Communities and neighborhoods can actually create positive miracles of integration and create lovely intercultural examples of shaping the future.

@CDA138ek - 02.02.2024 20:42

It is hard to understand. If the European countries need so desperately illegal migrants from Africa and the Middle East to fill the labour market why is the EU ruling cast punishing countries not taking those illegals with 20 000 euro fine?

@user-hm9is5ke9i - 02.02.2024 18:28

Most of these people aren't fleeing war, they are fleeing towards benefits. There are several non-war countries between them and Europe.

@danhair - 02.02.2024 15:21

You can’t keep taking immigrants from countries that don’t want to work to improve itself.

I am for a Denmark’s approach: you come to the country, you have to pay with everything you have in your pockets. And you also get a debt to repay for 5 years or you get sent back.

@sanityedwin9384 - 02.02.2024 14:29

I wonder why those 'Immigrants' came to Europe...... I know, it was War that the U.S started and Europe comply. Thanks I guess?

@Kaylor_Ryan - 02.02.2024 12:47

The EU has lost its culture

@jamalisujang2712 - 02.02.2024 12:18

Pewdiepie saw the writings on the wall and moved to japan. 😂😂😂

@tommybutler2454 - 02.02.2024 11:44

Italy needs help ?

@tommybutler2454 - 02.02.2024 11:42

Thank you for explaining this. It is so confusing.

@tommybutler2454 - 02.02.2024 11:38

Wow. That is crazy !!!

@user-if6vf4sv2v - 02.02.2024 10:35

I used to like this channel but come on guys! "No birth in three months?!" Really?

@scorned5014 - 02.02.2024 09:21

'Far right' are buzz words for those who won't drink the coolaid

@James-ds3fr - 02.02.2024 06:02

We didn’t start the fire

@user-zv8ph5du5t - 02.02.2024 05:03

Successful entrpreneur? She inherited billions from her father who was at one time Australia's richest person.

@TheKing75691 - 02.02.2024 01:07

Immigration immigration immigration people are tired of it and you know what me too

@jeffsurfanderson - 01.02.2024 22:26

The only way it might work is if the government that's the people coming in making sure that they're not bad people but also monitor them kind of like a communist country would do. The system should work like this you are given an option of jobs. You pick one do you have housing made for you and you pay a mortgage for rent. You only have certain living housing to choose from. The government monitors you every step of the way including what you buy and who you talk to. Because after all your own country is what you're trying to protect to be safe

@jeffsurfanderson - 01.02.2024 22:21

Because we are in a world war time era and countries hate other countries you cannot have open borders for the fact that terrorism would infiltrate the countries and hit their infrastructure. You can only have immigration when there's one 100% piece around the world which will never happen because the government and schools of these countries will promote and always put into a bad light there their enemies. Instead of trying to make everything okay and smoothed over they still want to promote the hatred for other countries that's why you cannot have immigration everywhere. I just watched a video showing a a terrorist coming into the United States. Just walking on through

@jeffsurfanderson - 01.02.2024 22:14

See you just proved my point people that have come from countries of violence will just move the violence all over the world and the living conditions are not met because they don't know how to live in a clean environment

@jeffsurfanderson - 01.02.2024 22:08

So the wef wants to create so much chaos and Corruption that people would think that why would I want to bring a child into this effed-up world. So their plan is working

@jeffsurfanderson - 01.02.2024 22:08

You talk about population decline maybe you should be reading the Playbook of the wef they want population decline for the world

@jeffsurfanderson - 01.02.2024 21:48

It's amazing that there is such disparity between the rights and left throughout all these countries matching each other including the United States makes me feel like there is a world agenda of this nonsense. So the question for me is who are these people pushing these stupid immigration agendas the majority of the people do not like them therefore they need to stop. My job would be to find the source and take out the source if it's the wef then that's what it takes take them out. They are unelected officials trying to run the world and there's already another group trying to run the world and those are the banksters. They both are fighting to rule the world at the expense of countries possibly going to Civil War because there's such a divide between people between right and left

@ckaldariaq5904 - 01.02.2024 21:42

No one is protesting legal immigration. People who put up with all that bullshit don't just go out and commit crimes.

The problem with people pouring in with no documentation is you have no clue who they are. They might have a criminal record a mile long in thier HOME country.

@Stuffandstuff974 - 01.02.2024 21:42

The rest of the world's populations are also facing collapse

@marshallfischer3667 - 01.02.2024 21:31

It seems like a gigantic setup. We'll see... Mostly great take on both sides of the issue. Nice job.

@seanmankiller16 - 01.02.2024 21:21

What happened to this channel and geopolitics daily

@Lucas-wn5wm - 01.02.2024 19:10

I believe europe can keep funding illegal migrants because EU can just print money and sustain it

@Vandelberger - 01.02.2024 18:07

Sweden will be Swedistan in 50 years.

@Username18981 - 01.02.2024 18:06

Taking on a project with no plan never ends well. Mass immigration to solve labor issues is exactly that, while fueling crime and lack of integration.

@soragaming3653 - 01.02.2024 17:50

Who wants Allah's face reveal 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

@primary4075 - 01.02.2024 17:22

The point is, it's because USA and America messing up the Middle East and Africa that people migrate from their country to europe (closer to the area).

@Lesainar - 01.02.2024 15:57

Hey guys, all fine AMD dandy, but ffs, can you stop sucking the jiba of the CCP and pretending they aren't a crippled economy who is standing on fraud? (Tofu drag, overgrown housing market with ghost cities)?
You probably don't realize that these little statements makes viewers question the whole video

@rodpettet2819 - 01.02.2024 11:17

Excessive migration is trashing the history and traditions of the countries that take them in.

Most of these economic migrants come from areas of the world bombed by the USA so the US should fix the problem!
All this is exactly what the WEF desires. They control NATO ?

@Anfauglir999 - 01.02.2024 01:47

Germany didn't take in more per capita. Check your facts

@patrikismyname1057 - 31.01.2024 23:47

poland is right

@danspencer4235 - 31.01.2024 23:31

Nobody ever tries to figure out "WHY ARE BIRTHRATES DECLINING?" Perhaps if your government is incompetent, your economy is failing and your future looks bleak then you don't really feel that you should be bringing children into that environment. Adding things to that environment like people who don't share your culture or values, who commit crimes frequently and who adamantly refuse to adapt to your country's way of life, but instead believe that the whole word should adopt their system... well, those things couldn't possibly be discouraging young would-be parents, could they?

@DT-wp4hk - 31.01.2024 22:40

No. The Dutch freedom party did not won because of migration alone. It was because people are fed up with the BS policy of the left, the green lies and 🏳️‍🌈 as well.

@g3n3ral1nsanity5 - 31.01.2024 20:29

I appreciate you telling people to form their own opinion through multiple sources we need more of that

@missinglinq - 31.01.2024 19:03

The great migration will be the end of the west. Europe is at the tip of the spear.

@deanos360 - 31.01.2024 18:02

So much double speak and hatred on both sides.The immigrants they are protesting are mostly Muslim immigrants who refuse to integrate and commonly denounce their host societies. Ironically, if you look at the extremes, the right wing parties believe there is a Jewish plot to corrupt their nations while those Muslims believe the Jews are somehow conspiring against THEM. lol what? This contradiction makes sense because the one thing Muslims and nazis agree with is hatred of Jews. I implore you to speak to both sides like I have and I promise you will find this inherently contradictory manifestation of blind hatred.

@ashleycreek5764 - 31.01.2024 17:42

The future is in the hands of Patriots and the political right. The only way to save the future of the west.

@blacklighthologram5339 - 31.01.2024 17:06

A change is coming that is unavoidable at this point, whether it will be for the better or worse I guess only time will tell.

@Neokusp - 31.01.2024 16:50

It's too late for many countries, say thanks to your government

@cristodulolucian4877 - 31.01.2024 16:31

If man have a house wifi recive house indiferent cause...

@benshephard5573 - 31.01.2024 16:15

I thought European problem is with illegal immigration not immigration

@OKonradO1 - 31.01.2024 15:06

I live in Warsaw, Poland. We have a lot of imigrants from UA and other regions of the world - asia africa. but all that i've met WORK - even as simple of a job as food delivery, uber etc. Even the women. A lot of them start their firms. They are normal people. And i look at the news + vids from the rest of europe - UK, FR, GE, SWE etc and i see imigrants from africa and the middle east that only make problems for the people tha welcomed them - ghettos, gangs, crimes etc. When the War started Poland opened the boardes, there was no mass consuion. Just people who really were running away from war, that worked, had companies. I think its too big of a cultural difference to apply the same "mass" migration from africa and the middle east. There are a lot of rich countires in that region. Saudis, UAE. WHy dont these imigrants go there for help? They are often closer in culture to them? I think that the western countries give to much money to the imigrants and they dont have to work/assimilate. Ive heard they rent giantn appartaments and live in them in large numbers. In poland that is not the case. U come u get some help but u either work or get homeless/deported. NO riots. No gangs. One of the safest places in europe. And the wall on the border is a MUST have. If we wouldnt have it then we would have a BIG problem in our own country and wouldnt be able to help others.

@pastyman001 - 31.01.2024 14:25

Wilders did not win in Netherlands as he got nowhere near a majority and almost nobody will work with the fascist. Macron has already been re-elected once and his party has a new PM who is very popular. National Rally have very few representatives around France, so lets not get carried away. In the UK, Farage last got beaten by a man in a Dolphin suit.

@bvon5630 - 31.01.2024 14:16

DESTABILISATION of the west on purpose is what it is?

@torllyalexmia7689 - 31.01.2024 14:01

Every country shoud stop the illegal immigrants and asilum seekers. Use that money for improving the living conditions and facilitate people having babies.(affordable houses, cheaper food, jobs)
