Setting DC's is NOT COMPLICATED in Pathfinder 2nd Edition!

Setting DC's is NOT COMPLICATED in Pathfinder 2nd Edition!


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@proximal1846 - 13.09.2023 12:53

How dare you roll against me. I didn't even realize we were playing. Alright, you win for now.

@bleutooth1000 - 07.08.2023 19:23

So is the level of the task the party level? How do you determine if it’s a lv 3 locked door vs a lv 8 or lv 15?

@treyokelly9662 - 15.07.2023 21:40

Rewatching some older videos as I go into the final book of Extinction Curse and begin thinking about any changes I want to make for things going forward into Agents of Edgewatch. I typically do a standard level DC. but then decide if it's a normal DC for the level, it's easy so I subtract 2, if it's really easy then subtract 5. And same for something being more difficult or very difficult

@GoldenPiney - 14.07.2023 20:06

Sellout archetype 😂 love it

@clatzy4505 - 24.05.2023 04:41

Shit he got a crit guess I subscribe now

@Zooqitan - 16.03.2023 15:14

FYI for anyone who wants the exact formula (and is ok with 5th grade math):

14 + Level + (Level / 3) Rounded Down

In other words, 14 plus level plus 1 every 3 levels. This is the exact formula through level 21. Levels 22-25 add 2 per level. But by the time you’re there, you know this like the back of your hand, right? 🤪

@personsomeone2760 - 02.03.2023 17:35

Set it right before he lock picks the door

@zarthemad8386 - 22.02.2023 07:52

Lvl 1 Char: I want to eat that sandwich!! DM: DC 15 to eat the sandwich. Player: WTF?
Lvl 15 Char: I want to eat that sandwich!! DM: DC 45 to eat that sandwich. Player: pulls knife on DM.

@PhilippeGiguere - 14.02.2023 00:28

What the heck is a level 15 door? A steel reinforced door with a magic lock designed by a dwarven locksmith master? No seriously... Where does one find a level 15 door? What about a level 15 stealth vs a level 1 check? Super alert high level monster vs a drunk half sleeping orc? More guidance on this for Adnd2 (1986 to 1996) refugee would be appreciated.

@Mhill08 - 01.02.2023 20:03

But how do you determine the level of the task? Obviously the difference between a tavern door lock and a dungeon door lock is obvious, but determining the specific number that the level should be is what I'm still not understanding.

@Dudeman715 - 31.01.2023 23:50

I failed my dc I had to like the video, HELP! :D

@Niyucuatro - 23.01.2023 14:05

My method s much more easier. Foret about the DC. Have him roll and look at the dice. Did he roll 9 or under without modifiers? tell him he failed. Did he roll over 15, tell him he succeded. Is it between those numbers? if his modifier is good tell him he succeded and if it's bad tell him he failed.

@elderwyrmstudio5133 - 17.01.2023 19:54

Well this really helped 😅

@marti5420 - 11.01.2023 14:31

this is one thing i hate about pathfinder, the world levels up around you

@dylanhyatt5705 - 27.09.2022 15:56

How would you appraise your formula vs. the level DC table ?

@harrythefish4593 - 25.08.2022 21:32

Camera setup: The exposure is a little too high on this one but the quality is much better. I would either dim your light a little or adjust your camera setup down one stop. Hope that helps.

@harrythefish4593 - 25.08.2022 21:30

I find all your videos very useful as our group is moving from 5e to pf2e. Thanks.

@harrythefish4593 - 25.08.2022 21:28

Sorry your use of diplomacy has the Incapacitation trait, and I'm more than double your age, so I will not be subscribing to your channel, (also I am already subscribed). 🙂

@cargopenthsTTRPG - 19.08.2022 20:19

I haven't had that problem
I thought how mutch I want them to roll on a die and just look at the dice to see if this is satysfying

@joebranch4536 - 11.08.2022 05:52

Maybe it’s because I’m coming from 5e, but I still prefer contested checks. Just seems faster and smoother in my head

@garbageknights - 30.07.2022 15:58

It's never happened to me

@cyrusatkinson3307 - 12.07.2022 08:02

The "Sell out Arch" gave me the smile I needed today my man, THANK YOU!

@wytchhunter8448 - 10.05.2022 08:50

Aww dam guess I was forced to subscribe :P

@briancurtis6022 - 01.04.2022 17:37

From our experience, the best formula has been (Level +12), period. No adjustment per 5 levels, either. That way even someone who's untrained (as many PCs often are) has a chance, and anyone competent in their profession will usually succeed; should anyone ever reach Expert or Legendary, all tasks will be trivial, as they should be.

@fredericleclerc9037 - 09.03.2022 00:45

It never happened to me... I'm not lying because : DC 10 easy 15 challenging 20 hard 25 extreme 30 impossible for character level 1-5 (+5 to DC per 5 level) et voila... that simple. The only hesitation I might have is mmm... what quality should be on THAT lock at THAT place in THAT moment in time.

@genostellar - 05.03.2022 18:50

"If you say it has never happened to you, you're lying."
Um, no, sorry. Setting the DC for something, even on the fly (especially in D&D 5e) is really simple. If I hadn't chosen a DC for that lock just yet, and he rolled that 18, I'd either consider that just enough or requiring a roll of 20 depending on how badly I didn't want them to pick that lock or how much I wanted to make them work for it, and the choice would have been instant. Some people have no issue setting the DC for things like that, hate to burst your bubble. Setting a CR for a creature is far more difficult (and personally I don't usually bother with it).

That being said, I do understand hat some people, especially when they're new to it, might have a tougher time figuring out what's fitting for the DC to things, so I do recognize the value of this video and I am in no way saying that it's stupid or that anyone having trouble with it are dumb, I only have a problem with you stating that everyone has had trouble with it and won't believe them when they say that they haven't struggled with it. Not everyone finds the same things difficult, that's all I'm saying.

@quadrapediopicolo - 15.12.2021 22:44

oh god! The Sell-Out Archetype!! New favourite!!

@puffinmcpuffin9488 - 05.11.2021 06:22

The DCs you're providing would be calculated at each level up, so potentially a GM might only need to calculate a new DC, put it on a sticky note, and then call it a day until the next time they game. You don't even have to do it every session.

@bragod - 28.10.2021 04:29

This video just shows what bad design is:

If you focused your life on something, you should not succeed 60% of the time.

It should be 75% to something EQUAL level, not 60%.

Even test pilots do not crash 40% of the time, or they would never retire :P

@danepatterson8107 - 26.10.2021 15:42

I don't understand what "Level of the Task" means in any context.

@ShepardCommander - 06.10.2021 18:36

Level scaling is a terrible concept and I'd rather just used the simple dc table to reflect the lock quality/how worth it would be in that place to have a really expensive lock/if they could afford a better lock, etc rather than DC scaling. IE an Inn would have decent trained locks as a minimum but the inkeepers safe would most likely have a master lock while his bedroom would have an expert lock. A BBEG in his castle would prioritize his treasury and chest locks over his heavily guarded front and back doors. A stable would have really basic locks an a sentry at night to make sure the horses aren't being messed with, etc.

I also feel like a player specced SPECIFICALY into a skill should be able to do those tasks with around an 90% success rate (from untrained to legendary they should be able to do the job 9 out of 10 times, as a top professional) assuming they are heavily investing in that skill.

However I feel to each their own. If you would rather go with level scaling then go for it. I just think it makes some skill checks nonsensical.

@vlax8555 - 10.08.2021 15:54

These videos are great... Thinking about changing my players to 2e from 1e. Thank you!

@anthonyjohncalabria6106 - 29.07.2021 21:50

The Formula Paizo uses is: 14 + Level of Task +1 extra per 3 LV (But Nonat1s is super close, just has bigger jumps at the 5lv increments)

@rapidLupine7687 - 22.07.2021 19:55

Yes, I actually like how easy it's to set DC on PF2E because, you only have to add numbers, and while I know in theory 5E is the same on that regard, I find more difficult to calculate those low numbers, even though the range of possible DC's is much lower.

@CobaltContrast - 17.07.2021 18:29

Camera looks fine.

@CobaltContrast - 17.07.2021 18:28

Ha. Jokes on you. I already subscribed.

@roshnimukherjee6927 - 06.07.2021 14:22

Your diplomacy check was indeed a critical success! Subscribed! :)

@markissleepy - 30.06.2021 18:47

Wow - this seems super complicated compared to D&D's system. Assigning "levels" to tasks seems unnecessarily abstract, subjective, and confusing. D&D's system of categorizing tasks as easy, medium, hard, etc. is so quick and intuitive, and takes just a few seconds to learn, no referencing charts, guessing what a good level for a challenge is, or math required. I've been wanting to switch my group to PF2 because I think they'll love all the higher degree of character customization and flexibility but the more of these videos I watch the more complicated DMing PF2 seems. It's so much better for the players and so much more complex for the DM.

@Schreibtiscification - 21.06.2021 09:48

sellout archetype made me giggle

@kellymccoy9403 - 19.05.2021 19:29

Nice, Sellout Archtype

@TJVargasS - 17.05.2021 01:36

I fell like you are punishing who invest in some skill proficience, because u are starting ranking from legendary, I would disconsider that always at least one always are legendary on that skill and disconsider that exist rogues. This is like if you starting ranking ACs of the monsters basing from fighters.

@TheSahugani - 16.05.2021 13:45

The rogue in me is sitting here thinking that at some point the locks with higher-level DCs should be stolen along with whatever it might be protecting because that an investment.

@ericespiritu1468 - 13.05.2021 00:53

please remember that other than rouge all other characters can only max out three skills archetype exceptions occur. in addition are "forcibly" taken up by go from point a to point b skills acrobatics and athletics or have the right magical items/spells. leaving only one discretionary skill per character. most skills never get past trained and especially if you roleplay. in official adventures and scenarios is (almost always) level is player level or higher.

@davideckland6991 - 25.04.2021 22:48

you got me damnit

@icedragongamemaster6797 - 23.04.2021 11:58

15 if it is average DC. 20 if it is hard. 20 years my system never failed.

@cheezeofages - 14.04.2021 14:50

I think the formula goes a little awry in spots if you compare to the DCs by level. If you do this at 5th level it yields a level 6 DC, than after that you either get a full 2 levels higher DC or just shy at each 5th increment. I think +1 per 5 levels would be a safer bet for guesstimating DCs, so that if you deem fit to make it harder with the modifiers you aren't upgrading an already 2 levels higher DC unknowingly.

@bryanstrahm9961 - 18.03.2021 23:44

Jokes on you Nonat, I'm already subscribed and thus immune to further instances of the subscribed condition.

@DavidShgo - 12.01.2021 20:39

Too bad my Will DC is equal to Recall Knowledge DC for identifying the Tarasque.

@Dalzak - 27.12.2020 00:10

best advice: always have gm screen in front of you. do everything at half the time,
