Debunking EVERY LIE in Yandere Dev's Apology Video

Debunking EVERY LIE in Yandere Dev's Apology Video


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@bellpheria - 22.01.2024 22:53

Wow, how nice of him not to blame the victim for the whole situation !
Also, I do think he's sorry.

Sorry for being caught and exposed in front of the whole internet, that is. Surely next time he'll do a better job at manipulating the minors he grooms so he won't have to make yet another apology.

@Eggsandman - 22.01.2024 19:50

The issue that I have with his video that may or may not be referred to as an apology, is that it has changed nothing whatsoever. Moreover, it's proving that he's still doing it now, even after getting called out on it earlier last year.
'The girl allowed me to read the first draft of the statement, and offer feedback' - I agree with everything you said about that comment, no problems. My issue is, that's a red flag. That tells me he's still capable of manipulating her to some degree, perhaps even back to how he was before.
Until he is made to answer for what he's done in a meaningful way, I don't think this will ever end. He'll continue, because it keeps working, not only to his targeted victims, but also to those who follow him, and he's getting away with it.

This video is a great breath of fresh air to unveiling the real meaning behind his video. Thank you so much for bringing it to light! We should never give him the chance to let the matter go, because I know he will the moment he can do so.

@AngellusRavenix - 22.01.2024 18:11

This was basically a DSP statement. Ignore the "proof", only listen to what I say. Don't believe the screen shots, audio clips, video clips, texts, people involved or anything I personally said before now. Because listening to anyone but me proves you're a hater.

@Lapagfam - 22.01.2024 16:54

People have already put into words what i feel about this train wreck of an "apology" far better than i can so I'm just gonna answer your inquiry you had at the start of the video about your intro. I miss when you used to call us your little calamaris so maybe try something with that instead of the pond thing. Great video, love ya!

@DanielFuhres - 22.01.2024 16:33

Thanks for making another video on this. ^^
I really can not believe how people feel his video was good or that he even learned his lesson and everything... There is no way in HE.L.L he has learned his lesson and no way in HE.L.L he even is gonna change his ways within a few months without even wanting to change.
The guy is a creep and will always be a creep. and he should be going to jail for his actions against the children that are his fans. >=(

Aso: I really love your art you were drawing in the background of this video. So pretty and awesome. <3 <3
Keep up teh wonderful work. <3

@temmie-iy7ne - 22.01.2024 10:30

bijuu mike just released another yansim vid 😂 bro couldnt ignore the moneey

@snalilita - 22.01.2024 02:20

Istg this guy is so annoying can he just get off the internet already or at least get off my feed I'm sick of his face and his actions

@thepixelman4776 - 22.01.2024 01:06

Small thing I know, but appreciate you putting the filter over and speeding up his video when you have to show footage from it. I’m sure it was just for brevity, but I’ll be honest, i was hesitant to actually watch Becuase I just…. Don’t want to actually look at his face or hear his voice.

@artitrash7052 - 22.01.2024 00:42

Hehe fried octopus

@BradenBest - 22.01.2024 00:12

I've never heard of DARVO, but I have heard of ANDEMCA (Admit Nothing, Deny Everything, Make Counter-Accusations)

@vegasvalente5680 - 21.01.2024 23:18

Ok why is the 16 year old victim still in contact with him? And where is this 16 year olds parents? Sorry if this is common knowledge, I also understand it’s not good to have so much information on a kid but like…she’s STILL talking with him and from what I can gather is still being manipulated by him?!?!

@crepe-chips - 21.01.2024 21:42

the way the first thing i thought when i read the title of his video was "which allegation?"

@veriety. - 21.01.2024 20:56

I literally grew up watching yandere Dev this is heartbreaking

@iiraingirlii - 21.01.2024 20:15

Thank you 😭idk why people are believing him

@burushifudara - 21.01.2024 19:21

My actual reaction: "When is this cycle gonna end?"

I have to believe now that it is physically impossible for Yandere Dev to not cause even more problems to himself
Seriously wondering how did we have to end up in this timeline of events lol

@lana.pat1308 - 21.01.2024 19:01

I will never understand why most predator's go to excuse is somehow always "the child tricked me" ... LIKE THAT MAKES SENSE 😂😂😂😂😢

@yourdad7853 - 21.01.2024 18:09

Your png-tuber avatar would look better with some more shading. It looks odd because, while some parts of your avatar has shading, most of it disproportionally doesn't. That unbalance makes it visually off-putting.

PS: if you do decide to add more shading to your character, please don't use black. Instead, use a non-grayscale color that only seems darker because it is a slightly different color. For example, you would shade yellow with orange or shade blue with purple. That would fit better with your art style. Also, since your colors are so desaturated, you could shade by making shaded areas have increased saturation. For example, you would shade your light blue with a blue that, while not technically darker, is more saturated with blue.

@robinfinch314 - 21.01.2024 15:01

Since you were asking for feedback: Sometimes your Ps popped a little at the start of the video. Not too much but I can still hear it on my headphones. Otherwise, good audio.

Edit: I'm 35 myself and while some people my age can still be immature because well, we're all just human, what YandereDev did is just disgusting. I can only speak for myself but I avoid talking to kids on the internet like a plague. It's not just because of any nsfw topics but also because I got way different things going on in my life than a kid. Also, there is the element of immaturity, which is hard for me to deal with. I chose not to have kids for a reason. I'm also not anyone's replacement parent. That's why I always make sure that when I privately talk to someone on the internet, they confirm they're an adult. Usually you can tell if you actually talk about topics outside of your interests. Asking doesn't hurt.

What I'm trying to say - this is completely on him. He should have asked. He should have confirmed. He should have said 'since you're underage, I don't want to talk about nsfw topics with you, it's not appropriate'. The ball is in his court, especially in his own community that is about an adult game that he makes. You can't blame a child for that. They don't know how to act sometimes.

@_loonytoons - 21.01.2024 13:12

I just learnt about this- those audios are actually disgusting

@draconicgremlin7484 - 21.01.2024 12:33

Even if she initiated any kind of sexual relationship, he is a grown ass man that should 100% KNOW BETTER! As soon as she supposedly initiated any inappropriate interaction, he should have immediately shut it down and cut her off. She is a minor. He is a grown adult. Once again: HE KNOWS BETTER

@Skelliez - 21.01.2024 11:20

If this had happened 2-3 years earlier nothing would’ve happened .. but yandev was apparently so lonely he had to speak inappropriately with a minor.

@Portal2LabRat - 21.01.2024 10:58

the screenshot of jelly blaming herself and prioritizing the game over herself broke my heart. wishing her nothing but the best

@AliHassan007 - 21.01.2024 07:36

Sick man 🤮

@DyingZoulz. - 21.01.2024 04:48

I'm not on either side but I'd just like to say that who cares about the dev. Just play the game. It's a good game overrall just yandev did a stupid. Not defending him. Just saying.

@CrownJewel123 - 21.01.2024 03:35

Cmon yall we BEEN knew yanderedev is a creepy groomer man. He has always been a fucking creep. Look at his shitty game that has been in development since before I graduated HS 8 years ago…

@juegobuenoyomalo9501 - 21.01.2024 02:33

wtf is cscm

@karinababs9200 - 21.01.2024 02:23

I like your intro as is but I feel like a fun way of saying welcome to the chaos would be like “let’s jump in the whirlpool!” Or “time to take a deep dive into the twilight zone” (since it’s the deepest part of the ocean)

@sdebord8707 - 21.01.2024 01:37

I literally cannot believe yandev hasnt dropped off the internet and made a new persona yet

@ivanlarsengt4760 - 21.01.2024 01:33

Your debunking isnt really what i would call "debunking" your saying his statements and apology video is manipulative without giving valid arguements. Funny how your just doing this for views lmao.

@mikeg4691 - 20.01.2024 23:36

I like how authentically you pronounce yandere

@alexotter1760 - 20.01.2024 22:58

"sex licenses arent something i strongly believe in or would die on a hill for!!" my brother in christ this is an idea youve had for literal years and constantly argue in favor of despite every argument against it. you are not only dying on this hill. you are a ghoul that curses that hill and will never rest until you win one battle on that hill. oh my god.

i sincerely hope jelly finds and gets help. this was gut wrenching to hear about.

@rosethewitch6293 - 20.01.2024 22:30

Does anybody else notice how his approach to the allegations pretty much mirrors that of Colleen Ballinger's? Just goes to show that the whole "if the roles were reversed then the perpetrator would be in jail" isn't always the case

@critically.panned - 20.01.2024 20:32

Every time I think this guy has disappeared, a new video exposé comes out. Its been YEARSSSSS at this point 😭

@narrary - 20.01.2024 19:58

You all do realize that most of the fans are young impressionable teenagers right? Instead of focusing on the comments we should be focusing on yandere devs manipulation of his own young fans.

@fern_cf2574 - 20.01.2024 19:41

So' I've been through the video. It's just so sad. I'm just disappointed and weirded out.

@fern_cf2574 - 20.01.2024 18:40

I'm torn about because it's hard to split Yanderedevs work and the creator in different toppics. I haven't played Yandere Sim since the accusations started and I think I did the right thing in that point. On the other hand, I probably have the wrong picture of him. That's also why I try to not take part in discussions, because I'd like to be able to habe the right mindset about him like about J. K. Rowling even though some would judge the first one more because it had to do with the grooming of minors.

So overall, I just don't support him anymore.

@NotebookTheCat - 20.01.2024 16:57

Omg I love your intro!!! ♥

@justanegg8478 - 20.01.2024 16:55

I knew I was calling him a pdf file on already backed claims, just part of me forgot.

But regardless of if this is even true, he doesn’t deserve the audience with how many people he hurt.

@TakoTraducciones - 20.01.2024 15:39

Hay personas que dicen "su disculpa fue bien hecha, ya no se que creer" literal solo se bañó y habló en una manera elegante, ¿Que de eso es de una buena disculpa?

@giogio7810 - 20.01.2024 14:50

he also does this thing where he says: ” now that i've established that I'm not ... a groomer “
and weirdly putting the focus on that
almost ridiculing the word groomer, because he doesn't believe in it

hes not really taking any of this serious or learning from any of this and you can tell

@dante_with_a_pizza - 20.01.2024 14:45

tysm for this

@DragonixaHome - 20.01.2024 14:04

Thank you for clearing it all up for people out there. I'm the type of person who likes to give people the benefit of the doubt in certain situations, but there's no doubt there - he's a groomer

@Teenytinyteaa - 20.01.2024 13:48

One thing I noticed is that he never calls Jelly the victim in this video. With most apologies like this. They would call the victim. Well the victim. But no, shes just "The Girl" because she's not the victim in this situation. HE is. Because if he calls Jelly the victim, then that means that he is in the wrong.

@ConMakesFunni - 20.01.2024 13:01

Yandere Dev alone makes me sick to my stomach. He's been working on a game for 9-10 years, acts like a creep on the internet, has made the worst apology video, can not take any advice/criticism, AND NOW HIM BEING A GROOMER. I'm disgusted to what he's done, and I'm probably never going to respect him ever again. 😞

@Fluffadoodle - 20.01.2024 11:55

You’ve said yourself that it is important to keep talking about issues so we don’t let abhorrent people keep living normal lives. Yandev is a pedophile, yes, but do you know how many men, women and minors are being raped in oppressed communities right now? This is not a time to pick and choose what we wish to speak about. The Irish are speaking up when the West Bank, Bethlehem, got bombed on Christmas. You know the Irish man that wasn’t? JSE. Too busy playing a festive update of Powerwash simulator whilst his people fiercely defended Palestine. Illymations just came out with a new video talking about coming to terms with her jewish background, but she’s not gonna talk about the Jews against Israel marching for the liberation of Palestine, and how the Israeli government is hiding behind them as an excuse to commit war crimes worse than the Nakba and worse than what the South Africans suffered, in their own words. Are you better than them? I want to know.

@JiminPark-bv9ce - 20.01.2024 11:32

I saw his apologie amd actually laughed at how baffling it was he even talked about it, and starting 2024 with a god dam.n shitty apologie video. And i was expecting him to bw slandered but... Yandere fans are... Yandere fans...
