

Historia Civilis

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Tag - 02.09.2023 06:43

Getting off of work and watching this hits different

Vilwind - 22.10.2023 05:47

there is some truth to what you say ... like there is some truth to socialism ... but i cant shake a felling there is a lot wrong in this thesis ... just like there is a lot of wrong with socialist/ libertarian way of thinking

Try to read some right/centrist stuff ... making references to a socialist does not do you credit.

Beam - 22.10.2023 04:52

I started homesteading for one simple reason: i control my time.

Eric MacNeil
Eric MacNeil - 21.10.2023 22:01

The issue is that they went home and worked on their household, they didn't just sit and do nothing, they bettered their home life. People just contracted out less of their work to other people so they didn't need as much money and therefor working for other people was not as dominant.
For us we don't do anything ourselves, we specialize in to doing something very well and sell that labor so that we can buy someone else's specialized labor.
It is not as much as they did less work as they did less work for other people, they were more self sufficient, our modern society is ultra interconnected so we have to rely on others.
Their society was less complicated so everyone could be a generalist and provide, mostly, for themselves. Our society is very complicated so we are forced to be specialists and pay other specialists to do what we can not do for ourselves.

Makar Zozulia
Makar Zozulia - 21.10.2023 17:51

Communist propaganda. Although I find your video educational and interesting it’s clearly pushing a massage. Unfortunately the innovations of the modern world wouldn’t be possible without Capitalism. The only thing that motivates people is materialism

Casey Morris
Casey Morris - 21.10.2023 16:29

I really hated the incessant ticking. Gave up after a minute of it. Thumbs down.

DiamondAppendix - 21.10.2023 16:22

I FELT with my body that working 4-6 hours was the natural way of things! and working a couple days then being more relaxed for a couple next days. It's not only natural, it's even OBVIOUS that's how work should be

ryugu - 21.10.2023 11:55

glad to know that historia civilis is this based

ime1729 - 21.10.2023 10:21

roughnecks still run on the old schedule. 50 percent time off, make your own breaks, long slow periods punctuated by hard fast time...

Oh and the cool bosses catered time to time

Emilio - 21.10.2023 09:54

Don't see a lot of comments on the effects modern day schedules have on our health. I know of people literally fainting on their jobs because of stress and lack of rest. Also, a lot of workers have internalized an I MUST WORK ALL THE TIME mentality, so capitalist don't even need to mess with the clock anymore, they just make you feel guilty for resting.

Emilio - 21.10.2023 09:31

Most people don't lack ambition, they lack imagination, for only IT can help you see that a different world is possible.

Emilio - 21.10.2023 09:25

OCDE: working hours per year in Germany 2021: 1349. US: 1791. Mexico: 2128, the highest. However, 50% percent of Mexicans were living in poverty or extreme poverty. Also, Forbes: 2010-2013 richest man in the world: Carlos Slim, yes, you guessed, a Mexican. I wonder where the profit from all those working hours ended up, right?

Ansel Lindner
Ansel Lindner - 21.10.2023 00:07

Great info up front, but you discount all the tasks they did we consider work. You said "they built furniture", most modern people consider that work. IOW It's apples and oranges.

Chopping wood, making clothes, making furniture, collecting wood, washing clothes, preparing food, etc etc.

I think you just wanted to rag on capitalism.

Kilgorio - 20.10.2023 19:41


Alex Vig
Alex Vig - 20.10.2023 13:38

With work from home, feels like people have reversed back to that.

Beniamin Radomir
Beniamin Radomir - 20.10.2023 10:54

Man watching this, turns me communist for 33 min. The sheer greed, arrogance and exploitation of these company owners is beyond comprehension. It could be argued that the "natural" system with 4-6 hours of work per day is not efficient and reforms were needed, but this should have been done by approaching the workers and finding a middle ground. Not this insanity.

Hououin Kyouma
Hououin Kyouma - 20.10.2023 06:09

Richard Palmer. Or "Dick Hand". Or "wanker". Clue was in the name all along.

Hououin Kyouma
Hououin Kyouma - 20.10.2023 06:08

Jokes on them, I barely do any work everyday.

But also, try to find work and a boss that allows you to do fast slow. Government jobs are great for this. A minimum of 4 weeks off, plus 13 days (2½ weeks) of public holidays, and, in Australia at least, about 2 weeks of "personal leave" too for "sickness 😉". So about 2 months off per year. Add in weekends and it's about 220 days of work a year. Which equates to about 40% non-working days. Not too bad and certainly a lot better than it used to be in the early 2000s but also at a different stage in my career.

Also, fuck capitalism.

Mary Connolly
Mary Connolly - 20.10.2023 05:05

First minute in this really some shit. I knew I liked this channel for a reason I love you historia civilis

Capt Oddball
Capt Oddball - 20.10.2023 01:58

Fantastic work great job

icannotfly - 19.10.2023 21:19

the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

DORDAN - 19.10.2023 20:53

"Tally Hall - Ruler of Everything"

Tolli !
Tolli ! - 19.10.2023 19:25

Wage theft and wage slavery are still rampant, even in "civilized" societies.

Zgegosaurus Rhô
Zgegosaurus Rhô - 19.10.2023 19:14

The only thing WE lack is grabing power. Anyway, Amen bruh!

Zgegosaurus Rhô
Zgegosaurus Rhô - 19.10.2023 18:50

I'm the natural form of work incarnate...

Zac Waters
Zac Waters - 19.10.2023 17:35

Straight out of high school I got a minimum wage job at a factory. I was lucky I got the day shift. Can't imagine night shift. Day/night both operated 12 hr shifts and work weeks were structured work 3 days, then 2 days off. Work 2 days, then 3 days off. Weekends basically didn't exist, which to my surprise I didn't hate too much. Until a thing called "mandatory overtime" came along. When my boss first told me about it I laughed and thought he was joking. That made him hate me for sure! Mandatory Overtime means: work 3 days, work 2 days, then work 3 days again. No 2 day break. I was so naive back then but thankfully somehow I managed to get myself fired. Best decision ever made. I have very graphic and violent words to say to the people that support or made that system up. MANDATORY. OVERTIME. Yeah boss whatever it is mandatory for you to go eff yourself.

newguy - 19.10.2023 14:57

Man's out here acting like serfs and peasants had it better because they had more time off. 😂😂😂😂

Bro, they couldn't even leave their village without permission

Bro made this video to justify only making 4 videos a year 😂😂😂😂

Zgegosaurus Rhô
Zgegosaurus Rhô - 19.10.2023 13:08

2.14 min and i'm already thrill. Man, this world is not just all bad.

nicola Busato
nicola Busato - 19.10.2023 11:34

UNPOPULAR OPINION HERE: I have been a fan of HC for years but this video really made me think less of him. The topic is incredibly interesting but the not so hidden propaganda is very disturbing, great for marketing popuses but still .... I want to make very clar that i am not a capitalist ( whatever that means, if you wanna be serious just say market economies with a big private sector, capitalism is not part of history related terminology) but i still think, like most serious historians, that history is not about proving an ideology but rather giving the best description of how society used to work in the past. I am also gonna give my 2 cents on some of the things he said, first capitalism DID make hings better because it turned peasents into consumers, because now all the sudden you needed a wage that let you buy food and also useless comodities, not just provide you the basics means of sustainance like in medival times ( that is why we abolished slavery, slaves can' t buy products). Also yes most jobs are rodoundant and useless, like what did you expect after 5 industrial revolutions (coke, oil, electricity, informatics and internet) ... that jobs would magically appear? Like agricolture used to employ 90 percent of people, today just 1 percent. If this channel goes political it would be quite a loss, i hope the money is worth it. Last thing fascism is not an historical term either, i am italian, i know a thing or two, just say post industrial revolution type dictatorship, at least it makes you seem credible

Tristram - 19.10.2023 11:00

Always liked your videos, but this one is by far the best so far. Thank you!

Cybersyn - 19.10.2023 03:28

Labor is on the Rise. Dialectics in motion baby!! 😎😎

Rory O'Kane
Rory O'Kane - 19.10.2023 00:38

Based Historia Civilis:
“Little Squares of the World Unite! You have nothing to lose but your clocks!”

Mark Tarquinio
Mark Tarquinio - 18.10.2023 23:33

Watches video
Hmmmm in agreement
Goes out to smash clocks

Riley Regan
Riley Regan - 18.10.2023 23:17

I love your content, and agree that we are overworked. But to blame that on capitalism is ignorant. Capitalism was destroyed by globalism decades ago. Thats why things are the way they are now.

YHWH - 18.10.2023 22:11

get back to work mr squidward

shut up and take my money
shut up and take my money - 18.10.2023 20:26

Just food for thought: back then ppl had to do their own repairs and basic stuff, we have done now( who here ever made their own shoes) we work instead and still have a way better life comfort. So just because they didnt "work as much as us" they did way more labor at home and had shitty lifequality

Gamer - 18.10.2023 20:09

I like how the video is one natural work cycle long

Chris Hall
Chris Hall - 18.10.2023 19:38

I agree we work too much for the companies' production goals. But I call bull on these numbers for the majority of human history.

TK - 18.10.2023 18:19

Yeah most people then lived in poverty and starvation (not food insecurity) was a daily threat, but hey "more time off!" Stick to Rome please.

Nino’s Brother Michael
Nino’s Brother Michael - 18.10.2023 17:17

Kind of disappointing how generalizing and propaganda-like this video is :/. Definitely a bad look for a history channel

Sylvia Bounds
Sylvia Bounds - 18.10.2023 16:24

cant believe i hated naptimes in kindergarten...

Qsefe99 - 18.10.2023 14:54

I am curious as to how they discovered the hours of stone age peoples. Was it written record?

hommhommhomm - 18.10.2023 14:44

Fascinating chronology! I think it comes down to improving the negotiating position of the workers by lowering their perceived needs. If you don't want to be exploited, stop buying things and make your household self sufficient. Living as medieval peasant was very cheap. One small shack at edge of forest, far from city, wearing one pair of clothes, no travel, only local herbal medicine. If you get ill, you'll die. Or take up arms and seize the position of power to exploit others. Two main options.

Literally Judas
Literally Judas - 18.10.2023 10:40

i loooooooooooved the seething in the patreon comments, shocking that the guy who's a big fan of democracy and not centralised power, isn't a fan of capitalism.

John Harrison
John Harrison - 18.10.2023 07:03

That metronome sound is really great punctuation.

ITsJUstMe - 18.10.2023 06:06

Civilis woke up one day and chose violence

Dave Weaver
Dave Weaver - 18.10.2023 05:44

Historia Civilis is one of my favorite channels, and his videos are always informative and well-made, but this one has bothered me.

He keeps referring to people who invoke the help of government to control business as "capitalists." That is the exact opposite of the definition of the word "capitalism."

I'd love some more days off, though, under whatever name it may be.
