Riviera Dreamer

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@alanmjohnson - 26.04.2024 02:06

I have a similar discrepancy. My grandfather was Saverio, but his death cert. says "Sam". (It also has his age off by one - someone's math game wasn't on point that day).

@vincedesantis9616 - 14.04.2024 02:29

Did you get the affadavit notarized?

@watchkingjames - 19.03.2024 23:29

Great video but a bit overwhelming. Do you have a list somwhere of what is needed?

@m.a.d.m.5425 - 16.01.2024 05:23

I’m halfway through this video and let me just say… I am one large glass of Moldovan wine in… due to this headache from Italian documents bs and you are the holy grail. Not the naturalization record. You. Thank you for doing all the hard work and sharing your knowledge. I hope you know that every Italian who comes across this video in their journey to their citizenship appreciates you beyond your knowledge. I know I do. TMI but I feel quite alone in this profess not having any remaking family and this video makes me feel like I have a friend throughout this process. Thank you for that. Lots of love from Miami! Grazie Mille per tuoi intelligenza.

@worldbeauty9270 - 17.11.2023 13:29

Birth certificate for Italian nationality must be from normal entry

@conniefi - 26.09.2023 03:09

I have a question if someone could answer it. My mother and father were not married. I can't produce a marriage certificate. But my father is on the birth certificate. Is that enough!

@andrewzink5699 - 11.07.2023 04:37

Hello! Wow thank you so much for this public service. My family and I are starting this process. Quick question: since you were applying through your great grandfather (we will also be applying through out great grandfather), why did you have to include your great grandmother's birth and death certificates?

@thebeachyblonde - 30.06.2023 17:56

This is hands down the best video on the internet. THANK YOU for not being vague, not “gate keeping”, and just being super helpful and transparent on this whole process! This is a LOT of info and when I first looked a few years ago, I got very discouraged lol. I am second generation on my dad’s side (his dad came over when he was 18) but the issue is that my father’s mother’s family made her give my father up for adoption (very Catholic household and my grandparents weren’t married at the time).. so my dad was adopted and I believe my grandfather is not listed on the birth certificate. It’s messy and confusing and I am not close to those biological grandparents.. and my father passed away this last October. SO my only hope was maybe getting a lawyer to help me but I am absolutely going to watch your whole series and try to see how much I can gather on my own. So again, I can’t thank you enough!!

@musa2775 - 27.06.2023 23:46

This is so outrageously helpful. Thank you.

@ahall6091 - 31.03.2023 18:27

Maybe you could help me because this is soooo confusing
My great grandfather was born in Italy however my grand father was born in Canada and my father born in the US ...

@wololeiro2364 - 01.11.2022 17:59

I found out the italian documents also have mistakes. How can I fix those ??

@mollypaolini9685 - 16.10.2022 20:15

Thank you for the info! Did your discrepancy affidavit come from a template you found somewhere specific or did you create it? Did the affidavit get notarized/apostilled? Really appreciate the help!

@someperson7932 - 22.09.2022 16:14

I found out that I qualify today, is there a way you can speak about appointments with the Italian court or consulate you need to make before or after acquiring all the documents 😊

@cbiasizzo - 13.09.2022 05:37

With all due respect I have a question. You said your grandfather naturalized?? Did he naturalize BEFORE your father was born? This information is extremely important for the public because if he naturalized before your father was born that would break the jure sanguinis.

@MissxNemisis - 26.08.2022 22:45

Is it better to go with a paternal grandparent? I saw another video where they say that maternal ancestors were not allowed to pass down Italian citizenship to their children if they were born before 1948. In that case I will go with my great grandfather’s information. The name discrepancies are also very confusing, some of the dates are slightly off. My great grandma went by 3 names concetta, concettina and Constance

@alessandropolidoro4944 - 09.08.2022 11:51

Grazie, oltre ad essere stato utile per ottenere la cittadinanza deve essere stato anche interessante fare una ricerca sui propri antenati in Italia.

@veneziarestaurantrestauran1661 - 27.06.2022 02:54

Hi , My name is Massimo O, I'm 100% Italian born and raised in Italy . Now I live in California , USA for 17 years and I'm an America citizen . I want to ask you which document do I need for my daughter who is 14 years old to became an Italian Citizen ? Today is June 26, 2022, do you think we have enough time from tomorrow until the beginning of December 2022 to make the Italian passport for my daughter ?? Thank you in advance for your times. Sincerely Massimo O.

@2cartalkers - 18.05.2022 19:30

NO Facebook! NO!

@hoytwood4937 - 18.04.2022 06:55

Thank You Very helpful, GOD Bless !

@Pranks313 - 30.03.2022 21:32

My Great Grandfather was born in Italy(passed away early 1960s), Great Grandma was born here(eventually remarried). His first name was also changed on Ellis Island. I feel like it would be easier to just get a house in Sicly and live there for 6 months and get citizenship that way! 🤣🤣

@anthony69ca - 20.03.2022 12:59

Hi Caroline! fantastic job on all your vids, these are 110% helpful to me beginning this process! I am also Chicago born and raised, currently an expat in Copenhagen...but now in pursuit of my new Italian passport! thanks for everything!

@aquilomanganelli175 - 17.03.2022 21:23

I filed a request for information about my grandfather with USCIS to obtain his certificate of Naturalization... I got a letter back stating the A-File "does not fall within the scope of the USCIS Genealogy Program" and that the file must be requested from the USCIS Freedom of Information/Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Program.

@mre335 - 16.02.2022 17:01

You mentioned calling the town hall, and them telling you to send an email for the documents from Italy, then you showed a paper document. Was that a scan of what you sent via email or did you need to send something through postal mail? If it was just email, what was needed in the email?

@neilquinn - 07.01.2022 08:27

When you say a sworn statement /oath for the translation "by the court" which court does that need to be? One local to the translator? Any court?

@battlepans1927 - 06.01.2022 05:45

I’m not sure if you’re still responding to comments here, but this was super informative. Thank you for that!. Currently I am 14, turning 15 in April. I’m trying to get Italian citizenship for myself roughly as a birthday thing, and this is certainly a very complicated process.

Is it possible to get a written list of documents so I don’t forget anything while I try to get it all? This is a lot of work and a big commitment so if you have a list I’d love to see it,

@fabianrobles2117 - 05.01.2022 20:26

awesome video

@GR-tj8se - 20.11.2021 01:09

Thank you for your very informative postings. I am pursuing the same process but though the Italian consulate stateside. I have a few date and name spelling discrepancies that need to be addressed and the affidavit sounds like the ticket for me too. Did you have the affidavit certified somehow? Would I need an apostille for the affidavit? I'm not sure I can apostille an affidavit - I think an affidavit is only used for records signed by state officials. Do you think a notary stamp would suffice? Thanks for your advise - Ciao.

@_nora - 21.10.2021 22:05

Thank you SO MUCH for your explanation of this process and your experience. These videos have really helped me to believe that achieving this goal is possible with some dedication. I have 4 ancestors who were born in Italy (2 great grandparents and 2 great-great grandparents), and I'm currently waiting on the naturalization index search results for the 2 in the male line of citizenship succession first (because of the 1948 law complexity). Fingers crossed that one of them naturalized after the birth of the next in the bloodline!

@michaeltownsend5351 - 18.10.2021 23:14

Does anyone know if you can currently set up an appointment at consulates despite the pandemic? I checked the websites for the Philadelphia and New York consulates and it looks like they are both not accepting lure sanguinis applications. I then attempted to see if I could set up an appointment at another consulate (e.g., Chicago) and received an error message because I already have an online account with the Philadelphia consulate...

@YourLocalLeadFarmer - 13.10.2021 14:11

All I can remember is that my Great Grandfather was born in Italy as well as my Great Grandmother. However, my Great Grandfathers records where burned during the events of the 2nd World War so would it be impossible to obtain my passport ?

@spagnolophoto - 09.10.2021 17:04

In the video, you mention your previous video that explains how to attain a great-grandfather's naturalization papers through USCIS. Is that video still up?


@nick55ification - 24.09.2021 21:30

Thanks so much for this video!! if my father becomes an italian citizenship (as an American) I will also automatically get it. correct?

@kiyomiiihara2089 - 14.09.2021 18:17

Thanks so much for making this video and going through the details of what it took you to get Italian citizenship! Super helpful information. I have already obtained all the documents I need and am working on Forms 2, 3, and 4. Do you have any advice on tracking down where your great grandparents lived since they were 18 years old? Also, do you know if there is a discrepancy here if they will deny your application? I have an idea through speaking with all my living family members but no way of confirming it yet...any insight you have on this would be greatly appreciated!

@heavenleehands - 09.08.2021 02:56

My consulate in the uS is not accepting applications for 3,4 and 5, until further notice, so I may need to confirm my citizenship in Italy, but it sounds super costly to go that route.

@gmhefner1 - 11.07.2021 23:05

thanks so much for this wonderful info! im in the process of gathering paperwork and the bits about certifying the translations and about the discrepancies were awesome!

@patriciaterranova1074 - 21.06.2021 04:31

The AKA supporting affidavit was an excellent idea. Thank you so much!

@subterranea9095 - 18.06.2021 18:59

i certificati di nascita sono un'offesa a Dio.

we are born in nature, under nature's god, and we are not entitled to any country according to a bloodline or territorial birthright. citizenship must come naturally. it should not be artificially controlled through bloodlines and used to alienate people from italy according to their birth.

@csabo1725 - 11.06.2021 09:04

Thanks for this tip about the Chicago consulate. It has tons of online info. The NY embassy is a total disaster in every way apparently.

@csabo1725 - 11.06.2021 08:09

This sounds like an absolute nightmare. Add in I am a USC but living in Asia during a pandemic. Greeeeat...

@travisruhlen6248 - 09.06.2021 00:18

Thanks so much for the info! I’m actually about to leave for Italy to apply there and was wondering how you chose your comune. Unfortunately, I can’t choose my ancestral comune :/ Did you have any particular reason for choosing the one you applied at? I feel like I need to develop a relationship with one prior to traveling there.

@evaloretta5570 - 24.05.2021 19:16

Thank you for this video! May I ask roughly how long the process took you from start to finish?

@DavidsDoseofItaly - 13.05.2021 16:00

I had to do 5 different appointments at the NY consulate because my documents weren't right. Fortunately it wasn't hard to make another appointment again. Meaning I didn't have to go to the back of the line!

@padrepiu2463 - 19.04.2021 00:56

This makes me not want to do it lool, I just want to live in Italy

@jh9992 - 22.03.2021 21:18

This is helpful. I'm in the process of obtaining my Italian citizenship. My current task is obtaining an official copy of my grandfather's birth certificate in Lentini and I hope this goes well (I found the microfiche birth record so hopefully that will help expedite the process).

My family is from Lentini and most of their town's immigration to the U.S. was around 1910 to 1913; their journey was very similar to Carlentini's. I have a few publications and books about their journey and why a majority of them initially went to Omaha, NE. My family ultimately resettled to Brooklyn, NY.

@kirstenneville1934 - 02.03.2021 07:37

Why did you need your great grandmothers birth certificate? You didn’t go through her so why did you need it? Should I be prepared to need my great grandfathers wife’s birth certificate?

@celesticx1 - 28.02.2021 07:34

What is your home country??

@fentruitt8475 - 23.02.2021 22:30

Thank you for this extremely helpful video. Do you know if it is possible to qualify for Italian citizenship if your great-great grandfather was born in Italy (and was naturalized only after his son was born)? Or does citizenship only go back to your great-grandfather?

@catecm - 18.02.2021 12:28

oh my gosh my ancestor got his name completely switched around when he immigrated (his first name became his last name and his last name became his first name) and we just found out that the name he went by wasn't even the exact name on his birth certificate!! crazy
