Find me
I was once told that walking through a doorway could cause someone to forget
Even the most precious memories they had
Memories of good, memories of bad, memories of love and of loss
All tucked away neatly
Stored like the worn out blankets that were kept to dress the rainy days
And bad habits that happen from time to time
Or what it felt like to rest your head on a friend's shoulder
That still carries with it the creases from where you last placed your heart
Just like that
Gone within a single step
That somehow three beams and an imaginary line drawn across some old aching floorboards
Were all that stood between you and the infinite silence
Of the very things that once colored your mind with sound
It's funny
You can make yourself believe almost anything if you
If you think about it for long enough
(Was that you?)
(Was that you?)
I was once told that the love I felt beating inside my chest
Was nothing more than my mind playing an unfair trick on my heart
And like a pair of dice dancing along the uneven pavement
Their fate, much like yours or mine had already been decided
That even the cracks that drew their faults between two opposing sides
Cannot escape a fate that was always destined to be sealed
To think
That someone could actually believe that the swelling tides of my heart
We're no more than an anxious highway of ins and outs
Anchoring my imagination to the castles I've been building in the sky
Well, maybe they are the crazy ones
Then again, I have been known to misplace my hope in the way things fall
And if I had to confess there stands a greater chance that I have all but lost my mind in here
So I suppose it's better off this way
Because I've always believed that the odds of finding what you seek
Tend to favor those who are open to seeking them in the first place
And I for one have never quite understood how odds stand to get even without that frame in mind
To be clear
I've seen a million faces
I've seen a million different faces
Each one mirroring that of your own
And still, none of them felt like home to me
None of them have felt like you
So here we are
And I can vaguely and strangely trace your outline
I can remember what it felt like to hold you
I can remember what it was like to stare blindly
Into your eyes for what felt like an eternity
How could I forget that?
I could never forget that
I could never forget you
No matter how long it takes for my words to make their way
Through the vastness of this place we've called home
I unto you and you unto me
I say them and will continue to do so
Day after day
Night after night
Never knowing if you'll actually hear them
There is no place for time here
Just overlapping moments where I thought I'd found you
Where I thought I heard the sound of your breath
Where I felt your heart as it waited patiently for mine
Retracing the steps that we left in the life before last
Before our eyes closed
Before the great divide
Before a doorway stood between you and me
As it stands
I've found myself in that doorway again
With both feet in and your heart on my sleeve
But I can't bring myself to walk through this time
Not yet at least
Not until I take one last look and see that it was you
That it was always you
Our hearts strewn across those old fragile floorboards
The silhouettes of each and every one of our memories
Playing out like a story that we both know we've seen before
I remember now
This was where I first found you
And beyond those closed doors
I will find you again
My love
I will find you again
I will find you again
I will find you
I will find you
ОтветитьBeautiful, sorrowful, and more than relatable. Thank you for this. I have been waiting for someone I lost to come back. It’s been over 4 years and my faith and hope only grows stronger, but so does the grief. This describes perfectly waiting in that doorway for her to step into view so I can say “it’s always been you”
ОтветитьHear these words. You are loved.
ОтветитьThank you this Is beautyfull❤
ОтветитьIm here again
ОтветитьI still have hope that he will someday “find me” 💔
ОтветитьI don’t think I can love this anymore than I already do. Then I listen one more time and walk through that door. 🥰
ОтветитьYes, we will find each other again, I remember you ❤
ОтветитьI watched this and breathe when it came out originally. To this day I listen to them like a tape on rewind. They sre truly... beautiful
ОтветитьForest Blakk, can I add this to my website?
ОтветитьWunderschön ❤
ОтветитьWhat exactly is this about?
Ответитьwhat a beautiful lyric... I came across it watching Papadakis and cizeron skating with the lyric as a background... after finding the source with all the words... woww the depth to their skating in huge... i just love the text... such a beautiful lyric... ❤now i will look up all the lyrics of Blakk... just love it❤❤❤
ОтветитьThank you, Forest, for this beautiful soul massage. ❤ Anyone else here because of foomatic21's brilliant video tribute to Portrait of a Lady on Fire? - another beautiful soul massage. ❤
ОтветитьThere is beauty in pain … for if there were no suffering there would be no compassion ❤❤❤
ОтветитьThese words were gifted to an amazing man. An amazing dream , a love so true it was in fact beyond the understanding of our simple minds. These bold words stand tall against the fate that stood against us. As the years passed and the fears faded my love and belief in us didn’t! At least not on my half. I waited , I wait for the other half of me to re align. Maybe he never did , maybe he wasn’t and isn’t my other half that’s why I still don’t feel whole. Hole…. Is where I bury my past and my future. Imprisoned by the events of life there and after yet I was the one who was free. Now you’re free . Free from those walls that held u captive and free from my love that seemed to entrap your soul. Free to live, love and forget what we were or never were. We traded places it seems yet I was locked away with u the whole time. Time was a blessing with u now time now belongs to u. May u one day experience the feelings that define the lyrics of poetry of my ever invading beat of my heart, for someone else who be stills the soul’s song I once wrote and sang for u! Inside these very words , time stops and preserves the very proof and memory of what we / I imagined us to be. The only beautiful thing left of my past present and future. Goodbye my love . Goodbye. Somewhere between 18 floor balcony and these words I’ll forever exist. And when u see the moon in blue October I hope my memory inspires something as beautiful and rare as our love . Ever so … it was WRITTEN
ОтветитьAbsolutely the bottom of the soul. The best feeling human can ever realized. Love is wondeful. Happy those, who feel🫶
ОтветитьThe universe has sent me a lot of synchronicities.. but this is the biggest one it's ever sent. I honestly don't know how I found this
ОтветитьYour words are incredibly soothing 🤍
ОтветитьThis is so incredibly beautiful ❤️
ОтветитьSoooooo beautiful I'm crying in the middle of the street alone 😢
Ответитьthose words are quite something, it's like an entering someone's eyes and lost for a while.
i hope he will find this too
ОтветитьBeautiful text 💙☀️
ОтветитьMy husband has just been diagnosed with Bipolar and felt like I had lost him forever, trapped in his manic world. This has helped me immensely to keep going for him, he is slowly becoming who he was again. Thankyou x
ОтветитьI found this at just the right time. I put his pictures up again. I allowed myself to kissed his face again. All his nuances appeared again after 46 years, him explaining and singing every KISS song for me while playing the occasional air drums, him fanning himself with his red Pizza Hut shirt before our embrace because we didn't have air conditioning in our cars, the way he loved the way I dressed right before I went to work. The natural organical times of the butterflies that never really left. Sharing the same breath again, The first time he said he loved as his strong arms held me tighter at my waist so I didn't faint. It's all happening perfectly. Boy meets girl in the mall, parents catch boy and girl, parents break up boy and girl. I saw and felt MY fairy tale. His physical body left this earth 5 years earlier. I'm able to see his angel reach down for the hand of my angel. And with them I trust we pick up from where we left off in our own magical and unique way and be old together
ОтветитьSending this to you.
ОтветитьI lost my beloved wife, Corinne, to Ovarian Cancer August 28, 2017. Then I lost my precious daughter, Erin, to the same dragon October 22, 2019. Your words have me in tears. It is this hope that keeps me going. Both of them were amazingly strong women, full of faith, hope, and love to the very moment they left. I don't know what lies beyond the veil. But my faith says it is utterly amazing and will put to shame my feeble attempts to imagine it. I don't know the particulars; I choose instead to embrace the mystery. But I do believe in my heart that ... "I will find you again. I will find you again. I will find you again."
ОтветитьI truly feel like forrest speaks the language of our souls
ОтветитьWow, so speechless 🖤
ОтветитьI worked as a end of life nurse aide for 8 years this is what I learned and was told by my teacher while going to School for this job. So bear with me.......
Yes you're loved one body wise is long gone turned to ash or dirt what ever way they choose to go .
I never sugar coat things or have a belief in one god or another or go to after life in some holy book or story....
You're energy everything you are as living being is just pure energy it just the body does not you as person. So they choose where to go or see what they want they are never gone..,..
Thank you Forest. I don't understand all your words but the ones I do were already in my heart for the love of my life, my brother. I wouldn't have believed two people could be so close, think the same thoughts at the same time, burst out laughing together in a crowded room where no one else saw the humor, finish each other's sentences, spend some of every day together even when, on a few occasions, we lived in different towns. We adored each other. Maybe that's why neither of us found that 'one true love.' Because we already had it and no one else could compare. When he went through the doorway without me, my life stopped. Nothing has meaning. I know he'll be the one that comes for me when it's my time to go through that doorway. I will leap through that doorway! 💔
ОтветитьThis is so beautiful, I'm crying
ОтветитьBeautiful ❤️💚❤️
ОтветитьWhat an incredible invitation to reconnect with the divine within. Thank you, Forest ❤
Ответить*A Heart Felt Wish for a Christmas Miracle*
In 2016 I started on my journey to a spiritual awakening. In that process I started tapping into my gift of intuition, telepathy, and opening my third eye. While in some of my meditations, I started to connect with this man. He used to sit at this old dusty piano near a large window looking out into a forest of pine trees. The tallest pine trees I ever saw, so tall that you had to go outside to look up, just to see the sky. The piano represents how we will connect through music..Through the years of learning more about my spiritual gifts and healing journey, it seemed the more I learned, the more he would start to turn towards me. We now connect deeply energetically, as I can feel his energy with me at times. I often can even smell him or feel the touch of his hand. I can see him clearly through my third eye standing closely in front of me and have dreamt about him many times.
I have dreamt about the names of Michael, Seth, Edward, Charlie, or Andrew? He has sandy blonde curly hair that used to be long enough to wear it in a man bun on the top of his head. He had it cut in 2021. He has darker eyebrows that almost create a unibrow but not quite. He is slender and anywhere from his mid 30’s to late 40’s. I know that he is a wood worker and creative with his hands and loves to wear an old light blue flannel shirt while working. I know that either in this life or a past life, he had gotten into a terrible auto accident and was the only survivor. One or two of his loved ones had died and he held great sadness and guilt around this. He lives in the Northern regions of North America, perhaps Canada, Alaska, Washington, Oregon or Maine. I am not sure he is on social media but is well known in a smaller town for his humble soft nature and his art.
I know this is a long shot, but the holiday season has us yearning to find each other. This is very unlike me to reach out to the world and ask for help. But I feel his encouragement as I write this. There are billions of people out there. Someone, somewhere out in this world knows him. And it would be an absolute Christmas miracle to finally find each other. As we all have hope and faith to find our soul's counterpart and the one true love that our hearts wait for. I have at many times thought this experience was all in my head. Many times, I gave up hope. But the more I heal and the more I step into my power as a spiritual healer, the more I trust in myself more than ever to KNOW he is out there waiting for me as I am waiting for him too.
Many blessings to all this holiday season!
My partner decided to leave and I still don't understand what happened. When I heard this it felt as if it was written just for me and it expresses the way I feel. I could have never expressed my feelings as beautifully as this. Thank you
ОтветитьA deep understanding and a lot of respect to you🎩
ОтветитьTruly amazing
ОтветитьTo my future whatever,
Let's even the odds of finding me. Its very easy.
To be loved like this… maybe in the next lifetime
ОтветитьThis can make me cry about nothing i have to cry about🤔