Zorin OS 16.2 Vs Linux Mint 21.1 : The ULTIMATE Battle for The Best Linux Distro of 2023 (NEW!)

Zorin OS 16.2 Vs Linux Mint 21.1 : The ULTIMATE Battle for The Best Linux Distro of 2023 (NEW!)

Linux Tex

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ten 22
ten 22 - 30.10.2023 18:56

If only all distros become one.

Azure Starton
Azure Starton - 28.10.2023 15:20

I like Zorin and hate Mint.
Mint was my first experience with Linux and I found out fair.

SAM Fisher
SAM Fisher - 22.10.2023 07:39

Good . Mr Foreighner .

The Silent Generation Romans 8:28
The Silent Generation Romans 8:28 - 18.10.2023 13:24

I tried four Linux OS on my VM. Zorin and Mate were the only two that ran flawlessly on my VM. I would not hesitate to put Zorin on bare metal. You should have given Zorin an extra point on the software with Flatpak. I found the Zorin community director to be very arrogant and patientless.

offset - 14.10.2023 04:25

can you speak a little slower and more calmly please ?

Rex Racer
Rex Racer - 13.10.2023 17:24

I switched from Windows to Linux Mint (17) 9 years ago for my older laptops, and couldn't have been happier. Recently, the latest versions of LM 21(Cinnamon) were sluggish and less responsive and I decided it was time to tryout a new distro. I love how beautifully polished and responsive Zorin 16.3 (Core) is, and how modern these sweet-rainbow icons look in this environment. I'm glad you added videos such as the 15 things you must do after installing Zorin OS along with your favorite applications and packages videos for other considerations. I think I'm finally ready to convert my 2011 Mac Mini over to Zorin as well, but there's one issue that I almost preventing me from taking the plunge or returning to Linux Mint: how can such a great distro such as Zorin not have the ability to copy/cut and paste? Thought it might be a file manager issue with Nautilus, so I installed Nemo but that didn't help either. I see so many users also have this issue, but no amount of research has led to fixing an issue I never thought at this point would've even ever been a concern: just something you'd expect to just work. I really love your energy, enthusiasm, humor, and wit you bring to all your videos, and look forward to taking your Linux course in the near future since I'm still just a Linux newbie even after 9 years when it comes to the system and terminal commands. Keep up the great content you provide, and thanks!

Halitics - 20.09.2023 22:36

Fedora with Mate desktop is a cut above.

Derektamente - 16.09.2023 20:23

Zorin does EXACTLY what Linux needs to become mainstream: to copy. It's user-friendly and visually appealing, and it meets the REAL NEEDS of ordinary users, with guided setups and simplified configurations, just as users are used to in proprietary OSs. As long as the open-source community continues to look down on anyone who values usability and accessibility with contempt and snobbery, we will remain chained to proprietary software. Kudos to Zorin

George Rivera
George Rivera - 06.09.2023 20:10

You literally FAILED with this video.

theMuritz - 27.08.2023 09:02

I installed Zorin OS Lite yesterday on an old Acer Windows Laptop. Like a breeze… BUT I don’t understand, why it’s possible to scale your screen resolution and if you accidentally do so and only see a quarter of the workspace then there’s really no viable workaround for beginners … very unfortunate glitch

mf - 26.08.2023 09:44

when i do dual boot at my laptop for windows 10 and zorin, i got a problem with windows app support then i uninstalled zorin. but with that look at zorin, i think i will use again for single boot

Dan Daoust
Dan Daoust - 13.08.2023 01:17

Nice compare !! Used Zorin couple of years ago have to install will install Zorin again thanks

Afrocanuk - 11.08.2023 09:56

At the end of the day what really matters is the distro's ability to load seamless drivers for hardware, run fast, smoothly, & most of all be able to run Windows XP & Windows 7 compatible software. Countless users have a repository of Windows utilities they still need to run when necessary. This is why its important that these distro's come equip with a reliable Virtual Machine and a seamless well tested version of Wine. Which ever distro can offer these features will be the leader. The cosmetic appearance is NOT as important!

Brad S
Brad S - 15.07.2023 08:18

The Commodore machine in the desktop image is the first computer I ever used and taught myself BASIC with it.

Ninja Nerd Student #69
Ninja Nerd Student #69 - 12.07.2023 03:06

I used Mint over a decade ago. I am currently using Zorin. I like Zorin more from how I remember Mint was.

TheAmethystAurora - 05.07.2023 17:08

Both are Irish

Mr Asraf Ally
Mr Asraf Ally - 04.07.2023 17:23

While i do agree that comparing and rating it will vary for different users, i believe that there should be a rating i e. one should be above. This creates some sort of competition for the one at the top to continue effort to maintain position and one at the bottom to try and catch up. Maybe there is a need to go further in depth to get a demarcation as somewhere one developer may have pour in more effort than the other

Masoud Fasihi
Masoud Fasihi - 27.06.2023 00:47

After the hopping stage I landed where I embarked.

Mint forever

beaumanvienna - 26.06.2023 05:16

I really like Zorin. I've been using Ubuntu and Mint for a long time, I also tried Arch, Manjaro and Gentoo. But since about two year now, Zorin is my top favorite, driving both my laptop and gaming rig. It's stable and conservative with updates. For things where I do want the latest and greatest (such as browsers, graphics card drivers, blender, ...) I add PPAs to the system. I'm also fond of the desktop. I use the dark theme, which looks fantastic and is easy on the eyes. I like that the quick launch bar is normally hidden, leaving more space on the desktop and uncluttering it.
