The Economic Explanation of Why Modern Movies Suck

The Economic Explanation of Why Modern Movies Suck

Explained with Dom

1 год назад

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palihabibi - 15.10.2023 18:51


Josh Parkhill
Josh Parkhill - 06.09.2023 03:27

You state in this video that in the traditional exhibition model movies stood to make as much on exhibition as they did on home media, not true. Home media has always been significantly less than box office.

In the example of Fight Club you mentioned, the global box office was 105 million globally. DVD sales we’re 13 million units, not sure what the gross profit on that would be, maybe 20-30 mill. Mind you fightclub is an outlier on the home media front.
Also, the movie wasn’t a flop, it exceeded its budget by 45 mil in box office. Fox just anticipated more, and cheap reporting tagged the word flop next to it. Also, sidebar, that movie would have definitely made more if Fox wasn’t notoriously risk averse to marketing.

Also, also. Adjusted for inflation FightClub is in the ballpark budget of superhero movies, atleast at the lower quartile.

ComedySnap - 27.08.2023 20:25

i love you videos but make it a bit longer

Samantha Trejo
Samantha Trejo - 10.08.2023 09:21

It killed blockbuster

Burning Cloud
Burning Cloud - 02.08.2023 20:54

quality HAS A PRICE. Hyper capitalistic system stuck in 18th slaver mentality don't want to pay for quality. Result? Vomited recycled stuff and AI nightmare. Way to go yanks. Way to go.

Albert Teng
Albert Teng - 02.08.2023 17:12

Suggestion, hollywood should focus on making good movies, drop the woke ideas, those stupid unnatural ideas that hollywood is forcing the whole world to swallow. Breaking news, we wont. We may not be rich but we arent stupids. Make movies with heart, most new hollywood movies that came out last few years are without soul. You feel nothing after coming out of the cinemas. You learn nothing except being a victim of woke propaganda

Albert Teng
Albert Teng - 02.08.2023 17:01

If US puts out mid-budget movies, it wont be a hit here in asia coz asian cinemas are getting better if not better than hollywood mid budget movies like dramas, rom/coms, suspense. Korean movies and tvs are now so much better than what holywood puts out, then theres the chinese movies, even thai and vietnam movies are getting better and better. That is why hollywood should stick with high budget movies coz even europeans are putting out good quality almost high budget movies

Nameless !
Nameless ! - 22.07.2023 15:50

Suggestion of next video: The Economic Explanation of Why MODERN ANIME SUCK

Bro' I'm glad I witnessed the golden era of anime... 90s and 2000s had some unbelievable stuff. Now look at all these shitty manga adaptations that take so much time to be produced... And look at this sea of mud everywhere. Where are the indie anime like Serial Experiments Lain? Can a gritty, dark, atmospheric anime be produced today? Could Shigurui be made today? Texhnolyze? Even mainstream super famous anime was dope as fuck, e.g. Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop.

Holy Mango
Holy Mango - 14.07.2023 17:03

And the quality is also poor because jobs are increasingly chosen to fulfill quotas than on talent

Saint Petersburg Life
Saint Petersburg Life - 08.07.2023 21:22

Been discussing that not a long time ago. The death of cinemas because of.streaming services I meant.

Life is actually very boring.
Life is actually very boring. - 17.06.2023 17:15

Jumbo video was better than blockbuster! Free popcorn!

Life is actually very boring.
Life is actually very boring. - 17.06.2023 17:13

That's racist!!

TwentyFourUsedSocks - 16.06.2023 07:53

Woke culture and intersectionality. I love how you refuse to acknowledge those 2 constraints, again another example of a millennial lying through omission. You yourself are a PRIME example Media SUCKING, all in the name of playing it safe ....because all you people (Millenials) do is ask yourself what you can't say and "how will I be perceived" versus telling the truth or better yet being creative

justmeeagainn - 07.06.2023 14:22

You’re wrong. We will never get rid of the crap pumped out now. Nice try though.

Stevel_2020 - 18.05.2023 06:09

I cant stand the woke politics being pushed by Hollywood these days whoch is why I dont watch many new movies. Most everything I watch is from 2005 and prior. 80s/90s is my favorite era. Superhero movies suck, the fact that so many people watch that soulless dreck makes me realize what poor taste the masses have.

MGH - 15.05.2023 01:50

Your channel is wonderful,⚘📢👍 just please add subtitle for non English native speaker for better understanding.

A S - 13.05.2023 05:13

