I'm Getting Really Sick Of The Software Bloat Meme

I'm Getting Really Sick Of The Software Bloat Meme

Brodie Robertson

4 года назад

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@BrodieRobertson - 22.03.2020 03:58

Sorry for the later than normal upload, drunk Brodie decided to schedule this video to be uploaded tomorrow.

@qwertykeyboard5901 - 18.11.2023 05:55

Writes web browser game on a Dell Inspiron 700m. A nice buttery smooth... 28 fps.

Next firefox update: Game now runs at -3 fps.

@polocatfan - 10.11.2022 10:49

no the meme of people making super small screens to use linux on is really funny.

@jeffersonsa4200 - 25.04.2022 21:37

I have a minimal setup mixed with some considered "bloated" programs and it's been pretty good for me.

@dipankarm4125 - 17.05.2021 01:32

In the words of the honorable Eliza Mermaid, 'murica is bloat, brother. Allah hu akbar. Let's go bombing.

@Yazidn - 24.03.2021 15:32

People need to understand that everyone's needs and preferences are different, and it's okay.

@Hofer2304 - 26.02.2021 00:56

You should debloat your computer. If you uninstall an unused program, your computer becomes a little more secure, but it isn't always easy to say if you really don't need a certain program. Debloating is a kind of optimization. Not every optimization makes sense. If your program has a very short runtime, why should you make it even faster? It's the same spiel with the program size. Why should you make a small program even smaller? If possible, replace a bloated program with a less bloated program. You should be able to use your computer for your purposes.

@PaladinHD - 15.02.2021 11:33

The middle ground between being bloated and being an anorexic weirdo who only has a console on gentoo and no window manager no desktop is called thicc

@robokill387 - 14.01.2021 21:05

I saw someone call easyTAG "software bloat". EasyTAG.

@Jaredthedude1 - 10.08.2020 12:33

Bloat is unuseful stuff. There you go all the questions in your video answered

@dfsgjlgsdklgjnmsidrg - 03.07.2020 13:31

his beard isnt dense like on his channel picture, this dude has no reputation

@_R8x_ - 28.04.2020 19:16

Your opinion is bloat! Use herd mentality instead!

@N0zer0 - 20.04.2020 07:11

I really like the idea of assigning window locations manually instead of using a WM. How can I do that?

@anastaziuskaejatidarjan4711 - 15.04.2020 21:11

idk about the quills man, they have terrible benchmarks. to make one, you have to bake a feather in direct sunlight for over a year. that's a lot of icompile/config time, all for a result that isn't very fast

@blankexpression2u - 23.03.2020 15:44

Love you Brodie but your beard is bloat bro ha ha. Jk love it!

@fuseteam - 22.03.2020 23:29

for me vim vs vscode is the different modes for editing and inserting :p

@Nephitejnf - 22.03.2020 21:38

Quil and paper are bloat use cave wall and etchings

@chadthunder6915 - 22.03.2020 20:03


@emperorpicard6474 - 22.03.2020 17:50

Everything has a cost and a benefit:
- Does the benefit of knowing vim outweigh the cost of learning it? Yes it does.
-Does the benefit of having a perfectly configured system to my hardware outweigh the cost of having to compile my own kernel? No it doesn't.

@mydayswithoutyou - 22.03.2020 16:17

Thanks for this video! I am really sick of the bloat meme, too. What really matters, is what is pleasant to use (which is obviously subjective) and what makes you more productive.

@waltereikrem - 22.03.2020 16:08

i think of bloat more as forced plugins. like in SQL workbench, or something like intellij. it takes 100 years to even open the program. because of all the things it can do. i think more software should give a check list of features when installing. that way you could go with the bedrock of the software if you wanted. but also if you need everything you can still use that one software. idk if what i just wrote made any sense for anyone else tho

@VipinBalakrishnan - 22.03.2020 15:34

Can you please do a video on systray with dzen2?

@Mietchannel - 22.03.2020 14:07

My opinion is just install a normal desktop environment like everyone else on the planet and get on wtih your day

@alexanderchaplinbraz1113 - 22.03.2020 13:45

I stopped caring about bloat and switched to using Emacs for almost everything, even as a window manager.

@samuelschwager - 22.03.2020 12:49

I don't care about disk size bloat. But I hate it when a program uses huge amounts of ram for no good reason, like Chrome...

@iLiokardo - 22.03.2020 12:43


@Viken43 - 22.03.2020 12:23

Videos like this are just flamebait! There is little point in discussing what text editor or WM or browser you use (or init system). Run what you like on your own hardware, job done. I see swollen software from a different angle. I try to keep my iso size down. Not everyone on the planet has a fast internet connection so it makes sense just to ship with all the tools needed. Given a network connection be able to install anything you really need. We love you Brodie keep up the good work, stay safe x

@stradomus9673 - 22.03.2020 11:58

Why you gotta ruin your t-shirt with this weeb bloat! Just use a plain black shirt or at least put the arch linux logo on it (btw).

@shaytal100 - 22.03.2020 10:47

This video is bloated!

Just kidding, well done! :)

@ismailefetop - 22.03.2020 10:10

T-shirt is bloat use leap.

@skapator - 22.03.2020 09:38

Compared to productivity, bloat is not of any importance.

@techzone2009 - 22.03.2020 08:01

Every one needs is different but apps put additional features which is not useful for some is also bloat

@techzone2009 - 22.03.2020 07:59

As long as you can uninstall the apps it's not bloatware..if you cannot like app in windows does it is bloatware....for example you can. Uninstall explore browser 😁😁😁

@davidgomez79 - 22.03.2020 06:09

I hit the like button, good video. I agree 100% I'm tired of the bloat meme.
Which is what I thought you where heading at with the useless use of cat thing.
I stand corrected.

@megaeggproductions - 22.03.2020 06:07

Meanwhile I’m over here with my 2013 MacBook not even knowing that this was a “problem”

@KingZero69 - 22.03.2020 05:59

making an 11 minute video to complain about bloat is bloat...

@WodenIstWotan - 22.03.2020 05:22

This video is bloat.

@humm535 - 22.03.2020 04:40

No doubt bloat is highly subjective and with many definitions. And no doubt the point after which (in whatever direction, complexity, binary size, …) stuff is bloated is highly subjective. Let me just try to explain a bit more about my point of view while not really caring about how sick of the bloated meme you are.

I think, the point after which something is bloat is when overall “complexity” (be it non-mathematical complexity of algorithms, number of “features”, diversion from the Plan 9 philosophy, w/e) (already highly subjective) “massively outweights” (even more subjective) the gained “benefit” (fun, speed increase, w/e) (more subjectivity …).

An interpretation of a common example: Full DEs are much more complex than WMs with a few extra utilities, but I don’t gain much from using DEs. Thus, the complexity massively overwhelmes the gain, I find DEs bloat.

A bit controversy: systemd is much more complex (IMO, but one could argue that less need to write rc scripts ore something lessens complexity much) than, let’s say, sinit with self-written rc scripts (or just ready downloaded ones), but currently, the gain I get from using systemd is not having to fiddle with switching from the default of Arch (and probably switching distro to Artix or similar), and that’s a huge gain for me, because I don’t feel like fiddling much with it. Probably soon I’ll install OpenBSD on a partition of the HDD of the laptop I’m talking about, and then I might just as well switch to a clean Artix installation in the process. The gain from using systemd will be lost and it will totally be bloat in my situation.

Yet another definition of bloat might be distance off the “perfect” (hey, subjective!) program by the UNIX/Plan 9 philosophy. In that regards, systemd is (IMO) totally bloated for me in w/e situation I might be, as long as it is called an “init system”.

What I find myself often doing is using the second definition (or something else even more subjective) when talking about what is bloat and (obviously) using the first definition when deciding what to use.

And of course I don’t care much about how subjective it is when just yelling at others what is bloat. I prefer to give advice how it could be done “more minimalist” if I find stuff bloat.

Then again, I think minimalism is the other direction: a bit less complex but with quite a bit less gain in using it. And then there are people who think of minimalism as non-bloated.

~~Calcurse is bloat~~ You could quite easely get a calendar system done without calcurse.

@BobB-bu1wk - 22.03.2020 04:32

The time argument, Linux is free of you don't value your time

@xllvr - 22.03.2020 04:31

Less bloat than a quill: your finger and blood

@lemler3337 - 22.03.2020 04:27

the Linux kernel is bloat, ITS TIME FOR A FORK!

@thenextpoetician6328 - 22.03.2020 04:25

It's petty ego boosting over idle opinion. Princesses all over are parachuting from the sky. facepalm.

@doingitsidesways - 22.03.2020 04:21

poor luke cant catch a break from getting burned

@humm535 - 22.03.2020 04:06

Quils are bloat, use charcoal!

@JDStone20 - 22.03.2020 04:02

What program do you use for managing bookmarks? I have been looking for one

@mickantra - 22.03.2020 03:55

This is the first time I have ever been the first viewer of a video.
I use AutoCAD all day. It is bloated.
Charcoal has less features than a quil.
