Top 3 Dog Breeds for Families

Top 3 Dog Breeds for Families

American Standard Dog Training

11 месяцев назад

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It’s Your Health Consulting
It’s Your Health Consulting - 12.10.2023 06:53

My fav breed is rescued!

Stacy O'Brien
Stacy O'Brien - 11.10.2023 06:12

I have a lab and a Rottweiler

hotraw69 - 11.10.2023 01:53

Damm I could listen to this dude all day

Jacob McVay
Jacob McVay - 10.10.2023 22:59

Rotties are good with families and other people. Literally 1/2 the ones I’ve met even very well trained ones, do not do well with other dogs. Very alpha mentality out of Rottweilers. All ya need is a tough pitbull or German on the other end, and they’re going at it.

Juan Sebastian Colmenares Cañas
Juan Sebastian Colmenares Cañas - 10.10.2023 22:13

Do you reccomend me westys for children?

whatitis - 10.10.2023 19:13

Or you can mix the first two and get a rottodor. Best of both worlds.

Ernesto Palacios
Ernesto Palacios - 10.10.2023 04:36

I disagree with Rottweilers, they were once a war dog breed and that aggressiveness is still in there. My friend had one that would outright hurt strangers if left unattended, it took a while for me to win him over but it should never be like that.

Charles Norris
Charles Norris - 09.10.2023 20:19

Glad you said show line lab, my friend must've had a working line lab cause it kept biting me

CorreaPlayz01 Nunya
CorreaPlayz01 Nunya - 09.10.2023 19:03

Dog sat a golden retriever. The hair and shedding is UNREAL.

Blake - 09.10.2023 18:47

Pit bulls are amazing family dogs.

Fabian Juarez
Fabian Juarez - 09.10.2023 14:02

Yah no goldens sick way to many in family bites

Courtney McGraw
Courtney McGraw - 09.10.2023 04:37

I'm glad to see that rotties are being recognized as being a gentle breed but what about the Pitbull the Pitbull literally ranks right underneath the golden retriever and both popularity and sensitive and gentle nature they're very loving and very goofy dogs with some exercise needed and very minimal grooming requirements they're highly intelligent and easily trainable as long as you socialize them from a young age and get them on really good call back training they should be great family pets I know around the world their different countries that literally Outlaw the Pitbull but it is a misunderstood breed even parts of the US won't allow you to own a pitbull or have extremely strict restrictions if you do so they're highly misunderstood but incredibly sweet intelligent and trainable dogs please look up goofy videos of them and I promise you you will be entertained for hours if you want a dog that will remember you when you go on deployment as somebody in the military is they will remember you and they will go crazy when they see you it is a dog that will always be happy when you first walk in the door I mean that's all dogs but for real they have their own little unique smiles and they're known for the little titty Smiles but Beware of the farts they are kind of gross😅😂

Jesus Zubizarreta
Jesus Zubizarreta - 08.10.2023 19:19

😂 the dog spinning in circles reminds me of my wife's 2 huskies waiting to go out for morning walkies. 2 hours later they would lay on the couch. 😂 so much energy 😅

Débora Almeida
Débora Almeida - 08.10.2023 18:21

As an accidental working line lab owner, I approve this message. My lab is an escape artist, she DEMANDS to roam around the street for hours😭😭we had to put extra fencing everywhere just to keep her inside. Oh and she will open doors and outsmart you at every point

Dark Reality
Dark Reality - 08.10.2023 16:48

The GR thinking "Dude, you are not breaking any news. I'm the best"

Evan Gelist
Evan Gelist - 08.10.2023 14:10

We had Rotties when the kids were young, they are beautiful dogs

Jan cassie
Jan cassie - 08.10.2023 09:10

In my opinion greyhounds should of been on this list there just sweet hearts I know that because I have a pet greyhound

Muttyknitter - 08.10.2023 02:26

I have a great Pyrenees and he's a dream. He is not a model Pyrenees I guess lol

Gloria Gomez
Gloria Gomez - 07.10.2023 22:45

golden retriever : how many licks does it take to get to the center of a human tootsie pop

Killian Grewe
Killian Grewe - 07.10.2023 09:03

ive noticed that in all the videos ive seen he doesnt say anything about bernese mountain dogs

dave Tv
dave Tv - 06.10.2023 08:08

My 3 , Rottweiler, Husky/Wolf cross ,and the best I've had XL bully 👍

Lalo89 - 05.10.2023 18:06

My GSD is amazing with everyone

Coreyplayz981 - 05.10.2023 17:37

Is staffy a good dog breed

D J - 05.10.2023 10:22

My man choking the hell out that dog to get em to sit still 😂

Christa - 05.10.2023 02:10

Well dang, we have a working like black lab who’s a bird dog and this explains why she’s so hyper and wants to kill my chickens and any small animal in sight 😂

J Snow
J Snow - 05.10.2023 00:42

I grew up with a golden retriever, they are just the sweetest dogs and never met one that wasn't. Females can be moody but aren't they all

jerry ferreira
jerry ferreira - 05.10.2023 00:36

The golden retriever next door to me has bit my American bulldog twice and chased my 13 yr old son. To the point where my dog is scared to go outside, it’s all about the trainer. Yes my dog is a wimp. But I love him

Mel Kill
Mel Kill - 04.10.2023 23:55

German shepherd are great to my German shepherd is amazing with our kids and very protective

Hi - 04.10.2023 22:22

I have a lab ❤

heatherboz - 04.10.2023 22:21

None of the above, I grew up with German Shepherds, doberman's and American Staffs , but I've been bit by all those dogs loose when I was a kid

Wirebrush Productions
Wirebrush Productions - 04.10.2023 22:18

Goldens are the blondes of the pet world. Fine looking, but they get lost on the end of a leash.

Kayliam Stoffberg
Kayliam Stoffberg - 03.10.2023 21:09

And a German shepherd

Makj Makjs
Makj Makjs - 03.10.2023 17:01

Americas golden child? Breed is from GB.....

Aaron - 03.10.2023 07:13

He’s wrong. Poodle. Standard poodle.

Tushinjargal Khoroldagva
Tushinjargal Khoroldagva - 03.10.2023 05:11


FootballKid7 - 03.10.2023 05:10

The bernadoodle is also a great one it’s a poodle mixed with a Bernese mountain dog

Hi my mom just said get out
Hi my mom just said get out - 02.10.2023 19:43

That spinning dog got me dead

Max Müller
Max Müller - 02.10.2023 19:34

our first family dog we had was a golden retriever and the second one was a rottweiler 😁 so I can confirm

rokukings - 02.10.2023 02:41

honestly my pitbull is the best lap dog i could ask for.

AidensFeets - 01.10.2023 08:34

Ok, but me and my Pit Bull Lugnut both know who the real best dog is.

Judithestears - 01.10.2023 01:58

We have another lab now, and he’s a peach of a dog! We also have three vehicles, but in the past, we’ve had the Rottweiler mix with malamute of all things, more labs, an Australian shepherd, and a bunch more I can’t even remember it’s been 50 years worth of dogs. We loved them all, but if I had to get any dog again, I would stay with the Labrador. Pure gold.

Chels Cara
Chels Cara - 30.09.2023 23:57

Our Rottie was the best, after his real training, I was able to take him as a kid and train him on non verbal commands. he was so smart!

Dark - 30.09.2023 14:35

I grew up with a German shepherd. He was really smart and friendly. Had a lot of patience with the kid me

SakePLZ - 29.09.2023 13:47

A male Rottweiler? No! It is not a beginner dog, unless u have luck.

Julz Zei
Julz Zei - 29.09.2023 03:58

The golden retriever is going lick them to death got me LMAO 😂

Steve's outdoors experience
Steve's outdoors experience - 28.09.2023 19:31

That pup with zoomies had me cracking up with the sonic music 😅😅

Nikhat Sabir
Nikhat Sabir - 28.09.2023 17:13

That pitbull went Beyblade mode 😂😂😂😂

Exploud - 28.09.2023 14:40

I only knew one Golden Retriever that was dangerous, it was a docile breed but they tried to train him for service dog and it just fucked up his mind.

test. - 28.09.2023 14:38

Where's the westie

Judy Ives
Judy Ives - 28.09.2023 11:28

Working lab lines are much healthier than show type labs which have so many joint issues! I’d rather have a lab with a bit more energy and do more training, some dog sports like frisbee and agility and scenting than deal with knee and hip and elbow surgeries.
I always go for working lines if possible in any dog breed. They are bred for activity not looks. Breed standards for showing have ruined the health of many of our dog breeds.
