Hoi4: The Newest Order

Hoi4: The Newest Order


1 год назад

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@lorefox201 - 18.11.2023 18:03

"this is a realistic hoi4 mod now"

@themakebelieverproductions6342 - 06.11.2023 07:16

I tried to play it TNO yesterday. They got rid of Scotland and Wales. It is just Britain now, and they need to redo the entire HMMLR thing. No more rebel England playthroughs until they fix that stuff. Literally bruh

@Xayumcl - 21.10.2023 21:50

Rest in Piece Goering Path

@landonhatley9513 - 18.10.2023 00:01

TNO doesn't work for me, any ideas on why it might not???

@57zwastaken - 30.09.2023 16:36

STOP POSTING ABOUT GOOEY ,I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! MY FRIENDS ON TIKTOK SEND ME MEMES, ON DISCORD IT'S FUCKING MEMES! I was in a server, right? and ALL OF THE CHANNELS were just GOOEY stuff. I-I showed my champion underwear to my girlfriend and t-the logo I flipped it and I said "hey babe, when the underwear is A SCRIPTED GOOEY HAHA DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DI DI DING" I fucking looked at a trashcan and said "THAT'S A BIT GOOEY" I looked at my penis I think of the tno election GUI and I go "PENIS? MORE LIKE PENGOOEY" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFGSHDHDN

@rotarydude9737 - 17.09.2023 10:25

TNO really doing what Kaiserreich did in trying to be "ultra realistic", not realizing its a game where fun > realism.

@ErikYehl - 27.08.2023 20:14

I really don’t mind anything about the changes to the mod. The one thing I’ve really wanted is the French State to be playable

@Alexander-James - 27.08.2023 18:50

How many years does TNO play to?

@fduranthesee - 27.08.2023 09:31

ugly american is prolly a Vietnam/Korea reference, when we fought Proxy Wars in Eastasia and called them slurs and napalmed/Agent Orange'd their asses. They saw us as "ugly americans" because our machinegunners/heavy weapons specialists were too gung-ho and "Shot first; asked questions later" so because of all the warcrimes? and crazy shit we did in Vietnam/Korea, they started to think of us as Ugly Americans.

@sega616 - 16.07.2023 11:46

Boo to realism TNO

Big stinky.

@ferretman6790 - 05.07.2023 22:21

I’m glad they removed atlantropa. Unrealistic and extremely dumb

@Alaskaboar - 04.07.2023 00:34


@olejnik5165 - 06.06.2023 00:35

Those are such a good mechanics

@Lucas_____ - 28.05.2023 05:07

I think the new version of TNO isnt scary-ish as it was in the past

@dragonrykr - 16.05.2023 00:17

take a shot every time he says "experimental infantry equipment"

@user-xq3vt3co7r - 11.05.2023 19:55

Why no follow up episode? :( This one even did alright, in terms of views...

@Setupthemabomb - 09.05.2023 16:04

How tf they made a game about map drawing and wacky ww2 scenario into economic, silicon valley knock-off simulator?

@willibertino_9309 - 07.05.2023 13:33

i dont understand this mod

@gigachadgaming1551 - 07.05.2023 08:58

talent in the TNO mod team is fucking wasted

@bfmtrooper5454 - 06.05.2023 16:06

Honestly I hope they one day change the lore so goebbels survives, because he was one of the kost likely successors of hitler and even led Berlin in its final days. I think a path with him could ge really interesting

@seacatlol831 - 30.04.2023 14:03

Bro this is th1 1980s.

@Bob-fh4ht - 30.04.2023 04:25

every time he says gui, a child in guandong (not the tno reference in china) dies

@zeus25k77 - 27.04.2023 22:45

Can you play Greece in TNO again

@leMiG31 - 27.04.2023 15:30

Mf remove the based germany,atleast make chance of fail in both tannenbaum and sea lion astronomically high,but not 0

@russiandoomer945 - 26.04.2023 20:02

TNO the best mod

@mikaelnadal6661 - 26.04.2023 16:51

There is nothing more i HATE than the tno devs. I have waited for a Turkey tree that was promised to be coming out july last year AND IT STILL HASNT COME OUT YET. Instead the devs make the most complicated and unneccessary changes like getting rid of atlantropa and making the annoying economy GUI even more annoying. They keep making the most useless and unwanted changes but release a new country tree once like half a year. Theres a reson why many stopped playing the mod. Its starting to become bland and boring

@TheStonewall117 - 26.04.2023 01:55

Jesus, this mod was always pushing HOI4 to the limits, but after watching this, I don’t think this is HOI4 anymore.

@user-eb9dy5eb4t - 25.04.2023 23:30

I like the Kaiserredux for it's lil schizophrenia and possible world conquest, but also TNO for more realistic life of the country's

@pandaandthegecko5480 - 25.04.2023 23:14

Shakeynomics in Guangdong causes crippling debt

@diotheworld3444 - 25.04.2023 21:03

Im not Happy with Tno until The Funny Regent can Destroy Germany

@kurvakus7256 - 25.04.2023 19:29

I swear to all gods forgotten by time, I thought this is gonna by another Balenciaga video, somewhat tying fashion industry with tno economy minigame.
Also "Let's invest in the company making radios!" followed by uncertain "This looks like a radio." is a real CEO mindset.

@df8340 - 25.04.2023 16:43

This ui 🤮

@callie3038 - 25.04.2023 16:19

normal person: gui
dshakey: gooey

@therkiller4682 - 25.04.2023 15:54

What did they add in the new update ?

@khinev3128 - 25.04.2023 14:39

I like dong

@Alex_FRD - 25.04.2023 13:07

Atlantropa is gone, Burgundy is getting super nerfed/removed. Things aren't looking good.

@muhammedtugra5943 - 25.04.2023 12:27

Hey! Another great video Shakey! Keep it up!

@medicman4444 - 25.04.2023 11:02

Next vid now plz X3

@sniperbAit77777 - 25.04.2023 09:49

I miss the vtuber Shakey who would start the video with us

@mrworldwide7387 - 25.04.2023 09:49

You should finish that campaign fast because there’s a hotfix coming that might break your save

@pontuswendt2486 - 25.04.2023 09:09

AMAZINGNES!!! Yes continue!!!

@catalyst9955 - 25.04.2023 08:59

why is this mode made in hoi4? the mod in my opinion isnt fun because it feels like they arent using the base systems even remotely at this point, and that itd be easier to make a standalone game, its honestly shocking to me that something that so very clearly has the absolute heart and soul of some very obviously brilliant/insane/passionate modders can be so unfun to play. they also seem to be shooting themselves in the foot with the whole 'realism' thing, the mods entire personality was how far fetched absurd, and dark the whole setting is, and trying to be realistic really deducts from its actually very well designed presentation and personality. really is a shame honestly, that the devs are getting pushed around by folk like this.

@joshuapartridge5092 - 25.04.2023 08:59

this is a world where nintendo commited war crimes

@waluigitime33 - 25.04.2023 08:04

I am once again asking for a dirlewanger brigade gameplay

@kaeganlagerquist1694 - 25.04.2023 06:11

That was fun finish it

@larsthedude1984 - 25.04.2023 05:19

I always felt the TNO devs should make their own standalone game just to refine and build the framework that would best fit the gameplay they want. IIRC wasn’t TNO supposed to be a Vic 2 mod first?

@Normalguy1690 - 25.04.2023 04:16

TNO sucks there I said it. Whole mod is just National focuses and decisions and not the fun part of HOI fighting the actual wars that u build up to.

@enjoyerofenjoyer505 - 25.04.2023 03:44

I beg you to do Fujitsu its the best path in all of tno
