Why Apple doesn't like PWAs (Progressive Web Apps)

Why Apple doesn't like PWAs (Progressive Web Apps)


2 года назад

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David - 21.09.2023 06:27

How can a steaming pile of web garbage pretending to be actual software, be a threat to actual software. It’s like asking is a five year old’a finger painting a threat to a Picasso? It’s not even close.

judewest2000 burner
judewest2000 burner - 02.08.2023 02:03

I've been making PWA's since before that phrase was coined.
Reaching a massive audience is often not the goal of most people. Most of the time the goal is offering some bespoke functionality to a targeted set of people often as a complimentary app versus the 'next big thing'.
This audience is vast.

Silent Tech Films
Silent Tech Films - 14.05.2023 08:12

The only way the browsing experience on iOS can improve is if Apple allows third-party rendering engines such as Blink or Gecko. This would allow Google and others to give iOS users a richer browsing experience. After all, Blink is just plain better than Webkit. Everyone knows that.

Emre AKA
Emre AKA - 12.02.2023 20:01

They don't have to use safari and you can warn your users about using chrome instead.

Marjorie Dawes
Marjorie Dawes - 25.12.2022 01:36

Apple are bastards, period. They've deliberately made PWAs slow, clunky and harder to use than necessary. They work seamlessly on a piece of shit <$200 android phone, there is no excuse. Can't wait til Apple have their Nokia moment!

niksatan - 13.11.2022 16:07

Is learning Flutter dead end, or it will it be worth it in the future for android/ios development ?

Ded Ede
Ded Ede - 21.10.2022 21:25

I can save some websites to my iPhone and it work just like the app, so more websites need to make their apps have this functionality.

Matt James
Matt James - 16.09.2022 21:37

Never heard is pronounced "caysh" in 20 years - but really nice video, thanks.

Wondo Choung
Wondo Choung - 11.08.2022 05:10

Great overview.

Salaheddin AbuEin
Salaheddin AbuEin - 28.05.2022 13:41

Thank you, very helpful.

iDarkness - 24.03.2022 14:12

PWAs are the future of iOS a lot of possibilities can be make with these things!

Jeff Gibson
Jeff Gibson - 16.03.2022 03:28

But you're doing away with what makes native apps so appealing. Native apps response time are much faster than PWA. Don't get me started on offline capabilities. Sell me on PWA.

Mark❣️Koala Web design SEO
Mark❣️Koala Web design SEO - 30.01.2022 19:19

Good explanation, Thanks 🙏

Crazy Rabbit
Crazy Rabbit - 08.12.2021 17:54

Another reason to hate apple. I even don't know why people use their devices if they have more cons. than pros.

Clark Anderson
Clark Anderson - 28.11.2021 00:44

Sideloading apps from the internet uses the Web, (Web Apps) it is not an Apple thing, it has to do with the Web Browser.

Stijn Hommes
Stijn Hommes - 17.09.2021 02:29

By the way, I have never seen a cafe that insisted I install an app to look at the menu. If I ever did, I'd leave to find a more customer-minded place.
Of course, 3 months after reporting this spam nothing happened, because Google, Microsoft, Android and iOS are all promoting this nonsense. They don't care if you are promoting this without including the proper disclosures.

JasonMan - 29.08.2021 13:40

Excellent video!

Stijn Hommes
Stijn Hommes - 28.08.2021 23:26

I don't install apps to my home screen. I install them to the app drawer where they belong. Either make that the default behavior or GIVE THE USER THE CHOICE! You can't even get the default behavior right on your fake apps!

And let's not forget, apps come in just one flavor: native. Despite the name, web apps are websites, not apps.

Stijn Hommes
Stijn Hommes - 28.08.2021 00:19

It's not just Apple that doesn't like PWAs.
I really wish that after several years of this nonsense getting spammed, we'd finally get the ability to boycott, block and remove PWAs completely.
No ability to run, install or activate them anywhere on a user's system if they've chosen to set things up that way.
Unfortunately, that would mean "developers" actually giving truthful information about what they're offering and Google and cohorts don't seem to consider that a priority.
