How To Paint Early Imperial Roman Legionaries - Warlord Games Hail Caesar Tutorial

How To Paint Early Imperial Roman Legionaries - Warlord Games Hail Caesar Tutorial

Pete The Wargamer

4 года назад

29,622 Просмотров

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@jakobmospointnerer - 08.04.2023 12:29

Hello I am completely new miniature and recently I bought this game and can you give me a guide how to glue the troops. So like that you give a list of good plastic glues. And btw my mothertongue is not english so please excuse my grammar mistakes

@fritzworley6316 - 13.10.2021 20:21

Loved this tutorial. I’m actually watching because I got the free sprite with my monthly magazine you mentioned in the video but it’s been in my spare spruce box for a couple years now. But I’ve decided to start my Roman army so here we are. Thanks for the great tutorial.

@Startrooper5555 - 18.11.2020 08:27

Warlord Games Hail Caesar or Victrix?

@GimmePaypalKid - 04.02.2020 20:09

can you do a how to paint faces tutorial?

@sh0gun17 - 15.01.2020 21:32

Would this turtorial work for the Caesars legions minis in the spqr starter set?

@mattygee37 - 23.08.2019 20:47

Nice just brought the victrix early Imperial Romans top knotch miniatures.

@tinywargames892 - 21.08.2019 21:46

Love these models

@Polarman0101 - 16.08.2019 17:59


@tftf60 - 14.08.2019 01:57

Thanks for the guide, worked very well for me and my 7 year old son.

@sergiocaride6061 - 09.08.2019 10:55

Awesome! Could you paint a macedon from Hail Caesar? It would be great

@jopa4440 - 08.08.2019 20:54

Very good work, beautifully simple explained! i like your videos, they are always very inspiring for me. I have already painted a lot of Miniatures after your videos! Top

@HistoricLife - 08.08.2019 19:02

I got that mag, the free models, and I ordered SPQR so this tutorial is nice and timely.

@mariuszpolak8229 - 07.08.2019 00:15

Your painting tutorials are simply great! Easy to follow, without thousand type of paints and great effect! Thanks

@Deathman271 - 06.08.2019 03:33

I believe at this rate Warlord Games should hire ya (or sponsor) for your tutorial videos because they're that good

@maryhinge6334 - 05.08.2019 19:36

Nice job and you make it look very simple. Thanks. 👍

@biovoro - 05.08.2019 13:15

Could you please take a tutorial on how to paint Macedonian phalanx?

@andiceuca - 05.08.2019 08:35

Paint cave troll pls pls pls

@madalinaghita8354 - 05.08.2019 08:08

Paint cave troll

@krisdray673 - 05.08.2019 03:20

A fine, concise tutorial. I don't think I will play SPQR but I am interested in Hail Caesar. I also noticed that you haven't mentioned Konflikt '47 in a while. I was curious if you still played because I just ordered a pile of Russians and will be going back to your painting videos to get them ready. Who can resist werebears and genetically enhanced patriotic women?

@SgtDeath1942 - 05.08.2019 02:08

I am so glad I found this channel. You explain everything so clearly and that is exactly what I need to improve my painting. Far too many painting channels would say something like "thin your wash" and then jump straight to the finished wash rather than showing the steps to get there. Please continue with this format, it is perfect.

@gmgaming8210 - 05.08.2019 01:49

Love it vids dude but would you ever do a painting tutorial for the black powder Napoleonic French head of column

@HeroesBosses - 04.08.2019 23:56

Nice work Pete! I can't remember - have you tried Nuln Oil Gloss for armor? Just wondering how Army Painter Dark Tone compares to it

@sh0gun17 - 04.08.2019 23:48

Please paint more! I'm looking into playing spqr and I want to know how to paint the minis in the game

@johnkelley9877 - 04.08.2019 23:27

You did a great job of painting the figure Pete! Thanks for sharing this.

@fondo514 - 04.08.2019 23:24

Will you paint more hail caesar

@bloodnivel70 - 04.08.2019 23:17

great tutorial!
