THE HANDMAIDS TALE Season 1 TRAILER (2017) Hulu Series

THE HANDMAIDS TALE Season 1 TRAILER (2017) Hulu Series

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AQUAMOON - 05.10.2023 11:56

they did an incredible job with season 1 but i wish they’d saved some of the events of the book for other seasons and focused more on how gilead was established. later seasons go awry but the acting never slips under 11/10. so many groundbreaking performances. incredible depiction. so excited for the final season.

AQUAMOON - 05.10.2023 11:54

anyone know what song is playing?

Carol Hartwell
Carol Hartwell - 26.09.2023 22:35

This movie is stupid and boring.

Magyar Gábor
Magyar Gábor - 23.09.2023 01:03

This is Hungary!

Sparrows - 20.09.2023 08:12

Reminds me of Iranian Revolution for some reason. I know closest to American Conservative wetdream of this is 1950s. Which isnt as bad as having someone being in bags or anything but its what you can say Modern Conservative take on "get back in the kitchen" mentality. Of course making choices about politics seems weird to me. Rather than a personal choice

Anna Lisa Vajda
Anna Lisa Vajda - 17.09.2023 01:39

Society has subtle ways of normalizing this sort of thing the language for instance "birthing person"s not Mothers. America is banning abortion rights so women will be subjected to forced surrogacy. You think of all the unwed Mother's in Ireland that had that happen to them too no idea what happens to their children after they adopted out no parental rights the children have no rights either.

Mark Durrant
Mark Durrant - 10.09.2023 18:38

I thought the sopranos was good this is absolutely fantastic Elizabeth moss is fantastic

Izabela Bien
Izabela Bien - 05.09.2023 12:43

That was a masterpiece Margaret Antwood, I woke up in time and volunteered

Izabela Bien
Izabela Bien - 05.09.2023 12:41

I am assigned to Putin but never met him yet

Izabela Bien
Izabela Bien - 03.09.2023 13:55

thank You Offred for waking me up. OfGregory

maria oh
maria oh - 26.08.2023 20:33

The blueprint of american catholics

Izabela Bien
Izabela Bien - 03.08.2023 09:18

very interesting and can happen

Daetyme - 27.07.2023 23:41

Aren't the rich people the leaders? Then why are they allowing people like Aunt Lydia to tell them what to do?

Regininha - 23.07.2023 15:58

Não consegui assistir. Me lembra Hitler e outros mais.

John Mulders
John Mulders - 16.07.2023 14:20

I survived season 1.

bb blood boy
bb blood boy - 08.07.2023 04:59

Didn't know my "how to" guide had a movie

Renee Kadlubek
Renee Kadlubek - 28.06.2023 14:54

They screwed this up! Remember I said that in 2019? I’m sorry they couldn’t make the right changes rapidly enough. Stop using my life for this bullshit. I don’t think Anna lived in Boston. I’m Catholic. I rejected this tale when I left in 2019. Moving on. Waste of my existence.

Renee Kadlubek
Renee Kadlubek - 28.06.2023 14:52

If this is related to my life, make it more consistent with who I am. So much chaos because Anna was brought into these stories and her philosophies on life. Prolonged victimhood isn’t a female message.

Breast Milk Gaming
Breast Milk Gaming - 22.06.2023 19:13

This show is a piece of shit and anyone who find the premise of this show plausible is an idiot

Jen - 20.06.2023 02:33

This show makes absolutely no sense! They are always misquoting the Bible or making it fit to their narrative. This is not at all how it would be and Christian’s follow the New Testament BTW. Aside from the producers obviously hating on Christian’s, Catholics, etc. why would they torture the FEW last woman on earth that can breed?!? It would be the complete opposite! If they wanted to make it possible they would incentivize the few that can.. to the point they would be royalty! This is completely so far from reality… oh my favorite the country that acted completely like a dictatorship when pushed to the limit with COVID is the free country they run too? !?! This show is a full propaganda for the left to further plant seeds that American is evil 👿 and people of faith are nutty 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️. It’s nothing new and done for years now. They NEVER show people of faith in any good light. When will they ever show the truth???

Lovorka - 11.06.2023 15:39

If you have PTSD don't watch it. It will trigger you.

Jim Doe
Jim Doe - 20.05.2023 11:06

This show ponders what might happen if the religious right takes over America. Red states already are legislating against women and gays, however. Evil is at America's doorstep and entering our house.

HM3 Drake
HM3 Drake - 11.05.2023 23:12

When republicans say “Make America Great again”, this is really what they mean.

HM3 Drake
HM3 Drake - 11.05.2023 23:10

Although they deny it publicly, secretly many Right Wing extremists in this country would love to see this book become a reality.

Renee Kadlubek
Renee Kadlubek - 11.05.2023 15:17

Please stop using my name & likeness to promote candidates and movements that don’t help us move forward. Thanks!

yash - 04.05.2023 17:16

Blessed are those who suffer for the cause of righteousness.

DewElr1 - 30.04.2023 08:17

Christian Nationalist wet dream

Tanakritgutz Lapcharoen
Tanakritgutz Lapcharoen - 28.04.2023 05:23

But there is no way that a MASSIVE revolt didnt happen
One thing conservatives and progressives agree on is if the constitution is suspended THEY ARE GONNA BURN EVERYTHING

Lemona🍋 - 17.04.2023 17:56

Anyone working on the Handmaid's tale for english IB?

Asher Ray
Asher Ray - 22.03.2023 01:51

This series is just feminist masturbation

James Drynan
James Drynan - 19.03.2023 10:26

I enjoyed the premise that Canada was a country offering safe haven to the warped citizens in the US. Atwood took aim at misogyny and religion in her dystopian novel. Some aspects ring true in certain societies around the world. Wonderful that she received the Arthur C. Clarke Award for Best science fiction novel in 1987.

Nora Anderson
Nora Anderson - 10.03.2023 20:16

When vulnerable women's bodies and lives are commodified for the elites.

It's happening in the western world too. Just more covertly. The agenda is there...

Kirstine Termansen
Kirstine Termansen - 02.03.2023 21:35

I think,. Even its true forced married
??? Nazi Germany and others regime

Something, is not for fiction

Like n. Kampush. Kidnap Child

Its to much,. A story told by real people

Raw-Truth - 22.02.2023 21:30

Terrible ideas in this series/novel to poison people's minds that men are essentially bad.

Noah Gabriel
Noah Gabriel - 19.02.2023 05:10

Why the f k are people watching this? It's fking sick.

Tim Hansen
Tim Hansen - 11.02.2023 19:14

Sounds like an idiotic concept. Fertile women has to be forced to produce children from stopping society from dying? Guess fertile women are just difficult then.
And the big enemy is not the conservatives.

Also, women in many islamic societies actually have it worse than the women in this fictional society.

Noneya Business
Noneya Business - 06.02.2023 05:43

Some serious problems with this series.
Potential spoilers follow.

When a movie is made, someone is responsible for continuity. Things have to stay in context, function consistently and logically from scene to scene. Clocks and calendars have to be correct for the context of the scene they are in. Lighting has to accurately show the time of day, the season of the year. This is essential to create immersion and make suspension of disbelief easy for the audience. It is someone's paid job to monitor these things.

So who is responsible for making sure that a movie is not STUPID? Especially the script. Making sure that the audience never says "that makes no sense," What is the job title for the "stop, that's totally stupid, change it," person? Who is in charge of finding plot holes and similar idiocy? Who is in charge of reining in the arrogance and hubris of "producers" and holding script writers accountable to logic and common sense?

If there is huge food rationing, even among the powerful, how can the nation afford to feed/maintain a soldier standing every ten feet on every sidewalk, inside every single building, everywhere, all hours of the day, every day? There is strong implication that there is an ongoing war, so, again, how can they spare this ridiculous number of soldiers literally everywhere?

Waterford is shown down in the kitchen having a snack late at night. He is holding a large carving knife.
June/Offred is frequently shown wandering around in the house, even out of the house, after dark. Uh, what?

Early in the series June says, "the glass in the windows is shatterproof; not to keep us from running away, but to prevent suicide," Yet....there is no lock on the bedroom door to keep her in at night? Nothing to prevent her from getting a knife out of the kitchen and using it to kill the sleeping masters?
Why bother with unbreakable glass on the windows? June's predecssor easily just hanged herself to death with some ripped up sheets.

Aunt Lydia is established early on as a major figure at a Red Center, clearly a full time job......then suddenly she is spending all of her time inside the Waterford house, breathing down their necks. Doesn't feel very credible.

The Mexican trade ambassador is introduced as snarky / skeptical about Gilead and the status of the Handmaids......then her attitude is totally reversed at the end of the episode. If all along the intention was to buy some handmaids and enslave them in Mexico, there would be ZERO point in any of her suspicous or snarky comments.

They should also have talked about what Mexico was going to give, most likely oil and natural gas.
Should also have been a scene in which the elite argue, "why don't we just take a few tanks down to mexico and conquer them" and then have an argument why not.

If the barren woman problem is in Mexico also, and has, as the ambassador states, been going on for six years, how do we account for Canada not also facing a baby crisis? In our contemporary reality, the Canadian economy would collapse overnight if trade ceased between the USA and where are they getting their money?

A huge missed opportunity: The episode in which the Guardians are force married to some girls......this could have easily been used for drama. "The crisis has become so severe that we have to start impregnating underage girls". Yes, the point was conveyed, but it could have been milked for some good drama.

Elizabeth Moss is ugly as SHIT. Ugly face, lousy body. Not even remotely credible that men such as nick or waterford would get hot for her. I guess some wimp loser pussy guys like a pushy bitch, but real men don't like their women to have a perpetual chip on the shoulder.
Girls, it's already enough work to compete with other men. Stop making us fight you, also. It isn't sexy to be a pain in the ass all of the time. An "attitude" isn't a substitute for tangible achievement.

It is impossible to have any sympathy for June. She is a completely selfish, evil, malicious greedy person. She steals a married man from his wife, even after the wife BEGS her to back off and give them a chance to reconcile. Then, she betrays Luke by fucking Nick. How is this even remotely a character to like or care about?

I remember confronting a woman who did this.
She said, "I didn't do anything wrong, he was the married cheating one,"
That is like a crook saying, "I didn't do anything wrong. I just drove the getaway car. I didn't go into the bank and rob the money,"

What is most grotesque is, after breaking the vows of marriage, June and Luke get married. Why bother, since you obviously don't believe in honor or promise keeping?

Doesn't seem especially credible that Gilead would condemn gender traitors but would allow race traitors.

After they blew up the White House, how could Gilead NOT have bomb sniffing dogs at every event, such as season two episode 7? Just not even remotely credible that could slip by.

If the handmaids are not supposed to see out the car windows, why not just black out the windows instead of having curtains that the girls can easily pull aside?

So many many many common sense things in this series are insanely stupid, lame, immersion breaking.

Season 2, episode 10. A major Fail.
June asks Waterford to be able to see her daughter Hannah. Since this would be massively disruptive for both Hannah and June, it is not even remotely credible that he would agree.

It is not credible that Hannah's custodial parents would agree to the meeting, or that Waterford had enough power to force them to agree.

Not even remotely credible that Hannah would instantly flip from "you abandoned me" resentment to hysterical loving of June.

The meeting scene is hugely over-acted, it feels totally fake and forced, milked.

While the series does show us other lives, such as Jezebels and the Colonies, there is a problem. So much focus is put on June that it strains credibility. One person would have that eventful a life?

Why wouldn't the handmaids have electronic tracking ankle collars on ?

Season 2 episode 11. If she has the brains to search for the keys, why not also the brains to fashion some kind of weapon to fend off the wolf? Broomstick snapped off to a sharp point for example.

She finds the sports car in the garage. It doesn't take very long for a car battery to go dead, especially in winter, in an unheated garage. Not very credible that the car would function.

I guess the elite have privileges, but not very credible that there would be an unlocked box containing a shotgun and ammunition in that abandoned house.

Season 2, Episode 13. How is it likely, or even credible, that it would be left up to June to go through Eden's things, rather than, for example, Nick or Eden's mother, or the Waterfords or a Guardian investigator?

When Eden ran away, wouldn't it have occurred to anyone to look at her things for clues?

For drama to be effective, it has to be credible, consistent and logical.

Now, retards are going to say things such as, "well, a theocracy and a world birth plague aren't likely either,". No, they're not, which is why ALL of the other details of the story have to make sense, in order to create a plausible supporting structure to the overall premise.

Suspension of disbelief only goes so far before the writers drift into the fatal territory of insulting the intelligence of the audience. Once you jump that shark, you can never go back.

"What are you gonna do when they come for your daughter?" June asks Waterford. What???? How is it even remotely logical to assume that the infant is going to grow up to be disobedient the way Eden was?

Season 2, episode 13 at around 18 50 mark, Serena is talking with another wife. Nothing the other wife says even remotely suggests that she is discontent or inclined to rebel, but suddenly, against all logic, the conversation turns into a conspiracy. Ham fisted, not plausible. Nothing shown to establish why that other wife might be discontent.

At 21 23, handmaid shown leaving her room at night, and stealing a knife from the kitchen. Again, how is it even remotely plausible that the handmaids would not be locked in their rooms at night?

Mark Durrant
Mark Durrant - 02.02.2023 16:42

Absolutely brilliant a must see worrying and yet it just grabs you one season in a week eliethbeh moss is a great actress as she was in mad men

shawn m
shawn m - 29.01.2023 23:06

I wish this would happen

Jesse Rondinelli
Jesse Rondinelli - 27.01.2023 07:36

Gee I lead,
And a lot of angelican bullshit

ronnie sheperd
ronnie sheperd - 26.01.2023 08:34

a lot of people in the comments wants you to know they've read the book

RCB - 11.01.2023 11:37

It looks interesting but god damn it also looks hella depressing and messed up, don’t know why my grandma use to watch this all the time… rip

retf054 ewte
retf054 ewte - 09.01.2023 01:11

A LOT OF American women must be sent to Gilead.

Tahiti Treat
Tahiti Treat - 07.01.2023 18:21

So I watched a few episodes & I decided not to watch it anymore. It's so one way traffic, every gay & lesbian is a victim, God is cruel, all white people are awful & once again, like every Hollywood production, Christ's name is used in vain! It's funny how Hollywood doesn't DARE to show how other religions treat gays & women. And how come, in the original books, we don't see Woke & cancel culture?
I also happen to be TAN & originally from the Middle East, just in case you portray me as an angry white man.

the Pineapple
the Pineapple - 29.12.2022 01:33

Sadly, this is kinda the reality for women in Afganistan again :(

Y Srd
Y Srd - 28.12.2022 01:31

Past 44 years in Iran

Kristallmensch Kristallwolf
Kristallmensch Kristallwolf - 25.12.2022 16:04

dafür müßt ihr eine serie machen?!

Taurus 82
Taurus 82 - 20.12.2022 07:08

I started watching season 1 and it made me sick to my stomach 🤢 I start regretting watching it. What a terrible idea of resolving infertility problem...

Their lives
Their lives - 17.12.2022 12:10

Too many mixed emotions in the series

Your_Friendly_Galactic_Neighborh00d▽AHI - 16.12.2022 15:06

The wet dream of the evangelical right.
