The rich-poor gap in China | A Billion Chinese Dreams | Part 2/4

The rich-poor gap in China | A Billion Chinese Dreams | Part 2/4

CNA Insider

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@tutacat - 11.09.2023 11:56

Poverty line is set too low

@jarrodyuki7081 - 02.05.2023 20:04


@jarrodyuki7081 - 01.05.2023 13:07

Mashed lies to corn cake and chili ….. two coconut cookies or bars……. Lemonade………………… steaks………………………………..

@jarrodyuki7081 - 01.05.2023 13:06

Two coconut cookies or bars……….

@jarrodyuki7081 - 01.05.2023 13:05

Two coconut cookies or bars………………….. for 37 dollars……….

@jarrodyuki7081 - 01.05.2023 13:04

Mashed potato chili and corn cake…….

@jarrodyuki7081 - 01.05.2023 13:04

Mashed potato chili and corn cake…………………….

@jarrodyuki7081 - 01.05.2023 13:00

Any society that doesn’t put my interest first is one that deserves extinction………….

@spy_balloon - 21.04.2023 09:38

Good bye $, hopefully you find a cure from war mongering addict

@rickylow1655 - 06.04.2023 06:34

American and European documentaries are always about why China is failing in this and that, and why we should rejoice. In a sense it is about appeasing the west, to say that the yellow peril is not coming, they are failing, so don’t worry. They make it like China is a huge faceless mess, not human, almost virus like and easy to hate and dislike.
Singapore mediacorp attempts to bring the human side to the country, show the face of struggling masses and attempt to demonstrate that we are all not that different. Of course for people that want to hate, nothing will convince anyway.

@deebil8099 - 12.03.2023 23:29

China's economy is collapsing and soon everyone will be poor. All of the rich in China are moving out of China and taking their money with them. The CCP has made China unlivable. Xi is turning China into a larger North Korea. Now that the U.S. has woken up to China's aggressive actions and started the decoupling. They can't continue to pump up their GDP by building ghost cities and bridges to nowhere using debt.

@tanujSEM - 17.11.2022 17:41

The thing was completely different,industrial proletariat were to be shaped both in town and village without rule of money and capital

@brianheavens6076 - 27.10.2022 02:16

To what i know no one can eradicate poverty or inequality among people cos its a real basis of life you either rich or power .that's life it always plays balance .

@LawrenceHu - 16.09.2022 03:26

The core idea behind the "Chinese dream" is that CCP can maintain its power and continue to rule this land. So it is CCP's dream.

@jadegoard7190 - 14.09.2022 14:17

I do not like her question to the school girl if she feels fair that kids in Chengdu receives better education. It’s a pointless question. There is no such thing as fair. You are at an advantage when you are born in big city than many from the suburban. You are at an advantage when you are born American than many from other countries. My Kudos to those Chinese teachers who use technology to shrink the educational gap for the students they care and help them see the bigger world.

@mohannair5671 - 03.09.2022 02:44

Time chineseyouth took up development if countries like iran and west asian countries with desertt reclamationand solar energy for a moderate fees, engaging youthin a national and toional benefici as l projects!!!

@mohannair5671 - 03.09.2022 02:39

Excellent and balanced coverage of a people on the move!!!

@sangnilautama4771 - 20.08.2022 04:43

🇨🇳✊✊✊ glory to the Chinese civilisation, viva la CHINA. Together we march forward in-tandem.

@ska5568 - 09.08.2022 12:22

As if the gap is any different in Singapore. In fact worse 🤦🏽‍♂️

@fritz3388 - 13.07.2022 06:32

West of the Hu Line lie mostly robbed, non Chinese territory like Tibet and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Original individual cultures develop in specific territory, like high plains or deserts vs mountainous midland or coastal regions. That we find all in one nation is owned to the last centuries of mostly forced nation forming.

@jeff6sc - 10.07.2022 15:58

Among CNA’s most insightful piece into contemporary China’s ups and downs. Well done.

@user-fl6wc5gn1k - 24.06.2022 18:14

I am a Chinese. In fact, many Chinese want to live in the United States, Canada and Australia. More Chinese are beginning to understand American life. Living in China is very tiring. Most people only have one day off a week and work for 8-12 hours.

@yangyang-fy9um - 04.05.2022 15:04


@jacobrocks7 - 24.04.2022 00:50

Common Prosperity is not realistic in any country

@yuansutopia - 10.04.2022 05:25

My dream is that everyone everywhere can live with dignity.

@hotdog7346 - 09.04.2022 21:03

M a o. Disposed millions of peasants.

@prakharshukla7710 - 08.04.2022 21:54

Lol. Corona importers..mao must be happy.

@sanjoyroystravelblog5413 - 25.01.2022 20:52

China is really very beautiful as it has so high mountains with spiral roads fog mist rain fountains waterfalls.
With love from India.

@sanjoyroystravelblog5413 - 25.01.2022 20:40

It is a wonderful a vedio as it is so informative. I came to know China on the basis of Hua line. West part of China is really beautiful with its high mountains, spiral roads. There are so many challenges in China from geographical point of view as major part of China is not much accessible due to high mountains. But I do belive Chinese peoples will overcome their challenges.

@geelazin1042 - 22.12.2021 07:23

i wonder how those who built the town in the beginning of the doc benefitted after spending 20 years of forced work? Were they compensated later on in life once the government realized they had made such a sacrifice?

@elysianfields6350 - 16.12.2021 23:40

Taiwan already has become what the CCP will never be.

@weixu2057 - 23.11.2021 14:52

I grew up in China I have no idea about 三线建设 and I don't think I've ever seen his word in our history books back in school in late 90s 😱

@quartytypo - 23.11.2021 05:12

China is where a billion people have no say in the government

@gangshan - 21.11.2021 15:25

It's better to be able to rewind the videos so that if students don't understand a part, they could watch it again and again.

@user-hi1ju1bn8p - 17.11.2021 23:34

Hey, you may not know, compared to other crops, plant peppers should be counted as a good choice, the quality of pepper can sell 120-140 yuan 1 kg, if you have a few years, you can income tens of thousands of yuan.
Really, in many other places can only plant wheat potatoes and corn, less than 10,000 yuan in income, ... ·········

@yunjko - 14.11.2021 16:15


@avatarkharna6095 - 12.11.2021 15:15


@qbdad675 - 04.11.2021 03:59

If I won the lottery... I would buy a home and other property in China... having options is what's life is about. As an American.. I've always seen the lies, always seen the B.S. My country puts out. Why NOT give China a chance?

@tenga3tango - 28.10.2021 04:49

This was made b4 Evergrande debacle

@SK-lt1so - 27.10.2021 05:24

The Chinese people are the biggest victims of the CCP.

@TheTranceCartel - 25.10.2021 12:57

Isn't China a communist country? I thought everyone got according to their needs and according to their abilities

@waryviewer488 - 22.10.2021 13:57

Nice puff piece.

@greataviator6154 - 21.10.2021 04:15

Right! 'They simply heard the call of Mao and came/moved by the hundreds to build a cities in the dried and dead country side, from a sense of pure duty', feed that to others which haven't known the ways of left-liberals/communists; Those young people were assigned, like the old man videoed in the museum stated, he was reassigned a few days after his wedding when he was just 20 years old to go there and toil his youth away. These people had two choices, accept reassignments or jails/force labor camps ( i.e. Basically no other choice but to resettle and slave away their youth in the country sides or prison camps, for a despot's dream, Mao's). When you're given only these choices what else can one do and can we expect them to admit now other than it was a great thing to do, they had no choice under Mao and on top of it all they don't know anything difference sense for Mao's generation and hundreds of previous Chinese generations personal freedom was unimaginable,not a part of their life experience, collectivism by nature is their makeup as a people and nation; which is the main reason that if there's one people on the planet that communism was met for and fits well is the Chinese. Just think of someone saying and living on a motto, as stated in this documentary, "Sacrifice oneself, then your children and continue sacrifice with your children's children" Wow! bee hive mind set!

@stephenyang2844 - 20.10.2021 02:03

Singaporeans have healthy interest in China's development and truth about the world.

@formula1340 - 17.10.2021 13:45

and now, the chinese real estate collapses right in front of our eyes. Such pity for those who bought it at high prices with their hard earned money.

@algrand52 - 14.10.2021 20:25

I've always loved CNA documents. It's so well-researched and, by and large, balanced. 👌

@lalakuma9 - 14.10.2021 18:14

Clearly, China is not really a communist country. It's just authoritarian.

@nikedoesthings - 13.10.2021 15:21

Xi Jinping singlehandedly solved China's poverty by lowering the poverty line. It's that simple really! China can accomplish anything! 8'D ... No but seriously, it's just sad seeing how many people struggle. They're forcing them to go to the city if they want to accomplish anything in life. Meanwhile a lot of people in the west move to the suburbs or go off grid to get some space and nature surrounding them.
