Is 3D Animation Easier Than 2D Animation

Is 3D Animation Easier Than 2D Animation


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1977TA - 14.09.2023 22:15

2D is a lot easier than 3D especially if you employ the limited animation technique made famous by Filmation Studios.

Kshtijivivan Navrangpura
Kshtijivivan Navrangpura - 08.09.2023 16:06

I appreciate the insight into the diverse world of animation styles, both 2D and 3D. It's true that the ease or difficulty of each style is influenced by personal preferences, artistic expertise, and the resources available, be it time or financial investments in equipment and training.

Noe De L'arche
Noe De L'arche - 04.09.2023 13:15


Isiah Nunn
Isiah Nunn - 02.09.2023 18:18

Yes I’m also gonna try 3d animation

Laven - 02.09.2023 00:14

I'd prefer 3d in video games and all,
but 2d animation takes the win in movies, shows where storytelling is involved.
(my opinion)

penguinmaster565 - 29.08.2023 16:11

I love to draw id think I would 2d animate better

Katsuruno!! - 22.08.2023 06:09

i love hwo i watch these tutorials on advanced stuff knowing i'll never use them no matter how much I understand

E2B2 - 19.08.2023 07:09

I prefer 1d. I like the challenge.

MMC - 19.08.2023 02:49

This is actually a very difficult question. As a 2d animator, I know that there are multiple methods of 2d animating, and 3d animating. Some software make animating easier, while others make it more difficult but bear greater results. While i use stick nodes to animate my animations, other people use software like Adobe animate, flipaclip, pivot, etc. I've 3d animated once using mine-imator. While this may not count, it was relatively quick, I could tell it was difficult because I couldn't make an actual good animation. But some people use Blender to 3d animate as well, and I'm sure there are many more animation softwares that make animation easier or harder.

But this is all just my opinion. I began animating at age 7, and it was very difficult for me.

Sam Morris
Sam Morris - 18.08.2023 23:48

And then there’s a art style of mix of 3d and 2d

DEnis shows his life
DEnis shows his life - 17.08.2023 21:57

Stop motion rulez! And 3d. and 2d

Jess Quinn
Jess Quinn - 17.08.2023 01:44

2d requires skills, patience and devote. 3d is the lazy way, cop-out. So its up to the individual. Do you want to learn new art skills and devote yourself to your goal OR do you want to just tell your computer what to do and sit for 2 days watching a Seinfeld marathon?

Jimmy Productionz
Jimmy Productionz - 16.08.2023 21:41

Bro sounds like gru 💀

TIGVAGAN - 16.08.2023 10:04

3d isnt easier. it's cheaper cuz you just move the rig you dont need to draw the character over and over again.

M. Ridley
M. Ridley - 16.08.2023 09:43

I would say that 3d animation requires a lot more knowlege of software, computer science, and programming stuff like that.

Shoddy Peasant
Shoddy Peasant - 16.08.2023 07:51

2D animation was possible before 3D.

Bablu Chouhan
Bablu Chouhan - 16.08.2023 03:35

3d is easy

Nilam - 15.08.2023 00:30

Is it necessary to know or have drawing skills to learn animation because my drawing skills are just😅😅😅😅 lol.

Twai - 14.08.2023 06:17

3 is way harder let’s all be completely honest here

Richardson - 13.08.2023 21:10

That is so true omg!

teamania - 12.08.2023 13:21

As a flipaclip and blender user that is lazy


Elie's Cobis
Elie's Cobis - 12.08.2023 02:32

3d is easier to make cash grabs

Vector Evilman
Vector Evilman - 11.08.2023 20:29

4D animation.

ShelloChello - 11.08.2023 05:22

I thought the first time the car chase played it was real, thats how good it is lol

Ahturos - 10.08.2023 21:04

I remember thinking 3D was easier becuse you just have the model and move it around, skipping difficulty of stop motion. But no there are a lot of ways the movment can look bad if you don´t take your time on it and worse if you want mountain, a tree or a rock in the background you have to make one even if it is there for 1 sec. While 2D you only draw it as many times as you need when it is in scene. I can see franchises having it easier becuse you have the model and can upgrade it slitghtely and don´t need to make it from scratch every movie.
I would think 3D is a tiny bit faster but more expensive thanks to the computers. I heard of the rendering process and the amount of computer power needed and that it´s ridicules.
I prefer 2D look but I have nothing against using computers to animate it becuse it´s the coloring I like. So some argued it´s to hard to make 2D I disagree it should be easier and possible to make. But it´s the marketing, I am not sure how it looks today but 3D did dominate, now it feels like it´s turning but I know in US 3D is more marketable while in Europe and Japan we prefear 2D.

DyznySucks - 10.08.2023 10:17

I always considered both 3d and 2d animation to be hard.

Fandom_Man - 09.08.2023 16:08

Honestly it just depends on what the person is more into I am more of a 2D artist so I honestly like to draw more than to do 3D models but I can definitely see why people think 3D is easier it’s mostly because you don’t have to redraw the entire character or frame for 3D and all you have to do is just more one position to the other position and so on but with 2D you have to literally redraw the entire character just movie their character to the next position, so it’s honestly very understandable why some people prefer 3D more than 2D

Mn - 08.08.2023 14:21

2d is harder because you have to draw one thing again and again

portalj123 - 07.08.2023 22:20

as someone who practice's both, in my opinion 2d is much harder

Cherry Piekitten
Cherry Piekitten - 03.08.2023 21:07

Not to mention unexpected glitches while attempting to make 3d models

Eduardo Garcia
Eduardo Garcia - 02.08.2023 20:53

Wait... Is that Saul Goodman talking about 2d and 3d animation?

Chiupel Animations
Chiupel Animations - 30.07.2023 06:50

tbh i just tested blender a bit and i didnt even animate after seeing how actually hard it is to animate hands, not because they're the most special thing in the body, it's because of the fingers. animating each one is PAIN

Rotten Roads
Rotten Roads - 28.07.2023 05:50

2d or 3d. What about both. Remember, their are 3d animations that have 2d drawings placed on top of them.

It’s the 2d 3d Hybrid.

Eos Senpai
Eos Senpai - 15.07.2023 23:09

Let me just say I studied both art styles and 2D is my favorite style of animating. however I am not that great of an artist... I can draw but that is not enough to create good animation. Apart from not having great drawing skills, 2D animation is very time consuming and very difficult to maintain the sizes and shapes of what you are animating While doing 2d animatins I fin myself spending almost 3 hours (sketching, Key framing, in betweening, cleaning, and painting) a 10sec scene like WTH! Bro!. So if you are not a great artist then 2d is not for you. 3D animation on the other hand is very technical but it eliminates the hassle of re-drawing frame by frame. 3D animation is now made easier with so many different tools these days, like Maximo as an example when you can just apply the animation you like and tweak it to your liking, or motion tracking (more expensive route) but still it is more convenient to people who aren't that great at drawing. so even though I prefer 2D over 3D animation, 3D animation is what I can manage.

Jeitan Badea
Jeitan Badea - 02.07.2023 03:23

both are hard

Vruushali Nilegaaonkar
Vruushali Nilegaaonkar - 06.06.2023 09:12

Thankyou so much✅

DonutDragon 25
DonutDragon 25 - 03.06.2023 16:36

I love 2D animation, and I hope that in the future that there is a lot more 2d traditional animation than there is right now

Raindrop Lofi
Raindrop Lofi - 02.06.2023 17:55

And then there is foolish me who can't find difference between 2d and 3d🤓

KaboomProductions - 01.06.2023 01:43

Just throwing this out there, 3D is super easy to get into a flow, only thing you need to worry about is lighting, and natural movement, 2d i would argue is way harder, everything that you need to keep track of in 3D, but with actually needing to draw the things.

snottyspoon - 29.05.2023 18:14

I'm a design and animation student and while we were given the option to choose if we do our projects in 2D or 3D, you can tell the teacher really pushes 3D.
Understandable, most animations are 3D nowadays, but that's exactly what intimidates me a bit. I can do 2D best. I cannot do 3D. I did a 2D animation with motion tracking in a real-life film and it was very fun, but I think it's harder to find 2D animation job offers instead of 3D.
Besides, 2D has it's very own charm. Less technical, more crafting. The other students in my class who do 3D, cannot draw that well, so I assume that illustrators (like me) tend to 2D animation.
Seeing how many comments prefer 2D makes me confident in continuing in 2D. :)

Edit: Combining both techniques is good. Like I mentioned: putting a 2D animation into a real-life world via motion tracking, using simulations in 3D software to support your 2D animations etc.

Vanessa Magnifier
Vanessa Magnifier - 09.05.2023 15:11

That was very interesting! I like 2D aniamtion more, especially stop motion, but 3D is also beautiful. I thought the mocie "Claus" was a mix between 2D and 3D.

LIFE - 06.05.2023 18:55

2D is very easy

redfoxbennaton77 - 06.05.2023 09:39

Both are very hard. In 3D you have to rig and weight paint, which is super hard to master. Not to mention topology. Topology is a nightmare because having a human head crumple under thousands of polygons is not pretty.

2D animation is so hard because rushing it and staying off model will cause line boiling. Every frame is a painting. No one wants stiff lifeless animation either.

Hons Hon Central
Hons Hon Central - 01.05.2023 02:35

3D animation is 1000x easier than 2D animation. Having to remember angles and how to draw the character each frame is a very tough process. Meanwhile, you can knock out a 30 second animation of a character in a couple hours. In 2D, that would probably take a week.

Tanizaki Import
Tanizaki Import - 30.04.2023 08:54

At the end no conclusion 😂

Kristoff - 29.04.2023 01:04

ihmo 2d is much more harder in terms of artistic skill. 3d has much more lower entry point but you also need A LOT of technical knowledge and different tools the artistic skill barrier becomes a problem later on for 3d. Looking at learning progress it's also quite different, if you go 2d path, then at a point where your animations are starting to get objectively good you probably know a lot about composition and composition in animation, storytelling, shape/color language, design, illustration stuff, and maybe additionally tools like after effects, spine, photoshop to the fullest etc. When it comes to 3d path, then well it depends, you'll probably go blender, iclone, unity or unreal, there is a chance that you'll lick a little bit of after effects and photoshop as well. If you know 3d animation then you will know at least basics of 3d modeling so beside blender also texturing programs like substance painter, designer, 3dcoat and a little bit of rendering skills. but there is a lot of different stuff in 3d, animation for games and movies is a totally different story and tools. There is also the case that you could make 3d look fairly similar to 2d with the right shaders quickly. Making 2d look like 3d in animation Example "Claus" in the video is crazy hard Unless you want to make animated illustrations like from league of legends then its pretty simple.

Daniel Villalba
Daniel Villalba - 28.04.2023 16:43

That depends on who you ask....preparing an animation for 3D is more difficult than preparing for 2D...however when it comes to animating, 3D becomes easier...if its well and rig.

FugLong - 28.04.2023 15:49

3d is 100x easier for me. I'm 2d challenged lol
