Calvary Chapel Explained in 2 Minutes

Calvary Chapel Explained in 2 Minutes

Ready to Harvest

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@AmboyChamblis - 20.08.2023 03:46

Pretty much the whole sytem of Christianity has become degraded in the United States...
As believers in Christ we all should abandon all the denominations and those so call free groups and return to the living God and meet from house to house without taking some name! If you live in Boston- meet as the Church in Boston (i.e.- the Church in Galatia, the church in Thessolonians, the Church in Ephesians, ect... The Church in Mobile Alabama, the Church in Tacoma Washington, ect. All believers being equal not having the same sytem Catholicism. Return to our first love , the Lord Jesus Christ Himself! With all the believers functioning not just one person who only builds up himself! Go back to the word and the beginning! May we all aspire to be Philidelia!

@VersieKilgannon - 15.10.2023 04:36

Didn't know Winger is from Calvary Chapel. But that definitely explains his "I'm totally politically neutral. Now let's only interpret the Bible through an obviously conservative bias lens" attitude...

I like what he has to say about the witnesses because his knowledge of their inner workings is so in depth, I feel like he's an ex witness now true Christian. But beyond that, he might as well be JimBob Duggar with his views on gender roles within the church. I lived that, as a girl growing up as one of jehovah's witnesses. I won't join any group that wants strict lines drawn for what's expected of men and women...

@georgerudesill4302 - 23.10.2023 19:13

For the first time, a few things you state about CC's are not accurate. To many generalizations. I was there and lived thorough CC's history. But over all you do a good job.

@braedenh6858 - 25.10.2023 00:38

When my non-denominational church closed for COVID I tried several new churches but eventually went to a Calvary Chapel because of Mike Winger and have been there since.

@TobyLongcore-hr5cm - 10.11.2023 21:53

No one can tell you what to do???
If Jesus or his 12 Apostles told you what to do, would you do it?

@lindagarris7861 - 25.11.2023 15:41

Calvary chapels don't believe in speaking in tongues during church service. Pastor said holy Spirit doesn't interrupt himself and they don't allow it. You will be asked to stop.
I don't have that gift or pray for it. If God wants me to have it that's fine. I think it's the least of the gifts .

@lindagarris7861 - 25.11.2023 15:46

Well God knew who would be saved if they heard. But yes God reached the guy on the island bc the heavens declared the glory of God. And God promised all will hear his plan of redemption

@lindagarris7861 - 25.11.2023 15:48

I'm not at a Calvary chapel right now bc it's too far and awful traffic.
But I'm in a good Bible preaching church that teaches verse by verse. And does alter call and believer baptism. It's a very good church and 10 minutes away PTL. I'm old now and can't be involved if I'm an hour away.

@DG-ri1lp - 29.11.2023 23:36

Thank you I always wanted to know what they believed

@akonikane - 07.12.2023 09:51

They are not autonomous a Calvary can be removed from the roles if they sway from the Calvary distinctives. I know because I was instrumental and either accepting applications for Calvary Chapel Association, or removing.

@UncategoricallyChristian - 23.12.2023 03:14

Calvary Chapel Downey in the house!!

@DerekPK - 29.12.2023 15:14

I saw they got a website with all the countries they exist in.

@ralphbuschman3364 - 31.12.2023 21:03

I left a Baptist church when my wife divorced me and the pastor and many other people had issues with it. Started with Calvary Costa Mesa and never looked back.

@danaelopez7259 - 18.01.2024 03:30

My family has been trying to get me to go. They got problems with women and gays. As a previous maid of honor at a flaming gay wedding in San Francisco for my best friend, I don’t think I’m a good fit. Also I have too much respect for myself to be chill with a place that wouldn’t let me be a pastor just because I don’t have a wang. Thanks but no thanks.

@danielsonmartinezblea1316 - 26.01.2024 02:41

We know all about it........they dont reflect go verse by verse and obey it amd do it.....its written in the Bible that women cant teach or have authority over a man, but women can teach other women in all women gatherings ....

@sysamanthahopeang6268 - 16.02.2024 19:07

What is the jesus movement

@sysamanthahopeang6268 - 16.02.2024 19:07

What age can a believer be baptised

@sysamanthahopeang6268 - 16.02.2024 19:09

Do u have a detailed video on dispensionalism

@sysamanthahopeang6268 - 16.02.2024 19:13

I believe armanianism

@philipbuckley759 - 25.02.2024 07:07

they have no discernment on divorce and remarriage, and tout the once saved, always saved....would this make them false teachers....

@alexgillespie7025 - 26.02.2024 08:34

Didn't Chuck Smith remove that Lonnie from the church because of the theatrics he was doing with healing people

@hailey4334 - 24.03.2024 17:18

I will have to look into Mike W. I don't attend but I loooove pastor Paul from CC ontario!

@badischerkieler1182 - 31.03.2024 14:11

Never heard of Mike Winger, but of JD Farag (Hawaii).

@AshleyONan - 31.03.2024 23:42

I attend a Calvary Chapel but feel that a post trib perspective may be more correct. Not sure that Calvary really cares if we believe in post or pre trib … it seems the focus is that all worship Jesus together.

@LuzTheGurl - 15.04.2024 16:00

I went to middle school at a Calvary Chapel school, and now at 30 years old my husband and I attend a Calvary Chapel church ❤

@VondaInWonderland - 01.05.2024 06:32

My Calvary Chapel turned into Calvary Church. Do you know the reason why ❤🕊️

@jew_wish - 04.05.2024 09:53

I'm from Calvary Chapel too❤from Russia

@tungstwn1241 - 09.05.2024 02:26

So they're basically quirky Baptists? Which I guess is kind of redundant...

@dantheman909 - 13.05.2024 20:45

Really wish I had a Calvary Chapel close by!

@botsterfilion7718 - 21.05.2024 14:53

“Not so good Al, not so good”!

@Sir_Gugharde_Wuglis - 23.05.2024 20:15

I’ve been hanging out at a Calvary chapel and they barely recognize what Pentecostalism even is. They are very Arminian.

@palerider7924 - 31.05.2024 18:07

80s rapture and tribulation dates were based on Israel becoming a nation in 1948 and this generation won't pass away 40 years thing.

@Fwb316 - 09.06.2024 05:47

Jesus said He knows where Satan sits. We should to! Be careful of where treasure are built up. A man should be of one wife if he is to be a leader in the house of God. Remember just because you don’t do the evil thing, you are of that body shaken hands with them

@MattyJohn146 - 17.06.2024 11:18

Another cult started by another weirdo

@MattyJohn146 - 17.06.2024 11:20

I have never found a Calvary church that was independent. Where are these? I think you may have made an error... They ALL tow the line or lose their affiliation. I know, I used to attend one.

@mikeswheels - 18.06.2024 20:53

"lots of Hawaiian shirts". 😆

@mojavedesertsonorandesert9531 - 23.06.2024 01:57

Calvary Chapel explained in one word---Shalow-ism!

@Kahless_the_Unforgettable - 09.07.2024 19:50

I attend a Calvary Chapel. I've always found the "Non Denominational" statement to be ridiculous.

Also, we're correct to "Tow the line" between Calvinism and Armenianism. Both sides have things they are right and wrong about. The answer is somewhere in the middle. And we probably won't fully understand what the answer is until after we go to be with the Lord.

But for now, the answer is irrelevant. Choose life, as you were commanded. Because He first chose you. If you do that, the answer is which lie is more correct is irrelevant.

@mattm7798 - 14.07.2024 01:14

Yeah, this is pretty spot on. I have attended multiple Calvarys, including Costa Mesa and have never heard someone speak or claim to speak in tongues, so while we believe it is possible(i.e. not secessionists), the more flamboyant gifts found in some Pentecostal churches are not emphasized.

I like to describe most CC's as Southern Baptist but less formal. In fact, I attended a SB church in town while also attending the local CC, and felt right at home theologically.

While there is not completely authoritative denomination, if someone just decides to call their church Calvary Chapel and use the logo and claim it is affiliated with Costa Mesa, IIRC that is not allowed unless it receives permission. So it's like a middle ground between a denomination and non denominational.

If you've never attended a verse by verse chuch, please do so. Topical studies often skip what feels like 80% of the Bible because they don't best fit the topic. Verse by verse is how the Bible books were meant to be read(most of them).

@whattookUsolong - 19.07.2024 02:19

@Ready to Harvest, What do you mean by " lots of Hawaiian shirts"???

@BeccainHawaii - 24.07.2024 17:50

growing up in Calvary Chapel and attending several of them, they are very much their own denomination even if they call themselves non-denominational.

@calamitycoccyx2127 - 30.07.2024 15:25

I have attended or visited a half-dozen Calvary Chapel churches over the years. I like them, but I offer a few cautions. PROS: Solid verse-by-verse teaching; doctrine is conservative and close to the Bible; worship music is dynamic. CONS: They appeal to empty nesters, young couples, and DINKS. Some congregations struggle to deal with children, sometimes using a warehousing approach to "relieve" parents of their children. Stuff the kids in a room and entertain them so the parents can be "free" to worship and learn. Some congregations downright frown on maintaining integrity of the family during the service. Babies? No way. They might cry or make a sound and disturb someone. This observation is based on my personal experiences, so it may be anecdotal and off-base. But if you have children and are thinking of attending a Calvary Chapel, pay attention to this. Secondly, some CC congregations appeal squarely to the middle and upper-middle class. If you are struggling financially, you may find it challenging to fit in. And even if you possess a strong work ethic and juggle two low-paying jobs, you may find it awkward trying to relate to people whose chief problem is an inability to sell their vacation home or their bout with food poisoning on their last cruise to the Caymans. I like Calvary Chapel, but I am more at home in an AG or Southern Baptist church. By all means, visit a Calvary Chapel church! I pray your experience will be rewarding.

@TheSimpleTruthOne - 06.08.2024 16:36

The church of “God” is the biggest joke of our modern history. Gods followers & children, whom believe Gods word that they were created in the image and likeness of God almighty transform themselves into sheep that need pastor(shepherds) to feed them…

Q: Do any of you know what converted you from men & women into mutton(sheep)??

A: “Gods” unholy word; the holy Bible.

@BibleNutter - 11.08.2024 21:02

What are basic protestant beliefs?

@TheWatchmansPost3929 - 17.08.2024 00:31

It's a dispensational cult!

@johnmiller3494 - 27.08.2024 21:36

The Bible teaches, No Same Sex Marriages. Be careful of what you hear on this site Ready To Harvest.
They are very pro gay with some acceptance to things spoken against in the bible.
