How You Can Get Full PvP Gear INCREDIBLY FAST In Dragonflight

How You Can Get Full PvP Gear INCREDIBLY FAST In Dragonflight


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Inachu Ikimasho
Inachu Ikimasho - 05.10.2023 22:55

If it changed then great but so far all my pvp drops won are all greens no blues and no purples and no high level purples.
Also sick of seeing a pvp armor for my toon let's say Hunter and it has intellect stat on it. Which totally sucks and not fair.
BIS Since DF has never dropped for me. screw world pvp..... pure pvp instances only! 408 is not BIS

Luubaatar Enkhbaatar
Luubaatar Enkhbaatar - 26.09.2023 02:08

how much did Blizzard pay you for this?

Bandy B
Bandy B - 06.08.2023 22:19

So where do lvl 60 buy pvp honor gear

dark azurr
dark azurr - 29.07.2023 21:41

i dont do arena so gearing in conquest gear takes me months doing dailies only

Wendy Middleton
Wendy Middleton - 09.07.2023 21:28

what do you recommend for low level pvp with a tank? I just made a Kul Tiran warrior and I've never gotten into pvp

Matthew Siwula
Matthew Siwula - 07.07.2023 18:20

The upgrades do matter, what are you talking about? The upgrades help with all the stats by a large amount, one upgrade is like 70 stam to you're adding like 350 stam by the time its upgraded.

oğuz Samsa
oğuz Samsa - 28.06.2023 02:04

wanna know why? cuz pvp in wow is DYING!

Mano Brown
Mano Brown - 27.06.2023 22:36

World of Warcraft has the best PVE and PVP content other games just doesnt matter so far. We dont want and dont need any other games if its not better nor even close to WOW. AND YES DRAGONFLIGHT IS AMAZING!

Wanderson Castelli
Wanderson Castelli - 19.06.2023 00:56

I just fell against an alliance paladin at level 60 she had more than 200k health and her items were all ilv350 she killed them all

Wanderson Castelli
Wanderson Castelli - 19.06.2023 00:55

explain to me how level 60 players manage to leave characters with ilv350 items in their character in pvp and life with more than 200k

Your Suzerain
Your Suzerain - 14.06.2023 14:24

This is amazing. Blizzard finally listened

E C - 11.06.2023 19:04

My leveling method since they added experience to battlegrounds in WotLK is finally the meta. My god, it's a dream come true.

Maccanarchy - 03.06.2023 16:37

Is gearing for PvP still this easy? I am tossing up coming back, but the huge grind once hitting max level is a big thing holding me back

Gurosama Bltch
Gurosama Bltch - 26.05.2023 18:39

Ok looks like I can finally play World of Warcraft now that it isn't a huge time investment and hassle to simply play the game (PvP).

peanotbuttercop - 23.05.2023 12:35

Yep love dragonflight! - I wanted to switch and try pvp and now I can without too much of a hastle

Buddy E
Buddy E - 03.05.2023 16:54

From the perspective of someone who is coming into the expac 5 months late

I do love the pvp gearing change and at launch it must have been perfect. However, last night I went 0/10 in battlegrounds attempting to get honor gear. Each time getting 100-200 honor. I am extremely squishy and playing with other people who already have the gear is an excruciatingly painful process. Not to mention getting gear from world quests or through dungeons still won’t be good in rbg’s due to the honor gear scaling to 411-424. So grabbing a 385 epic in the wild isnt too exciting which is a bummer. I’ll have to swap in and out of it when I’m not doing arenas or rbgs. The system just feels awkward but a step in the right direction. Just my opinion!

Raiden X
Raiden X - 03.05.2023 16:53

So if im getting this right, hit 70 with my main, do bgs for honor points, get honor gear, do bgs? Bloody tokens arent necessary? Im new to pvp stuff, should i still queue on my main if i dont wanna play alts?

Raky's Replays
Raky's Replays - 01.05.2023 19:46

How long do you wait to find a match? It took me 15 minutes to find a game, always 😢

Halion1990 - 30.04.2023 02:30

so this "Guide" basically just tells you to do Bg's...... nice guide.

アリソル - 20.04.2023 00:13

Fuck dammit, now wow is finally fun when I quit. Couldn't stand two bad xpacks in a row

Ryan Dass
Ryan Dass - 19.04.2023 00:46

Debating if I should play again. Do I have to to grind PvE crap to PvP still? I just want to max level and BG and not get wrecked by people that raid.

みさきめい - 10.04.2023 10:30

I might actually come back with that news, I HATED the upgrade system, I hated the timegate of renown, all of it
I just wanted to PVP, get my gear, pvp more, and when I got bored do the same on an alt

erdem - 07.04.2023 23:54

It was actually same was on shadowlands

Matthew Dunann
Matthew Dunann - 03.04.2023 15:34

I’m coming back , just started leveling a hunter :) what server do you play on venruki?

cyborgtemplar1989 - 24.03.2023 06:09

wait . . . so you mean to say . . . . i can actually play rogue and worry less about spending a month or two to gear? that's great.

it does mean in order to do ranked bg's you will be expected to have full honor gear out the gate. and . . . it's not an unreasonable ask. . . it's just as much a game of skill now (and team comp) and less about who no lifed first. with a little better skill.

Ryan Clark
Ryan Clark - 21.03.2023 13:58

I’m loving this expansion. I haven’t had time to keep up with the last few so it’s nice that there aren’t so many activities you must participate in to be relevant. I hope this is WoW moving forward.

Mr J
Mr J - 14.03.2023 04:24

Side note (I dont think it was mentioned in video): You can buy 398 ilvl pvp gear from the auction house (it's called 'combatant') if your gear from levelling was bad

klimundas1 - 07.03.2023 00:42

The wow devs realized that most of the players are adults with full time jobs..

Daggermouth - 13.02.2023 20:17

Solo shuffle+ easy gearing = more time to actually play the game
Thanks blizzard

Mighty Hydro
Mighty Hydro - 29.01.2023 22:16

I started PVP last night and I just bought a full set of blue gear. Almost have enough for my first purple.

Joshua Stecc
Joshua Stecc - 29.01.2023 07:30

Just came back from wotlk lvling is one town and some dungeons, before you would get 4 lvls 😂

Jay V
Jay V - 29.01.2023 01:10

This is the best thing wow has done in awhile. I love PVP but I don't like to grind gear. so now i can get my PVP set and My Raid set and be done grinding and just have fun.

Wick James
Wick James - 28.01.2023 23:05

If you just pvp you should have 15k honor before level 70 and you can get all the gear

hazegrazer - 25.01.2023 07:06

Honor gear is fine but getting conquest gear is rough. Having a 500 cap is dumb when main pieces alone will cost you 875. Sucks having to wait two weeks just to buy something. I understand the cap being there to help keep people coming back weekly or maybe to help casual players not fall behind (stupid reasoning but that's fine). However if they just increase the weekly cap to 1k it would be a lot better. You'd get the option of buying a piece every week and having a little left over to use the following week.

Sean - 17.01.2023 17:32

does this still work?

Noel Németh
Noel Németh - 11.01.2023 23:50

I've only geared with PvP gear in df and shadowlands

Resolve Yeetlord
Resolve Yeetlord - 11.01.2023 22:59

As a new player the only reason I am sticking around is the honor loot.
Pvp would be completely unplayable as a new player with 1 friend without it.
And if you’re mad about that it’s because you like bullying people who can’t win, and think a fair fight is a disadvantage. Cope

Grrr - 11.01.2023 21:29

I've only played two characters so far because I'm a pvp lover and I've had the Gladiator title all season. I wanted to try a different class, but I had to spend all my time trying to get the Gladiator gears. But finally I can try a new class now good job blizzard

Connor - 10.01.2023 02:39

I love this system. I'm a BG junkie and it feels amazing

Jaydenn - 02.01.2023 03:17

I dont like this. It feels indifferent and your time spent in PvP is unusable. If you are fighter or Duellant doesnt matter... I dont know

KLUER - 01.01.2023 18:07

IF you combine with Comp Stomp it's super fast

Alessandro Hoo
Alessandro Hoo - 27.12.2022 13:57

Guys hello to everyone. Do you know what are "tears" he is mentioning in the video? I dunno if he means tears or tiers.

frezzingtwin - 27.12.2022 09:23

I play horde played like 10 bgs last night and lost them all

Sam Sharper
Sam Sharper - 26.12.2022 22:54

Truly amazing. Sad to say they couldn’t have done this years ago, and they had to crumble to almost nothing for them to listen to the players.

Protobeing - 25.12.2022 19:47

I came back after ten years, played the way I always do - lvl by playing bgs. Apparently my method is now the meta.

For my next trick I'm going to prove that arms warrior is a beast in PVP.


Alexander R
Alexander R - 24.12.2022 22:42

Big love. All I ever wanted is a lower barrier to try out chars in pvp

Joshua Tuck
Joshua Tuck - 23.12.2022 05:28

respecting our time finally

Guck Foogle
Guck Foogle - 21.12.2022 01:56

The warlock PVP vault set is garbage, it doesn't even have vers on all the pieces. I think blizzard is retarded because the set bonus is for seed of corruption and nobody uses that shit in rated pvp.
