Divi WooCommerce Product Page Builder - First Impressions

Divi WooCommerce Product Page Builder - First Impressions

Pee-Aye Creative

4 года назад

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RMG Wheels & Spokes Lab.
RMG Wheels & Spokes Lab. - 27.09.2021 22:12

Hello Nelson. There´s something that is driving me crazy. When I built the site, it showed a message that the product had to be created using a publishing module. Then I followed that message and inserted a publishing module on the theme builder layout for the products in the shop. So I have developed all products using divi builder to my taste. The problem here is that I am not able to find a way to make settings/adjustments/changes on a "main" layout so I don´t have to repeat it on every single product. I´m going crazy because it takes all my life copying and pasting modules to every product page every time I realize of a mistake or need to make a change. Help, please. And many thanks.

James Hayward
James Hayward - 24.09.2019 04:38

It's great for a few products, but when you have over 200 it's still very clumsy unless I'm missing a trick.

Josh Collier
Josh Collier - 19.09.2019 18:59

Thanks for the video nelson. Haven't played with it much as I have Divi body commerce, but looks like it will be pretty cool especially when the theme builder comes out.

bex downey
bex downey - 19.09.2019 14:43

Thanks, I have to use this aspect shortly so it was nice to see an introduction to its capabilities!
