Bariloche - Amazing Swiss-German Town of Argentina

Bariloche - Amazing Swiss-German Town of Argentina

Max and Jacqueline

4 месяца назад

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@Daniel-gr6jx - 21.05.2024 21:16

Al final ¿son mejores los chocolates suizos o los de bariloche? jajaj

@Justcallmedad1205 - 14.05.2024 05:04

Nazi town

@derkabronen - 05.05.2024 08:12

haha.. not Hitlet... but Priebke was a nazi fugitive caught in Bariloche. So mayyyyyybe some nazi people came to Argentina... illegally... as they were caught... illegally by the jew army.

@jhunelflowtv2849 - 25.04.2024 15:22


@flawyerlawyertv7454 - 14.04.2024 20:16


@samirSch - 31.03.2024 02:48

Actually, the nazis took refugee in their secret bases in Antartica, on the terrirtory they called New Swabia (Neuschwabenland). But before taking the journey they'd hide among the german communities in southern Brazil, northern Paraguay and flock to Bariloche as this was the last stop before departing to Antartica.
And for those who don't believe this, remember that in 1947 the chilean navy seized a nazi submarine full of gold, paints and other art works from the 3rd Reich, while it was en route to Antartica.

@danielbertelli180 - 23.03.2024 20:01

Benroth for me are the best!!!!

@mariajulitacaro5086 - 23.03.2024 19:15

Que ricoos los chocolates de Bariloche! 🍫 🍯🍫 🇦🇷 ☺ 🌷

@flacosolazzi6250 - 22.03.2024 22:07

Lindo video en Bariloche, chicos.
Nuevos suscriptor.

Saludos desde ciudad de Olavarría, Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina).

@augustonanclares3591 - 21.03.2024 04:23

Hermoso Bariloche ❤🇦🇷

@nicanorwaisman2026 - 20.03.2024 05:34

Hola buen video! yes Hitler escaped and lived in the surroundings of Bariloche, the CIA knew it and the british secret service. I recommend that you read Abel Basti's books, with a lot of evidence about this

@argenrussky - 19.03.2024 19:13

If you ever comeback, we highly recommend you to go to “el boliche de alberto” the best meat ever

@lalogemmic - 19.03.2024 07:41

You didnt try the Fra Nui? are you guys nuts??

@sebastianduarte917 - 18.03.2024 15:38

I understand your point but unnecessary to say that is a german city as well, we know the influence but nobody speaks german just people who went after World War.
Respect my country, 🇦🇷 and only 🇦🇷

@gasato01 - 18.03.2024 14:35

You nave yo see Hitler s house!!

@bmj4659 - 18.03.2024 07:21

Hi guys i hope you have enjoyed my country, i visited bariloche 2 years ago and that was one of the most beautiful experienced that i have had, probably this year i come back!! greetings !!

@ricardodiez4311 - 18.03.2024 01:10

RAPANUI is the best one

@adriangottau8244 - 17.03.2024 20:28

Hola! tienen que conocer el hotel Eden!

@claudiopiazza3793 - 16.03.2024 12:18

I am from Cordoba Argentina and in January of this year I went to Bariloche for the first time, we went for 7 days but it was only on the fifth day that I found out that the cable car existed, they have spectacular views that can be seen from the cable car and from the revolving restaurant, it is one of the must-see places, I went thinking that I had plenty of time in 7 days and in the end I had things to do.

@luchocramero405 - 16.03.2024 08:43

Por que los anglosajones,(británicos, estado unidenses, canadienses, neozelandeses y australianos) confunden que existe una arquitectura Latinoaméricana, eso no existe, en sudamerica la arquitectura es mas bien española pais q conquisto y colonizo america, con bastante influencia italiana y Francesa, de ahi q seamos latinoamericanos, ya q provenimos de paises latinos de Europa donde reino el imperio romano, en Australia por ejemplo es una colonia britanica angosajona, de ahi q compartan cultura con ese pais así como su arquitectura, (donde convivian mas que nada los celtas y babaros), para q conozcan un poco de su procedencia genialogica jaja, mientras q en Latinoamérica compartimos cultura con paises latinos de europa(España, italia, francia, Portugal, y grecia), aunque durante las guerras mundiales la gran inmigracion de alemanes, ucranianos, yugoslavos, ingleses, nordicos, suizos, hungaros, autriacos y demas que huian del conflicto para hacer nueva vida en distintos paises sudamerica tambien aportaron mucho a la cultura de dicersos paises como Argentina, Chile, brasil, Uruguay, Venezuela, Paraguay, colombia, etc.

@user-le4zd3iy3l - 16.03.2024 05:17


@vicinoorsini5163 - 14.03.2024 23:05

Traful, El Bolson, Villa la Angostura, San Martín de los Andes, Lanin Volcano, it's the whole package. The dolls are actually called Matrioschkas in Russian, but everyone in Argentina has this confusion with Mamuschka. The chocolates are great, other small craft shops are also excellent. Rapa Nui is the real deal, get the raspberry dipped bombonss. The myths are mostly tall tales to have something to tell the tourists. The scenery is cute enough to justify the trip, can be enjoyed year-round. You can hike up to Cerro Otto, tough going but worth it. Another traveller favourite is the lamb, roasted in various ways. You can get venison or boar in some spots.

@paoolguin7366 - 14.03.2024 17:14

Even better than belgian 🍫 🙌 In my opinion.

@lrh4ttaw157 - 14.03.2024 14:46

AHI es donde escondieron a HIT- ler

@valentino9032 - 14.03.2024 13:45

Que pais de la puta madre tenemos, muy rico cultural y naturalmente, lastima nuestros historicos problemas de corrupcion y la gente que ha pasado por casa rosada, porque sino seriamos el pais perfecto, Muchas gracias por venir! Saludos de un argentino

@eduardocampanelli4185 - 13.03.2024 19:58

Disculpen gringos ,soy de la Ciudad de Mar del Plata , Provincia de Buenos Aires Argentina , y les informo que la autentica Suiza Argentina se encuentra en la Provincia de Cordoba ,y es la localidad de La Cumbresita

@atulisrockin - 13.03.2024 19:52

I bought about 4kg of Swiss chocolate from Montreux last August. And 4kg from Bariloche in Feb 2024. I've eaten/given out as gifts about half. Now to go back to London and split test the chocolates!

@omarmuniz3348 - 12.03.2024 01:06

Tiene ese estilo porque hubo mucha inmigración alemana, nazis

@arielsegieda4209 - 11.03.2024 10:49

If you start the seven lakes route from Bariloche you will reach San Martin de los Andes town, in my opinion is much more beautiful than Bariloche itself, its a 2/3 hours trip from Bariloche

@BaronVonBattenberg - 11.03.2024 08:41

Hey guys. I'm sure Jacqueline didn't mean to offend any Argentinian. It's a fact that the city was founded by germen immigrants. U can cross into the pacific ocean from there by the way. Love your video. ❤

@BaronVonBattenberg - 11.03.2024 08:40

Hey guys. I'm sure Jacqueline didn't mean to offend any Argentinian. It's a fact that the city was founded by germen immigrants. U can cross into the pacific ocean from there by the way. Love your video. ❤

@user-bq4hj1qt1m - 10.03.2024 19:36

And nobody in Argentina call it Little Switzerland

@user-bq4hj1qt1m - 10.03.2024 19:36

It is an Argentinian town which had german inmigration in the past.

@vive4003 - 10.03.2024 19:02

What would the world do without the Americas NO chocolate, tomatoes, chilies etc.

@gustavolorenzo8582 - 10.03.2024 07:18

Bariloche es mi lugar en el mundo. Fui muchas veces y no me canso de volver. Bienvenidos y me alegro que la hayan pasado bien.

@fabianmaximo3928 - 09.03.2024 16:00

Hola chicos y Bienvenidos!!

@Un_Americano_de_las_PUA - 09.03.2024 04:16

América tiene arquitectura austríaca en Bariloche, nos fascinó a los Americanos vuestro video amigos además de un saludo Americano América 🇦🇷

@AlLopez-tt1qs - 09.03.2024 02:05


@martinlopez5416 - 08.03.2024 01:27

Para los q se enojan no sean pelotudoss obvio influencio lo.europeo la mayoria tenemos descendents y arribaron a Argentina y construyeron como loco hasta en Buenos Aires arquitectos franceses llegaban y el mismo Argentino queria construir al estilo Europeo lean historia no sean ignorantes

@rekagado - 07.03.2024 22:41

OMG!!!!YOU sound exactly like Chandlers gurl friend!!!Nice video.thanks enjoy!!

@user-ns8yw8fz9g - 07.03.2024 07:42

Dicen que Hitler tomo cianuro y se suicido pero nunca encontraron el cuerpo y ahi en Bariloche en la epoca del 30 llegaron muchisimos Nazis hasta los mas sercanos a Hitler como su chofer por ejemplo. Entonces no creo que sea tan loco pensar que Hilter podria haber vivido en Bariloche

@analezcano2018 - 07.03.2024 05:08

Bariloche es una ciudad bellísima! Y toda la Patagonia tiene paisajes increibles, ideal para descansar y comer cosas ricas! Bienvenidos!

@jorgesancineto2943 - 07.03.2024 03:03


@baldusi - 06.03.2024 15:46

You have to go to Villa La Angostura. Try chocolate from Benroth and La Fabrica de Chocolate. And Amèlie has an excellent fondeau. Then you go to San Martín, try Mamusia.

@mariotezipizape - 04.03.2024 19:29

lindo video, me alegro que la hayan pasado bien. 50 dólares una comida no es tanto, para dos personas. La cena es a partir de las 21, porque si cenás a las 6 o 7 de la tarde después qué hacés hasta la 1 de la mañana que empieza la diversión? Disfruten su estadía, y si les gusta el queso coman una provoleta, como entrada.
