Answer to Gene from Audioholics -Testing 3D Audio Upmixer Auromatic, Dolby Surround and DTS Neural:X

Answer to Gene from Audioholics -Testing 3D Audio Upmixer Auromatic, Dolby Surround and DTS Neural:X

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Reiner - 21.05.2022 10:51

Super Vorführung.

Isak - 19.12.2021 20:41

I'm curious about the Dali Opticon mk2 speakers. Which models are you using, and how are they in comparison to the regular Opticons and the Rubicons?

Cap’n’ Jack
Cap’n’ Jack - 16.12.2021 03:36

Thanks for the comparison. We have a 7.2.6 (13.2) setup with front heights and rear heights. Switching among all three codecs during immersive audio 3D up mixing revealed Auromatic as the preferred codec for our family. The bass was a major factor as it is more hard hitting than the DSU or DTS codec. We also prefer the large soundstage and fiuller 3D immersive audio experience that Auro 3D presents on most material . We mentioned this bass difference to Gene in the comments of his comparison vid. We even listed specific songs (both 2 CH & 5.1/7.1 sources) for him to try as the differences are quite clear. Hopefully he’ll give it a whirl without a “DSU is better “ narrative bias.

Frank Hoegen
Frank Hoegen - 15.12.2021 23:27

Ja ich spar auf Auro...dts X is mir alles zu dünn....Surround wenig Abbildung ...und Bühne....

bene-bert - 14.12.2021 18:18

Danke für die Antwort auf das Audioholics Video.
Ich bin ein Fan von euch und von Gene.
Ich finde, dass Gene in der Hinsicht etwas zu sehr auf seine Expertise nämlich Elektronik abzielt. Er hat mir in den Kommentaren zu seinem Post nämlich geantwortet, dass er das Layout nach Atmos-Spezifikation fährt weil das durch den geringen Abstand Vorteile im Pegel bringt, was ja richtig ist.

Einen Auro 3D Test auf seinen Lautsprechern, so gut diese auch sind macht das aber meiner Meinung nach hinfällig, da wir bei unseren Tests erlebt haben, dass sich die raumfüllende Bühne so nicht so toll aufbaut wie wenn man die Auro 3D Winkel für Aurowiedergabe einhält.

Zu den Formaten an sich will ich mich nicht weiter äußern, da es wie ich finde viel mehr auf den Mix Ankommt als auf das Format.

Zu wenn man von dem kleinen Pegelvorteil absieht den Gene hervorgebracht hat für Musik die Positionierung nach Auro 3D Grundsätz uns mit ihrem "psychoakustisch" natürlicheren und lückenloseren Klangdarstellung mehr überzeugt auch bei Atmos ( dazu möchte ich darauf hinweisen, dass auch Dolby in drrDokumentation auf seiner Internetseite bei großen Layouts die front und rear hights belegt hat).

Ich finde super, dass viele mit diesem Hobby so freundlich und rege diskutieren und auch ihr euch mit einem klasse Beitrag beteiligt!

Liebe Grüße :)

bond2k3 - 13.12.2021 21:45

I love the Auro upmixer. But I only use it for movies and Atmos music. :)

Mark Fontaine
Mark Fontaine - 13.12.2021 18:11

Thank you sir for your comments. We’ve yet to see a proper comparison with properly configured Auro and Dolby/DTS setups however. In my opinion, there are very few Atmos mixes that use the heights properly. You can have rain in a scene, and the heights are silent. I’ve seen this over and over. Aqua man is a terrible mix, and there aren’t many good ones. Many of us have spent a good deal of money, time and trouble to install these channels and provide amplification for them and have been let down, time and time again by crappy Atmos mixes. If you’re ok with little or no ambient information in the heights, then proceed as usual. I think Auro shines in recreating an acoustic bubble, and does it consistently. We all must decide for ourselves

Rene Staempfli
Rene Staempfli - 13.12.2021 11:53

Thanks for your valuable input. I can only use 7.2.4 on my AVC X4700H, but sending all pre out to the mixing console gives me a lot of fexibility to experiment. So I played the Bird song to experiment and check it out myself. To me, Auromatic has the most pleasing sound. Of course my speaker layout is optimised for Auro, which may be a bit biased. Also, just using one song, does not really give you a good global judgement on upmixing. About 20 years ago, I started to experiment with Ambisonics and upmixing. Today, for me, Auromatic has the most pleasing upmix of all the available technologies.

Audioholics - 13.12.2021 10:36

Nice video and thanks for your interest. Your demo sounds to me that you did not enable "center spread" for the DSU. With "center spread" turned off there will be too much focus in the center channel and it collapses the stereo image. The layered vocals come through with the DSU in your demo like they did for me while Auromatic just has vocals going all the time in all channels. Thanks for confirming my findings. If you like that sound, great. Personally I prefer the more subtle cues and layering that the DSU is doing that Auromatic isn't. I'm a purist when it comes to 2CH music so I try to just make the upmixing effect subtle without hurting the front soundstage.

I do appreciate the adjustability that Auromatic offers. Dolby used to have this with their PLIIX Music mode and it's missed now. Luckily you do have the ability to make some adjustments to all Upmixers in the Storm Processor to compensate. I do think Dolby and DTS have work to improve their upmixers as I do hear artifacting in them as well.

In any event, it's all a fun exercise and hope you enjoy.

Respectfully, Gene

Richard H
Richard H - 13.12.2021 10:18

Ealan Osborne hat ebenfalls vor kurzem ein interessantes Video zu diesem Thema gemacht. Er war wesentlich begeisterter vom Auto upmixer.

laurooon 1
laurooon 1 - 13.12.2021 10:09

Er spricht ja in dem Video vom aufblasen von 2.0 auf 13.1. Nehmt ihr auch eine 2.0 Quelle?

Markus Bayer
Markus Bayer - 13.12.2021 08:31

Ist der Center Height denn so eine Bereicherung für Auro?
Also bei Musik wohl schon, aber auch bei Film?

Theo M
Theo M - 13.12.2021 05:17

Totally agree with you

aerox091 - 13.12.2021 03:24

Super Video auromatic läuft bei mir nur noch ist für mich das beste was es auf dem Markt gibt

Joe N Tell
Joe N Tell - 13.12.2021 03:09

Awesome. I just linked to your video on my YT community page.

von Richthofen
von Richthofen - 13.12.2021 01:52

Auromatic is by far the best upmixer, i have many friends with home cinemas, we disagree on most things but on this we agree. Just as Auro3D is the best immersive system. Unfortunately it didnt become the industry standard because Dolby and Datasat have better connection to the American movie industry than a small Belgian company.

38special4ever - 13.12.2021 01:39

I guess the center height speaker is active on the Auromatic upmix, when the bed layer speakers are off?
