Oldest Origins of Biblical Yahweh are Shocking

Oldest Origins of Biblical Yahweh are Shocking

Gnostic Informant

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Theodros Gabriel
Theodros Gabriel - 07.10.2023 15:59


The Awakened Hybrid
The Awakened Hybrid - 07.10.2023 04:00

Great research! I’m an Ancient Astronaut Theorist and always refer to this channel’s research to assist me in piecing together alternative human origins. Darwin and religion are both PSYOPS! We obviously came from somewhere! And it wasn’t a vision by Ezekiel! He actually saw something! Also, Khufu didn’t build the pyramids! Not sure why these channels keep bending the knee to Darwinist Academics like Megan Lewis and Josh Bowen! If you think chromosomes #2 and #7 can fuse by evolution and create JUNK DNA, you have drank the koolaid! The Anunnaki were real! Either from here but extremely advanced, or from somewhere else! It’s time we stop thinking we’re the only life in the cosmos! It’s silly! 🙏🙏🙏

Mario Brothers
Mario Brothers - 06.10.2023 03:38

It's not news to scripture that " jews " would worship other people's ideals + synconized with their Egyptian idols !

Mario Brothers
Mario Brothers - 06.10.2023 03:35

What would be new is for them to learn who patronised El? In order to pleagureize him?

Ted Francis
Ted Francis - 05.10.2023 12:49

Wow 😯

Hopelesslyserpentine Hopelesslyserpentine
Hopelesslyserpentine Hopelesslyserpentine - 04.10.2023 23:02

An altar is not a nice place.

Rex Draconis
Rex Draconis - 04.10.2023 13:40

You guys are full of 💩!!!
Moses adopts beliefs from his father in law!!!
He was a prophet of god so he wouldn’t be effected by others

Rex Draconis
Rex Draconis - 04.10.2023 13:22

Say what now?!
You are going to Erict the Jewish temple to worship other gods?!
Baal ?! You want to make a temple for demon worship on the mont?!

There is no EL but EL …

Rex Draconis
Rex Draconis - 04.10.2023 13:18

You know ibraham’s descendants are not only Israelites … Ismael was way older than his brothers…
Just saying…

TheShankari33 - 03.10.2023 12:07

Music is too loud and too emotionally charged. I like your voice. I'd like to hear it clearly. I'm almost blind so audio is everything. ❤

TheShankari33 - 03.10.2023 11:17

Volcanic activity instructs formative force... in the ancient Mysteries and in modern times... silicon
valley... my triangle of
Initiation' for 12 years was
to move between Hawaii,
Japan and Bali... 3 volcanic islands of
formative force.... life is interesting. Thankyou for your work. I am a Silver/ Goldsmith..

Charles Lee
Charles Lee - 03.10.2023 06:16

The devil created all this. All pre flood stories.

Mortal Wombat
Mortal Wombat - 01.10.2023 23:59

Everything is "SHOCKING" and "MIND BLOWING" in your videos. I like what you're doing but seriously, cut that BS out.

Hopelesslyserpentine Hopelesslyserpentine
Hopelesslyserpentine Hopelesslyserpentine - 01.10.2023 06:41

The Hyksos had been in Egypt and may have had something to do with the twelve divisions.

axilleas68di - 30.09.2023 19:40

The father of the devil. Il satan samail typhoon seth yahve sabbaoth enlil yaldabaoth

Nate Dogg
Nate Dogg - 30.09.2023 17:04

It's not Yahweh it's YAHUAH

Mary Cahoon
Mary Cahoon - 30.09.2023 06:28

4. Why did you start with Abraham? He wasn't the father of the Hebrew people, Noah was. 5. Abraham is the father of the Israeli Jewish covenant people. Big differences there buddy! 6. If you had read Enoch first you would have seen a big gap of time took place between Genius chapter 1 and chapter 2. Heck Jehovah Yahweh took a vacation on the 7th day. How long of a vacation do you take Sir? Jehovah Yahweh took a whole day, and one day to Jehovah Yahweh is as a thousand years to Earthly time. Back in those days it might have been even longer for all we know.

Daphne - 30.09.2023 04:49


Bonnie Chase
Bonnie Chase - 30.09.2023 04:23

What a lot of information! This research should be in text books and curricula. Thank you for providing this insight.

🦋 Yanire 🦋
🦋 Yanire 🦋 - 29.09.2023 19:07

Elohim is the plural masculine form of Eloah. It is not a singular word. Eloahi is simple plural while Elohim is a collective plural noun.

🦋 Yanire 🦋
🦋 Yanire 🦋 - 29.09.2023 19:06

Elohim is the plural masculine form of Eloah. It is not a singular word. Eloahi is simple plural while Elohim is a collective plural noun.

Tyronne Verwey
Tyronne Verwey - 27.09.2023 16:54

hahhaha its really the elderscrolls skyrim music for me ahahaha😂

Joshua Bacon
Joshua Bacon - 27.09.2023 10:29

YHWH is the Heavenly Father the Creator the Father of the Messiah YHSWH aka Jesus aka Joshua

Nicole Maxey
Nicole Maxey - 27.09.2023 05:07

So what church should we be attending?

Sassy Suzy
Sassy Suzy - 27.09.2023 01:15

Indoctrination clouds minds. Evolutionary energy arts goes deep into this.

Garouwerks - 26.09.2023 23:40

Do you happen to have references? Some of this is so interesting, and goes over a ton of questions I have had since I was a little girl. Or even a clear timeline? I have dyscalculia, so numbers in the correct order are a nightmare for me. After having been a Witness for 7 years, I love knowing the reality of when things happened and who said what, and when. Subscribed, and liked also.

Jimmy John
Jimmy John - 26.09.2023 16:34

All religions are pagan. We've all been lied to for centuries. They are an abomination to the creator that made all life. Abrahamic faiths we're invented by the secret freemasons. The bibulls give the readers the pagan gods they unknowingly worship.

Jimmy John
Jimmy John - 26.09.2023 16:34

All religions are pagan. We've all been lied to for centuries. They are an abomination to the creator that made all life. Abrahamic faiths we're invented by the secret freemasons. The bibulls give the readers the pagan gods they unknowingly worship.

Jimmy John
Jimmy John - 26.09.2023 16:34

All religions are pagan. We've all been lied to for centuries. They are an abomination to the creator that made all life. Abrahamic faiths we're invented by the secret freemasons. The bibulls give the readers the pagan gods they unknowingly worship.

chungus khan
chungus khan - 26.09.2023 09:01

Kinda crazy how in English we have the word THE (sound out each letter in "the"; T huh ah; PTAH) & Spanish has the word EL & they mean the same thing; & how in Irish there are the words TA (meaning "that", sorta like "the", & "el") & AN (literally, "the", but it's AN, like ANU 🤯)

they all have the same root, mean the same thang, & are all literally names of PTAH EL & ANU 🔥🔥🔥

Isty - 26.09.2023 01:31

I am fascinated by all that you do for us, and i am in awe of your dedication to researching it to share with us, you and your work are very much appreciated ❤

Glade Loy
Glade Loy - 25.09.2023 03:04

Well done ! I wish this were available in the way back. I had to piece this together from many sources over many years. You made connections I struggled with. You filled a few blanks that I didn't have source material for. TY so very much for putting this together. I know you could've made this more expansive, especially with the Demi-Urge. I was surprised there was no mention of Sophia. I shall Patreon when I am able.

Kathryn Akers
Kathryn Akers - 25.09.2023 02:01

On this I believe to be true; in the words of Plato. Simi God's sure why not. Or another reference Creator was called the one with no name. I also believe Mother Earth is a living breathing creation it's self; and possibly is Eden. Much Love&Light many Blissings and successes Namesta 🙏💜

Promethean Kitchen
Promethean Kitchen - 24.09.2023 20:51

You should do a video on where the ancient Jews came from before they come to the land of Canaan because I don't think the majority of the people know the history on the ancient Jews

Anthony Robinson
Anthony Robinson - 24.09.2023 04:39

Regarding the Elephantine temple portion of the video: is it a fact that Yahu and Yahweh are the same deity?

Rashid Rahman
Rashid Rahman - 24.09.2023 02:38

Bethleham is not like the English city's of Nottingham or Birmingham, London's East Ham,,,it means, Baith Allah heem, meaning house of Allah, "...also Jerusalem is mis translation, should be, "...yarushsalam, Hebrew and in Arabic, it's,,,Dharus'saalam,,meaning,,,abode of Islam, "

Rashid Rahman
Rashid Rahman - 24.09.2023 02:32

In one of the gospels ,Jesus is on the cross ✝️, saying, Ellah'heem lamma sabach thani, Oh God why has though forsaken me, ""

Rashid Rahman
Rashid Rahman - 24.09.2023 02:13

Ibrahim went to Egypt, the pharaoh of the time became a Monotheist, because of Ibrahim's preaching, '

David Ireland
David Ireland - 23.09.2023 19:40

El Cid

Terry Miller
Terry Miller - 23.09.2023 12:22

I finally subbed after three videos. You guys are the real deal. Knowledge dispensed without any particular agenda is more worthy of trust, in my opinion.

[CantMakeSaneOutofCrazy] Inverted Reality
[CantMakeSaneOutofCrazy] Inverted Reality - 23.09.2023 12:00

12 tribes is definitely a clue.
God kept sending his favored to Egypt for safe keeping


the fonzies
the fonzies - 23.09.2023 06:16

Im glad in the frist chapter your giving credit to the eygptians. All spirituality and religion comes Africa period. The original eygptains from the pygmy people in Africa is who ptah represents. Ptah is short just like the pygmies who are some of the oldest tribe genetically on earth.

Adam Dudziak
Adam Dudziak - 23.09.2023 01:55


Izebelle Blue Reads Out Loud
Izebelle Blue Reads Out Loud - 22.09.2023 08:30

In Hinduism, every god/goddes(or union of) have multiple faces. Even the major female goddesses, in addition to being multiple, are also part of a larger female energy.

Chai Shalom
Chai Shalom - 22.09.2023 06:56

The Hebrew Bible was not rewritten.

Nathan Chaloux
Nathan Chaloux - 21.09.2023 23:35

What I got from the video was that WE are all believing in the SAME GOD AND SAME CREATION STORY BUT TRANSLATED OR WRITTEN TO ADHERE TO THAT PARTUCYLAR SOCIETY N TIME. These scholars and leaders reffered to ANCIENT JEWISH STORIES TO CREATE THEIR OWN. Therefore we are all One in the same. How could we not be? 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears, biologically identical, therefore having only 1 creator in Its image. There is no other human species but 1.

Kor Nelia
Kor Nelia - 21.09.2023 09:53

Deep and very good work! Thank you very much! I am counting Shiva and his friends with a loose limp in the face, also to the Annunaki. Because Shiva resided on earth, but had no father or mother on earth and did not stay here, but came just from time to time to our planet (or places) to lead earthlings and to be with his wife. His wife was alone for many years in between his visits. In one story he came back to see her after 10 years. It was the day when her son lost his head by Shivas hand and turned to Ganesha by giving him the head of his commander and friend with the loose limp. People could not imagine other thing as an elephant face when hearing these stories and drew Ganesha with an elephant face, according to Sadhguru. Shiva is depicted with a similar hair style as mesopotamian style and Irak is not far from Pakistán and India. It is actually the región which has been devided between the Annunaki at their beginnings in ancient Mesopotamia. 😂 This goes even deeper 😅 let's go.. 😊

JDMAP1 - 21.09.2023 04:57

MELCHIZEDEK! Learn who he is! He was also King of Salem=King of Modern Day Jerusalem prior to Abram entering a Covenant with Abraham.

Melchizedek was and always has been the High Priest of YHWH! This is a title Jesus now holds!

Guys, YHWH Should have been mentioned Prior to the Bible and should have been known Worldwide also!

YHWH is the Creator God (YHWH is not EL as you claim either) of the gods (lower g gods) all of you worship, lol!
