Learning to Paraglide [What it's REALLY like]

Learning to Paraglide [What it's REALLY like]

Passion Paragliding

3 года назад

225,781 Просмотров

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MsStephanieJane31 - 06.11.2023 17:19

🪂 😍❤️😍😍💜

Cameron - 26.09.2023 19:25

I'm looking to enter a course this coming spring to learn how to paraglide and this was really fun, thank you so much for sharing I'm excited!!

Bartholomew Lyons
Bartholomew Lyons - 23.08.2023 06:30

How much is the course?

Teddy Plays
Teddy Plays - 30.06.2023 16:57

Do you think its sketchy to aign up for a 1 day training program where you fly solo at the end?

Wyatt's Wild Adventures
Wyatt's Wild Adventures - 17.06.2023 17:36

So cool man I wish you well. I would love to try this.

Pay Way
Pay Way - 31.05.2023 02:07

I'm a 63 year old paraglider student. I wish I had started this 10 years ago. One thing is you need to be more fit that I am. I'm a power point/excel engineer which means I'm out of shape. It took me 5 lessons to not be so tired learning to Kite and to make the hike back up after a cliff launch and flight. I'm now half way in shape to get good kiting practice. But the instructors are not giving me any slack and I dont ask for any. So if you're out of shape get in shape before you take lessons. (Or find a school that trucks you back up the cliff).

I dont know how anyone can become a P1 is a day. Maybe after 3 or 4 days. Maybe some place with calm weather? who knows.

Anyway if you are thinking about it just do it, before you physically cant.

Equitis Singularis
Equitis Singularis - 20.05.2023 01:45


Czyli Chilli
Czyli Chilli - 15.05.2023 15:22

Hello. Is there anything scheduled for 2023 in terms of training courses?

brett parker
brett parker - 09.05.2023 22:23

i think a hanglider probably comes closer to feeling like a bird when you take body position into account

Arffi Lew Nolledo
Arffi Lew Nolledo - 13.04.2023 12:11

How much d course and how much to own one ?,...

Wiki Brzozowska
Wiki Brzozowska - 06.04.2023 14:03

Hey guys, where is that training spot?

MyOther Username
MyOther Username - 03.04.2023 22:59

Smart move to pay for a good professional to produce your video

Fine Mercury East Africa
Fine Mercury East Africa - 22.02.2023 21:29

Would you recommend a good paragliding school in Kenya preferably near Nairobi ?

Bryan Hauschild
Bryan Hauschild - 19.02.2023 07:01

I’m a pilot and would like to do this. Are pilots harder to teach?

OwenWillFindYou - 17.02.2023 04:14

you look exactly like simon pegg

No_Elzee - 09.02.2023 06:40

I'm sorry to differ, but, to soar the invisible air currents on a HANGGlIDER IS as close as you can possibly come to flying like a bird!
😊 Just saying!

Natural Learning insaan
Natural Learning insaan - 31.12.2022 16:26

waaao,Hello sir, i am Shoaib from Gilgit, region of mountain, Pakistan, sir you are amazing tutor and good students. i also want to flying but there is no opportunity for me in our area. would that i could join you sir.😥

Luke - 06.12.2022 23:11

I watch videos about paragliding every day I skydived for a little while and miss being in the air

CelestialSundrop - 03.12.2022 00:11

I tried to download the book but i got an error page :(

Rusty - 22.10.2022 20:55

That looks awesome,it would probably be a very good sensation,to fly with the birds soaring above so high in the blue sky,the air so fresh and miles to see.

Michael White
Michael White - 18.10.2022 19:40

Paraglideng is the best love it fly free! Fly safe!

Bubbalubagus - 16.10.2022 01:35

The booklet gives an error when I try and download - please help!

Thomas Doubting
Thomas Doubting - 14.10.2022 18:57

If you have loads of spare time , paragliding like any outdoor weather dependent pursuits is amazing , but if you work all week in a inflexible job then you will learn pass your test if you can fit it in perhaps on holiday , then you will buy all the kit with a big dream of flying , and you will for a few weekends a year if the gods are on yourside ,and if you have a family to that will hinder progress more than the weather , your kit will sit in a closet waiting and you will be waiting and the time never comes , then it ends up on the internet for sale at a loss to what you paid for it two years later when you realise that paragliding to really enjoy it has to be your life really and our culture demands other things from us . Unless your willing to give it all up and commit to it and have a wife that doesn't mind you disappearing so she can probably have extra martial activities with Dave down the road , you are better off paying for a tandem flight now and again to satisfy your desire to fly like the birds . Paragliding is for people whom are career professionals , retired or semi retired or those who can take the days off work as you please .I mean even if you got a business unless you have staff you simply won't have the time .e

Puer Aeternus
Puer Aeternus - 11.10.2022 23:46

...How hard is a landing on ones... hips?

mohammad khlifat
mohammad khlifat - 13.09.2022 21:08

Hi there how are u ..... WoW its really amazing guys ... how can I get touched with u ..... I have few questions about paragliding.

Elzie2244 - 10.09.2022 21:35

Hi, thank you for a really informative video. I recently went out in a tandem with my uncle whose been doing it for 40 years, and I've now fallen in love with paragliding and want to learn. I'm trying to figure out whether to learn at a BHPA registered school in the UK or abroad. I live in Plymouth & over an hour from the nearest school, so I considered looking at one abroad to save time and money. My only query is, how well do the nicer conditions at schools such as yours prepare you for flying in the UK, where as you say, the weather is so much windier and unpredictable???

Ste Gray
Ste Gray - 05.09.2022 23:48

Missed out the summitless hill climbs in baking hot heat, the draggings, the endless hours sat on the side of the hill and the fence collisions. Not to forget the messed up launches with every man and his dog watching. Getting to watch the casualties being airlifted from the mountain. Dealing with tangled lines, over and over. Wondering what that tearing noise is coming from your harness 500m above some powerlines. The crash landings, the being ripped off your feet. Being thrown about all over the sky. That point where you realise you're flying backwards, over a village. Great fun though.

Pat Prestriedge
Pat Prestriedge - 04.08.2022 03:08

How to sign up for the class and cost?

Lorraine Palmer
Lorraine Palmer - 03.08.2022 19:23

Thank you!

Therese Dignard
Therese Dignard - 03.08.2022 04:09

Where do you sign up for your booklet on the program? Sounds awesome. I used to skydive, but this looks like more fun.

VrArsenal - 26.07.2022 17:57

Hey quick question to anyone who has done this: do you need to wear a parachute

The Communist
The Communist - 26.07.2022 03:13

How moch, mate, how moch?

Swaggie - 16.07.2022 10:41

That was great thank you , from down under.For shareing. Cheers Foggy.

simon de la Canal
simon de la Canal - 15.07.2022 14:40

Amazing video! I'm loving the shots from Àger, Spain. I'm currently living and learning to fly there and it's amazing.

Ionut trial
Ionut trial - 09.07.2022 19:24

any location for training near London or outside London? and a contact number?

PersianWorrier - 04.07.2022 00:53

Hi guys
I tried to download the book but after my name and email address and click on download like gave me errore I tried few time. I thought to let you know.
Many thanks

ricardo baraldi
ricardo baraldi - 22.06.2022 02:48

Such nice video. I am on the way to finish my course and become a pilot soon. Btw is walways nice to hear about others paraglider spot.:)

Sunil Dutt
Sunil Dutt - 19.06.2022 16:09

Can you help me paragliding how many types clouds i want learning cloud knowledge

Jiuhua Qu
Jiuhua Qu - 08.06.2022 01:05

I don't know why I am watching this because I am already a paragliding pilot lol. But I still want to watch and it's fun!

Kimberly25christine smith
Kimberly25christine smith - 05.06.2022 01:39

i always wanted to skydive and then i realized the part i want to experience most was once you use the parachute. i didnt realize paragliding is basically that!!

Vladimir Sekulic
Vladimir Sekulic - 31.05.2022 15:53

I was not able to download your free book, I get some error with it.

Tim Lewis
Tim Lewis - 29.05.2022 21:49

This is very well presented video .. unfortunately the reality doesn't match up to the promise and none of our class of students were happy with Passion. Many of us booked up based on this video. The truth was we hardly ever saw Tony Colombe (except when he was moonlighting doing Tandems and at the end of the course when he wanted to sell us equipment ) ... so much so we had to demand a private meeting with him half way through the course to complain about our instructor's lack of empathy for the students ? Ager is not ideal for learners and don't be sucked into "we have great weather to be able to train" .. we spent more time hanging about than flying .. as an example by the end of our first week when we were supposed to have completed our EP we had only dome ONE flight .. one student who was only there for EP left without passing as he had only got one flight in ?

R K - 23.05.2022 23:25

The link doesnt work.

afaramazian - 19.05.2022 17:10

download is not working sorry

Mike Broadfoot
Mike Broadfoot - 16.05.2022 02:52

Your link is broken

Smile Big
Smile Big - 10.05.2022 18:03

Thsnk u for walking me through the process

James Scarr
James Scarr - 08.05.2022 15:30

I think the link doesn't work anymore. For the free booklet.

Rob Pearce
Rob Pearce - 08.05.2022 12:46

great vid. Honestly the best thing though was the hoodie the instructor had :-) gotta get one of those !
