For me its shark race but if it gets a debuff i will change to cyborg, or angel cause angel v4 flight and v3 regeneration and cyborg supperjump and orbs only when shark gets a debuff cause i literally killed max level players only having shark v3 i was level 1603 and he was max and shark v3 too
ОтветитьI think this a L tear list no hate BTW
ОтветитьMink its my favorite Race becuse i dont like pvp and if solemne tríes to attack me When i don y want to pvp i just run away
ОтветитьShark with buddha inf hp 😂
ОтветитьBut whats the best race now in your opinion??? Since you said you werent experienced so much yet here
ОтветитьCan you recommend me a race?I have cyborg v4 max and i dont know if i should switch it to ghoul v4 and max ghoul.I use rubber as fruit spikey godhuman and soul guitar.I mostly play like always in movement and use moves with precision.Ik its an old video but i still would be happy if you'd reply.Thank you!(Btw great job on the video :D)
ОтветитьRace shark amk
ОтветитьFor the human race v4, the dmg buff depends on the number in the middle, maximum is 150, means 150% more dmg
ОтветитьIn my opinion shark is the seconed best
Ответитьwhy mink is so underrated
Ответитьshark.on F tier is crazy bro literally put human, angel., cyborg over fishman its the best race and u dint added ghoul its the 2nd best race
Ответитьthis guy is a noob.Shark has the 2nd best v4 (after Angel)
ОтветитьShark is 5th why
ОтветитьMink v1 - v3 😀
Mink v4 😭
Thanks so much I found the best v4 human
ОтветитьNot tryana be mean but this is the worst tierlist in existince
ОтветитьCan you tell which is the best race for dough excluding human ?
ОтветитьI use light and electric claw what race v4 should I use and can you tell me your new tier list?
ОтветитьMy list races v4 1 cyborg 2 angel 3 human 4 ghoul 5 shark 6 mink
ОтветитьShark not 5 shark is more good
ОтветитьShark and cyborg deserved way more 😢😢
ОтветитьPls do one new one at update 21
ОтветитьW VID
ОтветитьWhen he said no mobility in cyborg it literally has the jumping ability 😢😢
Ответитьis human the best race right. now too
ОтветитьI have human v4 at first I thought it was bad but now I feel lucky I got it
ОтветитьShark is my favorite too
Ответитьbro cyborg has mobilty by super jump
ОтветитьBro cyborg is S rank broo
ОтветитьNice video ❤
ОтветитьWhich race is best for grinding
ОтветитьThe honorable mentions made this vid so wholesome
ОтветитьMy first race was rabbit but now i got cyborg
ОтветитьMy username is Ultimate30theBest
Ответить*250+Perm Fruits to Top Fans in Each Country - World Record!*
Make sure you join my discord and register yourself for this trivia. I've posted a similar comment on all my tutorial videos.
*To get a HIGH SCORE, watch this and my other videos FULLY and reply in details to the following questions (and similar questions on my other videos) in your own creative words, based on the video's contents; DO NOT copy others' comments or video's transcript.*
1. Summarize this video in at least 5 lines covering each v4 race with its pros/cones and ranking (you can change the sequence but keep the ranking as it is)
Shark is best
ОтветитьI love all the races
ОтветитьHonestly cyborg should be ranked higher
ОтветитьI got shark just for sea events :P
Ответитьthanks ill probably get human v4
ОтветитьI'm also a shark main
ОтветитьMy best is human and ghoul and angel
Last why is cyborg also in bad place
cyborg can deal 100k damage in 1 sec btw
my friend have it
being honest angle is better then human cuz if you are in a 1v1 you will prop not be able to fill up your meter to the full cuz they or you are gonna die befor the meter fills up
ОтветитьRanking every race in Bloxfruits :😊
Ranking every race in real life:💀