Germany ARRESTS Jewish Israeli Woman Over ‘Antisemitic’ Protest Sign

Germany ARRESTS Jewish Israeli Woman Over ‘Antisemitic’ Protest Sign

Katie Halper

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@auntiesemite9295 - 21.05.2024 10:19

It's a joke that yt refers people to wikipedia for anything as it's an establishment tool that's not to be believed.

@tonguepetals - 21.05.2024 11:50

I’d just like to point out how incredibly beautiful this woman is. That shock of sterling curls…stunning, she looks like and old timey film star. She’s exceptionally well spoken, and this is the voice of Jewish Palestinians who are more Semitic than modern Jews today. They have a stronger tie to the land than Israel does, it is their birthright to claim their ancestral lands. Israel was simply invented by zionists. The bs right of return…to what? And they were never exiled by the Roman’s in 70CE. That’s bullshit. Israel was founded on convenient lies. Guess what. That thing that happened 80 years ago, affects no one alive today. That 80 year old smoke screen, that 80 year old iron dome you’ve used to commit atrocities worse than were committed by the bad men in the sweetest looking uniforms ever. Nobody cares. Why should anyone care? Zionist interests have killed more than that thing 80 years ago. But they still play victim and everything is justified. Well, I hope they enjoy watching their empire of shit crumbling to dust in real time. They demanded retribution for their people. They got it. Just like Palestinians will have retribution against every western shit Hawk that called them animals. Against those who deprived them out food, water, electricity and medicine. Those who dropped dumb bombs on the "Safe zones" they were herded like sheep to. There will be retribution for western media referring to them as Hamas. Hamas is not a race, but they were complicit in blurring the lines between very human people, who very much are a race; the Palestinian race and a military faction. Clever conflation and redefining genocide by those committing genocide so it was just the diet coke of genocide. They’re not people! They’re animals. You can’t commit genocide against animals. If we used the vulgar, murderous, genocidal language our world leaders and media used against the Zionist pigs…can you imagine what the response would have been? 

So sorry about that thing, but they’re not special. They’re not chosen.They’re not victims; they’re genocidal scum that will pay for the worst war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the 21st century. And that 80 year old thing that has been their golden ticket, they can wipe your asses with it. For too long has it been used to silent dissent and justify the colonization, subjugation and wholesale slaughter of a colonized and oppressed group, that are denied PERSONHOOD! But that thing that happened isn’t what caused this. This was always their intent, in fact it was convenient to play the victim, but they are not and haven’t been for a very long time. Not since 1948. Not since the Nakba. Their list of crimes could fill an entire volume. Several volumes.

They’ve waged the longest genocide in human history. A 75 year long genocide and pogrom of dehumanizing, destabilizing acts of terror on a country that cannot defend itself against a nuclear power. When you stop and look at this genocide, ignoring the Zionist propaganda, the whining of "persecution" and fake victimhood. Without the smokescreen of bullshit and look at generations of people that fought tanks with rocks. Had their homes stolen from them on THEIR OWN LAND and WHO HAS BROKEN EVERY PEACE TREATY, it’s the same people. The focus, as dictated by our Zionist run media has always centered Zionist voices. 

When have we ever heard from the Palestinians? Only Israel speaks the truth! Palestinians are lying. Now that you’ve sat and watched Zionist run media gleefully livestream a genocide on line, while still silencing Palestinian voices. How do you feel? From the river to the sea…those are a wish. A prayer for freedom. Of course Zionist pigs call it antisemitic. They decide what is antisemitic. They trademarked the word holocaust because only they were victims of one. But that’s a lie too. The problem with the Zionist pigs and their sheer arrogance and PRIDE in their genocide is that they streamed it for all to see. They gave us all the evidence we need to jail them for life. Sadly they won’t hang like they insisted the Nazis do.

I hope when they’re in The Hague, the Palestinians get to demand a life for a life and that it is given to them. Hang every last one of them. And if it’s good enough for the Zionists, the Hamas leaders must hang as well. There MUST be equal Justice. And when you hear the phrase "Never Again" you’ll just shrug and say "We’ll Never Forget" because too long has Palestine, the west and Germany been held hostage by a slogan that has been weaponized. Never Again was only meant for them. But We’ll Never Forget will be for every country and ever people crushed under the boot of a world power, who justified everything with a two word slogan. How simple and sinister. So be assured, We’ll never forget what is taking place, what is being streamed into our homes. I look forward to them streaming their trials for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide into my living room.

@outoftheforest7652 - 21.05.2024 13:43

It is bizarre that Germany is now so hard core on this. THey came down on Roger Waters as well over (of all things) the WALL performance.... which is is ANTI FASCISM but because there was some symbol (that was used in a metaphorical /parody manner)... they took it literally and declared HIM to be "anti semitic". I Mean it is bizarro world. Folks fighting for ALL human rights and Israel and Netenyahu hysterically trying to suppress freedom and human rights. hmmmmmmm

@Renospatelis - 21.05.2024 14:28


@algharglobal1752 - 21.05.2024 15:02

Stunning, you Cathy and this brave lady are women of a kind. It's shameful to see how she was escorted by so many "tough" policemen as if she was a immenent threat to the national security of Germany or even to the world. Ironic

@drazen1972cro - 21.05.2024 15:19

German government has lost its mind. They are a bunch of lunatic clowns.

@joeberi1551 - 21.05.2024 16:54

Jesus was killed by Jews IS A FACT BUT we can NOT say it because IT IS “anti semantic”. LMAO
Free Palestine n end occupation
Free Iran, end gender apartheid n stop executions

@svenk61 - 21.05.2024 16:55

Complain to the Central Council of Jews in Germany. This is where the standards are set when it comes to Israel policy.

@aftonair - 21.05.2024 23:42

Germany is beginning to slide toward fascism again.

@fordprefect4345 - 22.05.2024 00:22

It's Beginning to Look like nobody else suffered during the Second World War🇵🇸

@MrIoes-xh4sr - 22.05.2024 01:05

Funny how you all just ignore the 80 years of terror, war and declared genocide against Israel. Nakba was meant as termination of jews, but when it went bad, it is now the word for the deportation through evil Israel. Agressor was always not Israel, but while it always runs bad for the genocidal islamists, they still play the victim card. Free hostages and strike weapons or suffer is more than fair.

@danielskomp9072 - 22.05.2024 01:46

EVERY Palestinian is a Semitic person, by definition! European transplants are NOT! Bibí Naziyahu, Polish immigrant,m Fascist, RACIST WAR CRIMINAL

@johnwilson5637 - 22.05.2024 04:22

It worked in UK against Corbyn, so why shouldn't it work in Germany?

@Hrkdntbsid - 22.05.2024 05:27

Let’s put this in context, if let’s say someone decides to stand in the middle of Berlin and burn the Quran to offend Muslims this is freedom of speech. A Jewish woman saying she is against Genocide and Zionism, that’s antisemitism. The hypocrisy is beyond comprehension.

@skyreward - 22.05.2024 09:40

What on earth happened to Germany?! Is it ruled by fucking right wings like Argentina?!

@thiphan264 - 22.05.2024 12:08

The Jews, the Muslims, the Asians, the Africans should build an own country themselves if they want to do whatever they wish.

It is not alright to go into other country and cause unrests there.

When you are guest in other country, you should behave like guest and not as owner.

There are immigrants from two hundred countries in the world.

What will be if immigrants from two hundred countries want to do the same? It will lead to chaos.

@Gone893 - 22.05.2024 16:11

The world has gone mad all because some Zionists are hiding under an umbrella owned by gentle. Jewish people who want to live in peace with Palastinians Arabs Egyptian and all others.

@Opinionatorr - 22.05.2024 18:22

These "Germans" only changed their victims.

@ramstrong1961 - 23.05.2024 02:08

Then she went on tour blaming the AFD that had absolutely nothing to do with her arrest

@willietorben560 - 23.05.2024 03:08

It's mostly (not exclusively, but the #1 driving force) a Berlin thing: The Berlin State government is presently led by a Christian Conservative clique which has excellent ties to Israeli neo-Kahanist fanatics on one side, and well as to German (and US) Xtian fundies (Evangelical and Catholic) on the other. And the top dog Wegner is a grandstanding loudmouth who before the Sukkot pogrom and the Gaza war was flamed for being a mega incompetent charlatan - if he were a Leftist, people like himself would rant and rage against his "virtue signalling". He is not against antisemitism in any way that exceeds pure tokenism; he ist 150% pro-Likud/Otzma and that's that.
It's really logical in a perverse way when you think it thru: the German Xtian Right want to transform Germany into a country whose inhabitants must adhere to "Christan cultural values" or risk deportation to their "proper homeland". Obviously, they need Israel - a Kahanist settler-Zionist Israel if by any means possible - because should they get rid of the Muslim Germans, it's easy to guess who'll be next in line to choose between assimilation and leaving the Pure Christian German Homeland lest it gets tainted by their filthy Levantine rituals.
And it is much easier to rid Germany of the "unChristian elements" if the State of Israel exists.

This is in itself deeply antisemitic - Nazis didn't invent antisemitism; the Roman Catholic Church did! "Ethnopluralism" is a favorite ideology among Jewish as well as Christian supremacists at present, and increasingly popular among "mainstream" Xtian Conservatives in Germany - and I suspect it's hardly different in the US -, because it also sounds so much better than "ethnic cleansing, mass deportation, and finally war and genocide", which is the inevitable outcome of any supremacist-exclusivist ideology, ever.

And ofc the Israeli reactionary right wholly embraces this, since according to their ideology, a Jew who does not live in Israel is barely better than a goy. We have a vibrant Jewish community in Berlin, thank G_d, but since Netanyahu took over it has come to be dominated by Israeli Jews who abhor the trajectory Israel is taking. The local Conservative party elites hate these Jews and would rather be rid of them yesterday - they destroy their fiction of Israel being the Promised Land of all Jewry, rather than a State with no special standing in secular international law. In the eyes of the Merz/Wegner Xtian Right, a liberal Jew who loves the universality of human rights and international law is basically a "race traitor" (though they cannot say this, lest their game is exposed).

And to make things worse, in Berlin you have a large concentration of actual Hamas supporters, so the local police got their aggro cranked up all the way to 11, stopped pulling punches long ago, and are happy to just follow the orders of the fundie racists who run this shitshow.

The only upshot is that our Federal government is still capable of thinking beyond black-and-white Second Coming nonsense.

@PeteSchult - 23.05.2024 14:37

Not allowed to shout "Stop the genocide!"? Germany really is determined to go full circle.

@optimistx4187 - 23.05.2024 18:12

Germany, nothing changed since Adolf Hitler.

@MomoBar91 - 24.05.2024 14:07

As a german myself for the longest time I thought we learned from our history, I was even proud of it. That all changed about 20 years ago. I always was a history nerd but at first I concentrated on the hsitory of indigenous people around of America and Australia/ New Zealand because that interested me at the time and still does. After that I started with African history and one of the first countries was Namibia. I knew that it was at one point a German colony but that´s all they thought us in school. We learned nothing about the genocide there, granted it wasn´t even accepted at the time by the German government which is outrages in it of itself, but we didn´t even learn of the attrocities that were committed there. And then I started to dig deeper. The genocide on Sinti and Roma during WWII- it wasn´t even a footnote in our history lessons. Till this day they don´t know haw many were killed and a lot of them didn´t even get reparations. When you look a little deeper the German policies and debates and reparations around the topic of genocide is very selective. I visited the Westbank over 15 years ago and I saw with my own eyes what I read until this point. And this war shows the ugly truth that Germany didn´t learn, at least not the right lessons. They blindly support someone and don´t even see that this blind support is one thing that leads to genocide.

@mariebell1811 - 24.05.2024 18:51

Mind you there are a lot of useful idiots among Jews. A lot of them are Marxists and feel connected to many similar totalitarian ideologies like Islamists

@mariebell1811 - 24.05.2024 18:53

Why wouldn’t you go to live in a Muslim country if you are so desperate for freedom of speech

@yiannismihail - 24.05.2024 23:14

I guess the germans will arrest the judges of the ICJ now as anti-semites for ordering a ceasefire.

@janewhite572 - 24.05.2024 23:25

Incredible 😢

@widgenst - 25.05.2024 12:10

Her main argument for behaving as she does is that she is Jewish. Just as there are gays who hate gays, there are Jews who hate Jews. Particularly, the global antisemitic fringe, both on the left and the right, loves to showcase these Jewish voices. They attempt to support their agenda with the notion that if a Jew criticizes the state of Israel, it must be valid.

@Anneliese210 - 25.05.2024 19:04

There are countries in which there are no "human rights". We in the West are trying to establish a different concept here to give people a better life. It is not perfect, nor is it always implemented accurately. But it should be an alternative to religious concepts. In these religious concepts, YOU as a human being have no value at all, unless you submit to the faith.

It hurts me so much to see how our will to build something universal is always used to argue AGAINST us.

Argue against Islam and you put yourself in danger.

Argue against our laws and you get an appearance on TV.

@VictoriaRege - 25.05.2024 23:05

I Love this woman! She is fierce!
/V from Sweden

@deedee8568 - 25.05.2024 23:40

Visit Germany where the police might detain, intimidate, bully and or beat you.
Hmm, sounds like one of those police states.
Nope, doesn't sound like a democracy.
Laws may, may not apply or be made up on the spot.

@innazabolotnaya694 - 26.05.2024 00:30

This woman probably doesn't know good from evil, very confused in her judgement

@HappySami100 - 27.05.2024 01:51

Demonstrations in Berlin were violently anti-Semitic. You are in denial !

@baqaqipekhebi7148 - 27.05.2024 06:16

Let us not forget the same community she describes was celebrating and handing out candy on October 7th. Does she also support that?

@maioio - 27.05.2024 08:00

It's so important the testimony of our Israeli born brothers and sisters against apartheid and genocide. Gracias compañera 👏👏👏👏👏

@Celisar1 - 27.05.2024 12:23

This woman is crazy. Germany is WAY too tolerant to a degree where the illegal mass immigration, criminal clans and even demonstrations for a Kalifat are being tolerated! But because she didn’t get her way she puts out an video full of falsehoods and exaggerations. She should be ashamed of herself.

@itakovarskaya479 - 28.05.2024 19:19

Умная и красивая еврейка у которой не запекли детей в духовки не сжигали живьём жестоко изнасилованых детей ; подростков и женщин совсем ещё молодых, в костре её родные не горели в в запертых домах и заложники 9 м-цев не существовали в туннеле с малютками! И таких уродов вы защищаете?! Просто представьте, что с вашими семьями такое произошло и какая Ваша Реакция?!

@andreasmack694 - 28.05.2024 20:33

But what nobody says is that some palestine protest are very violent and raging with violence through the streets and destroying things.

@davidbrock2871 - 29.05.2024 01:28

Germany loves Israel, but hates Jews. Really it's time it grew up.

@gunzel5126 - 29.05.2024 18:32

The only people the Germans hate more than the Jews, are the Arabs.

@genezuto9445 - 30.05.2024 00:53

She’s a traitor

@user-wn5mn2jk1z - 30.05.2024 02:34

I absolutely love these leftists always so proud to show that they are "good" Jews. So hostile to the West but just unable to live anywhere else. It must be so hard to say something but to do the contrary. But don't worry, the ayatollah and the talibans must be so proud of you....

@allalevin505 - 30.05.2024 04:32

Her brain needs to be checked.

@memzepper6096 - 30.05.2024 16:50

Another finkleshite*

@wealthychef - 31.05.2024 06:32

LOL you can't make this stuff up. "Jews against Jews!" WTF

@appletree1964 - 31.05.2024 19:17

Complete bullshit! Twisting term of «genocide»! As far as this lady consider people of Gaza being a nation which has democratically elected Hamas to govern it, so it is the war of Israel with an enemy nation. Its a WAR! Not a GENOCIDE! There is no such thing like some army, or armed people came with the intention to kill completely disarmed masses of people certain ethnicity or religion. No. It is a fight with Hamas which still, after months of battles keeps firing rockets onto Israel! Which ethnic or religious group of people «suffering out of genocide by Israel»? Palestinians?! There is no such neither ethnic, nor religion! Arabs? Muslims? Why then arabs or muslims, which over 2 millions of such are israeli citizens are not being killed by IDF?! Where is the «genocide»?! Its amazing how this demagogs and manipulators lying to spread absolutely false accusations!

@fcukrealmadrid - 31.05.2024 22:50

makes no sense
just for sell shirts mugs

@periscop2023 - 02.06.2024 10:41

Why golden age of Berlin is ended? Not because of islamisation of this city? Not because it looks now like some miserebale islamist garbage dump in Zoo area? Go defend this on anti-Israel protest. Makes me vomit hearing this woman. Disguisting.
