Should You Buy Index Funds at All-Time Highs? | Jack Bogle Explains

Should You Buy Index Funds at All-Time Highs? | Jack Bogle Explains


3 года назад

310,729 Просмотров

Jack Bogle transformed the investment management industry. Bogle was an activist for individual investors, working to bring the interests of asset managers in line with those of their investment clients. In today's video, we look to previous interview clips of him, Buffet, and Munger on advice regarding buying index funds at all-time highs.

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RazoRock - 21.10.2023 05:11

For those worried about a Japan-type situation, keep in mind the PE of the Nikkei in 1989 was 58, that's an earnings yield of 1.7%. Currently, the S&P500 is around 24. Not cheap by any means but a far cry from 58.

Giller Heston
Giller Heston - 07.09.2023 18:09

I have a 3 fund portfolio consisting of 33% S&P, 33% Total stock, and 33% international. I feel a need to focus on complete growth so I went 100% stocks, but does the SP500 and TSM overlap too much to make sense holding both? However I’ve been in the red for a month now. I work hard for my money, so investing is making me a nervous sad wreck. I don’t know if I should sell everything, sit and just wait but watching my portfolio dwindle away is such an eye -sore.

Duong Phuc
Duong Phuc - 03.09.2023 14:10

Tôi đã xem toàn bộ video này và thật sự rất thích nó. Jack Bogle đã trình bày một bài học quan trọng về việc đầu tư và tôi muốn chia sẻ điều đó. Bài học quan trọng ở đây là sự giá trị của việc đầu tư dài hạn và kiên nhẫn. Jack Bogle đã rõ ràng cho thấy rằng việc đầu tư vào chỉ số thị trường như S&P 500 có thể là một chiến lược tốt, bất kể thời điểm thị trường đang ở mức cao kỷ lục hay không.

Tôi muốn bày tỏ lòng cảm ơn đặc biệt đối với tác giả video này vì đã chia sẻ kiến thức quý báu này với chúng ta. Cảm ơn bạn đã làm rõ rằng việc đầu tư dài hạn và không để xác định thời điểm chính xác để mua và bán có thể là một chiến lược hiệu quả.

Ngoài ra, tôi cũng rất ấn tượng với việc đưa ra so sánh giữa thị trường Mỹ và thị trường Nhật Bản, và lý giải vì sao chiến lược dollar cost averaging hoạt động tốt ở Mỹ nhưng có thể là một thảm họa ở Nhật Bản. Điều này thực sự là một bài học quý báu về sự khác biệt trong tình hình kinh tế và sự phát triển giữa các quốc gia.

Cuối cùng, tôi chắc chắn rằng sự tương quan giữa sự phát triển kinh tế của Mỹ và thị trường chứng khoán là điều đáng chú ý. Video này đã thúc đẩy tôi cảm thấy tự hào về tầm quan trọng của các công ty lớn và thành công trong việc thúc đẩy sự phát triển và sự tiến bộ của nền kinh tế. Một lần nữa, cảm ơn bạn đã chia sẻ thông tin hữu ích này và tiếp tục sản xuất nhiều video thú vị khác!

Adonis Orion
Adonis Orion - 23.08.2023 10:57

I was advised to diversify my portfolio among several assets such as stocks and bonds since this can protect my portfolio for retirement. I'm seeking to invest $200K across markets but don't know where to start.

John Trubridge
John Trubridge - 11.02.2023 18:54

Credit where credit is due the Internet was actually invented by a British scientist Sir Timothy John Berners. 😎

Custom Kitty Liners & Sifters
Custom Kitty Liners & Sifters - 07.02.2023 12:09


Helen Oliver
Helen Oliver - 01.01.2023 15:40

As I would see it, the go to solution for climate this downturn and high expansion is momentary exchanging, rather than long haul exchanging, most people utilizing these methods are netting a lot of gains, sure the dangers are higher yet once more isn't the ongoing business sector similarly as unsafe?

Alberto Pazos
Alberto Pazos - 05.12.2022 04:05

We lucky we live in America, we make the rules.

Tut1 - 01.09.2022 15:02

But me wonder w/ my 6 figure port not big enough to brag not small enough not to care, a man that only buys if it pays a dividend, I've never bought a index or mutual fund, 60%Stocks 30% Etfs and around 20k in bomds let me ask why are they pushing this so hard, it's proyally the right thing to to, please let me know if I'm being to sinacle.

VoxFelis - 19.05.2022 14:47


Eugenie Kerstin
Eugenie Kerstin - 10.05.2022 20:51

Great stocks and I just bought in on them, but I'm interested in making short term profit, let say turn a $150K to $500k in 6months, I'd appreciate tips on how what stocks to buy to make this much profit.

Mike Hawk
Mike Hawk - 08.05.2022 19:09

God I hate this channel

jpandyaraja - 04.05.2022 06:11

another WOKE movement and the US WILL go the way of Japan

InvestmentMoneyMaker - 28.04.2022 12:36

Just buying an allworld ETF to spread even more risk than the S&P500

Smartana Jones
Smartana Jones - 17.02.2022 15:56

Wonderful eye opening video! Especially when you verbally juxtaposed the Japan equivalent to our S&P index. That was mind blowing. I never knew that. Very very educational for me. Thx!

Native BLK
Native BLK - 27.01.2022 12:00

Just believe in America 🇺🇸 🙏🏽

ISJST - 24.01.2022 11:28

Time in the market is better than timing the market.
The market sometimes will drop but in the long run it is Always going up. ...Fast money won't last money. It's a marathon not a sprint.

Vanuchi Paige
Vanuchi Paige - 19.01.2022 05:17

According to the owner of the company I work for, this single quarter has been more profitable than the last 6 combined, all thanks to "inflation." Which is to say, he heard there was inflation and jacked our prices by 25%, then blamed inflation. I have to assume this is not uncommon.

C PAT - 04.01.2022 23:01

If you hold a Roth IRA, you can only put in $6,000 a year so you really can't wait on it. In the long run where the market is now compared to where it will be is hoping going to be very large.

David Gerstein
David Gerstein - 04.01.2022 05:18

Just feed the beast.

donshery - 01.01.2022 09:57

Should have learned this a year ago, now I have lost so much money on meme and growth stocks

Shaylin Vickers
Shaylin Vickers - 31.12.2021 01:58

Thanks for this video and also thanks to those who recommended Suzanne Stephens Ellis for her good works. You all have to know that making money digitally is the main key to survival now.

luna - 30.12.2021 08:58

Throughout history, most of the time markets are near an all time high.

Mr Werewolf CR
Mr Werewolf CR - 30.12.2021 08:43

Invest in Indian Economics😇

Villa 4248
Villa 4248 - 25.12.2021 14:05

Jack Bogle passed away in Januery 2019. Yet this video first aired iMarch 15, 2021. How long ago were his videos recorded?

deepesh chetwani
deepesh chetwani - 20.12.2021 21:42

Buy at all time high and sell at all time low

BANGMART!N - P☯︎sitivity Empire ♪
BANGMART!N - P☯︎sitivity Empire ♪ - 20.12.2021 00:47

Interesting vid, thanks for the post!

Addison Tharpe
Addison Tharpe - 18.12.2021 11:38

I’m a pro too very professional too

Very up the scales and what not very fancy make a lot of dough

XORTION - 04.12.2021 00:34

If billions of £$ have been printed, can the stock market be overvalued? 🤔

Wick van Schalkwyk
Wick van Schalkwyk - 03.12.2021 17:20

Bear trap formed...going to $5000

King_David - 26.11.2021 18:56

I'm about to start investing at the ripe old age of 37 come January. Reading up on investing at the moment to not be completely blind walking into the market. Books I've acquired? I'm glad you asked...

The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham
The Little Book of Common Sense Investing - John C. Bogle
Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
The Millionaire Next Door - Thomas J. Stanley
Financial Peace Revisited - Dave Ramsey
The Total Money Makeover - Dave Ramsey

Jason Robbind
Jason Robbind - 25.11.2021 13:31

Japan is 3/4 the size of California. So it makes sense why there growth stagnated. Montana is as big as Germany and little Louisiana is as big as Great Britain. Has anyone driven across the US lately. That's right millions and millions of untouched acres of american ingenuity waiting to be planted. The United States growth with the right leadership is unlimited.

Jason Robbind
Jason Robbind - 25.11.2021 13:10

Ive $CA 1500 a month in 3 Fidelity lndex funds for 5 years now and plan to continue for another 15 set it and forget it check it once a year. Remember pay yourself 1st then everyone else after. The results will blow your mind!

Compte google
Compte google - 21.11.2021 08:10

Silver, platinum for 2022.

The_Janitor93 - 17.11.2021 13:41

No bull, no bear, a turtle should be fair…

ADA King
ADA King - 16.11.2021 00:20

I started my retirement account in January 2021 at all time highs...I invested more monthly for a few months which technically lowers the total % gained because the price is increasing... now in November of 2021 my S&P based index funds are still up 20%

Roy Neder
Roy Neder - 15.11.2021 16:58

What scares me the most is, at all other points of our history even our failed leaders were working for the betterment of the country. The Biden government seems to be intentionally sabotaging the economy to further their ideology.

Fox - 13.11.2021 09:41

Japan is exactly why I'm concerned about the American stock market (or western ones in general): The central bank being a major driver in keeping the stock market growing and replacing more and more what banks normally did because they don't want to lend as much, a problem that hasn't really gone away since 2008

Fox - 13.11.2021 09:33

"all time high" doesn't mean much tho, that's the state of the market for most of the time given the tendency to grow

Mark L
Mark L - 12.11.2021 21:17

I need to see and hear these types of videos from time to time. Thanks.

Racraza Venshev
Racraza Venshev - 10.11.2021 06:44

Good video up until the trite nationalism at the end. What a weirdly childlike rant.

dantae666 - 07.11.2021 12:41

stopped listening at 8 mins. we invented the internet here in Brittan not the us. sad fact is the west is on a decline right now and no one knows if its sustaned or not

Cleddy - 05.11.2021 21:14

Teck stocks are still very low after the crash..

Shane H
Shane H - 05.11.2021 03:50

Should we even be investing for the future when it is now currently the highest year it has ever been? I dunno man, sounds risky.

American Raptor
American Raptor - 02.11.2021 23:32

God Bless the United States of America 🇺🇲
That's why I served 20 years, and own stock in our great companies.

Victor Espino
Victor Espino - 31.10.2021 07:24

Keep buying and don't stop

Jan Rabie
Jan Rabie - 28.10.2021 22:46

You are right. The USA is without doubt the world's leading economy. Just a pity they recently started to ruin their reputation with all this woke nonsense. Boys pretending to be girls order to win in sports for a change.

Wyatt Nelson
Wyatt Nelson - 28.10.2021 07:51

Hard to believe in America, when I don't even believe in our elections. Hard to believe in America when you have a clown running the Circus. I've always believed in America but when you have a generation of kids that are more worried about being called the wrong pronoun then getting a good job, you have a problem. Let's win the American culture war, then I will believe again.
